Who are the fans who claim to see Michael

Some fans don't wish to be in the limelight or be asked questions ...it hurts really. Some of the fans I know and myself included, know that on that weekend of father's day we were there. Now Michael was really open and happy prior to that week, excited and always greeting his fans by opening the window of his car, touching his fans hands and telling them how much he loved them. That was "before."

That particular weekend, ( Father's Day and days before he died ) he wasn't himself, he drove up, didn't stop and went straight into his home without so much as a hello, nothing. It could have been he was too tired from rehearsals...or as I was told from his guard he wasn't feeling well.

I had been there, I gave gifts and other things prior, heard his love you's and it hurts deeply to know that one day you see him happy, smiling and the next he's gone. It's still like a nightmare that won't ever end.

Isn't this Father's Day that nurse Cheryln Lee said Michael called her saying one half of his body was cold and the other hot? Where was Dr Murray? Why did Michael called the nurse and not told this to Murray who should have taken him to the hospital?

EVERYBODY freakin knows that symptoms like this and having chest pain is reason for great concerns.
Thanks, Mello. In terms of this board, the bottom-line is respect. I know that the "follower-fans" didn't get the respect they deserved, in general. I would not have chosen that path myself, but it was CLEAR that Michael drew a lot of positivity and support from the "followers." Michael trusted his fans the MOST, whether they were physically present, or buying tickets, or here, on a message board. Fans were the only people without an agenda, except their love for Michael, and he KNEW that.

I'd add another thing to your points "a" and "b." "C" would be, some people did not divulge due to respect for Michael's privacy. Michael DID have contact with fans, in various ways. He was open, with those he trusted.

And for the "follower fans" . . .how does the fact you saw him at one a.m. dovetail with Murray's account? (I'm just too exhausted tonight to go look up the timeline.)



We saw him around 1 am. We actually saw the doctor going into the house first, then Michael arrived. We all had a strange feeling about the doctor that night...If only we had known..it's haunting..
We saw him around 1 am. We actually saw the doctor going into the house first, then Michael arrived. We all had a strange feeling about the doctor that night...If only we had known..it's haunting..

WOW!!!! Crisa I am so sorry that you and others have had to witness somethings that were going to change you forever. Like this.....seeing the doc...then Michael..... My heart is with you. Hopefully justice Will be served..we have to remain patient. I KNOW it is SOOO hard but I pray it will be worth it.
We saw him around 1 am. We actually saw the doctor going into the house first, then Michael arrived. We all had a strange feeling about the doctor that night...If only we had known..it's haunting..

what kind of feeling did you guys have about the doctor Chris? what time did he show up? and was he driving his own car?
Being attacked on line it is NOT a very important thing to worry about at this point. If it was me I wouldn’t care about “being attacked” at all. I think they just worry about themselves much more than about Michael’s name and his legacy. It is very selfish. I cannot respect this kind of behavior, sorry. There is nothing to respect because of priority thing at this point. Michael died and it is very clear and heartbreaking. People want to know details and investigate what happened and this is a main priority. Isn’t it simple?

I'm sry, but I disagree. Rather strongly. You wouldn't be saying that if you were the one being attacked. In any case you have to respect other's sensitivity levels. They don't have to tell us anything. Remember that.
He literally arrived maybe 5 minutes before Michael got back from rehearsals, he was driving, yes. We heard the guards say "good evening doctor" and that's when I had a pang of concern..."is Michael feeling not well? what's happening" was my fear..another fan was very agitated and wanted us to shout at Michael to stop if he didn't...but then again, fans saw the doctor several other times, why should that night have been different? other fans lingered around the house more, feeling strange...don't know...it may be just in our minds now...but I didn't sleep well that night although Michael made me so happy that day..
Yes it is that simple.

Michael is gone, and guest what none of us, none of us will ever see him again on earth.

No one has access to him now. He gone and his not coming back.

No one is giving us clear answers to why he died, Cardiac Arrest (BS).

We need the truth simple as that.

I love Michael with everything in me and I need to know what really happened to him.

I need the people who did this to be brought to justice in the here and now.

So, to say you afraid of being attacked by others is (BS). Michael was attacked his entire life. So I think we can handle a little attacking (which it is f'd up it got to be that way, but it is what it is) to get to the bottom of all this.

I tried to keep my mouth shut about all this but it's getting ridiculous now. This is about Michael and only Michael.

If you really believe that, then it's not as important for you to know anything then. If there is information that will help resolve this matter, then fans who know something should indeed go to the proper authoriities.
We have aggressive behavior? We don't even usually post here (I have a monumental total of 16 posts and there was a period of time I didn't post anything for 4 years before just recently) so I'm not sure how you have come to that conclusion...I don't think you know us either (I don't know you?). And also most of us do not live in Los Angeles so we didn't exactly "have much more chances" falling into our laps...we have always come from around the world out of love and in the end concern. We never said we are any better or any worse than anyone else, and I can appreciate that you want to "respect each other and share information" but no one here is ever sharing information with us...yet we're often attacked/rumoured about/labeled stalkers/our sanity questioned/our lives theorized about...but we are expected to share information and when we aren't as forthcoming as everyone would like we are accused of thinking we are better than everyone else. We just didn't care to defend ourselves to people that don't even know us (I'm talking about the core handful of about 12 following fans.)

Well sorry but there are some things which are better not said because if there is a trial (which I expect there will be) it's better that some things are left for lawyers/police/investigators...and not fan boards and potentially media. So until that is decided...

I totally agree. If there is information that is important to this case, then going to the authorities is the proper course of action and not relaying that information on a fan board.
I respect what you are saying here. And I hope this is the case. You all are talking with the authorities and telling what you know.

Yet, I still believe the followers have a lot of info and can get more. You spent a lot of time following Mike and I wish you would put some of the energy in finding the truth. Ya'll obviously have the resources.

But, whatever. You do what you do.

It pisses me off that all of you have read my thread but only a hand full has responded. Damn you claim to love Michael so much, but don't want to even try to band together to bring out the truth.

We all now that this entire investigation was rigged from the beginning.

You don't have to be a cop to investigate and find the truth out for yourself.

I have sat here patiently reading your post about how you want the truth to come out, but you know what I don't believe any of you. Your content with what is going on and what has been going on for years against Michael.

I don't want to hear that BS, what can I do. Damn it you can do a lot if you put you mind to it. You came up with ways to get closer to Mike didn't you.

Anyway, I'm just want yall to think and use your heads. I'm sick of all the lies and we are the only ones who care enough to try and put a stop to it.

Sorry if I offended anybody, but I'm trying to light a fire under some of you or at least get a response.

I love you all very much, and would never intentionally hurt any of you.


The bottom line is not for you to know particularly. It is for them to take it to the proper authorities.
He literally arrived maybe 5 minutes before Michael got back from rehearsals, he was driving, yes. We heard the guards say "good evening doctor" and that's when I had a pang of concern..."is Michael feeling not well? what's happening" was my fear..another fan was very agitated and wanted us to shout at Michael to stop if he didn't...but then again, fans saw the doctor several other times, why should that night have been different? other fans lingered around the house more, feeling strange...don't know...it may be just in our minds now...but I didn't sleep well that night although Michael made me so happy that day..

I totally agree. If there is information that is important to this case, then going to the authorities is the proper course of action and not relaying that information on a fan board.

Well, Melo, i don't agree with you. And I think Victoria and others second me.
We are much more power than we think. There are moles and journalists lurking here. They know what we think and that we are not content with what media wants us to believe.
It was GREAT that insiders spoke on Karen's page. We had a chance to know truth about how Michael felt. We were fed up by stories how healthy, strong and happy he was.
Karen and insiders broke the bubble. We started asking questions, it got to Frank Dileo, who stated telling on Dr. Tohme.
People read these boards, AEG know what we think and they are not happy about it.
WE HAVE TO TALK! We are power, please don't underestimate fans.
If insiders know something and they'll go to police ( a question like that was asked actually on Karen's board and they said police have their number.)
Great do it! But letting the truth circle around fan board will not harm.

The situation with Frank Dileo is a very good example. See what awesome questions we asked, and he is scared now. We would know nothing is not Karen and insiders on her page. I personally don't take everything what Karen says seriously. What i believe are fans, if a group of fans state something which coincides with Karen's statement. Here we go we have truth, no matter how painful it is.

So talk people. If you’re not comfortable to speak here, speak on Karen’s FB or any other public group. We are all into this now. We all want justice for Michael.
Bickering and yelling and offending each other it’s not the way to achieve anything. As well as it’s not really time to be super sensitive.
How about thinking about Michael first and then about our hurt ego?
Cris123 thank you so much for posting your time with Michael - I for one believe you and am grateful to you.
Can you give the dates of when you met him at rehearsal in May and he wasn't happy? Was this at Centerstaging? I'm trying to put together a timeline of what he was doing, and am having to rely on media reports on the net, which leave a lot to be desired!!
You also mention that after Father's Day he was unhappy - was this 22nd June? And was he at Staples Center by then?

I agree he was very thin - I looked at the pics of him leaving the medical centre on 19th June in leopard print trousers, and his legs look about 6 inches diameter. These are the last public pics of him (apart from the rehearsal footage) so I have spent a long time looking at them.
It was GREAT that insiders spoke on Karen's page. We had a chance to know truth about how Michael felt. We were fed up by stories how healthy, strong and happy he was.
Karen and insiders broke the bubble. We started asking questions, it got to Frank Dileo, who stated telling on Dr. Tohme.

Yes that was Marika and I to finally start questioning Karen on her facebook. So we were talking there already...but we wanted to see what she would say first..it can be useful what people say when they don't know what you know...

WE HAVE TO TALK! We are power, please don't underestimate fans.
If insiders know something and they'll go to police ( a question like that was asked actually on Karen's board and they said police have their number.)
Great do it! But letting the truth circle around fan board will not harm.

It can harm. Please remember that sometimes it is not smart to blab everything at once in open forums because you need to preserve relationships with people-even if they are the enemy, so that you don't destroy a link which is giving you access to information to help build your case...against them.

We ARE trying everything we can, please don't be frustrated with anyone or think that someone would withold any information that could help in any way. We love Michael so much more than is possible to even say and are really trying to do what we think is best approach.

Was this at Centerstaging? I'm trying to put together a timeline of what he was doing, and am having to rely on media reports on the net, which leave a lot to be desired!!

No it was at the Forum by then...
Don't worry...we know what Michael was doing almost every single day of his life since, well, always...but most importantly since September last year until the night he died :(
Where he went, at what time, who visited his homes and hotels, each time he went shopping, each time he went to doctors office, every rehearsal, his demeanor, how he was feeling if he said...the doctors involved even since many years ago...
I suppose our "stalking" will be useful to everyone afterall......
I actually think the fans could build a much better, much more comprehensive case against everyone that should be charged, than the police could ever really hope to do starting now at scratch, not knowing any of the players, history, details/nuances that are so intricately interweaved since many years ago...I'm sure they won't delve into it as much as it should be...and even if they attempted, they have been too far removed for too long that they would never uncover the whole extent of what fans already know who have been there all these years along the way.

But we are only fans..."fan" is a word that has an intrinsic notion attached to it that is almost impossible to shed - that one must be blinded by devotion, couldn't possibly know what really goes on behind the scenes, loves and adores without seeing reality in situations....unfortunately this is the misconception of our fandom that kept us from getting to Michael before it was really too late, and which will probably continue to haunt us in really making an impact after his death.


Feeling defeated in this moment.
So negative.
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I just would like to thank al these followers for sharing their information/experience/stories
I trust you guys and do not understand negative comments about you, criticising your lifestyle etc. is not acceptable
whatever you share I very much appreciate and I know many people also do
Many many hugs
I can only imagine how frustrating it is to you Paisley. :( Sending you hugs.

same here. Paisley and everyone who was there for Mike when he needed us most. thank you thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart!

please don't despair.. justice will be done. and please don't feel you have to post certain specific things on this forum if you feel it jeopardizes anything. the most important thing is that a case is built. I am hoping that the right people are watching and listening to what you are saying.

hugs xx
Well, Melo, i don't agree with you. And I think Victoria and others second me.
We are much more power than we think. There are moles and journalists lurking here. They know what we think and that we are not content with what media wants us to believe.
It was GREAT that insiders spoke on Karen's page. We had a chance to know truth about how Michael felt. We were fed up by stories how healthy, strong and happy he was.
Karen and insiders broke the bubble. We started asking questions, it got to Frank Dileo, who stated telling on Dr. Tohme.
People read these boards, AEG know what we think and they are not happy about it.
WE HAVE TO TALK! We are power, please don't underestimate fans.
If insiders know something and they'll go to police ( a question like that was asked actually on Karen's board and they said police have their number.)
Great do it! But letting the truth circle around fan board will not harm.

The situation with Frank Dileo is a very good example. See what awesome questions we asked, and he is scared now. We would know nothing is not Karen and insiders on her page. I personally don't take everything what Karen says seriously. What i believe are fans, if a group of fans state something which coincides with Karen's statement. Here we go we have truth, no matter how painful it is.

So talk people. If you’re not comfortable to speak here, speak on Karen’s FB or any other public group. We are all into this now. We all want justice for Michael.
Bickering and yelling and offending each other it’s not the way to achieve anything. As well as it’s not really time to be super sensitive.
How about thinking about Michael first and then about our hurt ego?

very good post

thank you followers for spreading the truth
He said in the tape of the phone call with Glenda that his eating was the only thing he felt he truely could have control over in his life..

Could you explain please?

Are you saying he was intentionally was not eating, or the stress of everything affected his appetite.

Another thing, you stated that the weight lost became more rapid towards the end. Wasn't he rehearsing more since the concert was getting closer?
Well, Melo, i don't agree with you. And I think Victoria and others second me.
We are much more power than we think. There are moles and journalists lurking here. They know what we think and that we are not content with what media wants us to believe.
It was GREAT that insiders spoke on Karen's page. We had a chance to know truth about how Michael felt. We were fed up by stories how healthy, strong and happy he was.
Karen and insiders broke the bubble. We started asking questions, it got to Frank Dileo, who stated telling on Dr. Tohme.
People read these boards, AEG know what we think and they are not happy about it.
WE HAVE TO TALK! We are power, please don't underestimate fans.
If insiders know something and they'll go to police ( a question like that was asked actually on Karen's board and they said police have their number.)
Great do it! But letting the truth circle around fan board will not harm.

The situation with Frank Dileo is a very good example. See what awesome questions we asked, and he is scared now. We would know nothing is not Karen and insiders on her page. I personally don't take everything what Karen says seriously. What i believe are fans, if a group of fans state something which coincides with Karen's statement. Here we go we have truth, no matter how painful it is.

So talk people. If you’re not comfortable to speak here, speak on Karen’s FB or any other public group. We are all into this now. We all want justice for Michael.
Bickering and yelling and offending each other it’s not the way to achieve anything. As well as it’s not really time to be super sensitive.
How about thinking about Michael first and then about our hurt ego?
No. You want others who may know something to share that information with you. That is different and I'm a big enough person to hold my opinion regardless of whether others agree with it or not.

Of course outsiders know how the fan community feels. But us merely discussing it has and will never make a difference to THEM. Furthermore, I'm not all that concerned over what outsiders think. All I want is for the person responsible for MJ's death to go to jail and stay there forever.

All of the other hangers on, enablers and opportunists? They can go to hell. They mean nothing to me.

As I said before, I don't particularly need to know the minute details that these fans may offer. If they choose to share what they know, fine. If they don't, that's fine too. That is up to them.
if anyone CANNOT see that holding back certain information is NECESSARY then i don't know what more they can tell u. there's a reason they ddi what they did. they tried their damndest and if his own staff didn't help, what the hell were they to do?

i'll go out on a limb, only cuz i spoke to others, that they did speakw/ police and told them all they know. that's info for the POLICE not for fans to transmit back and forth on a messageboard where it can get intercepted by media or trolls.
thankyou to all who have shared their stories :)

I was attacked on several other threads. It breaks my heart, as I really thought fans should know the truth as we the followers saw it. We are sick with all that is going on right now on TV, all the lies. I thought the fans wanted to know. But I was attacked. Inevitably people want to believe a rosy picture. I don't want to break dreams. I don't want to hurt myself further by having people attacking my integrity. I hope you understand. Maybe eventually the truth will come out for the public. I don't know what to say anymore...I'm just too upset right now. If you feel that you are hurting, try to put yourself in my shoes. I held his hand a few hours before he died. He read my letter of love and concern a few hours before. I was there when he was going to the hospital. I thought I was going crazy or die of broken heart in front of the hospital....

holy shit, this is heartbreaking to read I am so sorry for you Cris :huggy: I can imagine how terrible you are feeling :weeping:

HI! This is a mail from a "Follower", postet in another Forum, hope it is ok that I take it to you here:

To those of you that wonder why this was kept private, read through this thread again and see the disgusting judgemental name-calling going on here. This is the usual treament that the boards give to "follower fans"...and you wonder why we keep to ourselves, because you're just making accusations against us for lying, seeking-attention, being too involved in his personal life...we can never do right by any of you, so we don't bother to try to please or include you in the conversation. But now that someone has gotten this email via 3rd party (wonder if all the subsequent ones will follow shortly) exactly what we suspect would happen if it was posted on boards has now happened (hence the first line asking it not to be posted on the boards.)

The email is genuine and Xxxxxx is a genuine sweet caring fan that Michael was happy to have around for many years. So anyone thinking and saying differently here is plain wrong. And many have been far too mean without even knowing what on earth they are talking about.

I want to defend Xxxxxx, as a friend, as I would want someone to do for me, and also as a fan that wants to say the truth.

THE FACT IS THAT MICHAEL WAS TOO SKINNY IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS OF HIS LIFE, especially in the last few weeks. IT IS A FACT. ACCEPT IT OR NOT. I first noticed in October when I spent A LOT OF TIME with Michael, and I mentioned it to him. But I also knew he was beginning to prepare the tour even back then so I expected him to be very conscious of his weight and was not overly worried, although concerned.

I am the girl in the picture with Michael that you all went crazy over with his curls back taken at the end of May. LET ME SAY THE TRUTH, you can not see very well just how truly skinny he is in that picture (taken just little more than 3 weeks before he died) because he is covered, but when I met Michael in the dance studio earlier in the day I was sad and scared for how skinny he was. He was wearing a different top and we hugged twice and I felt there was NOTHING to him. I felt how tiny his waist was, I felt his ribs against me, his shoulder bones poking through his top, I honestly was really taken aback at how skinny he was from even the last time I saw him and was worried I have seen Michael a lot in my life and I know what is acceptable. I do not like to say it, it is sad, but it is the truth that he was scary skinny. I had a difficult time looking at him standing there, knowing in my gut that something was desperately wrong.

It is also true (despite Randy Phillips/AEG denying it the next day) that Michael spoke to us inside the dance studio about what was going on...he was very candid with what he said but also very down and sad, he was feeling the pressure, literally said he was not eating, had gone to sleep at night knowing it was 10 shows, and woke up to 50 shows, said there were not long enough breaks scheduled between shows...he said many things but it is not necessary to repeat everything...the point is we walked out of that dance studio feeling a sense of despair for him. Never in all the 12+ years of "following" Michael have I witnessed him in such a state. Everyone in the media who has been saying Michael was fine, in great shape and great spirits is not telling the ENTIRE truth. Yes, sometimes he was in a good mood, perhaps someone saw him eat something, yes he was dancing, he was rehearsing a lot...but I do not believe for one minute that Michael was completely alright because I saw with my own eyes and heard from his own mouth that he was NOT completely alright.

For all of you refering to the rehearsal pictures and saying he looks fine, I'm sorry but you are just blind or sorely mistaken. He IS skinny in the rehearsal pictures - you can not tell as much as in person admittedly, and the clothes he wears masks it well. But you can STILL PLAINLY SEE he is too skinny. You will also probably say he looks fine in the pictures of him visiting the doctors office...but again the jackets he wore masked it well.
He really was incredibly skinny, and I am not one to dramatize such a thing. I know he has always been thin and his weight fluctuates but in the last weeks of his life he was not a normal/healthy weight. When you add the idea that he was taking any kind of drugs whether for pain or to help him sleep it was a lethal combination I am convinced. No one will ever convince me that his weight did not play a role in his passing. He was not eating (enough), rehearsing many many hours a day, and coupled with taking drugs, I can not be too surprised he has left us...when you are very thin and under-nourished your body can not handle the stress, the pressure, the drugs (as much as it might if were a healthier weight.)

Xxxxxx met him again in the studio two weeks later and his weight had fallen even more...this is what triggered her email to us and we finally decided we needed to speak up. For all of those saying why didn't we do anything about it then, WE DID TRY. WE TRIED. God we tried...but it was too little too late. You can not imagine OUR PAIN that we discussed with each other just THE WEEK before his death how to reach him, what to do, how to say it so we don't hurt him, we AGONIZED over what to do. In the last two weeks before he died he was kept from us more than usual by his security, things became very strange in ways that are too much to go into here, but we felt something was wrong. And we were so so so so sadly right. I never wanted to be more wrong in all my life.

We wrote letters to Michael frankly expressing our concerns, blunt but cloaked in love, and they were given to him on arriving to what would be his last rehearsal by Talitha - a fan that Michael loved very much and who spent a lot of time with him over the past decade, and especially the past two years (but many of you have slagged off on the boards without even knowing her.) Michael tried to phone her from the Staples center to talk about the letters, but the call dropped and conversation was never had. Michael's security said they would try again the next morning.

I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important than any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. The only comfort I take is from knowing he read our letters showering him with love just before he passed. It wasn't meant to be a goodbye, but essentially became our goodbye to him. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating. I do have to say in Karen's defense that she did try to help. I don't want to say more for sake of her own privacy, but it's too harsh what some of you are saying here.

So if you could have a little COMPASSION and stop being so hard-hearted about the email and towards Xxxxxx it would be appreciated I am sure!
Btw, some of you are misinterpretting the bit where she said she doesnt care if he never eats again...French is her first language, and was lacking some punctuation; she only meant that she doesnt care if people are upset with her for the email because if he never eats again that is all that matters!

I'm sure there will be plenty of people that will now read this and begin to slag me off as well, but I don't care anymore because I just want to say the truth, defend my friend, have a clear conscience, and say what I think Michael would want said anyways.

thanks for posting this :hug:
No. You want others who may know something to share that information with you. That is different and I'm a big enough person to hold my opinion regardless of whether others agree with it or not.

Well, no one asks you to agree with me. People have different opinions, deal with it. There's no reason to tell other what they want or mean. I think you are very little actually. You defend yourself as if you're just a teen at school.

On thing i know it's great Karen and Marika spoke as they didn't we probably would've believe that Michael wanted 50 shows, had the body of an astronaut and dreamed about another 50 shows.

if anyone CANNOT see that holding back certain information is NECESSARY then i don't know what more they can tell u. there's a reason they ddi what they did. they tried their damndest and if his own staff didn't help, what the hell were they to do?
Soso, you're admin, can you ease down on cursing and comb your language? If admin speaks like that what expect from members?

What's with negativity and hatred towards everyone?
When do you all will get that WE ALL LOVE MICHAEL and we ALL WANT TRUTH TO BE TOLD.
Well, no one asks you to agree with me. People have different opinions, deal with it. There's no reason to tell other what they want or mean. I think you are very little actually. You defend yourself as if you're just a teen at school.

On thing i know it's great Karen and Marika spoke as they didn't we probably would've believe that Michael wanted 50 shows, had the body of an astronaut and dreamed about another 50 shows.


What's with negativity and hatred towards everyone?
When do you all will get that WE ALL LOVE MICHAEL and we ALL WANT TRUTH TO BE TOLD.

Okay, first of all, we are getting a bit beyond the topic at hand, so this will be all I have to say to you about this.

We will agree to disagree.

This is not about high school antics. This is about what you are trying to do and personally, I don't think it's defensible in my opinion. It's one thing for people to ask fans who have had interactions with MJ questions about certain aspects of their relationship. Of course it does help all MJ fans in understanding MJ better.

It's quite another thing entirely to demand that they share this information or try to pressure them into telling you what they know. I feel that it's wrong and inappropriate, not to mention rude and disrespectful of their rights and feelings. And yes, I do question the underlining motivations of those few individuals who would do such a thing.

This whole sense of 'entitlement' when it comes to Michael Jackson has always been an annoying and disturbing aspect of fandom. We as fans are not entitled to anything. I don't care how much MJ said this or that in the past. He was a human being and a person of this Earth who deserved the simple decency of his space and time. Those fans who followed him everywhere seemed to understand their boundaries and that is why MJ allowed them to get close to him. Plus, they didn't blab every detail of his business about because I suspected that they did respect his boundaries.

Now that he is gone, perhaps they would be willing to share more about their time with him, but I also have to respect their space as human beings and allow them the time and space to determine what they choose to share with the greater community.

I can tell you this: if you keep badgering them to tell you stuff Starlight, they will do the exact opposite. They will tell you nothing.

Lastly, the only real truth that we all are entitled to at this point is to know how he died and whether this doctor is responsible for it. Hopefully the authorities will get at those answers and bring all parties to justice.
Well, no one asks you to agree with me. People have different opinions, deal with it. There's no reason to tell other what they want or mean. I think you are very little actually. You defend yourself as if you're just a teen at school.

On thing i know it's great Karen and Marika spoke as they didn't we probably would've believe that Michael wanted 50 shows, had the body of an astronaut and dreamed about another 50 shows.

Soso, you're admin, can you ease down on cursing and comb your language? If admin speaks like that what expect from members?

What's with negativity and hatred towards everyone?
When do you all will get that WE ALL LOVE MICHAEL and we ALL WANT TRUTH TO BE TOLD.
if that's foul then please don't read my other posts...:no: i tend to get a bit riled up. ask mello....

and u want to the truthto be told to whom? u, the fans, or the authorities? notice how they'rekeeping the tox close to the vest. not releasing much. there's a reason. the timeline is vague but enough so that people can get the gist of things.

u don't ever show ur full hand.

im w/ mello in this. they toldus more than enough.more than we could ever hope to hear and know. they didn't have to do that. heck(for u!), the way they were treated, by the fans as well as myself, i would've even come b ack here after that.

but they did. so take the few crumbs b/cthe cake has to stay intact.
nobody likes to be criticized, as the friend of this letter writer vehemently states. nobody believes they are ever critical. everybody believes they are the victims of mass criticism, from parents, loved ones and ones who hate them. and physical appearance is in the eye of the beholder. multiply that for MJ. ten zillion criticisms a day from both haters and fans, for more than twenty years, aimed at MJ. do you think there would be a time, when it's impossible to tell what the content of those criticisms would be? would it matter, by then? at some point, it must all sound like a LOUD, VERY VERY PAINFUL blur.(and this, despite the rumours of MJ being surrounded by 'yes' people).

and what is the RIGHT way to tell anybody anything? one man's or woman's anorexia is another man's or woman's perfect picture of health. and what do you really think is going on in the mind of someone you feel you are talking to, 'out of love'? and, what is going on in YOUR mind, when someone else feels they are talking to YOU, 'out of love'? how much do you know someone else? how much does someone else know YOU? how much do you know about yourself?

that is why this vicious cycle will never be resolved, in this world.
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Can anyone tell me where the interview thread with Frank Dileo went? I can't seem to log in under that thread anymore.
Paisley do you know who is the fan who made the phone call to Frank at Thursday the 25th morning , to tell him about the ambulance?

I just want to know if it is true that a fan told him this or there was someone else?
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I saw him at at the press conference at the O2 i was 2nd row so i was less than 10ft away from him, from what i saw he was very skinny Michael has always been skinny but theirs Skinny then theirs MJ Skinny he wasnt looking skeletal or anything he just looked like he hadn't eaten for awhile