12/20 - Pic of Michael

Re: New Pic of Michael

omg. he is so adorable, thank you for sharing :)
i wonder what his wearing under the jacket? umm. looks interesting.
btw, his hair looks so cute like that :D
Re: New Pic of Michael





Well.........about the mask...I'm dreaming with this mask...Like a fantasy...If you know what i mean...:ninja:

Forgive me,Lord!I'm dirty!!!!!:hysterical:
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Re: New Pic of Michael

i wish they would stop photographing him near hospitals etc. it does make a girl worry sometimes
Re: New Pic of Michael

yeah me too.. They always have to mention MJ at a hospital!!
Re: New Pic of Michael

I love Michael and everything but please , PLEASE michael leave the mask in your closet. Just go out in nice clothes, a suit and a good hair day. cmon!
Re: New Pic of Michael

Like I said in the other thread were the same picture were posted

aww, :wub:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Michael will always look great to me, no matter what but i just hope his health is okay :D
Re: New Pic of Michael

NOW!!! i am liking the mask. I wasn't sure in the other pics I saw - but this pic has confirmed to me that I do like the mask!! :p :D Lovely colour PJ's as well. I am crazy about these neutral colours at the moment. A bit worried about Mike now though... he better not be going all fashionable on us! LMAO!!! ;)

Thank you SO much for this pic - it is just TOO CUTE. xxx
Re: New Pic of Michael

Please remember that the use of prefixes is restricted to MJJC Staff.
Thank You.

On a side note: :wub:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Michael is so mysterious with this mask....:wub: :butterflies:

"The way he came into the place
I knew right then and there
There was something different about this boy

The way he moved
His hair, his face, his lines
Divinity in motion..." :girl_in_love:

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Re: New Pic of Michael

I love his hair lol. :lol::wub:
Like I said on another site... I don't really care if he wears the mask anymore, he can wear whatever he wants.

Anyway, I hope Michael is doing okay if he has been to the doctors. Probably the same building as last time he visited in November.
Re: New Pic of Michael

To be honest, tmz.com is the only site saying that he visited a medical center. That is the same website that got a few things wrong regarding Michael. I would not worry too much. He might have a cold or something.
Re: New Pic of Michael

Oh he looks so sweet :D
That is his sexi coat from
the Ebony Photo shoot

Love the new mask becuase
we can see his beautiful eyes
and mouth :wub:
Re: New Pic of Michael

Without the hat, the mask is very Phantom of the Opera-like. :naughty: Add the bed hair, the jammies, the natural lips and the oh-so-close-but-yet-so far-eyeglasses on his shirt and Ohhhh myyyyy!! :wub: *shake it off shake it off shake it OFF* Love the overcoat! I was just asking for a pic of him in an overcoat the other day in the photo section to make a Christmas siggy. How funny! The mask is pure yumminess. Oh man. Maybe it's the superhero fantasy thing for us females. LOL! I think it was Batman (in one of the movies) who said "Chicks dig the mask". That might be true. mmm mmm good. :shifty: Or maybe we simply appreciate that we can get some eye action this way. haha.

Thanks for sharing the pic.

Note to Mod who may end up having to clean this thread: If you have to clean this thread of medical stuff, please simply delete the part below if it violates anything. Thanks in advance.

Anyway, all these doctor trips are a bit concerning for me too :( , HOWEVER, I DO hope and pray it means he's getting the proper care/treatment for whatever is the problem. That's pretty much all anyone can do as medical issues are private. You can't force people to tell you what's wrong with them. It's his choice and I'd like to think everyone here is mature enough to respect that regardless of how much we care and worry. Surely if he wanted fans and the world to know, he'd say. Not telling anyone what to do or how to feel but MAYBE simply wishing him well is the best thing to do right now...instead of panicking over the unknown. Some people try to feed into the unknown (tabloids and media). Don't make their jobs easier than it has to be. My two cents. Peace.