Who are the fans who claim to see Michael

Yeah and he did say he feel like he would be dead if he did a tour anyway but Michael was willing to do anything for his fans
First of all the tour didn't even start, and second of all he would benefit more than the fans from the tours. A comeback and money.
There was no mention of Propofol in the e-mails, the e-mails made it seem as if MJ was thin as f**k and stuff and that they felt he was underweight and "looked ill". It didn't mention nothing about IV drips or anything like that. :ph34r:

***Humming "Twilight Zone"****

Bro, how would you expect the e-mails to mention IV drips? Those fans never slept in his home. They were just telling us what they saw when he went to rehearse or to Klein's clinic.
are u doing death investigation?

No but this is the investigative unit. No one has to give info they don't want to, its more a case of if they want to on this thread we would love to know more. I can't speak for everyone on here, but I come to this part of the forum as like my signature says - I want the 'real' truth to come out, whatever it is - for Michael's sake and his 3 children. I personally believe these fan stories as I can't think of ANY reason why they'd make that up. Some say for attention, but I don't agree - not that subject, it doesn't make sense to make that up... So if anyone reads what I'm writing here and wants to share with us here on this thread, I'd be very grateful.
There was no mention of Propofol in the e-mails, the e-mails made it seem as if MJ was thin as f**k and stuff and that they felt he was underweight and "looked ill". It didn't mention nothing about IV drips or anything like that. :ph34r:

***Humming "Twilight Zone"****

How would fans know about the propofol??? they didnt speclate as to what was making his health so fragile.. they just said what they saw

Well I don't know the state of mind he was in, I'm just saying that eventhough he was in stress, why would he tell fans all this? Im not saying fans are lying, it's just hard at this moment who to believe, since many people are saying contadictory things. First I hear people say oh he wanted to do this many tours, and than others who say he wanted out.

maybe he told others apart from fans.. Lucy lester said in her Now! (uk Mag) interview that MJ mentioned to her in March he thought he was doing 10 shows not 50! (now i realise the lesters have little credibility...) but Lucys not a "mj fan" type person.. so i cant think where shes have got that from to make it up.. i think he must have said it to her. if he mentioned being unhappy about the shows to frank, randy or ortega.. theyre hardly going to say anything now are they!!

i think he did want to do some shows... but not 50. and i think maybe once he started rehearsing his health seriously started to suffer.. i dont know what was going on in his head.. but he clearly had lost control

look at that auction mess, another classic example of MJ being totally out of the loop on issues concerning himself

^^ Why would he tell his fans anything? I'm not sure if I believe the accounts. True they may not be lying but there's a 50% chance they could be just making up a story. Because according to one fan, all he said was "I love you" and the fan telling MJ she loved him, then other people saying he was ill, not well, too thin and saying he didn't wanna do the shows and felt AEG and Kenny were "forcing him", huh? You mean to tell me that he was excited to do the shows and then say he was forced into it? Weird.

yeh but i'm sure he did meet some fans and just say "i love you" and theyd be none the wiser.. but others he went into more detail with.. doesnt mean the "i love you's" didnt happen
lots of people have put their names forward on Karens facebook wall.. if you have facebook.. a few came forward a few days ago.. Karen seemed to know who they were so i dont see how they can be lying

i know members off this forum got "that" email (about MJs health) BEFORE MJ died. they too came forward in other threads. i remember they were posters for years and had loads of posts

Who's Karen and do you have a link to her facebook page? I'm not on facebook so could I still go and have a read?
Re: Calling on all MJ "followers". The final months.. Your recollections.

I see many fans (myself included) are dying for an accurate account of the final months from the fans who saw our beloved Michael. It doesn't neccesarily have to be about his health only but the little things, e.g I heard a story about how he was reluctant to sign a fan's hand because she was intending to have it tatood. These type of stories somewhat bring closure for us. Be honest and tell us what you saw, whether good or bad. What would he say, what would he do, how was he with his guards, how often would he go to rehearsals, who was in the room when he said he was duped into 50 shows, how did he react to the song requests, how did he react to your reaction to the curls, ANYTHING PLEASE. Justin Carl, Maryka, sam, Cris, Faze, I'm talking to you. Please..

Great idea Bongani! All of it in 1 thread. I see you are from S.A. I was born in Zimbabwe and lived there 'til the age of 21. I used to go to Jo'burg often and Durban for 2 weeks every April.
I wasn't "forcing" them to do anything. I was just telling you that I already tried adding them. I said nothing about "forcing" them!

some of these fans are sort of "famous" in the MJ world as MJ fans tho.. so i think they try and keep their profiles private.. cos they got to meet MJ alot and followed him around alot.. i think they get alot of adds... but only accept people they know

i think thats right anyway
Re: Calling on all MJ "followers". The final months.. Your recollections.

Great idea Bongani! All of it in 1 thread. I see you are from S.A. I was born in Zimbabwe and lived there 'til the age of 21. I used to go to Jo'burg often and Durban for 2 weeks every April.

Thank you Chantile, its great to see an African up here. Michael's Internation appeal knew no bounds. Anyway I stay in Johannesburg.
some of these fans are sort of "famous" in the MJ world as MJ fans tho.. so i think they try and keep their profiles private.. cos they got to meet MJ alot and followed him around alot.. i think they get alot of adds... but only accept people they know

i think thats right anyway

I thought so too, that's why I opted to bring them to a common platform where they just talk freely. I understand that they might be annoyed with some of the the online fans for calling them liars before Mike passed. This thread is a peace offering as we are all hurting.
True Michael had fans everywhere. So whoever Karen is, doesn't seem to accept new friend requets. Who is she and how does she know so much?
We have to be one of the most bizarre fan bases in the world... lol

You been using "weird" and "bizzare" alot as of late. Don't doubt the fan stories,my brother. They wouldn't send around e-mails unless there was a real cause of concern. Its true..
You been using "weird" and "bizzare" alot as of late. Don't doubt the fan stories,my brother. They wouldn't send around e-mails unless there was a real cause of concern. Its true..

Well I can't help but think that way. I'm like Al Sharpton: Mike wasn't strange compared to what he had to deal with. That's why I'm saying all this stuff right now, lol.
WHY WAS THE TITLE OF MY THREAD CHANGED?? What was wrong with it? The current one makes it seem like I'm second guessing these fans! @ Qbee, with respect, I don't subscribe to the AEG murder theory so don't treat this thread as such.
Oh i dont either _ I dont believe AEG wanted MJ dead at all
I think one of the mods merged our threads _ SORRY

I just wanted fans who seen Michael to
tell us what they saw - and heard _ good
or bad _ Im not 2nd guesing _ i dont have
and opinion yet .. so many different stories
even from the fans _its very confusing
omg can we not go the whole karen was doing mj route? i just ate and shit, that's nasty.

add karen, she loves the attention. she'llblab till kingdom come.

ask those fans about karen...she told some fans to shut up about mj being 'ill' so that the tour could go on. anything for money
I was attacked on several other threads. It breaks my heart, as I really thought fans should know the truth as we the followers saw it. We are sick with all that is going on right now on TV, all the lies. I thought the fans wanted to know. But I was attacked. Inevitably people want to believe a rosy picture. I don't want to break dreams. I don't want to hurt myself further by having people attacking my integrity. I hope you understand. Maybe eventually the truth will come out for the public. I don't know what to say anymore...I'm just too upset right now. If you feel that you are hurting, try to put yourself in my shoes. I held his hand a few hours before he died. He read my letter of love and concern a few hours before. I was there when he was going to the hospital. I thought I was going crazy or die of broken heart in front of the hospital....
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yes I had already read that story from Cris :)
it was very beautiful and she stated Michael was
very happy and in good spirits _ unlike some of the horror
i have heard _ I was very touched by what she said ..

Some days he would be in good spirits. Others not, like the day when he invited fans in the studio and said he didn't want to do 50 shows :( He was not happy then
I was attacked on several other threads. It breaks my heart, as I really thought fans should know the truth as we the followers saw it. We are sick with all that is going on right now on TV, all the lies. I thought the fans wanted to know. But I was attacked. Inevitably people want to believe a rosy picture. I don't want to break dreams. I don't want to hurt myself further by having people attacking my integrity. I hope you understand. Maybe eventually the truth will come out for the public. I don't know what to say anymore...I'm just too upset right now. If you feel that you are hurting, try to put yourself in my shoes. I held his hand a few hours before he died. He read my letter of love and concern a few hours before. I was there when he was going to the hospital. I thought I was going crazy or die of broken heart in front of the hospital....
This is too sad! OMG! I can imagine your pain! I'm sorry!! :boohoo: