12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

"words" i said not "article"

" how they know he was visitins the doctor then?

Please just go to the link to read the text. It said he was coming out of a medical clinic, but then there were some things that weren't very nice, so we shouldn't post here. It was very short, really, and the only info was that he was coming out of some sort of medical building.

Re: New Pic of Michael

Thanks for posting. Why do some people always have to complain about what he is wearing etc? He can wear what he wants! Anyways, I hope he is ok. His health is what matters. :)
Re: New Pic of Michael

the article is saying bad word so please dont post it here
sorry, the words are bad? But we use the picture from this site. Don't you think this is a little bit mixed.

On this board it happened again and again, don't use the words, but the pictures. And the link is there too. Everyone can read it.

For me, I don't have a problem with it, but I'm wondering every time.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I agree with you, an_instrument_of_nature!! As long as Michael Jackson is ok and in good health, I´m fine!!! I just hope that he will never give up his optimism and his lovely laughing!!!
Re: New Pic of Michael

sorry, the words are bad? But we use the picture from this site. Don't you think this is a little bit mixed.

On this board it happened again and again, don't use the words, but the pictures. And the link is there too. Everyone can read it.

For me, I don't have a problem with it, but I'm wondering every time.

Think of it like a junkyard, or a yard sale. You pick and choose what you think is good and worthy to take with you...and you leave what you consider trash behind.
Re: New Pic of Michael

sorry, the words are bad? But we use the picture from this site. Don't you think this is a little bit mixed.

On this board it happened again and again, don't use the words, but the pictures. And the link is there too. Everyone can read it.

For me, I don't have a problem with it, but I'm wondering every time.

It is not "mixed." Some of the text was insulting to Michael, and it is obvious why we don't post that here. If people want to visit the link, that is personal choice, but we don't post text that is disrespectful of Michael HERE on MJJC.

No problem with the photograph, though. I mean, it IS a photo of him, in public?


Re: New Pic of Michael

Oh he looks so sweet :D
That is his sexi coat from
the Ebony Photo shoot

Love the new mask becuase
we can see his beautiful eyes
and mouth :wub:
His mouth is great....especially with no red color to it...it is just sexy as all get out...
Re: New Pic of Michael

Think of it like a junkyard, or a yard sale. You pick and choose what you think is good and worthy to take with you...and you leave what you consider trash behind.

Very well put :yes:

Guys of course we are allowed to be concerned with Michael and his health. We all love the man or we would have better things to do with our lives then be here. I just don't want to see RF's bs or any spectulation on his health because we don't know and there is no reason to get upset over the unknown.

Thank you.
Re: New Pic of Michael

It's kind of pathetic that some people are still complaining about what he's wearing when he's been to the doctor several times over the last few weeks. I just pray he's okay.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Thats a nice picture, lovin the hair, its like a " just rolled out of bed" natural look,. LOVE IT :cheers:
MUCH better than the other pictures!
Re: New Pic of Michael

The worrying is not gonna help. The best thing to do is wish him the best and pray dfor him if you are that concerned. Speculating on his health or aliments is very disrespectful and it violates his privacy. Enjoy the picture and if anymore news comes up regarding the pic, then maybe we will know something. I like to keep things positive so let's enjoy the picture and move on. Also, you can go to the medical center or clinic for all sorts of things. If it was THAT BAD, he would not be going to a clinic/center at all. So, let's relax, not worry and enjoy the picture. BTW, I did not see anyone complaining about what he was wearing.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Zorro mask again eh? I love it! :zorro:
I really love the long black jacket with the PJ's. Nice to see a new picture of him. I hope he's doing alright.
Re: New Pic of Michael

HQ pics











Re: New Pic of Michael

Thanks for the photos, Sihame. Now I'm convinced of what some others were saying: he IS wearing a Phantom mask, lol.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Oh lawd all those pics I feel sorry for Michael they all up in his face. And eww didn't wanna see up the other guys nose - shutters. Thanks for the HQ pics :yes:

Adds - don't really want to look up mj's nose either :lol:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Michael's expressions are priceless:

"The hell you doin'? Leave me alone, man! Can a guy go out once in a while with a mask without you putting your camera in my face!? :no: "

:lol: I feel you, Mike... them paparazzi... :rolleyes: They ALWAYS do that.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Thanks for the HQ pics. Mike's face says it all: I do not want to be bothered. Awww, poor baby.

And he does look like he is wearing the Phatom of the Opera mask. He still looks yummy, though. And the plaid get up IS pjs. Alright.
Re: New Pic of Michael

I've noticed some fans starting to criticize other fans about their perceptions of Michael's health (the fact he was at a medical clinic). The Support Forum will be open soon where that sort of discussion will be allowed. In the meantime, let's just try to show a little tolerance for one-another, ok?

The best approach is to wish Michael the best, and enjoy seeing him in the photos.

peace (oh, please TRY to be good to one another?)

Re: New Pic of Michael

The best approach is to wish Michael the best,
amen to that :angel:

thank u for the HQ pix :flowers:

Please just go to the link to read the text. It said he was coming out of a medical clinic, but then there were some things that weren't very nice, so we shouldn't post here. It was very short, really, and the only info was that he was coming out of some sort of medical building.

i said i gave up :)

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Re: New Pic of Michael

he looks kinda sad dont know.. or just tired cant differentiate between those two .. lol
Re: New Pic of Michael

hes got some guts going out in pj's , but then again he has earned the right !
Re: New Pic of Michael

lol!!! He still has that mask! I think he still looks like zorro! :rofl:
Re: New Pic of Michael

WOW! Thanks for those! I love the fact we can see his eyes in these pics! :)