Who are the fans who claim to see Michael

HI! This is a mail from a "Follower", postet in another Forum, hope it is ok that I take it to you here:

To those of you that wonder why this was kept private, read through this thread again and see the disgusting judgemental name-calling going on here. This is the usual treament that the boards give to "follower fans"...and you wonder why we keep to ourselves, because you're just making accusations against us for lying, seeking-attention, being too involved in his personal life...we can never do right by any of you, so we don't bother to try to please or include you in the conversation. But now that someone has gotten this email via 3rd party (wonder if all the subsequent ones will follow shortly) exactly what we suspect would happen if it was posted on boards has now happened (hence the first line asking it not to be posted on the boards.)

The email is genuine and Xxxxxx is a genuine sweet caring fan that Michael was happy to have around for many years. So anyone thinking and saying differently here is plain wrong. And many have been far too mean without even knowing what on earth they are talking about.

I want to defend Xxxxxx, as a friend, as I would want someone to do for me, and also as a fan that wants to say the truth.

THE FACT IS THAT MICHAEL WAS TOO SKINNY IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS OF HIS LIFE, especially in the last few weeks. IT IS A FACT. ACCEPT IT OR NOT. I first noticed in October when I spent A LOT OF TIME with Michael, and I mentioned it to him. But I also knew he was beginning to prepare the tour even back then so I expected him to be very conscious of his weight and was not overly worried, although concerned.

I am the girl in the picture with Michael that you all went crazy over with his curls back taken at the end of May. LET ME SAY THE TRUTH, you can not see very well just how truly skinny he is in that picture (taken just little more than 3 weeks before he died) because he is covered, but when I met Michael in the dance studio earlier in the day I was sad and scared for how skinny he was. He was wearing a different top and we hugged twice and I felt there was NOTHING to him. I felt how tiny his waist was, I felt his ribs against me, his shoulder bones poking through his top, I honestly was really taken aback at how skinny he was from even the last time I saw him and was worried I have seen Michael a lot in my life and I know what is acceptable. I do not like to say it, it is sad, but it is the truth that he was scary skinny. I had a difficult time looking at him standing there, knowing in my gut that something was desperately wrong.

It is also true (despite Randy Phillips/AEG denying it the next day) that Michael spoke to us inside the dance studio about what was going on...he was very candid with what he said but also very down and sad, he was feeling the pressure, literally said he was not eating, had gone to sleep at night knowing it was 10 shows, and woke up to 50 shows, said there were not long enough breaks scheduled between shows...he said many things but it is not necessary to repeat everything...the point is we walked out of that dance studio feeling a sense of despair for him. Never in all the 12+ years of "following" Michael have I witnessed him in such a state. Everyone in the media who has been saying Michael was fine, in great shape and great spirits is not telling the ENTIRE truth. Yes, sometimes he was in a good mood, perhaps someone saw him eat something, yes he was dancing, he was rehearsing a lot...but I do not believe for one minute that Michael was completely alright because I saw with my own eyes and heard from his own mouth that he was NOT completely alright.

For all of you refering to the rehearsal pictures and saying he looks fine, I'm sorry but you are just blind or sorely mistaken. He IS skinny in the rehearsal pictures - you can not tell as much as in person admittedly, and the clothes he wears masks it well. But you can STILL PLAINLY SEE he is too skinny. You will also probably say he looks fine in the pictures of him visiting the doctors office...but again the jackets he wore masked it well.
He really was incredibly skinny, and I am not one to dramatize such a thing. I know he has always been thin and his weight fluctuates but in the last weeks of his life he was not a normal/healthy weight. When you add the idea that he was taking any kind of drugs whether for pain or to help him sleep it was a lethal combination I am convinced. No one will ever convince me that his weight did not play a role in his passing. He was not eating (enough), rehearsing many many hours a day, and coupled with taking drugs, I can not be too surprised he has left us...when you are very thin and under-nourished your body can not handle the stress, the pressure, the drugs (as much as it might if were a healthier weight.)

Xxxxxx met him again in the studio two weeks later and his weight had fallen even more...this is what triggered her email to us and we finally decided we needed to speak up. For all of those saying why didn't we do anything about it then, WE DID TRY. WE TRIED. God we tried...but it was too little too late. You can not imagine OUR PAIN that we discussed with each other just THE WEEK before his death how to reach him, what to do, how to say it so we don't hurt him, we AGONIZED over what to do. In the last two weeks before he died he was kept from us more than usual by his security, things became very strange in ways that are too much to go into here, but we felt something was wrong. And we were so so so so sadly right. I never wanted to be more wrong in all my life.

We wrote letters to Michael frankly expressing our concerns, blunt but cloaked in love, and they were given to him on arriving to what would be his last rehearsal by Talitha - a fan that Michael loved very much and who spent a lot of time with him over the past decade, and especially the past two years (but many of you have slagged off on the boards without even knowing her.) Michael tried to phone her from the Staples center to talk about the letters, but the call dropped and conversation was never had. Michael's security said they would try again the next morning.

I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important than any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. The only comfort I take is from knowing he read our letters showering him with love just before he passed. It wasn't meant to be a goodbye, but essentially became our goodbye to him. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating. I do have to say in Karen's defense that she did try to help. I don't want to say more for sake of her own privacy, but it's too harsh what some of you are saying here.

So if you could have a little COMPASSION and stop being so hard-hearted about the email and towards Xxxxxx it would be appreciated I am sure!
Btw, some of you are misinterpretting the bit where she said she doesnt care if he never eats again...French is her first language, and was lacking some punctuation; she only meant that she doesnt care if people are upset with her for the email because if he never eats again that is all that matters!

I'm sure there will be plenty of people that will now read this and begin to slag me off as well, but I don't care anymore because I just want to say the truth, defend my friend, have a clear conscience, and say what I think Michael would want said anyways.

Thank you ... it's heart-breaking.
You see when fans talk and try to help no one takes it seriously even other fans ... It takes a more "serious" person or two to break knews like that.
HI! This is a mail from a "Follower", postet in another Forum, hope it is ok that I take it to you here:

To those of you that wonder why this was kept private, read through this thread again and see the disgusting judgemental name-calling going on here. This is the usual treament that the boards give to "follower fans"...and you wonder why we keep to ourselves, because you're just making accusations against us for lying, seeking-attention, being too involved in his personal life...we can never do right by any of you, so we don't bother to try to please or include you in the conversation. But now that someone has gotten this email via 3rd party (wonder if all the subsequent ones will follow shortly) exactly what we suspect would happen if it was posted on boards has now happened (hence the first line asking it not to be posted on the boards.)

The email is genuine and Xxxxxx is a genuine sweet caring fan that Michael was happy to have around for many years. So anyone thinking and saying differently here is plain wrong. And many have been far too mean without even knowing what on earth they are talking about.

I want to defend Xxxxxx, as a friend, as I would want someone to do for me, and also as a fan that wants to say the truth.

THE FACT IS THAT MICHAEL WAS TOO SKINNY IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS OF HIS LIFE, especially in the last few weeks. IT IS A FACT. ACCEPT IT OR NOT. I first noticed in October when I spent A LOT OF TIME with Michael, and I mentioned it to him. But I also knew he was beginning to prepare the tour even back then so I expected him to be very conscious of his weight and was not overly worried, although concerned.

I am the girl in the picture with Michael that you all went crazy over with his curls back taken at the end of May. LET ME SAY THE TRUTH, you can not see very well just how truly skinny he is in that picture (taken just little more than 3 weeks before he died) because he is covered, but when I met Michael in the dance studio earlier in the day I was sad and scared for how skinny he was. He was wearing a different top and we hugged twice and I felt there was NOTHING to him. I felt how tiny his waist was, I felt his ribs against me, his shoulder bones poking through his top, I honestly was really taken aback at how skinny he was from even the last time I saw him and was worried I have seen Michael a lot in my life and I know what is acceptable. I do not like to say it, it is sad, but it is the truth that he was scary skinny. I had a difficult time looking at him standing there, knowing in my gut that something was desperately wrong.

It is also true (despite Randy Phillips/AEG denying it the next day) that Michael spoke to us inside the dance studio about what was going on...he was very candid with what he said but also very down and sad, he was feeling the pressure, literally said he was not eating, had gone to sleep at night knowing it was 10 shows, and woke up to 50 shows, said there were not long enough breaks scheduled between shows...he said many things but it is not necessary to repeat everything...the point is we walked out of that dance studio feeling a sense of despair for him. Never in all the 12+ years of "following" Michael have I witnessed him in such a state. Everyone in the media who has been saying Michael was fine, in great shape and great spirits is not telling the ENTIRE truth. Yes, sometimes he was in a good mood, perhaps someone saw him eat something, yes he was dancing, he was rehearsing a lot...but I do not believe for one minute that Michael was completely alright because I saw with my own eyes and heard from his own mouth that he was NOT completely alright.

For all of you refering to the rehearsal pictures and saying he looks fine, I'm sorry but you are just blind or sorely mistaken. He IS skinny in the rehearsal pictures - you can not tell as much as in person admittedly, and the clothes he wears masks it well. But you can STILL PLAINLY SEE he is too skinny. You will also probably say he looks fine in the pictures of him visiting the doctors office...but again the jackets he wore masked it well.
He really was incredibly skinny, and I am not one to dramatize such a thing. I know he has always been thin and his weight fluctuates but in the last weeks of his life he was not a normal/healthy weight. When you add the idea that he was taking any kind of drugs whether for pain or to help him sleep it was a lethal combination I am convinced. No one will ever convince me that his weight did not play a role in his passing. He was not eating (enough), rehearsing many many hours a day, and coupled with taking drugs, I can not be too surprised he has left us...when you are very thin and under-nourished your body can not handle the stress, the pressure, the drugs (as much as it might if were a healthier weight.)

Xxxxxx met him again in the studio two weeks later and his weight had fallen even more...this is what triggered her email to us and we finally decided we needed to speak up. For all of those saying why didn't we do anything about it then, WE DID TRY. WE TRIED. God we tried...but it was too little too late. You can not imagine OUR PAIN that we discussed with each other just THE WEEK before his death how to reach him, what to do, how to say it so we don't hurt him, we AGONIZED over what to do. In the last two weeks before he died he was kept from us more than usual by his security, things became very strange in ways that are too much to go into here, but we felt something was wrong. And we were so so so so sadly right. I never wanted to be more wrong in all my life.

We wrote letters to Michael frankly expressing our concerns, blunt but cloaked in love, and they were given to him on arriving to what would be his last rehearsal by Talitha - a fan that Michael loved very much and who spent a lot of time with him over the past decade, and especially the past two years (but many of you have slagged off on the boards without even knowing her.) Michael tried to phone her from the Staples center to talk about the letters, but the call dropped and conversation was never had. Michael's security said they would try again the next morning.

I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important than any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. The only comfort I take is from knowing he read our letters showering him with love just before he passed. It wasn't meant to be a goodbye, but essentially became our goodbye to him. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating. I do have to say in Karen's defense that she did try to help. I don't want to say more for sake of her own privacy, but it's too harsh what some of you are saying here.

So if you could have a little COMPASSION and stop being so hard-hearted about the email and towards Xxxxxx it would be appreciated I am sure!
Btw, some of you are misinterpretting the bit where she said she doesnt care if he never eats again...French is her first language, and was lacking some punctuation; she only meant that she doesnt care if people are upset with her for the email because if he never eats again that is all that matters!

I'm sure there will be plenty of people that will now read this and begin to slag me off as well, but I don't care anymore because I just want to say the truth, defend my friend, have a clear conscience, and say what I think Michael would want said anyways.

Wow, this just depressed me more than I was.

Why was he losing all this weight? Was it due to the stress of the concert?
Wow , that post is heartbreaking indeed..... I almost don't want to believe it but I feel it's true... I have noticed his thin body but like the poster says, you can't really tell from pictures plus sometimes the eye sees but doesn't want to believe.....
I just.... can't believe it still....... Poor Mike.... I wish more ppl had knows earlier, maybe there was something we could have done....
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I don't understand any of this.

Why wasn't he not eating.

So this started back in October of 2008.

Was this concert causing him this much stress?
god this is so sad........................i did think he looked so much thinner than the press conference by the time of the rehersal pics
With this all said, all it does is prove Murray negligence even more. When you administer anesthetics you must consider the person weight and height. And if Michael was losing weight like this he should have been checking his weight constantly. he probably was given him the same amount every time not even checking the weight to height ratio.

Fuck did this Man do anything right.
Him taking that sedative and at dangerous times did in fact kill him, it was just combined with weight issues least that's assuming that the "leaked autopsy" was correct that he only had Xanax and Propofol in his system.
Unfortunately our fan community is known to attack one another and when we don't attack, we censor.

Our Michael's death seems to have changed that.

I believed these fans the moment I first read their accounts.

As for MJ's weight being down. He had already begun telling a limited few. He feared he was being poisoned.
HI! This is a mail from a "Follower", postet in another Forum, hope it is ok that I take it to you here:

To those of you that wonder why this was kept private, read through this thread again and see the disgusting judgemental name-calling going on here. This is the usual treament that the boards give to "follower fans"...and you wonder why we keep to ourselves, because you're just making accusations against us for lying, seeking-attention, being too involved in his personal life...we can never do right by any of you, so we don't bother to try to please or include you in the conversation. But now that someone has gotten this email via 3rd party (wonder if all the subsequent ones will follow shortly) exactly what we suspect would happen if it was posted on boards has now happened (hence the first line asking it not to be posted on the boards.)

The email is genuine and Xxxxxx is a genuine sweet caring fan that Michael was happy to have around for many years. So anyone thinking and saying differently here is plain wrong. And many have been far too mean without even knowing what on earth they are talking about.

I want to defend Xxxxxx, as a friend, as I would want someone to do for me, and also as a fan that wants to say the truth.

THE FACT IS THAT MICHAEL WAS TOO SKINNY IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS OF HIS LIFE, especially in the last few weeks. IT IS A FACT. ACCEPT IT OR NOT. I first noticed in October when I spent A LOT OF TIME with Michael, and I mentioned it to him. But I also knew he was beginning to prepare the tour even back then so I expected him to be very conscious of his weight and was not overly worried, although concerned.

I am the girl in the picture with Michael that you all went crazy over with his curls back taken at the end of May. LET ME SAY THE TRUTH, you can not see very well just how truly skinny he is in that picture (taken just little more than 3 weeks before he died) because he is covered, but when I met Michael in the dance studio earlier in the day I was sad and scared for how skinny he was. He was wearing a different top and we hugged twice and I felt there was NOTHING to him. I felt how tiny his waist was, I felt his ribs against me, his shoulder bones poking through his top, I honestly was really taken aback at how skinny he was from even the last time I saw him and was worried I have seen Michael a lot in my life and I know what is acceptable. I do not like to say it, it is sad, but it is the truth that he was scary skinny. I had a difficult time looking at him standing there, knowing in my gut that something was desperately wrong.

It is also true (despite Randy Phillips/AEG denying it the next day) that Michael spoke to us inside the dance studio about what was going on...he was very candid with what he said but also very down and sad, he was feeling the pressure, literally said he was not eating, had gone to sleep at night knowing it was 10 shows, and woke up to 50 shows, said there were not long enough breaks scheduled between shows...he said many things but it is not necessary to repeat everything...the point is we walked out of that dance studio feeling a sense of despair for him. Never in all the 12+ years of "following" Michael have I witnessed him in such a state. Everyone in the media who has been saying Michael was fine, in great shape and great spirits is not telling the ENTIRE truth. Yes, sometimes he was in a good mood, perhaps someone saw him eat something, yes he was dancing, he was rehearsing a lot...but I do not believe for one minute that Michael was completely alright because I saw with my own eyes and heard from his own mouth that he was NOT completely alright.

For all of you refering to the rehearsal pictures and saying he looks fine, I'm sorry but you are just blind or sorely mistaken. He IS skinny in the rehearsal pictures - you can not tell as much as in person admittedly, and the clothes he wears masks it well. But you can STILL PLAINLY SEE he is too skinny. You will also probably say he looks fine in the pictures of him visiting the doctors office...but again the jackets he wore masked it well.
He really was incredibly skinny, and I am not one to dramatize such a thing. I know he has always been thin and his weight fluctuates but in the last weeks of his life he was not a normal/healthy weight. When you add the idea that he was taking any kind of drugs whether for pain or to help him sleep it was a lethal combination I am convinced. No one will ever convince me that his weight did not play a role in his passing. He was not eating (enough), rehearsing many many hours a day, and coupled with taking drugs, I can not be too surprised he has left us...when you are very thin and under-nourished your body can not handle the stress, the pressure, the drugs (as much as it might if were a healthier weight.)

Xxxxxx met him again in the studio two weeks later and his weight had fallen even more...this is what triggered her email to us and we finally decided we needed to speak up. For all of those saying why didn't we do anything about it then, WE DID TRY. WE TRIED. God we tried...but it was too little too late. You can not imagine OUR PAIN that we discussed with each other just THE WEEK before his death how to reach him, what to do, how to say it so we don't hurt him, we AGONIZED over what to do. In the last two weeks before he died he was kept from us more than usual by his security, things became very strange in ways that are too much to go into here, but we felt something was wrong. And we were so so so so sadly right. I never wanted to be more wrong in all my life.

We wrote letters to Michael frankly expressing our concerns, blunt but cloaked in love, and they were given to him on arriving to what would be his last rehearsal by Talitha - a fan that Michael loved very much and who spent a lot of time with him over the past decade, and especially the past two years (but many of you have slagged off on the boards without even knowing her.) Michael tried to phone her from the Staples center to talk about the letters, but the call dropped and conversation was never had. Michael's security said they would try again the next morning.

I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important than any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. The only comfort I take is from knowing he read our letters showering him with love just before he passed. It wasn't meant to be a goodbye, but essentially became our goodbye to him. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating. I do have to say in Karen's defense that she did try to help. I don't want to say more for sake of her own privacy, but it's too harsh what some of you are saying here.

So if you could have a little COMPASSION and stop being so hard-hearted about the email and towards Xxxxxx it would be appreciated I am sure!
Btw, some of you are misinterpretting the bit where she said she doesnt care if he never eats again...French is her first language, and was lacking some punctuation; she only meant that she doesnt care if people are upset with her for the email because if he never eats again that is all that matters!

I'm sure there will be plenty of people that will now read this and begin to slag me off as well, but I don't care anymore because I just want to say the truth, defend my friend, have a clear conscience, and say what I think Michael would want said anyways.

That's true. She is my friend. She defended Marika here too with the same post.
The thing that kills me is that there is NO WAY people around him did not see how he was, if we saw that even by briefly seeing him or talking to him. How can any sane person give him Propofol if he weighed 110? How can any sane person (Kenny, Randy et all) push him on stage in that condition? It's mind blowing. As I said before, the gurdian angels were caged outside, while the evil was lurking inside :(
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Unfortunately our fan community is known to attack one another and when we don't attack, we censor.

Our Michael's death seems to have changed that.

I believed these fans the moment I first read their accounts.

As for MJ's weight being down. He had already begun telling a limited few. He feared he was being poisoned.

by whom, Moddie?

god, this is so sad.
Christine, thank you for sticking up for your friend and your actions. Shedding more light on a tragedy is obviously painful and I know the majority of us wish something/anything could have been done.

I think the best thing that can be done now, is to help each other out in a positive way.
Who apart from Dick Gregory did he say he thought he might be being poisoned? Did he say that to fans too? Breaks my heart when I read that email and the bit where his call to Talitha dropped to talk about the letters. I am thankful they tried, I believe them too as I could never think of why a fan/fans would make that up - it wouldn't make sense to.
Frequently Michael's weight was mentioned and I always noticed that he would close his jacket or coat over his stomach & ribs. This past year, he always made a point of doing that. He knew he was too thin and tried his best not to show it. Even at that last rehearsal, I believe he had on three shirts/tops....a black T-shirt, that burgandy shirt or blouse type of thing we have seen before and also a jacket. This is so very sad. He was and still is loved greatly and we honor him.
Of course we love him. We love him even more now that we know the truth. He was suffering for us. For the world. He was a victim. And he was an angel in the darkness surrounding him. He was taken away from us and there is no reason, no excuse. I don't know how those people who let him die sleep at night.
And by the way, we the fans who attempted an intervention feel guilty. For not acting earlier. For not being more aware of the situation. For "planning" it too much :(
Who apart from Dick Gregory did he say he thought he might be being poisoned? Did he say that to fans too? Breaks my heart when I read that email and the bit where his call to Talitha dropped to talk about the letters. I am thankful they tried, I believe them too as I could never think of why a fan/fans would make that up - it wouldn't make sense to.

As far as I know Dick (and probably Kai) said that MJ thought he was being poisoned with the food they were giving him. Then again, MJ never really liked eating all that much.
Christine, thank you so much for sharing that informations. It really helps to understand better all that's been happening after and before MJ's death.
I wanna thank you SO much for trying to help him, for having FELT him, for having the SENSE to see something was wrong (you and all the others fans who tried to help). It means a lot, I'm so sure it meants a lot him, and I'm SO glad he read your letters before he died. So he died knowing that there were people who really carried about him and was not wanting his money.
The love of the fans were/are the TRUE love! :cry:
Your post totally broke my heart! It's just too sad, it's cruel for us, but hopefully it was better for HIM! Hopefully he is at peace now and doesnt even know the the meaning of "stress", "money", "pressure". :angel:

And I agree with you about KAREN! I have done some "research" (lets put it this way) and I think people are being mean to her!! She has always have good intentions!

Thanks again for sharing such SAD story but important to know!!
Hugs to you!! :hug:

And I strongly hope noone will attack her or anyone else who will come forward with more details about Michael's last days!!
Thank you!
Of course we love him. We love him even more now that we know the truth. He was suffering for us. For the world. He was a victim. And he was an angel in the darkness surrounding him. He was taken away from us and there is no reason, no excuse. I don't know how those people who let him die sleep at night.
And by the way, we the fans who attempted an intervention feel guilty. For not acting earlier. For not being more aware of the situation. For "planning" it too much :(
Please don't feel guilty. :( You couldn't possibly have predicted he would die so soon - no-one could. You are not responsible for his well being - Michael and his doctor were (and his employers). They are the ones that should be taking the blame.
It's so sad to hear he was in such a bad state and all these people around him were pushing him to do things when they should have been pushing him to get healthy first.

Murray is even worse to me now to hear that MJ really was that skinny and unwell and he still gives him dangerous strong drugs. I'm sorry but that man is a doctor and has a duty of care for his patient. First do no harm. Well, he did harm alright.

That Klein is no better too. And any other doctors who are not yet known.

God this is just more and more tragic and upsetting with every passing day!! I am glad he at least had such devoted and loving fans around him.

I am convinced, had this concert series never eventuated, MJ would be alive today. Clearly the stress of doing these shows was just too much and took it's toll.

Just so sad!
Fans shouldnt feel guilty at all. No one forsaw any of this happening.

I just wish Michael had done something himself. He obviously knew he was losing weight and putting strain on himself. We cant completely disregard his own personal responsibility in looking after himself. He saw the signs but I guess he was cornered by the shows and the felt the pressure.

Michael wasnt beyond being saved, I honestly believe that he could've been saved.

It was Murray who failed him, not the fans.
Of course we love him. We love him even more now that we know the truth. He was suffering for us. For the world. He was a victim. And he was an angel in the darkness surrounding him. He was taken away from us and there is no reason, no excuse. I don't know how those people who let him die sleep at night.
And by the way, we the fans who attempted an intervention feel guilty. For not acting earlier. For not being more aware of the situation. For "planning" it too much :(


MJs loving fans, the "followers" did a great job. All my respect and love to this girls. They have done her best. They have not to feel guilty !!!
Its a nightmare for all ...but it was Michaels Karma (my opinion)...we must learn to accept...

(sry, my english is a tragedy, hope you understand me)

Love you most Michael
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Christine and all the other fans who were close to Michael in his last few weeks - Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did and tried to do for him.
God bless you Michael, we love you.:angel:
Criss123, Faze, Marika, Christine. Thanks for posting this sad information. I have been part of discussions elsewhere on the internet about Michael's last days and I know that every word you say is the truth.
Once again thank you for posting and thank you for trying to help him
thanks for posting the mails . it's heart breaking to think how skinny he was when he died:(
i truly respect the followers,i believe you guys have done the best you could.
thank you for letting Michael know he is beloved.
by whom, Moddie?

god, this is so sad.

I have heard only recently through other trusted fans, Michael had been suspicious of being poisoned as far back as the 2005 trial by people in his own camp. Even then, he told family members and Dick Gregory that somebody was trying to kill him.
I completely believe that all this happened and the fact tha Michael let fans so close is remarkable. The other artist I admire so much, even though she is very kind her people label fans as stalkers if you go to too many events. And we don't go to houses, etc. Anyway the one thing that struck me was that Michael told them he agreed to do 10 shows however the contract has now been put out there and he clearly signed for at least 31. So I wonder why he said that? Clearly he knew what he was signing in terms of the numbers. Anyway to those girls I applaud you for trying to help. Hold on to your memories with Michael, those need to be cherished.
I completely believe that all this happened and the fact tha Michael let fans so close is remarkable. The other artist I admire so much, even though she is very kind her people label fans as stalkers if you go to too many events. And we don't go to houses, etc. Anyway the one thing that struck me was that Michael told them he agreed to do 10 shows however the contract has now been put out there and he clearly signed for at least 31. So I wonder why he said that? Clearly he knew what he was signing in terms of the numbers. Anyway to those girls I applaud you for trying to help. Hold on to your memories with Michael, those need to be cherished.

I don't know why he told us he only wanted/knew about 10 shows but he did.. this makes me wonder about the shady things that people around him were doing. There could be various explanations to this, including that Michael signed in a moment he shouldn't have.
Him taking that sedative and at dangerous times did in fact kill him, it was just combined with weight issues least that's assuming that the "leaked autopsy" was correct that he only had Xanax and Propofol in his system.

Thats possible but you do know
You dont have to be unhealthy for that sedative
to cause you to stop breathing _ its common for that
to happen when one is under that sedative _ thats
why they have anistesiologists present and oxygen and
means to revive patiients when they are administering it

A perfectly healthy person can die if this is not monitored.

watch this
the video is on the top right of the page
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Jesus this is heartbreaking. Christine, thank you for posting and for doing all that you could for him during his final days. I will NEVER understand how the people who were around him on a daily basis can go on TV and flat out deny that he was too thin. Michael has always been thin, but in those rehersal pictures....I don't know how to describe it but something looked off. Ugh...this wasn't supposed to happen :(