Will.I.Am said Mike Wanted Autotune!!

Cher used the auto-tune, and Believe is a great song.
T-Pain used the auto-tune, ans sucks.
MJ uses auto-tune...

He'd be more like T-Pain than Cher? That doesn't even make sense. T-Pain doesn't know good music.

I don't think he'd sound like T-Pain but that won't stop some people from believing he would... LOL
If MJ decides to use autotune, I'm sure he knows what he does and I believe he will only use it if it's very neccesary! And hopefully we won't be able to hear it on the final tracks.
If Mike used Auto-tune, I think he'd sound amazing. The pureness of his voice coupled with that effect would be great. If he used it on a throw-down dance track, it would bring people on to the floor. Just my opinion.
MJ used auto tune in Jam to put more drama in his voice if you listen very good you'll notice it

And if you want an obvious example just listen to the a capella of TDCAU trust me MJ use it a lot in his songs
there were no phase vocoders like Auto-Tune or Melodyne back in those days to make that specific effect. they only came about nearing the millennium.
that cher's song is crap and her voice is yuck. sorry. does anyone seriously think it's a great song?
I hope MJ would never use autotune to make his voice sounds like that.
I'd die.
where we at?

Rojo what have you done
Oopsies... Well I did say sorry! :D

Never mind, y'all have things back on track now.

Auto-tune, Talkbox, Vocoder, editing, layering, sampling, reverb, echo, filtering... whatever effect/s MJ wants to use is fine by me. I trust MJ's judgment; if he thinks any of those would enhance a song he's working on, then why not. He's certainly shown that he knows what he's doing effect-wise up until now, so I have no reason to think that would change, even if some of the effects are newer.

That said, my fav 'effects' are MJ's natural ones; fantastic fast vibrato, awesome natural inflections/dynamics and superb vocal techniques... the things that make MJ one of a kind, because overall, no one else can do them as masterfully and effectively (Ha!) as he can. :yes:
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That said, my fav 'effects' are MJ's natural ones; fantastic fast vibrato, awesome natural inflections/dynamics and superb vocal techniques...
in case you missed my reply there, and this is on topic here - you remarked on these effects in the vocoder thread:

Those subtle things like vibrato, inflections, etc.. those are the things I enjoy hearing the most in singing. Expression..
and the funny thing is, with Auto-Tune, two of the steps to get that vocoder/Cher effect is to zero both the vibrato and pitch-drift knobs lol so spot on, girl.
you guys act like MJ was concidering using it for a whole album! :lol: Even if MJ decided to use it, it's not like you WOULDN'T hear the vibrato or all that other stuff u mentioned. I
there were no phase vocoders like Auto-Tune or Melodyne back in those days to make that specific effect. they only came about nearing the millennium.

Ah. Thank you for that bit of knowledge. You too eightnoterojo. Those effects that are the best are the ones Michael creates on his own. I'm never with a lack of amazement over the vocal hiccups and grunts he incorporates in to his style.

I like Cher and I like what she did on both her albums "Believe" and "Living Proof". She can sing, she's been a recording artist with success since the 60s, so she's using autotune purely for the effect, not because she needs it. That's what Michael would do if he were to use it as an effect.
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you guys act like MJ was concidering using it for a whole album! :lol: Even if MJ decided to use it, it's not like you WOULDN'T hear the vibrato or all that other stuff u mentioned. I
Well, no, I don't think he'd do a whole album using Auto-tune. lol He'd probably just use it sparingly, for enhancement. purposes, if he felt it would add to a song. It's true; how could he not use his vibrato. lol

Ah. Thank you for that bit of knowledge. You too eightnoterojo. Those effects that are the best are the ones Michael creates on his own. I'm never with a lack of amazement over the vocal hiccups and grunts he incorporates in to his style.
Me neither. His attention to detail in his singing really sets him apart. And his creativity in that area as well. Hey, maybe he'll come up with some new, natural vocal effect/s for the new album that we haven't heard yet! :wild: Anyone care to speculate on what that could be?.... He could adopt foreign accents, or make up a new word or two...
I know. His timing and instinct is outstanding, and his phrasing. I feel like he isn't appreciated enough in these areas.

Remembr at the end of "Fall Again" when he imittes that funny sound effect with his voice, and it exactly matches it tone wise. Thta's crazy. He's such a genius.
I know. His timing and instinct is outstanding, and his phrasing. I feel like he isn't appreciated enough in these areas.

Remembr at the end of "Fall Again" when he imittes that funny sound effect with his voice, and it exactly matches it tone wise. Thta's crazy. He's such a genius.

Excellent phrasing, and in varying styles of song, too.

he could lose himself with some Spanish jibberish like Stevie in Don't You Worry.

"comprende esta- hijo de puta la bla bla bla..."

How about in RTT, where he rolls his 'R's... Brrrrrrap ... lol that's sorta Spanish...

Maybe a Russian accent?

'Nyyyyyeeeeeetttttssskky!' lol


'neeeeeiiiiiinnnn!, das grrrrruuuuppppennnnn!' lol

Or a nice, simple Canadian 'eeeeeeehhhh?!!?!' :p

How about in RTT, where he rolls his 'R's... Brrrrrrap ... lol that's sorta Spanish...

Maybe a Russian accent?

'Nyyyyyeeeeeetttttssskky!' lol


'neeeeeiiiiiinnnn!, das grrrrruuuuppppennnnn!' lol

Or a nice, simple Canadian 'eeeeeeehhhh?!!?!' :p

re-do the Black Or White video cultural thing but in audible stereotypes.. i like it, eeehhh?! LOL
LOL! Why not! It'd probably do very well globally.... lol

But then MJ's always done well globally. Still... lol
he could lose himself with some Spanish jibberish like Stevie in Don't You Worry.

"comprende esta- hijo de puta la bla bla bla..."

I like the honesty the girl has at the beginning.

" ... so ya dig mama?"

"No...." :lol:

Come to think of it, I'd love to hear MJ ad-libing with some auto-tune effect. "She won't, no-no, why cant'cha let it-dah!"... just let him run with those crazy ad-libs like that for a minute and a half with some effect turned on. I think it'd be pretty cool.
i've mulled over this a lot..and i think nothing is wrong with autotune.
it's another arm of music. nothing pushes anything out of the way, when it comes into being in the music industry. it just makes it bigger, more wonderful and full of more choices. and besides..as fifty and kanye said..if they hate, let em hate and watch the money pile up.

it's here to stay...and is a vibrant part of the industry..a trend..a sound...and i'm hearing a lot of hits on the radio using it, whether or not the artist is an actual singer. like everything else in music..it features its hits and misses..but, it's gunna be alright, just like Alicia said. lol there's room for singers..and there's room for autotune..and i love MJ's mentality. always willing to try anything.

and..as for criticism..it's a part of life..the most successful people receive it. and, in my book, it's a waste of air. but hey..to each their own. and a person's criticism isn't going to stop the forward progress of music.

it's wonderful..the biggest artist in the world willing to work with this technology. and the most encouraging thing about these innovations and additions to music is that a lot of people can get off the street and make a legit living and reduce behaviour that doesn't contribute to society. you find out that some of these dudes who have talent that isn't recognized as talent, can now make music, instead of doing something negative. and they can contribute to paying taxes. yeah..i can go on about this, but i can stop here, for now..lol
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Auto tune is not only for people who can sing i tune ..
Chris brown used it in the song 'Damage'
Akon has used it .. but it didnt sound that much different from his original voice lol

If he does use it, then he shouldnt use it on all songs coz people would start to think that he cant sing no more!
Auto tune is not only for people who can sing i tune ..
Chris brown used it in the song 'Damage'
Akon has used it .. but it didnt sound that much different from his original voice lol

If he does use it, then he shouldnt use it on all songs coz people would start to think that he cant sing no more!

no...people wouldn't start to think he can't sing. people don't think chris brown can't sing, and he uses it.

and, for those who think chris brown cannot sing..they thought that before he used autotune.
Auto tune is not only for people who can sing i tune ..
Chris brown used it in the song 'Damage'
Akon has used it .. but it didnt sound that much different from his original voice lol

If he does use it, then he shouldnt use it on all songs coz people would start to think that he cant sing no more!

He could probably do it like Mary-Mary did on their debut. They came out with that great "Shackles" joint and they did Auto Tune on that too and it sounded very cool but it's a great thing they didn't sound like that for the rest of the album. And like it has already been said, MJ's already tried that.
this is the thread that never ennnndss, yes it goes on and on my friends...some people keeeep complaining, no matter what MJ doeeess....Mike aint even using auto but we'll continue just because...this is the thread that never eennndsss, yes it goes on and on my friends...

:lol: Just messin lol
this is the thread that never ennnndss, yes it goes on and on my friends...some people keeeep complaining, no matter what MJ doeeess....Mike aint even using auto but we'll continue just because...this is the thread that never eennndsss, yes it goes on and on my friends...

:lol: Just messin lol

LMFAO! That made my day! And its only 8am!