Will.I.Am said Mike Wanted Autotune!!

Yeah, that's been told in a few places. This is what La Toya wrote in her book:

"Trouble seemed to stalk him. Ironically, my brother's most terrifying encounter was with someone who didn't even know who he was. He and Mother were visiting her mother and stepfather in Alabama, accompanied by Bill Bray. Michael and Bill went driving one afternoon, and stopped at a gas station. While Bill used the restroom, Michael browsed in a small shop next door. When Bill came out, he was surprised to find Michael gone. "Where are you, Joker?" he called out, using his pet name for my brother.

Suddenly he heard "Help! Help!" It was Michael, yelling from inside the store. Bursting through the door, Bill saw my brother curled up on the floor and a white man kicking him viciously in the head and stomach, screaming with blood-curdling venom, "I hate all of you! I hate you!" Over and over and he called Michael a ni**er.

Bill, a tall, middle-aged black, subdued the attacker and helped up Michael, who was crying and bleeding from several deep cuts. "What's going on?" he demanded.

"He tried to steal a candy bar!" the man claimed, pointing at my brother. "I saw him put something in his pocket!"

"No I didn't!" Michael protestd.
"Yes you did."
"Wait a minute," Bill said skeptically. "He doesn't even like candy, and he doesn't steal. Why would he steal a candy bar?"

It was obvious then that Michael's attacker had no idea who he was. As far as he was concerned, this was just another black person- another ni**er- to abuse. Bill rushed Michael to a local hospital to have his cuts and bruises tended to.

Mother called us from Alabama to tell us what had happened, and we all creid in anger and sadness. How could this kind of thing still happen? If Bill hadn't been with Michael, he might have been killed. Jermaine was livid, threatening to fly to Alabama and take the law into his own hands. It took some time to persuade him that vigilantism was no way to handle the matter.

Instead, a lawsuit was filed against the store owner. Two girls standing outside had witnessed the beating, and one offered to testify on Michael's behalf. We felt very strongly that racial violence must be stopped, but, unfortunately, justice did not prevail in this case. The racist harbored no regrest. In fact, discovering that the black man he'd assaulted was a celebrity only inflamed his hatred. Now he threated to kill Michael. Bill convinced us that this person was mad, that the threat was quite serious, and that it was better for everyone to drop the action. None of us was happy about this, but there really was no other choice."
where we at?

Rojo what have you done

Well, maybe Autotune is also the name of a car repair place, and MJ was talking about where he wanted to get his ride fixed...


Man, Michael can drive. Come on, ya'll should know that. He even supposedly got pulled over by a cop once when he was in his early 20s, driving around in her Rolls Royce and the dumb ass cop didn't believe he was really Michael Jackson and arrested him for suspision of auto theft. Racist mofo.
seriously? LMAO :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Yeah, that's been told in a few places. This is what La Toya wrote in her book:

"Trouble seemed to stalk him. Ironically, my brother's most terrifying encounter was with someone who didn't even know who he was. He and Mother were visiting her mother and stepfather in Alabama, accompanied by Bill Bray. Michael and Bill went driving one afternoon, and stopped at a gas station. While Bill used the restroom, Michael browsed in a small shop next door. When Bill came out, he was surprised to find Michael gone. "Where are you, Joker?" he called out, using his pet name for my brother.

Suddenly he heard "Help! Help!" It was Michael, yelling from inside the store. Bursting through the door, Bill saw my brother curled up on the floor and a white man kicking him viciously in the head and stomach, screaming with blood-curdling venom, "I hate all of you! I hate you!" Over and over and he called Michael a ni**er.

Bill, a tall, middle-aged black, subdued the attacker and helped up Michael, who was crying and bleeding from several deep cuts. "What's going on?" he demanded.

"He tried to steal a candy bar!" the man claimed, pointing at my brother. "I saw him put something in his pocket!"

"No I didn't!" Michael protestd.
"Yes you did."
"Wait a minute," Bill said skeptically. "He doesn't even like candy, and he doesn't steal. Why would he steal a candy bar?"

It was obvious then that Michael's attacker had no idea who he was. As far as he was concerned, this was just another black person- another ni**er- to abuse. Bill rushed Michael to a local hospital to have his cuts and bruises tended to.

Mother called us from Alabama to tell us what had happened, and we all creid in anger and sadness. How could this kind of thing still happen? If Bill hadn't been with Michael, he might have been killed. Jermaine was livid, threatening to fly to Alabama and take the law into his own hands. It took some time to persuade him that vigilantism was no way to handle the matter.

Instead, a lawsuit was filed against the store owner. Two girls standing outside had witnessed the beating, and one offered to testify on Michael's behalf. We felt very strongly that racial violence must be stopped, but, unfortunately, justice did not prevail in this case. The racist harbored no regrest. In fact, discovering that the black man he'd assaulted was a celebrity only inflamed his hatred. Now he threated to kill Michael. Bill convinced us that this person was mad, that the threat was quite serious, and that it was better for everyone to drop the action. None of us was happy about this, but there really was no other choice."
:bugeyedomg I never heard of that one before

u got anymore stories?
Not after ten pages they ain't, lol.

Well Chaos, La Toya also said that the cops that used to patrol the Encino neigborhood used to make comments that they were going to beat Michael up one day just because of who he was and they wanted to. Pretty sad stuff. People are such bastards sometimes. They want to hurt you when you're special.
Not after ten pages they ain't, lol.

Well Chaos, La Toya also said that the cops that used to patrol the Encino neigborhood used to make comments that they were going to beat Michael up one day just because of who he was and they wanted to. Pretty sad stuff. People are such bastards sometimes. They want to hurt you when you're special.
so really Michael had been racially abused ages back, this makes his whole condition even sadder really and definently backs up the whole thing about people being jealous of him
Basically. Just another instance of prejudice and hardhsip in his life. It's been rough for him, rogher then people realize a lot of the time I think.
so really Michael had been racially abused ages back, this makes his whole condition even sadder really and definently backs up the whole thing about people being jealous of him

And not so far back either. If you look at that trial, anyone who has eyes should have been able to see that it was largely racially motivated. It is jealousy also. People know Michael has something which they can't have or can't understand, and so they want to, like Margaret Cho said, torture him instead.
MJ blantently has used autotune on whatever happens and that is near enough the best song on that alblum
TOO many people are doing it right now, and I expect it to get bigger..

I hear everyone from T-Pain, Chris Brown.. EVEN '50 cent' use it...

I bet upcoming tracks through 2008, 2009 will have it even MORE.. watch Britney Spears will use it much more, maybe even Whitney... lol!

It's one of those 'fads' out right now..
Thanks a lot Cher! Naw, just kidding. Strangely enough, "Whatever Happens" is one of the few songs on "Invincible" which I don't like.
TOO many people are doing it right now, and I expect it to get bigger..

I hear everyone from T-Pain, Chris Brown.. EVEN '50 cent' use it...

I bet upcoming tracks through 2008, 2009 will have it even MORE.. watch Britney Spears will use it much more, maybe even Whitney... lol!

It's one of those 'fads' out right now..
That would be hell, I hate the sound of it (when is sounds too electronic). It ruins songs which had the potential to be so much better
Eh, Britney has used that "static" effect in her songs where it sounds like you're listening to her on a fuzzy radio or TV station. Stevie Wonder sang one of his big funk hits partially through some type of vocoder or something that made him sound a lot younger ("Maybe Your Baby"). MJ did something on Dangerous to make his voice sound muffled....

I really don't care what/how he does it as long as the end result is awesome. I can understand if some people just want his "voice", but I hope most of you realize that there are few songs where he actually just sings like Frank Sinatra or Tony Bennett or Ella Fitzgerald... most of his tracks use overdubbing, layering and digital enhancements and/or altering to his voice. No, these are not to make him sound "better", but MJ likes experimenting with sound and doing all sorts of stuff to create unique sounds.
But the vocoder isn't the same as Autotune. And he was using that to speed up his vocals.

If you make that to make the song even cooler, cool, but if you're doing it just to do it, it sounds retarded, lol.

Stevie uses the talk box mostly and he doesn't sound stupid like T-Drone, lol.

Hell Mike using the vocoder on some tracks looks better than hear "baaaar-tendeeeeeer" LOL!
i think it's got a lot to do with the fact this particular effect is associated with someone like T-Pain who himself is associated with very bad songwriting, more than it is that Auto-Tune is any lesser of an effect than the vocoder or the talk-box or any other effect of the hundreds out there that people use. i actually prefer Stevie putting a guitar phaser on his vocals (Too High) than him showing off on the talk-box lol but anything is cool as long as you do it creatively.
T-Pain is a horrible singer-songwriter anyway so him using Auto-Tune is just his excuse. But for better singers, it could be brilliant. I mean MJ has done that in the past. I just know some or most won't dig it because it sounds as MJ is trying to be T-Pain when it ain't even like that. I know he's been around like 40 years so he'll know what to do with Auto-Tune better than some cat who's been around two years.
Cher used the auto-tune, and Believe is a great song.
T-Pain used the auto-tune, ans sucks.
MJ uses auto-tune...

He'd be more like T-Pain than Cher? That doesn't even make sense. T-Pain doesn't know good music.
I think ya'll don't understand you got different types of Auto Tune

The type that T-Pain , 50 , Kanye & Chris Brown are using is one of the most obvious effects

MJ used auto tune in Jam to put more drama in his voice if you listen very good you'll notice it

And if you want an obvious example just listen to the a capella of TDCAU trust me MJ use it a lot in his songs

I think that's the type of auto tune Michael wanted / wants to use because it's subtile but it gives a good effect
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I think ya'll don't understand you got different types of Auto Tune

The type that T-Pain , 50 , Kanye & Chris Brown are using is one of the most obvious effects

MJ used auto tune in Jam to put more drama in his voice if you listen very good you'll notice it

And if you want an obvious example just listen to the a capella of TDCAU trust me MJ use it a lot in his songs

I think that's the type of auto tune Michael wanted / wants to use because it's subtile but it gives a good effect

i think that's becuase someone has processed the song to get the vocals from it, causing it to have that effect.