Who are the fans who claim to see Michael

at this point, knowing what I know, I'm going in the direction of an accident and then a coverup. but the fact that they were pressuring him is almost a given. poor michael. poor prince, paris and blanket. they lost their daddy for no reason other than stupid finances.
It is clear that many people (fans/followers included) saw that Michael was losing weight and looked too thin and unhealthy which not a normal thing. What I still do not understand if Michael had any personal control of his security and other employees working for him? Or they were controlling him? I am very suspicious about everybody seeing him abnormally slim and not doing anything including his security his manager and doctors.
I wonder if there were any possibilities for fans since they’ve been around him and had such a close contact with him to call ambulance one day and to convince Michael simply to go the Hospital if they were aware of his poor health condition???? I am not judging anybody just trying to put puzzles together.
Also, I noticed that some fans/followers who had an access to Michael have kinda aggressive behavior sometimes. You, guys have to understand that you are not worse and not better than everybody else here who loves Michael and admires his talent. We are very equal at this point and we have to respect each other and share information. It is just happened to be that you live in LA and area and had much more chances to meet Michael than we had. I think it is very right thing to share your information here with on-line fans no matter what anybody says because we all want to know the truth about Michael’s unexpected death. Some followers who talks a lot about privacy concernment are not quite right in my point of view. I think it could be a privacy aspect involved as far as it is very personal relationships with Michael. Something more than that has to be open information now because Michael died and we want to know the details what was happening around him for last two weeks of his life.
Thank you.
Soso it is very ,very,very normal to look tired and to lose weight and can't sleep properly when u have only few weeks to start a big series of concerts .

Michael " the perfectionist "looked tiered during tours in his 30's and 40's and so he would be in his 50's.

some would like to say that the problem was in MJ himself and this is not true.

i believe that his eyes in the last pics were saying something but this is not what we need to look for ...we need n't to give his doctors any excuse for killing him...


^"my favouritewintercoat" it is not hating , but someone is not here anymore to defend himself ... sometimes we need to think loudly.

I think I understand where you are coming from. You fear that if we accept the "Michael was scary skinny and stressed", then it is his fault or "more natural" that he died. No, it's not that. EVEN IF he was like this, or better put, exactly because he was like that, the doctor killed him. No one is trying to minimize his fault. It's clear that is the main reason: Michael was scary thin and he was given propofol!!! Instead of being taken to hospital and given IV nutrition and lots of rest. Propofol can kill a healthy weight person if not given at the exact dose and not properly supervised.
It is clear that many people (fans/followers included) saw that Michael was losing weight and looked too thin and unhealthy which not a normal thing. What I still do not understand if Michael had any personal control of his security and other employees working for him? Or they were controlling him? I am very suspicious about everybody seeing him abnormally slim and not doing anything including his security his manager and doctors.
I wonder if there were any possibilities for fans since they’ve been around him and had such a close contact with him to call ambulance one day and to convince Michael simply to go the Hospital if they were aware of his poor health condition???? I am not judging anybody just trying to put puzzles together.
Also, I noticed that some fans/followers who had an access to Michael have kinda aggressive behavior sometimes. You, guys have to understand that you are not worse and not better than everybody else here who loves Michael and admires his talent. We are very equal at this point and we have to respect each other and share information. It is just happened to be that you live in LA and area and had much more chances to meet Michael than we had. I think it is very right thing to share your information here with on-line fans no matter what anybody says because we all want to know the truth about Michael’s unexpected death. Some followers who talks a lot about privacy concernment are not quite right in my point of view. I think it could be a privacy aspect involved as far as it is very personal relationships with Michael. Something more than that has to be open information now because Michael died and we want to know the details what was happening around him for last two weeks of his life.
Thank you.

I want to know what was going on in the last year of his life.

Why was he losing all this weight?

This still is not clear to me.

Was it purely stress of the tours, was it cause he was burning more calories than he was taking in, or was he being poisoned?

I/We need answers to these questions.

Michael's weight is not what killed him.

We do not live off of bread alone.
@ Cris123 do u kwn if its true that michael waved to fans early mornlng on 25th of june the day he died?
plz answer
when exactly did he start losing the weight? I know he was always skinny, but this particular amount of weight loss.... when did that start? can any of the close fans tell us?
@ Cris123 do u kwn if its true that michael waved to fans early mornlng on 25th of june the day he died?
plz answer

I was there, saw his smile and waive. He was in better mood than I'd seen him in quite a while. He said a few I love you's. At the end he pumped his fist as the gate closed behind him forever
when exactly did he start losing the weight? I know he was always skinny, but this particular amount of weight loss.... when did that start? can any of the close fans tell us?

After the trial. But more and more so after he started rehearsing.
back in 2005? are u sure? but he was looking okay to me during the 30th anniversary show etc. it seemed he'd recovered since then.

but when I saw him at the O2 in March (on TV), to tell you the truth, I was aghast at his weight. the bone structure of his entire face had changed a bit. I felt real fear then.

EDIT: okay, I saw your edit. got it. agreed.
I was there, saw his smile and waive. He was in better mood than I'd seen him in quite a while. He said a few I love you's. At the end he pumped his fist as the gate closed behind him forever

thanks Cris123. this was around 1am?

I feel for ya.. hugs :(
back in 2005? are u sure? but he was looking okay to me during the 30th anniversary show etc. it seemed he'd recovered since then.

but when I saw him at the O2 in March (on TV), to tell you the truth, I was aghast at his weight. the bone structure of his entire face had changed a bit. I felt real fear then.

The 30th anniversary show in 2001??
...Also, I noticed that some fans/followers who had an access to Michael have kinda aggressive behavior sometimes. You, guys have to understand that you are not worse and not better than everybody else here who loves Michael and admires his talent. We are very equal at this point and we have to respect each other and share information. It is just happened to be that you live in LA and area and had much more chances to meet Michael than we had. I think it is very right thing to share your information here with on-line fans no matter what anybody says because we all want to know the truth about Michael’s unexpected death. Some followers who talks a lot about privacy concernment are not quite right in my point of view. I think it could be a privacy aspect involved as far as it is very personal relationships with Michael. Something more than that has to be open information now because Michael died and we want to know the details what was happening around him for last two weeks of his life.
Thank you.

I want to make some remarks regarding this particular comment. It should be noted that for those fans who have had the opportunity to meet MJ during his last days, some of them have met MJ on numerous occasions before. They tend not to share or divulge a lot of information from these meetings because:

a) other members tend not to believe them; and
b) some members are jealous of their contact and won't believe them.

In any case, they are unmercifully attacked. If these fans choose not to reveal or divulge any information on their interactions with Michael, that is their prerogative and that should be respected.

When this information first came out about what MJ had said to some of these fans, as well as their concerns about his health, they were not believed and they were severely attacked. Some fans to this day still do not believe the things that they have stated from their prospective.

I think we know enough already to question exactly what MJ's true state of health really was during his last days as well as to question whether he really initially agreed to do 50 shows. I don't think any more minuate details will make any difference now.

Lastly I would like to say that we all should be very appreciative of any information these fans choose to share, because they aren't under any obligation to do so.
I think I understand where you are coming from. You fear that if we accept the "Michael was scary skinny and stressed", then it is his fault or "more natural" that he died. No, it's not that. EVEN IF he was like this, or better put, exactly because he was like that, the doctor killed him. No one is trying to minimize his fault. It's clear that is the main reason: Michael was scary thin and he was given propofol!!! Instead of being taken to hospital and given IV nutrition and lots of rest. Propofol can kill a healthy weight person if not given at the exact dose and not properly supervised.

I agree. I don't view this as he was either neglienently left to die by an irresponsible jerk a-hole of a doctor -OR- MJ did this to himself.

I think once everything has been laid out, it will be a bit of a lot of factors.
That's a possible factor, of course...

For me, it is the logical factor.

My biggest fear is that everyone is trying to shuck this up as, Michael was losing weight rapidly and he was already dieing (some BS like that). When this is the farthest thing from the truth. Yea he was losing weight, but it wasn't cause he was sick. He was rehearsing like he** and not eating properly, anyone will lose weight at this rate.

I weigh 250 lbs (yea I'm fat) but guarantee you if I was half as active as Mike was the weight would be melting off, and everyone would be looking at me the same way.

I am saying this because, everyone seems to forget that he was rehearsing a lot and not eating properly (that's what I have heard) and he was stressed out. People deal with stress differently. Some eat and get as big as a house and some don't eat and loses a lot of weight. It's obvious to me that stress affected his appetite and he couldn't really eat like talking about.

That doesn't mean he was on his death bed.

Someone killed him Point Blank
I want to make some remarks regarding this particular comment. It should be noted that for those fans who have had the opportunity to meet MJ during his last days, some of them have met MJ on numerous occasions before. They tend not to share or divulge a lot of information from these meetings because:

a) other members tend not to believe them; and
b) some members are jealous of their contact and won't believe them.

In any case, they are unmercifully attacked. If these fans choose not to reveal or divulge any information on their interactions with Michael, that is their prerogative and that should be respected.


Being attacked on line it is NOT a very important thing to worry about at this point. If it was me I wouldn’t care about “being attacked” at all. I think they just worry about themselves much more than about Michael’s name and his legacy. It is very selfish. I cannot respect this kind of behavior, sorry. There is nothing to respect because of priority thing at this point. Michael died and it is very clear and heartbreaking. People want to know details and investigate what happened and this is a main priority. Isn’t it simple?
or they did something inadvertently that let him die and DID NOT INTERVENE.

I also want to know more about Kline. two legal goons of his were on Larry King Live the other day (with a repeat tonight) bleating about how he's innocent. yeah, okay. they wouldn't be there if he was. I want to know wtf he was doing to Michael two/three times a week.
Being attacked on line it is NOT a very important thing to worry about at this point. If it was me I wouldn’t care about “being attacked” at all. I think they just worry about themselves much more than about Michael’s name and his legacy. It is very selfish. I cannot respect this kind of behavior, sorry. There is nothing to respect because of priority thing at this point. Michael died and it is very clear and heartbreaking. People want to know details and investigate what happened and this is a main priority. Isn’t it simple?

if they truly know more than most do at this point, it's important that they take that information to the right place (IS there one?!?) than tell us. but it's important that they do take it and do something with it that helps put the right people behind bars. if that happens, I don't NEED to know every single detail of what they know.

and, in fact, if they do have incriminating evidence, the less said about it here, the better. for all concerned.

re Mike's legacy, I've a feeling things will take care of themselves if the perps are dealt with.
Being attacked on line it is NOT a very important thing to worry about at this point. If it was me I wouldn’t care about “being attacked” at all. I think they just worry about themselves much more than about Michael’s name and his legacy. It is very selfish. I cannot respect this kind of behavior, sorry. There is nothing to respect because of priority thing at this point. Michael died and it is very clear and heartbreaking. People want to know details and investigate what happened and this is a main priority. Isn’t it simple?

Yes it is that simple.

Michael is gone, and guest what none of us, none of us will ever see him again on earth.

No one has access to him now. He gone and his not coming back.

No one is giving us clear answers to why he died, Cardiac Arrest (BS).

We need the truth simple as that.

I love Michael with everything in me and I need to know what really happened to him.

I need the people who did this to be brought to justice in the here and now.

So, to say you afraid of being attacked by others is (BS). Michael was attacked his entire life. So I think we can handle a little attacking (which it is f'd up it got to be that way, but it is what it is) to get to the bottom of all this.

I tried to keep my mouth shut about all this but it's getting ridiculous now. This is about Michael and only Michael.
Also, I noticed that some fans/followers who had an access to Michael have kinda aggressive behavior sometimes. You, guys have to understand that you are not worse and not better than everybody else here who loves Michael and admires his talent. We are very equal at this point and we have to respect each other and share information. It is just happened to be that you live in LA and area and had much more chances to meet Michael than we had. I think it is very right thing to share your information here with on-line fans no matter what anybody says because we all want to know the truth about Michael’s unexpected death.

We have aggressive behavior? We don't even usually post here (I have a monumental total of 16 posts and there was a period of time I didn't post anything for 4 years before just recently) so I'm not sure how you have come to that conclusion...I don't think you know us either (I don't know you?). And also most of us do not live in Los Angeles so we didn't exactly "have much more chances" falling into our laps...we have always come from around the world out of love and in the end concern. We never said we are any better or any worse than anyone else, and I can appreciate that you want to "respect each other and share information" but no one here is ever sharing information with us...yet we're often attacked/rumoured about/labeled stalkers/our sanity questioned/our lives theorized about...but we are expected to share information and when we aren't as forthcoming as everyone would like we are accused of thinking we are better than everyone else. We just didn't care to defend ourselves to people that don't even know us (I'm talking about the core handful of about 12 following fans.)

Some followers who talks a lot about privacy concernment are not quite right in my point of view. I think it could be a privacy aspect involved as far as it is very personal relationships with Michael. Something more than that has to be open information now because Michael died and we want to know the details what was happening around him for last two weeks of his life.

Well sorry but there are some things which are better not said because if there is a trial (which I expect there will be) it's better that some things are left for lawyers/police/investigators...and not fan boards and potentially media. So until that is decided...
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I think I understand where you are coming from. You fear that if we accept the "Michael was scary skinny and stressed", then it is his fault or "more natural" that he died. No, it's not that. EVEN IF he was like this, or better put, exactly because he was like that, the doctor killed him. No one is trying to minimize his fault. It's clear that is the main reason: Michael was scary thin and he was given propofol!!! Instead of being taken to hospital and given IV nutrition and lots of rest. Propofol can kill a healthy weight person if not given at the exact dose and not properly supervised.

thanks Cris for understaning my point.
i just wanna say that according to his chef he was eating and he was aware of his problem and trying hard to do what is best for his body .even Frank said that they brought him chicken to eat and an assistant was there to make sure that Michael was eating his meals.

also, let's not accept the Propofol theory until the auotpsy results come out.

i do not want the new generation to think that MJ was an idio... u know.
if they truly know more than most do at this point, it's important that they take that information to the right place (IS there one?!?) than tell us. but it's important that they do take it and do something with it that helps put the right people behind bars. if that happens, I don't NEED to know every single detail of what they know.

and, in fact, if they do have incriminating evidence, the less said about it here, the better. for all concerned.

re Mike's legacy, I've a feeling things will take care of themselves if the perps are dealt with.

Sorry, but where is this right place? I do not think that officials are right people to share an information with.They know more than fans at this point. Only when the true information becomes more public thing we can hope that the investigation process will go to the right way. To keep some important information in secret this is the worst thing to do. Power is in people now and publicity IMHO.
thanks Cris for understaning my point.
i just wanna say that according to his chef he was eating and he was aware of his problem and trying hard to do what is best for his body .even Frank said that they brought him chicken to eat and an assistant was there to make sure that Michael was eating his meals.

The chef also stated that she noticed Michael's weight loss after she came back from being away for a month, and that she "WONDERED HAD HE BEEN EATING?" and Michael's demeanor was not as upbeat as the month before.

She is the first person to have finally acknowledged noticing a problem. Frank had only ever denied the OBVIOUS.

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So it is safe to assume that, the weight lost could be due to burning more calories than he was taken in?

He wasn't eating. He said so.
It is a control mechanism for him, always has been.
thanks Cris for understaning my point.
i just wanna say that according to his chef he was eating and he was aware of his problem and trying hard to do what is best for his body .even Frank said that they brought him chicken to eat and an assistant was there to make sure that Michael was eating his meals.

also, let's not accept the Propofol theory until the auotpsy results come out.

i do not want the new generation to think that MJ was an idio... u know.

Forget what the chef said. Everybody says what they need to to come clean.
We have aggressive behavior? We don't even usually post here (I have a monumental total of 16 posts and there was a period of time I didn't post anything for 4 years before just recently) so I'm not sure how you have come to that conclusion...I don't think you know us either (I don't know you?). And also most of us do not live in Los Angeles so we didn't exactly "have much more chances" falling into our laps...we have always come from around the world out of love and in the end concern. We never said we are any better or any worse than anyone else, and I can appreciate that you want to "respect each other and share information" but no one here is ever sharing information with us...yet we're often attacked/rumoured about/labeled stalkers/our sanity questioned/our lives theorized about...but we are expected to share information and when we aren't as forthcoming as everyone would like we are accused of thinking we are better than everyone else. We just didn't care to defend ourselves to people that don't even know us (I'm talking about the core handful of about 12 following fans.)

Well sorry but there are some things which are better not said because if there is a trial (which I expect there will be) it's better that some things are left for lawyers/police/investigators...and not fan boards and potentially media. So until that is decided...

I respect what you are saying here. And I hope this is the case. You all are talking with the authorities and telling what you know.

Yet, I still believe the followers have a lot of info and can get more. You spent a lot of time following Mike and I wish you would put some of the energy in finding the truth. Ya'll obviously have the resources.

But, whatever. You do what you do.

It pisses me off that all of you have read my thread but only a hand full has responded. Damn you claim to love Michael so much, but don't want to even try to band together to bring out the truth.

We all now that this entire investigation was rigged from the beginning.

You don't have to be a cop to investigate and find the truth out for yourself.

I have sat here patiently reading your post about how you want the truth to come out, but you know what I don't believe any of you. Your content with what is going on and what has been going on for years against Michael.

I don't want to hear that BS, what can I do. Damn it you can do a lot if you put you mind to it. You came up with ways to get closer to Mike didn't you.

Anyway, I'm just want yall to think and use your heads. I'm sick of all the lies and we are the only ones who care enough to try and put a stop to it.

Sorry if I offended anybody, but I'm trying to light a fire under some of you or at least get a response.

I love you all very much, and would never intentionally hurt any of you.
