US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

I agree wholeheartedly with your comments about Palin, mello. As a woman I take great concern about her being anywhere near the white house as well. She is dangerous and are so far off from reality that it will be a disaster if McCain gets elected.
I think the clear fact that they wont let her conduct interviews with the general media is a clear indication of just how unready she is. I'm not counting that sit down 3 part special interview she did where the whole thing was in a controlled environment. I say put her in front of a live group of people to answer questions.

I'm with Whoopi on this one I just can't trust a person who wont come out and just answer any questions especially given the MULTITUDE of chances she has had to address the public recently.

I mean hello......

Pressed on why Alaska's geographic location enhanced her world knowledge, Ms Palin said: "Well, it certainly does, because our, our next-door neighbours are foreign countries, there in the state that I am the executive of."
She said when Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin "rears his head and comes into the airspace of the United States of America, where do they go? It's Alaska."
"It is from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right next to, they are right next to our state,"
Ms Palin said.
Ok can I just :banghead

I also don't get the conspiracy theory mindset of "we have to be ready cause everyone is coming to get us"
I agree WHOLE HEARTEDLY with Mello. Even though I was/am a supporter of Hillary and Bill, I also always liked Obama. Hillary was my first pick, but I knew I would vote for Obama if he ended up with the nom. And after the debate last night...and all the "drama" caused by McCain over the last week. If by some fluke McCain is elected, that will just solidify in the world's mind that america is full of nothing but morons. It's just all really messed up. Palin makes me sick. McCain makes my head hurt. And's just disgusting.
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Wow, you guys put a jolt back here, huh? :lol:

Congress expected to pass rescue package
By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer
22 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Key lawmakers who struck a post-midnight deal on a $700 billion bailout for the financial industry predicted Sunday it would pass Congress, putting in place the largest government intervention in markets since the Great Depression.

Ok they r on CNN talkin 'bout "Golden parachutes" being limited to Execs or something like that.. And other freakin details being revealed. Say hello to future stock struggles, banks failures (maybe not major but still), and all the good sh*t ahead of us. Good times, gooood times. :happy:

My mom showed me this... Oh man, lol. I can't believe it's close to being a month away.
The latest electoral map projection:

^^Whoop, close call.

Bush confident bailout bill will stabilize economy
By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer
3 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - Key supporters of a Wall Street bailout package prodded lawmakers to approve the plan hours ahead of a difficult House vote on Monday, with President Bush saying it is needed to "keep the crisis in our financial system from spreading throughout our economy."

"Every member of Congress and every American should keep in mind that a vote for this bill is a vote to prevent economic damage to you and your community," said Bush, fully aware that congressional passage of the $700 billion compromise legislation is far from assured.
the $700 billion bailout bill has just been rejected thanks to Republicans and their backward views on how it's a "socialist" move. they've harmed a lot of their suffering people and given more power to the banks. can't believe this is 21stC America.
lol haha you manga geek



and i refuse to believe it.

Republicans are now blaming a SPEECH by Pelosi
. it's not, it''s all about "patriotic" decisions, whatever the shit that means. so very backward.

listening to Obama now laying the smackdown on this..
the $700 billion bailout bill has just been rejected thanks to Republicans and their backward views on how it's a "socialist" move. they've harmed a lot of their suffering people and given more power to the banks. can't believe this is 21stC America.

are you serious?
are you serious?

Well um. :trish:

House defeats $700B financial markets bailout
By JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS, Associated Press Writer
1 minute ago

WASHINGTON - The House on Monday defeated a $700 billion emergency rescue for the nation's financial system, ignoring urgent warnings from President Bush and congressional leaders of both parties that the economy could nosedive into recession without it.

Stocks plummeted on Wall Street even before the 228-205 vote to reject the bill was announced on the House floor.
^ Yeah, my father's about to have a heart attack, lol. The market has been strained for a while now, very stressful time for a lot of investors out there.
U.S.News & World Report
Bailout, Take II: What the Feds Do Next

Monday September 29, 6:07 pm ET

By Rick Newman

OK, so that didn't work.
After a bunch of all-nighters in Washington and some premature back-slapping, we're right back where we were a couple of weeks ago, after Lehman Brothers declared bankruptcy and the government lent AIG $85 billion. There's no one-size-fits-all bailout plan, after all. That $700 billion in taxpayer money remains under lock and key. Glum investors are now the ones bailing out, fleeing stocks and bonds and seeking safer ground.

A "Plan B" they call it. Whatever. :rolleyes: I just can't help but take notice of what's going on. I could be doing other stuff, but this is what I wanna watch. Maybe it's a good thing.