US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

maybe the saudies have finally pulled out all their money out of the US thats why everyones gone to pot. you dont need bin laden to bring down countries there are much easier ways of doing it
maybe the saudies have finally pulled out all their money out of the US thats why everyones gone to pot. you dont need bin laden to bring down countries there are much easier ways of doing it

Man I ain't even know he was still alive. Where have I been? :lol:
OK last thing, and I'll be DONE (for today at least).

So Bush is STILL tryin to push this sh*t:

Candidates, Bush urge reviving financial bailout

By JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press Writer 20 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - President Bush warned Tuesday that failing to pass a financial rescue plan would bring severe consequences to the U.S. economy. "Congress must act," he declared in an appeal that John McCain and Barack Obama echoed.

McCain and Obama separately urged Congress to redouble efforts to get a deal through and both proposed increasing federal deposit insurance to $250,000, as a key part of it. Both McCain and Obama called and spoke to the president on Tuesday, a White House official said.

In brief remarks at the White House, Bush warned that, "if our nation continues on this course, the economic damage will be painful and lasting."
at the end of the day if they dont bail out the banks it will effect everyone. there aint much choice regadless of how u feel about the way the banks have acted. this has been coming for years but as normal the american bacnk showed their greed and its fecked up the world economy
OK last thing, and I'll be DONE (for today at least).

So Bush is STILL tryin to push this sh*t:

Hun... Bush is always trying to sell some kinda BS story :lol: he's still trying to explain why they ended up in Iraq after he said "Let's get him! meaning Bin Laden and then the next day everyone finds themselves in Iraq instead of Afghanistan... :lol:

at the end of the day if they dont bail out the banks it will effect everyone. there aint much choice regadless of how u feel about the way the banks have acted. this has been coming for years but as normal the american bacnk showed their greed and its fecked up the world economy

Yes giving all those giant loans to people who would never be able to afford them.... I mean how stupid is that???!!!?? Just greed greed greed :no:
Hun... Bush is always trying to sell some kinda BS story :lol: he's still trying to explain why they ended up in Iraq after he said "Let's get him! meaning Bin Laden and then the next day everyone finds themselves in Iraq instead of Afghanistan... :lol:

Oh... dude I'm a newbie a this, still developing *gets bottle*

Stll got them tinfoil hats in check, though :shifty:
Biden/Palin Debate


re: concerns over Palin Hidden Earpiece During Debate

Call the Obama campaign headquarters re: concerns over Palin wearing a hidden earpiece during the debate, in order to get offstage prompts and answers during the debate. It would likely be helpful if you too could try to get through to the campaign expressing your same concerns. Here is the # 866-675-2008. Listen to the menu, press 6. You may have to try a couple of times to get someone to answer.

Palin either too green or a genius actress >>>

VP debate moderator's impartiality questioned >>>

Some Conservatives Want PBS’s Ifill Out as Debate Moderator >>>
The U.S. Senate has OK'd the bailout bill which passed with 74 votes to 25. Of those 74 Senators who voted for the bailout bill were Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain who all took time off their Presidential campaigns to fly to Washington D.C. while Governor Sarah Palin prepared for her debate with Joe Biden. The Vice-Presidential debate will be held on Thursday night in St. Louis, Missouri. Sarah Palin needs to perform well in the debate to win back battleground states Florida, Ohio, Nevada, Virginia and North Carolina which have all flipped in Obama's favor this week. Else, it's all up to John McCain to win back voters in the final two Presidential debates leading up to the general election which is only 32 days away.
Whatever they got to do regarding the bailout/financial crisis. I'm over it.

It's gonna be a hoot watching the debate tomorrow. I can't believe it's already October, geez... :ermm:
I don't think Palin will be wearing an earpiece for the debates, I've watched some youtube footage of her debating when she was running for govenor etc and yeah she can kinda hold her own, so it will be interesting to see what happens tomorrow night. I'll have to watch it when I get back from my golf tournament.

On a side note... looks like the conservatives want to blame the minorities for the financial crisis....

Conservatives Seek To Shift Blame For Crisis Onto Minority Housing Law

Blame for the current economic crisis has been laid on many doorsteps, including the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999; credit default swaps; hedge funds; the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000; Alan Greenspan; and Phil and Wendy Gramm.
But it has fallen to right-wing pundit Ann Coulter to blaze a truly simple path through the maze of credit derivatives, collateralized loan obligations, tranches, securitization transactions, and Thomson Financial League Tables.

This gentle lady spells out the source and origin of the current economic crisis:

Coulter is putting forward an argument popular (who could be surprised?) among besieged conservatives, that "social engineering" is the root cause of the current economic crisis -- in the form of a 31-year-old law passed during the Carter administration by a Democratic Congress, the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, "intended to encourage depository institutions to help meet the credit needs of the communities in which they operate, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods, consistent with safe and sound operations."
In Coulter's words, traditional yardsticks of a mortgage applicant's ability to make payments were replaced with "nontraditional measures of credit-worthiness, such as having a good jump shot or having a missing child named 'Caylee';" the result, Coulter continues, is that "middle-class taxpayers are going to be forced to bail out the Democrats' two most important constituent groups: rich Wall Street bankers and welfare recipients."
To make sure her meaning is clear, Coulter echoes a line from the famous anti-affirmative action "White Hands" commercial Jesse Helms used in his 1990 campaign against black challenger Harvey Gantt. The ad shows a pair of white hands crumpling a job rejection slip as the voiceover intones, "You needed that job, you were the best qualified. But they have to give it to a minority because of a racial quota."
Coulter is in the forefront of a concerted drive to shift the partisan consequences of the collapse on Wall Street from helping Democrats to favoring the GOP. To this end, conservatives have initiated a racially explosive argument, shifting the blame for the current economic crisis to legislation designed up improve access to mortgage financing for African Americans, other minorities and residents of low-income neighborhoods generally.

Huffingtonpost Link


and ahhh No Coulter!!... it is not the minorities fault that corporate greed exists....

I put this all down to laziness... instead of doing the research and providing an affordable option to people looking for loans... banks just go "oh you can apply for the following loans".
Granted there should be a level of responsiblity by the people applying for a loan in at least trying to get something that suits their needs (not wants) and something that they can actually afford.
The truth is there is a lot of people especially those who are less educated on economics/finances (myself included :lol: ) that rely on the banks to give them the right advice. I still think there should be a level of responsibility by bankers to ensure that they are providing a service and not just trying to fill their own pockets.
yeah but she hasn't come across Joe Biden calibre yet

this will be a very cringe-worthy, but funny debate. much like this pop cult Quayle debate:

and if anyone wants to have a good laugh, check out some Quayle super dooper bloopers.

but if this prick managed to become a VP, then.........................

*Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,,,,,*
:rofl: @ arXter

true very true :lol: should be worth watching... unlike the McCain v Obama debate which bored me to tears
Biden should so pull a Lloyd Bentsen on Palin in the debate because I know that if the topic of her (in)experience comes up she will be coached to say something like....

Palin: I have as much, if not more experience than Barack Obama and he's seeking the Presidency.

to which Biden should say....

Biden: I know Barack Obama, I've worked with Barack Obama and Governor... you're no Barack Obama.


If Palin says some ish like that, Biden has just got to throw in a Bentsen vs Quayle reference.
^ so you suggest he should lay the smack down? :lol:

Or he could just say... I don't see you with a grammy... :lol:
I could care less if he said, 'put that in your pipe and smoke it'. Get er done Biden.
It's comin, it's comin, soooooooon.... kick her butt Biden, plz. Majority believes Palin's got this in the bud, I can't believe it. CNN does. Prove them wrong.

1 hour left.
I have snacks and popcorn and am set to watch! BRING IT BIDEN! Show the world that it takes more then being "cute" **shudders** and being able to pop out babies to be an effective leader. Who ever could think that is a moron. KICK HER ASS BIDEN!


I feel like I'm about to sit down and watch a sporting event. lol! Doesn't it seem that way? I feel that at the beginning of the debate a guy should come out with a microphone and go, "LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!" LOL! :lol:
Oh lord, for Palin's own sake, I hope she doesn't do as bad as I think she will. To be honest, I think Tiny Fey impersonating Palin would do a better job.
It's comin, it's comin, soooooooon.... kick her butt Biden, plz. Majority believes Palin's got this in the bud, I can't believe it. CNN does. Prove them wrong.

1 hour left.
whaa? naww CNN's trying their best to not sound too sucky sucky towards Dems, so they have to find any ridiculous 'pro' against all the 'cons' of Palin. and because there aren't any, they come up with stretched shite like "Biden is a masterful debater, but is prone to gaffes" LOL
:assassin: Not only one, that's fo sho.(replied to WC)

And whatever about the Govenor debate stuff... "I'll try and find some an' bring em to ya", :ermm: Yeah like thats professional. Exactly artie :lol:
Exactly artie :lol:
artie. LMFAO.

Anyway, polls all over are showing stable support for Biden. I don't know what the hell CNN is talking about. Expectations are pretty low for Palin. Honestly, I don't think she's going to do so bad. She's obviously going to be programmed, but when you're up against Biden, you never know. I have a feeling she's going to sound like a damn robot. Judging from her interviews, she needs to bring more to the table. Not answering questions isn't going to pass by.
what do you lot think about the moderator of the debate writing a book pro-Obama? it might work against Biden if she tries too hard to not be biased.

and does anyone have an animated gif of Mike spanking Siedah's booty?
In al seriousness, Biden impressed me. OT: I didn't know he had a daughter and wife that died. What happened?

Palin... tsk well um, she did okay. A lil better but she didn't really catch my attention, and still didn't assure me of what she would actually do to help. I'm still at arms with her, ufortunately.
Ok...Biden I thought FAR surpassed Palin. She came across as VERY rehearsed and would answer questions that weren't even asked, she wasn't specific at all, retorical rather than straightforward, and quite frankly she came across as being cold and condesending. And pundits were all saying Biden was at risk for appearing that way, it was the other way around. I am tired of seeing so many people in the media who have tried to sugar coat things in regards to Palin just because she's a woman, and that's exactly what's happened. I hate how the McCain people have brought up how they feel the media have been too harsh with her, WTF?! Too harsh my ass. I myself am a woman and I firmly see Mrs. Palin as an embarrassment to all women everywhere. IT IS NOT SEXIST TO QUESTION A WOMAN'S CREDENTIALS OR TO CALL HER OUT ON HER CRAP! For one she has hardly spoke with ANY journalist, and every time she has she's flubbed it up. I mean seriously. How can you screw up an interview with Katie Couric? I mean COME ON! Even now as I watch the pundits responding to how Palin did, they're being WAY too soft on Palin. I mean they all need to GROW A PAIR! She needs to be confronted on her and McCain's contradictions, which I believe Biden did very well, and I truly think he won this debate HANDS DOWN. Biden did what he set out to do and showed the country that he and Obama ARE the intelligent choice , not her and McCain. Biden had the facts, he had a backbone to point out and make known when it was needed (and it WAS OFTEN THROUGHOUT THE DEBATE) when and where what she was saying was either a half-truth twisted in a way that would reflect badly on Obama or whenever she was just FLAT WRONG! I'm glad he called her out on her BS, and the BS McCain has been trying to spin to the American people. I may not agree 100% with Obama and Joe Biden on a couple of issues, but I do believe that they ARE what our country and even the World need at this moment in time. Voting McCain and Palin into Office would be A HORRENDOUS MISTAKE, a mistake the United States just cannot withstand. And this debate showed to me, what I have always felt, Mrs. Palin is NOTHING MORE then George W. Bush in a skirt , only Bush seems to have one or two more functioning brain cells then she does.

We need to rid ourselves of the OBAMA-PHOBIA (The cronic fear of hope) some have become afflicted with in this country. And Biden had the BEST line of the evening, and it was VERY TRUE! It also sums up what a vote for McCain/Palin would be for.

A vote for McCain/Palin would be the ULTIMATE bridge to nowhere.
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In al seriousness, Biden impressed me. OT: I didn't know he had a daughter and wife that died. What happened?

Joe Biden lost his daughter and wife in a car accident back in the early years he began working in the Senate, in the early '70's I believe it was (correct me if I'm wrong) . I believe his two sons were also injured. He didn't even know if they'd pull through. After that happened, he made it a promise to his sons that every night he WOULD BE THERE at home to eat dinner with them. And they didn't live in Washington. He traveled I think two hours (or something like that) by train EVERY DAY to be there with his boys. And you could still see how affected he still is by what happened when he choked up this evening when he was referring to that. Now he's remarried and has another little girl, but it's so sad to know what he's been through.

Oh and B.O.T. for a second. Palin tried to get on Biden for "looking to much in the past" and saying he and Obama don't truly stand for "change when they continue to look in the past and place blame, blah blah blah..." In order TO change you MUST learn from the past mistakes of others as well as the past mistakes you yourself have made. That is just something she and McCain do not seem capable of comprehending.
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