Will.I.Am said Mike Wanted Autotune!!

On the whole Chris Brown can sing thing. Of course he can, he might not be the greatest singer ever, but he can sing, someone that can't sing wouldn't be able to pull off something like "excuse me miss". Though I must say boy needs to work on his live vocals though, he'll get there in time.
Oh no! I hope not! I'd be disappointed if he does. Michael's voice is perfect. Have you all heard HMH? He dosen't need that.
^since I personally snatched the crown off Justin and Declared Chris as the new king!!!
lol, I know thatz right, that definitely have to be sarcasm, and plus with 26,491 posts in this forum u know it sarcasm lol.
Ok scrap what I said b4 I want an album full or autotune! I want it to sound just like T-Pains. MJ should also hire, JT, Timberland, Usher, Chris Brown and T-pain to do work on his album too! Yeehaa! Let everybody jump on board
Robotic vocals is the future, so innovative hmmmmm. Totally way ahead of its time in 2020 people will still be mesmerised by it
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So you want MJ to do it so he can be screwed and chopped later:


lol..that actually sounds better than chris brown's version..lol..slower and funkier.

but...yall keep forgetting...once, Mj was little..and all he did was sing...and his spirit was not quelled by a million people working with him.

Kansas is inside MJ, boys. lol..or New York City, as one would have it..lol

besides...we can have the cd and turn off the radio..use internet...we have many choices..but..anyway...last we heard..it's neither here nor there..lol..

so i thought i'd add length to this thread too..lol
Ok scrap what I said b4 I want an album full or autotune! I want it to sound just like T-Pains. MJ should also hire, JT, Timberland, Usher, Chris Brown and T-pain to do work on his album too! Yeehaa! Let everybody jump on board
Robotic vocals is the future, so innovative hmmmmm. Totally way ahead of its time in 2020 people will still be mesmerised by it


Hilarious! :lmao:
You all do worry too much. MJ knows what he's doing and I trust him to do his work and make it amazing.

You all should, too.
You all do worry too much. MJ knows what he's doing and I trust him to do his work and make it amazing.

You all should, too.

lol..that actually sounds better than chris brown's version..lol..slower and funkier.

but...yall keep forgetting...once, Mj was little..and all he did was sing...and his spirit was not quelled by a million people working with him.

Kansas is inside MJ, boys. lol..or New York City, as one would have it..lol

besides...we can have the cd and turn off the radio..use internet...we have many choices..but..anyway...last we heard..it's neither here nor there..lol..

so i thought i'd add length to this thread too..lol

Kansas? This ain't the Wizard of Oz, nucca! :lol:

Actually, here's a screwed and chopped version of "Billie Jean":



'screwing' was getting a buzz back in 00-03, i remember trying to get into it lol has its moments,,,
I started listening to screwed & chopped around 2002 (thanks to my cousin and his friend). :)

Been listening to it since. Never get tired of it. :listeningtomusic

Plus, it gives you an excuse to laugh when they screw certain parts. :lol: I mean when it got to the end of "Billie Jean", did you not LAUGH when the deejay screwed it completely? :rollin: Making the song go slow motion... lol
yeah it's tongue in cheek music lol but i guess it's basically another way of sampling. let's have a 'Screwed Mike' thread, it'll surpass this one's capacity when Will confirms it for us lol
Yeah, that's been told in a few places. This is what La Toya wrote in her book:

"Trouble seemed to stalk him. Ironically, my brother's most terrifying encounter was with someone who didn't even know who he was. He and Mother were visiting her mother and stepfather in Alabama, accompanied by Bill Bray. Michael and Bill went driving one afternoon, and stopped at a gas station. While Bill used the restroom, Michael browsed in a small shop next door. When Bill came out, he was surprised to find Michael gone. "Where are you, Joker?" he called out, using his pet name for my brother.

Suddenly he heard "Help! Help!" It was Michael, yelling from inside the store. Bursting through the door, Bill saw my brother curled up on the floor and a white man kicking him viciously in the head and stomach, screaming with blood-curdling venom, "I hate all of you! I hate you!" Over and over and he called Michael a ni**er.

Bill, a tall, middle-aged black, subdued the attacker and helped up Michael, who was crying and bleeding from several deep cuts. "What's going on?" he demanded.

"He tried to steal a candy bar!" the man claimed, pointing at my brother. "I saw him put something in his pocket!"

"No I didn't!" Michael protestd.
"Yes you did."
"Wait a minute," Bill said skeptically. "He doesn't even like candy, and he doesn't steal. Why would he steal a candy bar?"

It was obvious then that Michael's attacker had no idea who he was. As far as he was concerned, this was just another black person- another ni**er- to abuse. Bill rushed Michael to a local hospital to have his cuts and bruises tended to.

Mother called us from Alabama to tell us what had happened, and we all creid in anger and sadness. How could this kind of thing still happen? If Bill hadn't been with Michael, he might have been killed. Jermaine was livid, threatening to fly to Alabama and take the law into his own hands. It took some time to persuade him that vigilantism was no way to handle the matter.

Instead, a lawsuit was filed against the store owner. Two girls standing outside had witnessed the beating, and one offered to testify on Michael's behalf. We felt very strongly that racial violence must be stopped, but, unfortunately, justice did not prevail in this case. The racist harbored no regrest. In fact, discovering that the black man he'd assaulted was a celebrity only inflamed his hatred. Now he threated to kill Michael. Bill convinced us that this person was mad, that the threat was quite serious, and that it was better for everyone to drop the action. None of us was happy about this, but there really was no other choice."
Thanks for typing it out.
poor mike...:(
What year was it when this happened?

*sorry everyone.. I'm going off topic again.
Kanye can't sing... at all. He's got no voice

What? So, Kanye having no voice means he can't sing? His singing might sound bad, but come on, if he is on key and not off key, then he can sing, well at least. I personally think that Kanye should not be singing but rapping. But I am buying that CD regardless.

Anyway -

uh yeah he can and yes he is....

Uh no he can't. T-Pain is not a singer, he is an act. All of his songs are sung by autotune not actual vocals. Until I hear his vocals (which would probably be never) then I am sticking to the notion that T-Pain is not a singer.

there is no source _ except a friend of a friend said >>> Will. i. am said
take it for what it is worth

The source is the poster's friend. If you follow the Presidental elecetion, then you might know that Will.i.am is a big supporter of Obama. I do believed that Will went to college campuses and talked to/with students about the campaign and met up with the friend of the poster (A. Sizzle) and asked him the question about Mike. Anyone that follows MJ's career knows that he experiements all the time. So, you really do not need to worry about a concrete source.

Man, Michael can drive. Come on, ya'll should know that

He can drive but he is not a good driver. Let me be off topic here - Katherine also talked in her book about how MJ was stopped while driving black. I read that part that LaToya stated and I think it happened to him because he was black, not "special". I do not see how being "special" gets you beaten. Alabama, at that time, (and maybe still happening today) had issues with black people. It is the sad reality of the south and all across America. There are numerous lawsuits filed from blacks were stopped because of their race. To be fair, a lot of black celebrities/regular people were stopped by police because they were black. Will Smith talked about a time he was stopped in L.A. I do not mean to really get too deep in it, but let's just state the facts: MJ was stopped and beat up like that because he was black. Not because he was "special". A lot of black people were stopped and treated like that because of their race. It is sad and disgusting, but it has nothing to do with being "special". A lot of people have gone through what MJ has been going through. A lot of things that happened to MJ during the trial had to do with racism. However, I do not see how MJ not being a good driver have to do with him being stopped. I am lost with that.

Going back to the topic:

And if you want an obvious example just listen to the a capella of TDCAU trust me MJ use it a lot in his songs

Errrr, I doubt that and I serisously doubt that MJ used autotune in his music. Experiement, yes, use in his music, no.

I trust MJ's judgment

Same here and I just do not feel that he should use anything to enhance his voice. Just sing the song.

Anyone care to speculate on what that could be?....

Spoken word would be great. That way he doesn't have to use anything to enhance his voice. And for people who say that Chris Brown can't sing - well, he sounds better than T-Pain. He doesn't have to sound like Mike when he was 19, but he can sing on key. LOL. Autotone is used or experimented or played with or whatever, to enhance the vocals and Mike doesn't need to enhance anything. He has been singing, real singing since he was a child and he didn't really need some enhancement in his career to sound good or whatever. He used that great voice of his. He should stick to that. Nothing wrong with enhancement but Mike made Thriller - so why even bother with autotune? Just my view on it.
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I think pretty much all vocalists use effects to some extent to enhance their voices. I'd have to research the date, but reverb, for example, has been added to voices since waaay back. Should one be drawing lines when it comes to effects? Should it be drawn at the use of Autotune? I think it should be left to the discretion of the artist, and the artist's vision of what he or she wants for the music.