Who are the fans who claim to see Michael

reading this is devastating

but atleast its the truth

i dont care what people say about Karen.. atleast she is acknowledging the truth - that there was something seriously wrong. Maybe she didnt do enough... but shes a darn site better than Dielo, Randy, Ortega.. who are all lying through their teeth in the hope we'll go see the movie
I can tell you this: if you keep badgering them to tell you stuff Starlight, they will do the exact opposite. They will tell you nothing.

no one is badgering them. Why you jumped to a conclusion like that?
If they want to speak they speak, if not, not. No one asked Karen or them to speak. They did by themselves.
I said my opinion. As i understand here's a discussion board. If people don't say what they think and don't post the forum will die, isn't?
if that's foul then please don't read my other posts...:no: i tend to get a bit riled up. ask mello....

and u want to the truthto be told to whom? u, the fans, or the authorities? notice how they'rekeeping the tox close to the vest. not releasing much. there's a reason. the timeline is vague but enough so that people can get the gist of things.

u don't ever show ur full hand.

im w/ mello in this. they toldus more than enough.more than we could ever hope to hear and know. they didn't have to do that. heck(for u!), the way they were treated, by the fans as well as myself, i would've even come b ack here after that.

but they did. so take the few crumbs b/cthe cake has to stay intact.

it's not about not reading your posts SOSO, as a moderator you have to watch what you say. Your education should be enough to construct a fairly decent sentence without a bag of stinking bombs.

Insiders doesn't know everything, they weren't in the room that night .... They know where Michael was and where he went for a fairy long period of time. It might be of help later when the trial begins. I hope they'll share it with police or other authorities. I as i learned fromt their posts it's not easy for them to speak with police. They practically have to beg to give them information. (as long as i remember it wasn't posted her on mjjc) No one is eager to speak with fans.

I said that IT WAS GOOD they spoke. If they have something else and don't want to share with this board, it's their desicion.
People are vicious here, blaming and yelling at everyone. It takes a big courage to speak out the truth. I respect them for that.
a moderator has nothing to do w/ education. i got feelings just like u guys, the tag doesn't mean im a robot that can just read and not post or read and write something objective