Who are the fans who claim to see Michael

Some days he would be in good spirits. Others not, like the day when he invited fans in the studio and said he didn't want to do 50 shows :( He was not happy then
Thanks for sharing it! It answers some of my questions. I'm very sorry you were attacked before!! :weeping: I do believe you and I always knew something was wrong with Michael :boohoo: but of course I would not dare say it here!! :boohoo:
Some days he would be in good spirits. Others not, like the day when he invited fans in the studio and said he didn't want to do 50 shows :( He was not happy then

Cris123, I apologize profusely on behalf of those who attacked you. Its very clear that some fans don't even want the truth to intefere with their rosy picture. There is absolutely NO reason to not believe you and the others. The fan stories are the only ones that have remained constistent. Unlike Dilieo, Ortega and company the only thing you had to lose was Michael's trust NOT money.
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^^ Why would he tell his fans anything? I'm not sure if I believe the accounts. True they may not be lying but there's a 50% chance they could be just making up a story. Because according to one fan, all he said was "I love you" and the fan telling MJ she loved him, then other people saying he was ill, not well, too thin and saying he didn't wanna do the shows and felt AEG and Kenny were "forcing him", huh? You mean to tell me that he was excited to do the shows and then say he was forced into it? Weird.

becuz if he only singed for 10 then he cud of been forced to do the xtra 40
Someone told me they heard it on youtube that he said he only signed for 10 and was angry about waking up to do 50 and said something about eating more, this person was concerned that there is no evidence of the clip now, it has been taken off, but he said he saw it. I have no reason to disbelieve him. I haven't seen it myself. Has anyone else seen it?

On him being too thin, on the Marika thread, about an email. Dick Gregory said he told him he thought they were trying to poison him so he may have got weight loss during this period he didn't alway eat as a result. I don't know which one it is on, you have to watch all three

Are you 100% sure?? How do you know that?? I cant believe it, it's cruel!! :no:
yes Karen did that. She asked fans keep it quiet. She motivated that she didn't want to stain Michael reputation. Well he is dead now ...
I follow her on facebook. She is scared, people, because she knows that ALL people that were next to Michael will be suspects. They will be questioned and asked what and why? Karen knows she didn't do all it takes to save her friend. And she tries to build a huge fan base by posting snippets about Michael. She needs alibi that she worked her ass off to help Michael.
Many believe her. I don't as I saw how she deleted posts in Joe discussion where fans wrote how Joe tried to break through to Michael screaming that he found answer to his problems. Whatever it was we don't know, but Joe wasn't let in the house.
Fans gave letter to Michael that night he died asking, begging to care about himself and stay alive. They called him, but their calls were cut off.

I don't believe Karen is a villain, but she is Fake.
We chewed her butt a few times on her wall.
What I don't understand is why would Karen at first tell fans to "butt out" during rehearsals and then just a day before he die, tell fans suddenly that she "knew" what was happening with Michael? Yeah, she sounds PRETTY FAKE to me. Maybe the fans who were there aren't but Karen? I wouldn't be surprised about her.
Someone told me they heard it on youtube that he said he only signed for 10 and was angry about waking up to do 50 and said something about eating more, this person was concerned that there is no evidence of the clip now, it has been taken off, but he said he saw it. I have no reason to disbelieve him. I haven't seen it myself. Has anyone else seen it?

On him being too thin, on the Marika thread, about an email. Dick Gregory said he told him he thought they were trying to poison him so he may have got weight loss during this period he didn't alway eat as a result. I don't know which one it is on, you have to watch all three


Well he DID look real thin in his final photos.
We have to be one of the most bizarre fan bases in the world... lol

and the truth shall set you free...:clapping:

That's what I think everytime I come here. Boy, do I love having a place where I fit in:lol:
I was attacked on several other threads. It breaks my heart, as I really thought fans should know the truth as we the followers saw it. We are sick with all that is going on right now on TV, all the lies. I thought the fans wanted to know. But I was attacked. Inevitably people want to believe a rosy picture. I don't want to break dreams. I don't want to hurt myself further by having people attacking my integrity. I hope you understand. Maybe eventually the truth will come out for the public. I don't know what to say anymore...I'm just too upset right now. If you feel that you are hurting, try to put yourself in my shoes. I held his hand a few hours before he died. He read my letter of love and concern a few hours before. I was there when he was going to the hospital. I thought I was going crazy or die of broken heart in front of the hospital....

thanks for posting Cris,it helps fans like myself to have a better understanding,you can PM me if you feel you dont want to post on forum,but the questiioms sticking out for me is:
WHY put back the shows 5 days

This needs fans who were there responses
Did Michael wave to fans on the morning of the 25th and is it true Joe Jackson was called with reluctance with MJ employees to fix the mess and call off the shows as MJ requested

the only way i can defend fans on here who wished to believe myself included that everything was rosy and always would be,is the amount of respect we have for him anyone saying anything different would be shot down.
I was attacked on several other threads. It breaks my heart, as I really thought fans should know the truth as we the followers saw it. We are sick with all that is going on right now on TV, all the lies. I thought the fans wanted to know. But I was attacked. Inevitably people want to believe a rosy picture. I don't want to break dreams. I don't want to hurt myself further by having people attacking my integrity. I hope you understand. Maybe eventually the truth will come out for the public. I don't know what to say anymore...I'm just too upset right now. If you feel that you are hurting, try to put yourself in my shoes. I held his hand a few hours before he died. He read my letter of love and concern a few hours before. I was there when he was going to the hospital. I thought I was going crazy or die of broken heart in front of the hospital....

*hugs* :(
I can understand the fans who were close not allowing anyone to add them as friends. More than anyone they will understand the manipulations of the press etc. It is sad to read however, it must be hard when you have been so close, to watch and to try to help your idol.
A psychologist? To help with what exactly??

Maybe she wanted the fans to 'butt out' so it wasn't spread everywhere and end up in the media, but all the while people including her were trying to help in private. Which other famous people have fans so involved in their lives?

She could have been trying to help, we don't know what was happening behind the scenes.

I can't believe that people could ignore whatever bad was happening.. and leave him in such a state that lead to his death :(

ask her. she'll admit it and then spin it saying she wanted them to be quiet and she was gonna ask that mj speak to a psychologist.
If you feel that you are hurting, try to put yourself in my shoes. I held his hand a few hours before he died. He read my letter of love and concern a few hours before. I was there when he was going to the hospital. I thought I was going crazy or die of broken heart in front of the hospital....

that's heart breaking...Hugs hun!
I could think of no other artist who had fans that were involved in MJ's life. Michael is the only one, that's why I said it's "odd". And yeah I'm ticked that these people claim they KNEW what happened but didn't do anything. What the hell was Karen or Joe scared of? :huh:
MJs the greatest.. thats why he had the most devoted fans IMO

he managed to bring out something in people..
I can understand the fans who were close not allowing anyone to add them as friends. More than anyone they will understand the manipulations of the press etc. It is sad to read however, it must be hard when you have been so close, to watch and to try to help your idol.

you see some insiders had very special experience with Michael and they share it among themselves only. Not everyone wants to add just any fan. Some of them consider themselves royalty. They have their own forums. I can understand that. I wish they were more open too, but then again many people would attack them.
I could think of no other artist who had fans that were involved in MJ's life. Michael is the only one, that's why I said it's "odd". And yeah I'm ticked that these people claim they KNEW what happened but didn't do anything. What the hell was Karen or Joe scared of? :huh:

I think Karen is scared that she will be blamed for Michael's death as other AEG guys and she is actively building a fan base. She desperately is trying to show herself and a person who cared about Michael. According her, she was trying to help by sending some emails.
As for Joe, no idea.
I follow her on facebook.
Me too!! :unsure:

Karen knows she didn't do all it takes to save her friend.
I thought it was true that she did everything to help him! :(

She needs alibi that she worked her ass off to help Michael.
Many believe her.
Me! :(

Fans gave letter to Michael that night he died asking, begging to care about himself and stay alive. They called him, but their calls were cut off.

ask her. she'll admit it and then spin it saying she wanted them to be quiet and she was gonna ask that mj speak to a psychologist.

Thank you for answering!!
do you think any of the elite fans will ever write a book. Just a basic book about Michael, I dont want to know of any private personal moments which are special to them, but just something which gives a clear consice up to date account?
I would like to know the details as well, just so I can have a clear picture of what happened to our Mike... Sometimes I still can't believe I'm reding these things on the forums, that he's really gone and it makes me sad....

We just want to know the truth. Since I couldn't be one of the "fortunate" fans to get close to him ( I haven't even got a glimpse of him live, ever ) in the final days or in the distant past...it would mean a lot to read some accounts.

I read they've been shot down when they tried telling their stories, unfortunately I missed the discussions but I hope they will want to share to the fans that are really interested....

Chris 123 or anyone else, please, we feel your pain but we just want to understand what really happened....:cry:
you see some insiders had very special experience with Michael and they share it among themselves only. Not everyone wants to add just any fan. Some of them consider themselves royalty. They have their own forums. I can understand that. I wish they were more open too, but then again many people would attack them.

really? do u know the name of any of these forums? do you think they are middle age women or students? and do you think they are mainly european fans who get a chance to spend time with him ?
HI! This is a mail from a "Follower", postet in another Forum, hope it is ok that I take it to you here:

To those of you that wonder why this was kept private, read through this thread again and see the disgusting judgemental name-calling going on here. This is the usual treament that the boards give to "follower fans"...and you wonder why we keep to ourselves, because you're just making accusations against us for lying, seeking-attention, being too involved in his personal life...we can never do right by any of you, so we don't bother to try to please or include you in the conversation. But now that someone has gotten this email via 3rd party (wonder if all the subsequent ones will follow shortly) exactly what we suspect would happen if it was posted on boards has now happened (hence the first line asking it not to be posted on the boards.)

The email is genuine and Xxxxxx is a genuine sweet caring fan that Michael was happy to have around for many years. So anyone thinking and saying differently here is plain wrong. And many have been far too mean without even knowing what on earth they are talking about.

I want to defend Xxxxxx, as a friend, as I would want someone to do for me, and also as a fan that wants to say the truth.

THE FACT IS THAT MICHAEL WAS TOO SKINNY IN THE LAST FEW MONTHS OF HIS LIFE, especially in the last few weeks. IT IS A FACT. ACCEPT IT OR NOT. I first noticed in October when I spent A LOT OF TIME with Michael, and I mentioned it to him. But I also knew he was beginning to prepare the tour even back then so I expected him to be very conscious of his weight and was not overly worried, although concerned.

I am the girl in the picture with Michael that you all went crazy over with his curls back taken at the end of May. LET ME SAY THE TRUTH, you can not see very well just how truly skinny he is in that picture (taken just little more than 3 weeks before he died) because he is covered, but when I met Michael in the dance studio earlier in the day I was sad and scared for how skinny he was. He was wearing a different top and we hugged twice and I felt there was NOTHING to him. I felt how tiny his waist was, I felt his ribs against me, his shoulder bones poking through his top, I honestly was really taken aback at how skinny he was from even the last time I saw him and was worried I have seen Michael a lot in my life and I know what is acceptable. I do not like to say it, it is sad, but it is the truth that he was scary skinny. I had a difficult time looking at him standing there, knowing in my gut that something was desperately wrong.

It is also true (despite Randy Phillips/AEG denying it the next day) that Michael spoke to us inside the dance studio about what was going on...he was very candid with what he said but also very down and sad, he was feeling the pressure, literally said he was not eating, had gone to sleep at night knowing it was 10 shows, and woke up to 50 shows, said there were not long enough breaks scheduled between shows...he said many things but it is not necessary to repeat everything...the point is we walked out of that dance studio feeling a sense of despair for him. Never in all the 12+ years of "following" Michael have I witnessed him in such a state. Everyone in the media who has been saying Michael was fine, in great shape and great spirits is not telling the ENTIRE truth. Yes, sometimes he was in a good mood, perhaps someone saw him eat something, yes he was dancing, he was rehearsing a lot...but I do not believe for one minute that Michael was completely alright because I saw with my own eyes and heard from his own mouth that he was NOT completely alright.

For all of you refering to the rehearsal pictures and saying he looks fine, I'm sorry but you are just blind or sorely mistaken. He IS skinny in the rehearsal pictures - you can not tell as much as in person admittedly, and the clothes he wears masks it well. But you can STILL PLAINLY SEE he is too skinny. You will also probably say he looks fine in the pictures of him visiting the doctors office...but again the jackets he wore masked it well.
He really was incredibly skinny, and I am not one to dramatize such a thing. I know he has always been thin and his weight fluctuates but in the last weeks of his life he was not a normal/healthy weight. When you add the idea that he was taking any kind of drugs whether for pain or to help him sleep it was a lethal combination I am convinced. No one will ever convince me that his weight did not play a role in his passing. He was not eating (enough), rehearsing many many hours a day, and coupled with taking drugs, I can not be too surprised he has left us...when you are very thin and under-nourished your body can not handle the stress, the pressure, the drugs (as much as it might if were a healthier weight.)

Xxxxxx met him again in the studio two weeks later and his weight had fallen even more...this is what triggered her email to us and we finally decided we needed to speak up. For all of those saying why didn't we do anything about it then, WE DID TRY. WE TRIED. God we tried...but it was too little too late. You can not imagine OUR PAIN that we discussed with each other just THE WEEK before his death how to reach him, what to do, how to say it so we don't hurt him, we AGONIZED over what to do. In the last two weeks before he died he was kept from us more than usual by his security, things became very strange in ways that are too much to go into here, but we felt something was wrong. And we were so so so so sadly right. I never wanted to be more wrong in all my life.

We wrote letters to Michael frankly expressing our concerns, blunt but cloaked in love, and they were given to him on arriving to what would be his last rehearsal by Talitha - a fan that Michael loved very much and who spent a lot of time with him over the past decade, and especially the past two years (but many of you have slagged off on the boards without even knowing her.) Michael tried to phone her from the Staples center to talk about the letters, but the call dropped and conversation was never had. Michael's security said they would try again the next morning.

I was told by Michael's personal assistant in LA when I went back for the funeral, that Michael asked for the letters that night at home after rehearsal. He took the letters to Michael in his bedroom. We had literally wrote in those letters begging him to take care of himself, if not for himself, then for his children and family and everyone that loves him so deeply, that we were afraid for his life, that him being around is more important than any one concert could ever be...he died 12 hours later and it is the most DEVASTATING THING to have happened...I can not even really think about it, it is too much to comprehend. It is like a cruel joke that God put upon us. I do not understand how it was allowed to happen. The only comfort I take is from knowing he read our letters showering him with love just before he passed. It wasn't meant to be a goodbye, but essentially became our goodbye to him. I feel sad that we did not reach him in time, that we could not reach others around him in time, that the people around him did not seem to care enough about him, it's all too much and too complicated...and too devastating. I do have to say in Karen's defense that she did try to help. I don't want to say more for sake of her own privacy, but it's too harsh what some of you are saying here.

So if you could have a little COMPASSION and stop being so hard-hearted about the email and towards Xxxxxx it would be appreciated I am sure!
Btw, some of you are misinterpretting the bit where she said she doesnt care if he never eats again...French is her first language, and was lacking some punctuation; she only meant that she doesnt care if people are upset with her for the email because if he never eats again that is all that matters!

I'm sure there will be plenty of people that will now read this and begin to slag me off as well, but I don't care anymore because I just want to say the truth, defend my friend, have a clear conscience, and say what I think Michael would want said anyways.
thank u Christine...

God made th coice not him and not us.as one fan said ,God saw what he'de been through and said ENOUGH.