Who is the Queen of Pop?

Mmm! Not to sound like I am giving Favoritism over one Artist over the other...Who am I to say...

1.) Janet Jackson: I feel she has worked very hard all these years and has come along way without utilizing Michael on her coat tails...She has maintained creativity,originality and has continued to stay grounded...She definately rocks in Music, Dance, and Concerts..!

2.) Madonna: When she was innocent to the industry, Wow..!
With no disrespect intended...Somewhere along the line it appeared she sold out to the s*x propaganda and lost the originality, creativity of her natural talent, Hence lost her respect/popularity.

3.) Maria Carey: Truly and forever a song bird..!
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yeah Madonna already has this title...its like creating a topic on 'whos the king of pop?' michael duh..
its already hers.

but if i had to pick i think mariah with her record breaking singles and diana who was before both of them like others have said.

but again its madonna title. :)
I love Diana and she most certainly deserves huge props. I think Madonna is the true Queen of Pop. She best fits the description. Almost 30 years in the game and she is still on top of the charts and has had such a historic career that has impacted the globe over. There will never be another Madonna.

Madonna is the Queen on the throne of Pop Royalty! She should divorce Guy & marry Michael Jackson LOL! Or at least make a duet with him before they both get too old! :)
Madonna is one of the most overrated artists out there, Musically speaking! however she's a good business woman, but I wouldn't call her the Queen!
I think Madonna is the Queen of "Reinventing Herself", not the Queen of Pop.

But hey, that's just me.

I honestly think Mariah Carey could have this title, or even Janet.
:yes: i'm the QUEEN OF POP :yes: i can that myself long time ago :yes: :)

:lol: are you calling Michael Jackson old :lol: :lol:
I think Madonna is the Queen of "Reinventing Herself", not the Queen of Pop.

But hey, that's just me.

I honestly think Mariah Carey could have this title, or even Janet.

How is Madonna not the Queen of Pop? Whether you like her or not has nothing to do with it. Madonna has had the biggest impact on pop culture and is much bigger worlwide than either Janet or Mariah. Further more, she is the biggest selling female artist of all time. Madonna is the queen, just like Mike is tha King :).
pardon me people but uhm, I am the Queen of Pop :chichi:
thought cha knew *neckroll*

palease, she aint haves nuthin on me ...OK, so she gots boobies *rollseyes* big whoop :giggle:
ok she can sing and dance as well ... but I want to be the queen :girl_tantrum:
:lol: Okay Chichi, You are officialy the Queen and your boy Danny is the King :p.
How is Madonna not the Queen of Pop? Whether you like her or not has nothing to do with it. Madonna has had the biggest impact on pop culture and is much bigger worlwide than either Janet or Mariah. Further more, she is the biggest selling female artist of all time. Madonna is the queen, just like Mike is tha King :).
Well Madonna has college courses based on her, Mariah doesn't. But I nominate Samantha Fox, lol.
Yay !! Yay !! Cinnamon said i could be the queen :girl_crazy: and to make things even better I have a handsome king **yummy**

:flowers: thank you i love all of you, thank you thank you
come on everybody how many times i have to tell you this i'm queen of pop i call that myself first is true :yes:

come on i'm the:bow: i'm QUEEN OF POP :bow:

come on is true i'm the QUEEN OF POP :giggle: is ture cause i make myself t-shrits i made and i have red box his my specail sparkle hat in it the red box say QUEEN OF POP with sliver sparkles words :yes:
is ture believe in me cause my family called me QUEEN OF POP AND ROCKSTAR SO I'M FRAMES
Madge is tha Queen of Pop......Chi....you just the Queen of T hot T MESS...ha ha.....

ok ok.....ya'll can trade off on being tha QOP every other Friday.

Janet!!!! No not really, but I guess it´s Madonna. I don´t like her at all, but she is the queen of pop
How is Madonna not the Queen of Pop? Whether you like her or not has nothing to do with it. Madonna has had the biggest impact on pop culture and is much bigger worlwide than either Janet or Mariah. Further more, she is the biggest selling female artist of all time. Madonna is the queen, just like Mike is tha King :).

I think Madonna is the queen of Pop because she is a smart businesswoman , she always readapts her songs with the current tendencies .

But here is the problems , musicaly speaking she knows how to entertain people YES but she is not took seriously by the music industry and i have noticed something :

When you people say she has had a HUGE impact on the music industry , i realy wonder what you mean ?

I mean michael have a a bunch of wannabes , when some of them sing or dance we can notice (us and the non-fans ) that they want to imitate michael , imitate his voice , his singing the way he dances that is what we call : INSPIRATION (or copy like you want ) .

But where are the artists of the new generations who are inpired musicaly speaking by Madonna ??? i mean i dont nobody in the music industry claiming they are inspired by Madonna , yes they say she is great etc... but where are the inspirations , where are the obvious wannabes , people claiming coming from Madonna lines , like Christ Brown claims coming from michael , or genuine , justin , Usher , and abunch of other today's artists ?

I mean i dont see Madonna in Britney Spears at all , nor in Alguilera , nor in Beeyonce , nor in amy Whinehouse nor in nobody included men .

When Madonna will die who are the artists who will continue her legacy ? i mean there is no problem with michael but Madonna .....
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I mean i dont see Madonna in Britney Spears at all , nor in Alguilera , nor in Beeyonce , nor in amy Whinehouse nor in nobody included men .

When Madonna will die who are the artists who will continue her legacy ? i mean there is no problem with michael but Madonna .....

I see later Britney as trying to copy Madonna or at least being influenced. Is it on the range of Michael's influence? No. Mike's beyond Madonna in so many was and she even was inspired by him and has said so. I base my opinion on being a child born in the late 70's, watching the classic MTV years and seeing how Madonna has evolved and is still as fresh today as she was in 1985. Hell, I remember when Cyndi Lauper was sooooo much bigger than Madonna!

It all boils down to this. Madonna has earned the title Her MADGEesty for a reason....we're still talking about her.
