Will.I.Am said Mike Wanted Autotune!!

what was the reason for saying that?
because will.i.am wanted to update people of what's Michael doing and thinking?

honestly i made a rule of what Michael suggested once "don't believe unless you hear it from me"
save you time on rumours
but it didn't work the way Mike wanted it to.

Will.I.Am was doing an Obama rally at my college and I had a friend who went to it and I had him deliver the message "Don't put Michael Jackson on auto tune." (I would've went, but I'm a Resident Advisor, and can't leave my building this weekend.) Anyway, he said it was "Mike's idea and Mike tried it but it didn't work the way Mike wanted it to,"so they may not use it. My friend just called me literally 5 minutes ago.

I certainly hope he doesn't use it, but its good to know they are still working on an album. What do you think??

I wish these artist would shut up about working with Michael, and if not use more discretion about what they say.
People don't need to know every single thing he says. people don't need to know every single thing. Especially
something something that peoplecan use to ridicule him ( I'm not talking about an autotune thing).

For instance, I was irritated when Ne-yo was on a radio station in Chicago, when he was talking about MJ,
the host(jackass) made a very rude ,uneccessary, and untrue comment about MJ, and all Ne-yo said was
"that's dramatic". Ooooh. I think he should have defended him better that that since he talks about working with MJ so much and he's such an influence on him.

There are other artist who claimed they were working with him too and those track ended up not being released,
so I would be surprised if MJ comes out with something we're not expecting.
These "artists", if you can even call them that, that rip Michael off show him very little respect. And it makes me sick. Ne-Yo especially has been disrespectful towards Michael and I don't care what anyone here says, if you can't see that, then you're just in denial.
Justin is the only one to truely rip off Michael. Any others have been inspired and use their own style. Justin pretty much takes MJ, puts Timbaland on it, and presses it on CD.

Will.i.am has not been disrespectful to MJ. I haven't seen Ne-Yo be disrespectful either. Where did that happen?
They all rip Michael. Will hasn't disrespected him, I wasn't referring to him. Ne-Yo has said several things which could be considered disrespectful, including his latest comments. He needs to shut his face. I hope none of his songs get chosen. He's overrated as it is. I own one of his albums, so you can't say I'm a hater. I'm not. I can just see that he's basically being a total ass.
Who rips Michael? Specifically. Off the top of my head, Usher, Chris, Ne-Yo, and Beyonce all have developed their own styles.
You can't see how they've ripped Michael off? Their own styles? They're clones of eachother basically. No one is better then the other, really. Usher has had extremely similar stage set ups to Michael, similar outfits, etc... Ne-Yo tries to dance just like Michael. His music sounds like Michael Jackson demos, he tries to sing like Michael as well. And Chris Brown is the biggest rip off artist of them all. He can't stop dressing like Michael, he goes as far as ripping off whole dance routines in his video and a whole arsenal of Michael's steps. He was more original when he first came out but since then, he's been spiraling further and further down, ripping Michael's video concepts, dress sense and dance steps.
If anything, Usher is the most unique of them all.
Ne-Yo doesn't dance. He hops around to the beat. Ne-Yo's really only got his writing going for him. His voice really isn't anything special, compared to other people these days.
Chris Brown's dancing is definitely his own style. The only time his looks like Michael's is when he's actually performing MJ's stuff, suchas the RWY/BJ medley or Thriller at the award show. Otherwise, like Usher, it really doesn't look like MJ. They are hip-hop styled, pop and lock, break dancing, that stuff.
Ne-Yo dances and it looks like a sad imitation of Michael. It looks like Marlon Jackson or something, lol. Usher is the most distinct of them, sure, but he's still a poor man's Michael. Similar stage shows, similar outfits. Chris Brown has had extremely similar routines to Michael's. His "Gimme That" video or whatever has similar choreography to "Smooth Criminal" and a similar look. That one video looked like the bastard child of "Thriller". He straight up stole the choreography from the live performance of "Jam" for his song "Forever". In his little christmas song, he straight up stole the concept from "Don't Stop 'Till You Get Enough", and he looks like he raided Michael's closet circa 1984. And his dance style is hardly unique. He looks like any street dancer, krunk dancer out there. Nothing distinct or unique about the way he puts steps together at all.
I've always thought Marlon was a pretty gifted dancer in his own right. Hmm.

Can you give me an instance where Ne-Yo has been disrespectful toward MJ? Not debating, I would just like to see an example, because all the interviews and radio shows I've seen him, he's been nothing but an admiring fan.
I've never seen the Gimmie That video, I was mostly referring to his live performances. Forever's choreography looks nothing like Jam's. For one, Forever's is a lot of footwork. Jam's was mostly MJ's upper body. And...Chris made a Christmas song?
I know Chris Brown did a cover of Donny Hathaway's "This Christmas", but I don't know if that was the song in question or not.
Saying Michael needs to be more "open" with the public and implying everything that's happened to him is his fault. What does that even mean? He's been open and it's done nothing to help him. His most recent comment, saying he was "good up until "Bad", implying he's done nothing worth anything since the late 80s. And he's said a couple other things which I can't remember the exact details of.

There's a rehearsal video of Chris Brown for the song "Forever" and it's the EXACT same chreography as the live performance of "Jam". There's plenty of foot work in "Jam" too. The official video is so dark you can hardly see what's going on anyway. Check out those other videos if you don't believe me. "This Christmas", that's the song. It's obvious that these acts rip Michael off. I don't even care. But when they're disrespectful towards him at the same time, that really gets my goat.
You have a link to the reherasal? Cause I can't find it. And the live performances are nothing like Jam...

I'm interested in seeing this now. >_>

These days Bolton is just one of many artists on Ne-Yo's list of collaborators. The in-demand star is still submitting songs for Whitney Houston and Michael Jackson's upcoming albums, too.

"[Michael] will tell me which ones he likes and which ones he doesn't like," says Ne-Yo. "He said, 'Just makes sure it's melodic and something relatable.' He likes a lot of today's music but equally doesn't like a lot of it."

"[Michael] says that if we were to take what Chris [Brown] does with his body and what I do with my voice, then that would be the ultimate Michael Jackson," Ne-Yo says.
What a sweet thing of Michael to say about Chris and Ne-Yo. :)

And since this convo is going on in 2 threads Imma put it in the other one, too. It's cute that Michael is appreciative of those who pay homage to him
in their own ways as well as recognizing them for their OWN talents. Such a class act.
And exactly was does Ne-Yo do that MJ doesn't? Someone's been away too long I think.
although this discussion can go anywhere...it has a way of coming back home..cus...i don't fear anything MJ would be rumoured to use...especially after i saw the you rock my world video from msg...after he sang, and usher came on the stage moonwalking in circles, and 'bumped' into MJ, charlie chaplain style, MJ seemed to be activated into launching into what can only be described as an organized frenzy. even if he is frenzied, it looks like spectacular dancing. his feet slid across the stage, and the camera was off him for a few seconds, in an unbalanced way, and he went into high speed robotic moves, and it still looked like spectacular dancing, and none of the magic was lost. the editing was bad and it still didn't take away from the magic. others would need great editing just to make them attempt to look exciting. MJ can't not dance. others would look like they're about to fall down in laughable manner. so, be it autotune, MJ singing and everybody else writing..MJ writing by himself..whatever...the creme, that is MJ, always magically comes to the top.
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"[Michael] says that if we were to take what Chris [Brown] does with his body
and what I do with my voice, then that would be the ultimate Michael Jackson," Ne-Yo says.
Ne-yo said that MJ this?? :mello:

I had to read this about 5 times, for it to make any sense at all to me. Dang!
Personally, I dont think so. Michael hasnt sounded "nasally" singing a day in his life.
And he surely isnt a sloppy nor average dancer.
Ne-yo said that MJ this?? :mello:

I had to read this about 5 times, for it to make any sense at all to me. Dang!
Personally, I dont think so. Michael hasnt sounded "nasally" singing a day in his life.
And he surely isnt a sloppy nor average dancer.

Either Michael's self-esteem is shot or he was just being waaaaaay too nice, lol.
Well maybe I can just be in denial my whole life! Whatch'a gonna do bout it?!
now thats fight talk.... :huh:

now dont get me wrong, I'm not sexist I treat women equally and thats why I'm gonna give you a beaten until you accept that there is more then one king of pop :angry: