Who are the fans who claim to see Michael

We have aggressive behavior? We don't even usually post here (I have a monumental total of 16 posts and there was a period of time I didn't post anything for 4 years before just recently) so I'm not sure how you have come to that conclusion...I don't think you know us either (I don't know you?). And also most of us do not live in Los Angeles so we didn't exactly "have much more chances" falling into our laps...we have always come from around the world out of love and in the end concern. We never said we are any better or any worse than anyone else, and I can appreciate that you want to "respect each other and share information" but no one here is ever sharing information with us...yet we're often attacked/rumoured about/labeled stalkers/our sanity questioned/our lives theorized about...but we are expected to share information and when we aren't as forthcoming as everyone would like we are accused of thinking we are better than everyone else. We just didn't care to defend ourselves to people that don't even know us (I'm talking about the core handful of about 12 following fans.)...

Sorry, but I've read you post here and it has some sort of agressive flavor.This is the way how I feel. I am very sensitive to this kinda stuff:) Maybe I am wrong. "have much more chances" is not only to be in LA ofcourse it is also to have an ability and resourses to do things like this. At this point people are not equal.

but no one here is ever sharing information with us...yet we're often attacked/rumoured about/labeled stalkers/our sanity questioned/our lives theorized about...but we are expected to share information and when we aren't as forthcoming as everyone would like we are accused of thinking we are better than everyone else. We just didn't care to defend ourselves to people that don't even know us (I'm talking about the core handful of about 12 following fans.)....

What you are saying now is extremely selfish. Don't you understand that? I feel sorry for Michael even more now. This is not kinda MJ way to look at things it is just doesn’t match him and problems he was going trough including tabloid rumors. However you do whatever you want. It is your choice to make your information public or keep it for yourself.

Well sorry but there are some things which are better not said because if there is a trial (which I expect there will be) it's better that some things are left for lawyers/police/investigators...and not fan boards and potentially media. So until that is decided...

This is wrong I think. Power is in publicity now IMHO.
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when exactly did he start losing the weight? I know he was always skinny, but this particular amount of weight loss.... when did that start? can any of the close fans tell us?

First noticed signs in October 2008...increasingly through beginning of 2009...drastically last month before his death.
He wasn't eating. He said so.
It is a control mechanism for him, always has been.

then, it is not your fault, this was out of your hands...

but lets not forget the "stay at home doctor" and the "3 times a week " doctor , the blood is on their hands. if there was a problem not his chef nor his make up artist are the ones who supposed to notice this or even solve it , it was their job and they did not do anything about it .
I respect what you are saying here. And I hope this is the case. You all are talking with the authorities and telling what you know.

Yet, I still believe the followers have a lot of info and can get more. You spent a lot of time following Mike and I wish you would put some of the energy in finding the truth. Ya'll obviously have the resources.

But, whatever. You do what you do.

It pisses me off that all of you have read my thread but only a hand full has responded. Damn you claim to love Michael so much, but don't want to even try to band together to bring out the truth.

We all now that this entire investigation was rigged from the beginning.

You don't have to be a cop to investigate and find the truth out for yourself.

I have sat here patiently reading your post about how you want the truth to come out, but you know what I don't believe any of you. Your content with what is going on and what has been going on for years against Michael.

I don't want to hear that BS, what can I do. Damn it you can do a lot if you put you mind to it. You came up with ways to get closer to Mike didn't you.

Anyway, I'm just want yall to think and use your heads. I'm sick of all the lies and we are the only ones who care enough to try and put a stop to it.

Sorry if I offended anybody, but I'm trying to light a fire under some of you or at least get a response.

I love you all very much, and would never intentionally hurt any of you.


I'm kind of confused at this post...But anyway, I think ALL the fans want to help the truth to come out. And they are doing what they can. No one is sleeping peacefully forgetting about Michael, I assure you. It's just that everything is so complicated and you have to really think it through before acting. Don't forget the grieving process. First we were broken. Slowly when we recover from the shock and pain, good judgment needs to be exercised. That's my opinion.
Oh, and also...planning in plain sight (like on this forum) is not a good idea obviously. But it's good to rally people though.
He wasn't eating. He said so.
It is a control mechanism for him, always has been.

Could you explain please?

Are you saying he was intentionally was not eating, or the stress of everything affected his appetite.

Another thing, you stated that the weight lost became more rapid towards the end. Wasn't he rehearsing more since the concert was getting closer?
I'm kind of confused of this post...But anyway, I think ALL the fans want to help the truth to come out. And they are doing what they can. No one is sleeping peacefully forgetting about Michael, I assure you. It's just that everything is so complicated and you have to really think it through before acting. Don't forget the grieving process. First we were broken. Slowly when we recover from the shock and pain, good judgment need to be exercised. That's my opinion.

Exactly what are you confused about?

Go to the thread Power is in Numbers. Maybe things will become clearer.

Yes we are still grieving, you just don't know. That's why I have to do something cause I just can't take this much more.
Sorry, but where is this right place? I do not think that officials are right people to share an information with.They know more than fans at this point. Only when the true information becomes more public thing we can hope that the investigation process will go to the right way. To keep some important information in secret this is the worst thing to do. Power is in people now and publicity IMHO.

Asedora, I just meant that this is too public. didn't we all just have a conversation about who all are reading this forum?

oh, I don't know. I'm confused. perhaps you're right. I just want the truth. I'm so tired of defeat dogging Michael's every footstep, even in his death. I guess I'm frustrated.

I'm goin to bed. night and sweet dreams to all.
Yet, I still believe the followers have a lot of info and can get more. You spent a lot of time following Mike and I wish you would put some of the energy in finding the truth. Ya'll obviously have the resources.

But, whatever. You do what you do.

It pisses me off that all of you have read my thread but only a hand full has responded. Damn you claim to love Michael so much, but don't want to even try to band together to bring out the truth.

We all now that this entire investigation was rigged from the beginning.

You don't have to be a cop to investigate and find the truth out for yourself.

I have sat here patiently reading your post about how you want the truth to come out, but you know what I don't believe any of you. Your content with what is going on and what has been going on for years against Michael.

Alright this has officially irritated me beyond belief and reminded me why I don't come here to read and post. Cris123 is my friend and we went through the end together and I thought it might be helpful to post here with her but I have had enough already.

People say the most ridiculous unthoughtful crap, and it's said as if you have authority or knowledge about the people you're talking about...which you do not.

You don't believe we want the truth to come out? We ARE putting energy into finding the truth, that is a GIVEN. Probably more energy than the collective energy of this entire board with all of its arguments, attacks, crazy conspiracy theories...we just aren't banding together with you who says such things as this. What do you have to contribute/share? What have you investigated?...perhaps you should get to work before accusing others they are not doing enough.

WE ARE CONTENT WITH WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AGAINST MICHAEL? That is a full-fledged idiotic statement that I can't even begin to address. We are the people who have been the least content and made it a priority in our lives to support Michael and literally be there for him through all these years. Your post is so OFFENSIVE I don't even know what to say. The DEVASTATION we feel from Michael's death-the absolute TRAUMA of knowing something was wrong yet fighting to make others care-the FRUSTRATION of feeling we could have made a difference if only we had a little more time-is so OVERWHELMING it's still difficult to even take myself from bed most days and carry through without crying. Some of us literally have panic attacks about the situation. And you have the audacity to call us CONTENT? Can you listen to his music? Watch his videos? I can't even hear his voice or see his image yet. THIS IS NOT CONTENTMENT.

Really, you have no idea...

It's not healthy for me to visit here, it's difficult enough dealing with losing Michael and investigating the situation, I don't have the energy or willpower to read and communicate with peope saying such things about my level of commitment to Michael.
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Alright this has officially irritated me beyond belief and reminded me why I don't come here to read and post. Cris123 is my friend and we went through the end together and I thought it might be helpful to post here with her but I have had enough already.

People say the most ridiculous unthoughtful crap, and it's said as if you have authority or knowledge about the people you're talking about...which you do not.

You don't believe we want the truth to come out? We ARE putting energy into finding the truth, that is a GIVEN. Probably more energy than the collective energy of this entire board with all of its arguments, attacks, crazy conspiracy theories...we just aren't banding together with you. What do you have to contribute/share? What have you investigated?

WE ARE CONTENT WITH WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AGAINST MICHAEL? That is a full-fledged idiotic statement that I can't even begin to address. We are the people who have been the least content and made it a priority in our lives to support Michael and literally be there for him through all these years. Your post is so OFFENSIVE I don't even know what to say. The DEVASTATION we feel from Michael's death-the absolute TRAUMA of knowing something was wrong yet fighting to make others care-the FRUSTRATION of feeling we could have made a difference if only we had a little more time-is so OVERWHELMING it's still difficult to even take myself from bed most days and carry through without crying. Some of us literally have panic attacks about the situation. And you have the audacity to call us CONTENT? Can you listen to his music? Watch his videos? I can't even hear his voice or see his image yet. THIS IS NOT CONTENTMENT.

Really, you have no idea...

It's not healthy for me to visit here, it's difficult enough dealing with losing Michael and investigating the situation, I don't have the energy or willpower to read and communicate with peope saying such things about my level of commitment to Michael.

You are taken this way to personal. I am not attacking you or anybody. I am preaching to the masses.

As I stated before, we need to come together. Everyone is so divided.

We are the only ones who care. Not the media, not the police, not AEG, or the damn doctors.

I do believe I stated that my intentions are not to offend no one.

I can't sleep at night either, I can barely eat.

They way I deal with all of this is to figure out what it is I can do to make this better.

And that's what I am trying to do. My life has been turned upside down every since his death. I can barely function on a day to day bases.

People think I'm crazy, maybe I am, but I really don't care what anyone thinks.

I can't not live on this earth if these people are not brought to justice.

I just can't do it.

So yea I want to do something, I want to do everything in my power to make sure these people are brought to justice.

Sorry if my desperate attempt offended anyone, but this is the only way I know to do anything.

I can't jump on a plan and go out and find things out on my own so I am attempting to reach out to others who can.

I apologize if I hurt you in anyway, that is not my intentions.

We are all hurting, and I am coping with his lost the only way I know.

I just want us all to have a united front.

I do love you and I am sorry if my words hurt you in anyway.
Asedora, I just meant that this is too public. didn't we all just have a conversation about who all are reading this forum?

oh, I don't know. I'm confused. perhaps you're right. I just want the truth. I'm so tired of defeat dogging Michael's every footstep, even in his death. I guess I'm frustrated.

I'm goin to bed. night and sweet dreams to all.

Poor baby:( Everything will be all right. I have some sort of feeling that God is on our side:)As more people know some true facts now as better. Michael really needs it right now. Other ways somebody will try to put as much dirt as they could on his name because he cannot fight back. Tabloids are working on it every day trying to brainwash people.
You are taken this way to personal. I am not attacking you or anybody. I am preaching to the masses.

As I stated before, we need to come together. Everyone is so divided.

We are the only ones who care. Not the media, not the police, not AEG, or the damn doctors.

I do believe I stated that my intentions are not to offend no one.

I can't sleep at night either, I can barely eat.

They way I deal with all of this is to figure out what it is I can do to make this better.

And that's what I am trying to do. My life has been turned upside down every since his death. I can barely function on a day to day bases.

People think I'm crazy, maybe I am, but I really don't care what anyone thinks.

I can't not live on this earth if these people are not brought to justice.

I just can't do it.

So yea I want to do something, I want to do everything in my power to make sure these people are brought to justice.

Sorry if my desperate attempt offended anyone, but this is the only way I know to do anything.

I can't jump on a plan and go out and find things out on my own so I am attempting to reach out to others who can.

I apologize if I hurt you in anyway, that is not my intentions.

We are all hurting, and I am coping with his lost the only way I know.

I just want us all to have a united front.

I do love you and I am sorry if my words hurt you in anyway.

We love you too. Good night:)
The main point is to keep Michael's legacy and reveal the truth. Nothing else matters.
Love each other people!
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I was going to remove my post, but I am not.

I stand by what a posted.

I am not attacking anyone personally.

I am expressing my feelings.

I am dealing with my lost the best way I know how.

When people come together and form a united front, things can change and a difference can be made. I stand by that and will not feel guilty for that belief.

So my attempts to bring Michael's fans together for a common cause. I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE FOR.

This is what I feel in my heart and I am not wrong for feeling this way.

This is how I cope, by trying to do something positive to make a really bad situation better.

Unity is always better than division.
Meena, I understand you are hurting. We all do. Nobody is divided here when it comes to loving Michael and wanting the truth.
But if people could be more careful with the language and direct statements, all the drama would be avoided and you could focus on Michael.
Please stay strong. The truth will prevail at some point.
Maybe, I should just take a step back, cause I feel like i am grasping a straws.

I'm going to bed now cause this all is making me literally sick.

I love you all so much. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you all.
It's true that we should be united but how can we be when some fans are attacking others and making hurtful statements?
Maybe they're not trying to be like that but that's what it sounds like so please, think before you post, read it and see what the tone is, everyone is hurting enough already we don't need to do this to each other as well.

Again, thank you Chris123 and Paisley777 for all your words and what you're trying to do.
This is like a family though isnt it, and within family comes conflict then resolve. Its just all part of it, and it helps people to understand each other.

Everyone knows that the 'real' ones on here arent out intentional to hurt anyone - they just put forward what they are feeling at the time.

As someone said there are the processes of grief, and usually the point comes where anger and frustration raises its head in such circumstance.
You don't believe we want the truth to come out? We ARE putting energy into finding the truth, that is a GIVEN. Probably more energy than the collective energy of this entire board with all of its arguments, attacks, crazy conspiracy theories...we just aren't banding together with you who says such things as this. What do you have to contribute/share? What have you investigated?...perhaps you should get to work before accusing others they are not doing enough.

WE ARE CONTENT WITH WHAT IS GOING ON AND WHAT HAS BEEN GOING ON FOR YEARS AGAINST MICHAEL? That is a full-fledged idiotic statement that I can't even begin to address. We are the people who have been the least content and made it a priority in our lives to support Michael and literally be there for him through all these years. Your post is so OFFENSIVE I don't even know what to say. The DEVASTATION we feel from Michael's death-the absolute TRAUMA of knowing something was wrong yet fighting to make others care-the FRUSTRATION of feeling we could have made a difference if only we had a little more time-is so OVERWHELMING it's still difficult to even take myself from bed most days and carry through without crying. Some of us literally have panic attacks about the situation. And you have the audacity to call us CONTENT? Can you listen to his music? Watch his videos? I can't even hear his voice or see his image yet. THIS IS NOT CONTENTMENT.

Really, you have no idea...

It's not healthy for me to visit here, it's difficult enough dealing with losing Michael and investigating the situation, I don't have the energy or willpower to read and communicate with peope saying such things about my level of commitment to Michael.

Thankyou for you contribution here and helping us understand more,I'm sorry you think people are attacking you, I don't think anyone is, we are all devastated at Michael's death, people just want to know the truth and don't trust the media or official sources. We are very grateful for your contribution and other fans who have contributed, but you know Michael did say on many occasions that there was a conspiracy against him so it is only right to look into what that may have been especially as even in the trial it was mentioned that there was conspiracy against him. We only want know what has happened especially as no matter whichever direction you look at it things do not add up, 2 and 2 keep making 5.
Could you explain please?

Are you saying he was intentionally was not eating, or the stress of everything affected his appetite.

He explains this on the audio tapes.

Quote:The only control over my life I had was eating...I wasn't like my brothers. People they're angry and they take it out on others. I was angry, but I took it out on myself.
I agree with you Starlight.

I wasn't and couldn't be a follower, I wish I could have, but that was not what was planned for my life.

I sometimes feel the fans that actually followed Mike, look down on the ones that didn't. Like they loved him more, which is the farthest from the truth.

But like you understand why they keep stuff to them self, cause if the jealousy.

I'm not jealous of any of you, I am very happy for you. You got to experience Mike an a way that others never did. You are blessed to have been around him.

Completely agree. I was getting the feeling that the "followers" may have thought themselves a higher level of fan than everyone else. Maybe this is the case (and if it is it shouldn't be because I know many compeltely devoted fans who just don't have the means to travel to be near MJ), but when I see how they are hounded with questions on here, I do completely understand them wanting to steer clear. I know I would in that position. Too many fans on here over-analyse every little thing. I think a message board also causes things to be open to misinturpretation becuase you can't hear how the person is saying it.

MJ boards are usually overmoderated too and so any slightly negative thing said about MJ - even if it is just speaking the truth and is warranted i.e. about his health, get's shot down because too many fans are not realistic and have rose coloured glasses on. This is why I can see how these followers keep to themselves. I get it.

at this point, knowing what I know, I'm going in the direction of an accident and then a coverup. but the fact that they were pressuring him is almost a given. poor michael. poor prince, paris and blanket. they lost their daddy for no reason other than stupid finances.

It is the sad truth I feel. Have thought all along this is nothing more than a tragic end to a man's life. An accidental overdose on drugs he should not have had access too. Drugs he may only have sought out because of immence pressure, be it from the trial, or the concerts.

I was there, saw his smile and waive. He was in better mood than I'd seen him in quite a while. He said a few I love you's. At the end he pumped his fist as the gate closed behind him forever

I don't know how you can deal with that. To have seen him just hours before he died. You have my deepest sympathy. I have had a hard enough time getting through all this and it does not help that we still don't really know what happened. We are getting all sorts of conflicting reports and frankly I am just tired of it. At this point in time, I am not sure what or who to believe but if I am gonna pick someone, it would be the reports from the "followers". The people have nothing to gain from telling these stories. We are not paying them to tell them.

After the trial. But more and more so after he started rehearsing.

I followed the trial VERY closely. I even travelled from Australia to see Michael at the courthouse. I saw him in late April 05 and I just remember I could not believe how skinny and frail he was in the flesh. So much more so than in the photos I had been looking at from home. It is completely understandable to loose weight when you are facing the possibilty of going to prison for 20 + years as a convicted child molester. No one knows how a jury will go and that stress would make anyone loose weight. Makes sense this is when it started.

Then to think about how much energy is needed to perform during rehearsals and on someone who is already very lean and not a big eater. He would have had to eat a lot just to maintain a weight and he just wouldn't have been eating anywhere near enough. It's all logical and obvious.

I think some of us need to take a break perhaps from following all this. We are all grieving and hurting. For some this may be the best place to be to help deal with it, but for others, some time out may be best. I don't know. Not really sure what to do myself. Understandably we are all desperate to find out how this all happened and in doing so, hoping to gain some much needed closure.
Who apart from Dick Gregory did he say he thought he might be being poisoned? Did he say that to fans too? Breaks my heart when I read that email and the bit where his call to Talitha dropped to talk about the letters. I am thankful they tried, I believe them too as I could never think of why a fan/fans would make that up - it wouldn't make sense to.

Yes, good point. I keep thinking about what Dick Gregory said about Michael being poisoned - this could be the reason Michael wasn't eating properly. He also employed his old chef (I think her name's 'Kai') because he was concerned about his health/nutirition and he TRUSTED her so it looks like he must have been worried about something...

Also, the letters from concerned fans - where are they now? Sounds like Michael got to see them which I'm glad about but lots of people knew about them i.e. his assistant, security etc. Where are they now? Surely they should have been found in his room? The tabloids haven't mentioned them and they sure have speculated about everything else. Are the LAPD using them in the investigation or have they mysteriously disappeared??
I'm also curious as to the date Michael supposedly signed the contract.
Again, fans feared he might have signed things immediately after being to the doctor.

Yes, I think you could be onto something there Cris - I also wanted to know the date. The contract was posted in the thread below but it has no date:


Perhaps it was blacked out for legal reasons but usually in a contract the date should be next to the signature (at least that's how it works in the UK, I don't know about the US). I also don't know whether the contract posted on the forum is real or not but if it is I am very suspicious at there being no date.
Yes, I think you could be onto something there Cris - I also wanted to know the date. The contract was posted in the thread below but it has no date:


Perhaps it was blacked out for legal reasons but usually in a contract the date should be next to the signature (at least that's how it works in the UK, I don't know about the US). I also don't know whether the contract posted on the forum is real or not but if it is I am very suspicious at there being no date.

I agree and the way its signed wasn't it 'very truly yours' not very professional and no date next to the sig... hmmm...
yeah, I found that "very truly yours" rather strange, as well. I'm not a lawyer though, so who knows. the lack of the date by the sigs is wierd as well.
You don't believe we want the truth to come out? We ARE putting energy into finding the truth, that is a GIVEN. Probably more energy than the collective energy of this entire board with all of its arguments, attacks, crazy conspiracy theories...we just aren't banding together with you who says such things as this. What do you have to contribute/share? What have you investigated?...perhaps you should get to work before accusing others they are not doing enough.

The term “crazy conspiracy theories” sounds very suspicious. You want us to think inside the box just like you do? What are you trying investigate then? If there is no conspiracy there is nothing to investigate, period. You do whatever you want share or not to share with us it is your choice. It doesn’t really matter anymore. I feel very sorry for Michael again. He was surrounded by wrong people the whole his life.
Just keep in mind. If your choice is not to share with fans you put yourself automatically on another side which is a conspiracy team cuz they LOVE to keep all his little movements in secret.. I put some effort to explain it to you that power is in PUBLICITY now but it didn’t work out. I am very sorry.
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I want to make some remarks regarding this particular comment. It should be noted that for those fans who have had the opportunity to meet MJ during his last days, some of them have met MJ on numerous occasions before. They tend not to share or divulge a lot of information from these meetings because:

a) other members tend not to believe them; and
b) some members are jealous of their contact and won't believe them.

In any case, they are unmercifully attacked. If these fans choose not to reveal or divulge any information on their interactions with Michael, that is their prerogative and that should be respected.

When this information first came out about what MJ had said to some of these fans, as well as their concerns about his health, they were not believed and they were severely attacked. Some fans to this day still do not believe the things that they have stated from their prospective.

I think we know enough already to question exactly what MJ's true state of health really was during his last days as well as to question whether he really initially agreed to do 50 shows. I don't think any more minuate details will make any difference now.

Lastly I would like to say that we all should be very appreciative of any information these fans choose to share, because they aren't under any obligation to do so.

Thanks, Mello. In terms of this board, the bottom-line is respect. I know that the "follower-fans" didn't get the respect they deserved, in general. I would not have chosen that path myself, but it was CLEAR that Michael drew a lot of positivity and support from the "followers." Michael trusted his fans the MOST, whether they were physically present, or buying tickets, or here, on a message board. Fans were the only people without an agenda, except their love for Michael, and he KNEW that.

I'd add another thing to your points "a" and "b." "C" would be, some people did not divulge due to respect for Michael's privacy. Michael DID have contact with fans, in various ways. He was open, with those he trusted.

And for the "follower fans" . . .how does the fact you saw him at one a.m. dovetail with Murray's account? (I'm just too exhausted tonight to go look up the timeline.)


None of us ever ran to the tabloids or called the papz and took $$$.
Do you even READ OUR POSTS!?!
The papz knew where Michael lived (without any fans telling them, they know where every celebrity lives in Los Angeles (there are even printed maps for tourists and tour buses that shuttle tourists around to see all the homes) it is their JOB to know this, and they simply follow him from his house to wherever he would go. They certainly didn't need any fans calling them to tell about his whereabouts. Are you kidding me!?! It was in our better interest for them NOT BE THERE so we could spend more time with Michael.

I can't believe I even bothered to just answer that...

Paisley, don't let these posts hurt you. I'm pretty sure there's a few plants or trolls all over this forum just to spy or plant false stories.

I believe you.