US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Yeah, I saw the hesitation there for a second :sad:

I don't think I'll ever understand what the country really wants. It's too complex for me.
It's a little mind-boggling to think that if something happened to McCain, she'd run the United States.

Holy shit, that's scary.

I'm watching this debate at the moment and Biden has very white shiny teeth :eek:

Palin looks like a news reporter... shame she doesn't answer the questions posed but rather goes on about McCain and I.... she's very repetitive :ermm:
^ EXACTLY! She would only answer on things she had been coached on, THAT WAS SO OBVIOUS! Palin is nothing but a joke and was/is irritating to watch. And if she COULDN'T answer the question presented to her, she would go off on some tangent onto a subject she'd been coached on. And to think pundits this morning were raving about how well she did. Um, were they watching the same Debate I was? There's been hardly ANY mention of the outstanding job Biden did. I guess because the bar had been set so low for Palin that the fact she didn't fall on her face she made her "the winner". THAT'S A JOKE! Biden was brilliant last night. If by some small chance in hell McCain and Palin get elected...that will surely be one of the defining moments in US history when we as a country show the world that we are truly TRULY stupid as a nation and we DO NOT learn from past mistakes. Something Palin and McCain seem unable to understand.


Go the intelligent way and vote Obama/Biden!

I know I am.
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She came across as VERY rehearsed and would answer questions that weren't even asked, she wasn't specific at all, retorical rather than straightforward, and quite frankly she came across as being cold and condesending
agree she looked as coached as the arvizos. could have reading it off a screen staring right ahead and not moving a inch like she was
Oh and I would LOVE to hear her define the word Maverick, and I honestly want to know if she could name the countries in Europe and the middle east if she were just given a map without the names and told to fill it in. I bet she couldn't do it.

It's a very scary notion that she could be potentially the president one day.
FactChecking Biden-Palin Debate
October 3, 2008

The candidates were not 100 percent accurate. To say the least.


Biden and Palin debated, and both mangled some facts.

- Palin mistakenly claimed that troop levels in Iraq had returned to “pre-surge” levels. Levels are gradually coming down but current plans would have levels higher than pre-surge numbers through early next year, at least.

- Biden incorrectly said “John McCain voted the exact same way” as Obama on a controversial troop funding bill. The two were actually on opposite sides. Bob George side-note: McCain did oppose an amendment of the bill in question (btw, Obama did vote for the bill once it was amended) because it contained language calling for a timeline for withdrawal. Which is obviously what Biden was referring to. I think had a problem with Biden's wording because he said they voted "the exact same way". They're obviously scrapping the barrel to level up the number of Palin misstatements with Biden misstatements.

- Palin repeated a false claim that Obama once voted in favor of higher taxes on “families” making as little as $42,000 a year. He did not. The budget bill in question called for an increase only on singles making that amount, but a family of four would not have been affected unless they made at least $90,000 a year. Bob George side-note: Also, the bill by itself would not have increased taxes.

- Biden wrongly claimed that McCain “voted the exact same way” as Obama on the budget bill that contained an increase on singles making as little as $42,000 a year. McCain voted against it. Biden was referring to an amendment that didn't address taxes at that income level.

- Palin claimed McCain’s health care plan would be “budget neutral,” costing the government nothing. Independent budget experts estimate McCain's plan would cost tens of billions each year, though details are too fuzzy to allow for exact estimates.

- Biden wrongly claimed that McCain had said "he wouldn't even sit down" with the government of Spain. Actually, McCain didn't reject a meeting, but simply refused to commit himself one way or the other during an interview.

- Palin wrongly claimed that “millions of small businesses” would see tax increases under Obama’s tax proposals. At most, several hundred thousand business owners would see increases. Bob George side-note: Also, Obama's tax plan will eliminate the capital gains tax on start-up and small business. He has also included tax credits which will benefit small business owners in his tax plan. His entire tax plan is completely transparent and available for anyone to peruse on his website.

For full details on these misstatements, and on additional factual disputes and dubious claims, click here.
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Joe Biden lost his daughter and wife in a car accident back in the early years he began working in the Senate, in the early '70's I believe it was (correct me if I'm wrong) . I believe his two sons were also injured. He didn't even know if they'd pull through. After that happened, he made it a promise to his sons that every night he WOULD BE THERE at home to eat dinner with them. And they didn't live in Washington. He traveled I think two hours (or something like that) by train EVERY DAY to be there with his boys. And you could still see how affected he still is by what happened when he choked up this evening when he was referring to that. Now he's remarried and has another little girl, but it's so sad to know what he's been through.

Yeah. He had been just elected to the Senate for the first time just the month before. His wife, infant daughter and 2 young sons were shopping for a christmas tree.

I think icy road conditions contributed to the crash. His wife and daughter were killed and his 2 young sons were badly injured.

Joe Biden wasn't going to accept the Senate seat. He had to be talked into it. He took the oath of office at his son's hospital beds.

From that point on, he travelled 4 hours round trip everyday for 38 years from Washington DC to be home with his kids.

I've always liked Joe Biden because he is the true 'straight talk express'. He never minces words.

But I had a great amount more respect for him after I learned of his life.

What so cute about his now so grown sons, is that once they got better, they asked him when were they getting married! :D

So when he met and dated his second wife, Jill, all 3 proposed to her and they took them on the honeymoon.

Now that's a real person to me.


Sarah Palin is a fake and a phony. She props her special needs infant up like a damn prop. It's disgusting. She was so damn terrified of going off point that when Senator Biden recalled that tough moment in his life being a single parent and nearly broke down, she started recited stupid talking points as if nothing had happened.

I only feel contempt for people that heartless.:mat::mat:
Yeah. He had been just elected to the Senate for the first time just the month before. His wife, infant daughter and 2 young sons were shopping for a christmas tree.

I think icy road conditions contributed to the crash. His wife and daughter were killed and his 2 young sons were badly injured.

Joe Biden wasn't going to accept the Senate seat. He had to be talked into it. He took the oath of office at his son's hospital beds.

From that point on, he travelled 4 hours round trip everyday for 38 years from Washington DC to be home with his kids.

I've always liked Joe Biden because he is the true 'straight talk express'. He never minces words.

But I had a great amount more respect for him after I learned of his life.

What so cute about his now so grown sons, is that once they got better, they asked him when were they getting married! :D

So when he met and dated his second wife, Jill, all 3 proposed to her and they took them on the honeymoon.

Now that's a real person to me.


Sarah Palin is a fake and a phony. She props her special needs infant up like a damn prop. It's disgusting. She was so damn terrified of going off point that when Senator Biden recalled that tough moment in his life being a single parent and nearly broke down, she started recited stupid talking points as if nothing had happened.

I only feel contempt for people that heartless.:mat::mat:

I think he was also only 29 years old when it happened too. I cannot even begin to imaginegoing through something like that.

I have always liked Joe Biden as well, and learning about his life and what he's done, it shows how much of a stand up man he truly is. Granted, I don't agree with him on every issue, but for the most part I do agree with him on most. He's an intelligent man who knows what needs to be done. I wanted to hug Joe last night, because you could see how much he was willing himself NOT to break down. It was a heart breaking moment, and Palin made me sick. Again, she came across as being rehearsed/coached/or whatever you want to call it, cold, and full of crap who couldn't give a straight answer to save her life.

McCain is just angry that the likeli-hood of him winning this election is VERY slim and with a VP canidate like Palin at his side, those chances grow smaller and smaller.

Biden worked it last night and was everything I expected him to be and more.

Obama/Biden 2008! I just hope the US doesn't let me, the rest of the country, and the world down. Because that is what ultimately is at stake.

Everyone just needs to wake up and I hope this "debate" helped in doing that.
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WC, I think that a good number of Americans want someone who is going to roll up the sleeves and get to work digging us out of the hole that we are in. The gimmicks and spinning doesn't seem to be working out very well for the GOP in general.

Nor is all of the coded language...
What kept going through my head last night was that one of these 2 VP candidates could be a heartbeat away from stepping in as President of the United States. Personally, the thought of Palin being emergently made head of our country terrifies me. Conversely, I think Biden could more than step up to the plate in such a circumstance.

While I think of myself as an independent, I am a registered Democrat ideologically (sp). However McCain has in the past always been in my radar for reportedly standing up for what he feels is good for the country and not just good for the party. How true that is depends upon what you read, but I would not say I would never vote for him. In this circumstance though, with Palin as his running mate, there is no way I could swing that way. That, and basic stances on important issues of the campaign simply prevent me from even entertaining a vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.

Tragic life circumstances have made both McCain and Biden strong people, and I respect that in both of them.
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The Obama/Biden ticket has picked up some more support so I feel it's time for another update on the latest state polling results from the battleground states.

Battleground state poll results

- A battleground state is defined as any state where the leading ticket is not leading by an average of 5 points or more.
- Results are from mid-late September through to early October.
- Most poll results listed below are prior to the VP debate.

Nevada (5 Electoral Votes)
Average Obama/Biden +0.5
Insider Advantage/Poll Position (InAdv/PollPosition) Obama/Biden +1
CNN/Time Obama/Biden +4
Suffolk University McCain/Palin +1
American Research Group (ARG) McCain/Palin +2

North Carolina (15 EVs)
Average Obama/Biden +0.5
Rasmussen Obama/Biden +3
Public Policy Polling (PPP) Obama/Biden +2
Civitas/TelOpinion Tie
ARG McCain/Palin +3

Missouri (11 EVs)
Average McCain/Palin +1.7
Rasmussen McCain/Palin +5
SurveyUSA McCain/Palin +2
Post-Dispatch McCain/Palin +1
CNN/Time Obama/Biden +1

Ohio (20 EVs)
Average Obama/Biden +2.0
Quinnipiac Obama/Biden +8
InAdv/PollPosition Obama/Biden +2
SurveyUSA McCain/Palin +1
FOX News/Rasmussen McCain/Palin +1

Indiana (11 EVs)
Average McCain/Palin +2.2
CNN/Time McCain/Palin +6
Big10 Battleground McCain/Palin +4
SurveyUSA McCain/Palin +3
Rasmussen McCain/Palin +2
Research 2000 McCain/Palin +1
Indy Star/Selzer Obama/Biden +3

Virginia (13 EVs)
Average Obama/Biden +2.4
CNN/Time Obama/Biden +9
InAdv/PollPosition Obama/Biden +6
FOX News/Rasmussen Obama/Biden +3
Mason-Dixon McCain/Palin +3
ARG McCain/Palin +3

Florida (27 EVs)
Average Obama/Biden +3.0
Quinnipiac Obama/Biden +8
CNN/Time Obama/Biden +4
Suffolk/WSVN Obama/Biden +4
InAdv/PollPosition Obama/Biden +3
PPP Obama/Biden +3
FOX News/Rasmussen Tie
SurveyUSA McCain/Palin +1

Colorado (9 EVs)
Average Obama/Biden +4.4
InAdv/PollPosition Obama/Biden +9
PPP Obama/Biden +7
CNN/Time Obama/Biden +4
Ciruli Assoc. Obama/Biden +1
FOX News/Rasmussen Obama/Biden +1

With these battleground states included, that puts the current electoral college progections as 353 EVs for Obama/Biden and 185 EVs for McCain/Palin. 270 EVs are needed to win the election. So at the moment, Obama and Biden have a very comfortable lead and a highly probably election victory. McCain/Palin would have to win every one of the above battleground states to get over 270 EVs and therefore win the election. The way it looks now, that probably wont happen. But the post-debate polls haven't come in yet.

Wall Street tumbles amid global sell-off

Monday October 6, 1:51 pm ET
By Joe Bel Bruno, AP Business Writer
Stocks decline amid global worries credit crisis is spreading; Dow falls below 10,000

NEW YORK (AP) -- Financial markets took a bleak view of the future Monday, seeing contagion in a credit crisis that threatens to cascade through economies globally despite government efforts to provide relief. The Dow Jones industrials skidded more than 500 points and fell below 10,000 for the first time in four years, while the credit markets remained under strain.

Investors around the world have come to the sobering realization that the Bush administration's $700 billion rescue plan won't work quickly to unfreeze the credit markets. Global banks, hobbled by wrong-way bets on mortgage securities, remain starved for cash as credit has dried up.
McCain just can't win. lol. Even though Palin exceeded expetations and recieve a lot of praise for her debate performance, the polls that have come in since the debate don't look good for the McCain/Palin ticket. They've now lost Missouri. Obama is up by .3 point on average in the Missouri polls. Which is pretty much a tie. McCain was up 2+ points in Missouri before the debate. Obama's also gone up in North Carolina, Ohio and Florida since the debate. All states which were, until recently, McCain's. Even when Palin does well McCain's number continue to fall in the polls. Here is the current electoral map based on numbers from and


Larger version
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You guys want to see something really SAD?? Just go here...

That board is full of RACISTS. No kidding. And ALL seem to be from the RIGHT!!

Wow, that's sad... but I couldn't help but, giggle at the butt jokes. :giggle:

And thanks for the update Bob George. And now folks r riding Obama's ass about his connection with some terrorist named William Ayers or whatever non-sense. The hell is that all about :rolleyes:
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Tonight's debates should be interesting. The polls don't look good for America's mavericks... by the way, if McCain uses the term maverick tonight, I'm going to flip shit. They answer every damn question by saying "maverick.". You're no maverick... stfu and just answer the question.

I just hope they don't bring up this Ayerz bullshizz.... they do anything for desperation. ANYTHING.
COME ON MCCAIN! Chicago Shedd Aquarium NEEDED that overhead projector! I can vouch for that! :lol:
I'll have to watch this again anotha time. Guess listening to Amerie was more important. Whoops, lol.
It's over. McCain has just handed the election to Obama. He needed to win this debate decisively and he couldn't even win it narrowly. I was watching the debate on Fox News and after the debate even they were saying Obama not only won this debate, but the whole election. Because McCain needed a knock out to stay in the game. That didn't happen. Neither candidate knocked the other out. But Obama was the winner by default because for McCain to win he needed to win decisively. Just like Palin was the winner by default of the VP debate because she didn't completely screw up. It's pretty much decided now that Obama will win the election. Hands down. There's only one debate left and that's not enough for McCain to turn things around. He pretty much handed the election to Obama tonight and I think he did that knowingly and willingly. I don't think he really wants to win the election. I think the GOP has a strategy to lose this election and then put Palin up for nomination in 2012. That's where their sights are set. I think McCain is throwing the election.
Tonight's debates should be interesting. The polls don't look good for America's mavericks... by the way, if McCain uses the term maverick tonight, I'm going to flip shit. They answer every damn question by saying "maverick.". You're no maverick... stfu and just answer the question.

lol nope tonight he just answered everything with my friends i know how to do this or that but never said how he would lol what a shmoe
Wow interesting thoughts I might have to take a peek at it tonight just to see how it goes.

I'm predicting either way more mess for the next 4 years, there's just too much rubbish to be cleaned up.
L.J 2008!

vote for the best :wild:

I watched the debate and gosh.... :mello: all the comments about other countries... what a lack of diplomacy McCain...
The best part of the debate by far was....

(I'll be paraphrasing as I'm reciting all this from memory)

McCain: When it comes to foreign policy, Obama just doesn't understand.
Obama: You're right. I don't understand. I don't understand why we attacked a country that didn't have anything to do with 9/11 while Osama Bin Laden and al-Qaeda set up bases and safe-havens in the hills bordering Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Chris Rock: My father once told me that you can never beat a white person. You can only knock them out. (Talking about the first debate not being a decisive win for Obama because he didn't "knock out" McCain.)
well McCain......
Chris Tucker: You got knocked the f*** out!
'Barack With You' - Obama dances to Rock With You
