US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Heh heh... uh, thanks Linda. :rofl:

If I were three more years older I'd go 4 Obama/Biden. Eff it man, I can't wait till November.

OT: I actually made this joke about Mccain and that pregger girl. I won't say, cuz I'm sure you know already... lol I'm so bad...
I would like us to think up of some good advertizement ideas for Obama throughout the online community..
Did ya'll watch the Bill O Rielly interview with Obama? OMG dude is NUTS!!! (meaning Bill lol)

for some reason me posting the Youtube thing isn't working
Just to get an idea how many people in here are going to vote this year? And for who?? I would like to see a little pole of MJJC fans..

I'm voting this year! It will be my first time voting too 'cause during the last election I was underage and not eligible to vote so i'm very excited. As for who i'm voting for, I am backing Obama/Biden all the way!

I can't wait 'til November gets here
I think he went on the show to prove that he is not afraid of the big bad wolf. I dont think he expected to change anyone's mind about him but it would take away one more criticism. To have been interviewed by that jackass (Billo The Clown) and to not lose your cool and bash him over the head is a major achievement to me.
If he kept doing interviews with members of the meida who are perceived to be sympathetic to his campaign then it would be implied that Obama is afraid to talk with people of opposing viewpoints because he would not be able to hold his own.

That charge cannot now be levelled at him.

PS I have said this before and I will say it again - I want to have Keith Olbermann's babies (all 500 of them)
I'm voting for Obama/Biden point blank lol

ANd Bill is Woooowww. It makes sense for Obama to go on the show. My favorite quotes so far: "95 PERCENT (of people getting tax cuts) IS NOT CLASS WARFARE!" - Obama :lol:

and "You're Robin Hood Obama!" - Bill

OMG this is entertainment lol
Re: US Presidential Election

SO, Sarah Palin's DAUGHTER (who is 17 NOW, probably 16 WHEN SHE GOT PREGNANT) is PREGNANT?

You want to know what I can't STAND about Today's Conservatives? They have a HOLIER-THAN-THOU, DO-AS-I-SAY-AND-NOT-WHAT-I-DO way about them. Constantly. They got all upset over CLINTON??? CLINTON is NOTHING compared to what is going on in the PALIN FAMILY right now. NOTHING.

Did CHELSEA get PREGNANT during ANY OF THE TWO TERMS Clinton was in?? ANY of Al GORE's daughters?? NO??? Wow!!v And they have the NERVE to talk about "family values" and :"ABSTINENCE"!!

Well, Chelsea went to Cambridge or Oxford here in Britain, and the report about her behaviour was far from flattering.
Time to Come CLEAN Mr. McCAIN!!

He first says he is "independent"??

An ever-growing list of McCain FLIP FLOPS!! The BIGGEST one of em all is both IRAQ and drilling for oil in our precious Alaskan WIlderness!! THAT's why he picked Palin....


Let’s return, once again, to McCain’s flourishing flip-flop list, which is now a Top 11 list. * McCain criticized TV preacher Jerry Falwell as “an agent of intolerance” in 2002, but has since decided to cozy up to the man who said Americans “deserved” the 9/11 attacks. (Indeed, McCain has now hired Falwell’s debate coach.)
* McCain used to oppose Bush’s tax cuts for the very wealthy, but he reversed course in February.
* In 2000, McCain accused Texas businessmen Sam and Charles Wyly of being corrupt, spending “dirty money” to help finance Bush’s presidential campaign. McCain not only filed a complaint against the Wylys for allegedly violating campaign finance law, he also lashed out at them publicly. In April, McCain reached out to the Wylys for support.
* McCain supported a major campaign-finance reform measure that bore his name. In June, he abandoned his own legislation.
* McCain used to think that Grover Norquist was a crook and a corrupt shill for dictators. Then McCain got serious about running for president and began to reconcile with Norquist.
* McCain took a firm line in opposition to torture, and then caved to White House demands.
* McCain gave up on his signature policy issue, campaign-finance reform, and won’t back the same provision he sponsored just a couple of years ago.
* McCain was against presidential candidates campaigning at Bob Jones University before he was for it.
* McCain was anti-ethanol. Now he’s pro-ethanol.
* McCain was both for and against state promotion of the Confederate flag.
* And now he’s both for and against overturning Roe v. Wade.
It’s not exactly a newsflash that McCain is veering ridiculously to the right in a rather shameless attempt to reinvent himself, but Dems should take advantage of the situation and help establish the narrative now. Despite his rather embarrassing record of late, we still have major media figures telling the public that “no one would accuse McCain of equivocating on anything.”
Now is the time to begin characterizing McCain — accurately — as a man with no principle beliefs. Dems should not only criticize McCain’s constantly evolving opinions on nearly everything, they should openly mock him for it now, so that the storyline becomes second nature (like the GOP did with “serial exaggerator” Al Gore).
The nation is seeing McCain 2.0, and we like the old one better.
My last word on McCain. He's turning into yet another PUPPET for the Extremist RIght-Wing here in America. Has NO backbone, NO morals, and he CERTAINLY is NO "independent" politician wanting to see both sides. We KNOW which side HE picked.
No it's fine & not spammy and I'll be there, too.

In 1994, John McCain voted against legislation -- pushed through Congress by Joe Biden -- that helped put an end to the practice of charging rape victims for sexual assault exams.

Twisted as it may sound, charging victims for a forensic exam was a real problem. For example, as AMERICAblog has documented (and the media is now reporting), when Sarah Palin was mayor of Wasilla, the town charged rape victims for the exams.

Biden's legislation required that state, local, and Indian governments provide the rape exams to victims free of charge as a condition of receiving federal funds under the Violence Against Women Act. In 2000, Alaska finally passed state legislation in order to qualify for federal funding.

McCain not only opposed Biden's legislation, but also has voted against funding it as recently as October 2007.


Bloggers have been writing for a few days about reports that Sarah Palin's town charged rape victims for forensic exams when she was mayor. Now former Alaska Governor Tony Knowles has come out in support of the story. McClatchy reports:

Two state leaders lashed out at the public record of Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday as witnesses in a new "Alaska Mythbusters" forum coordinated by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

Speaking to a teleconference audience of reporters around the nation, former Gov. Tony Knowles and current Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein -- both Democrats -- accused Palin of misleading the public in her new role as the vice presidential running mate of Arizona Sen. John McCain.

While some of their complaints have already been aired, Knowles broke new ground while answering a reporter's question on whether Wasilla forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic tests when Palin was mayor.

True, Knowles said.

Eight years ago, complaints about charging rape victims for medical exams in Wasilla prompted the Alaska Legislature to pass a bill -- signed into law by Knowles -- that banned the practice statewide.

"There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, and that was Wasilla," Knowles said.

USA Today has more:

According to the sponsor, Democrat Eric Croft, the law was aimed in part at Wasilla, where now-Gov. Sarah Palin was mayor. When it was signed, Wasilla's police chief expressed displeasure.


"In retrospect, I would have asked the female working-mother mayor of that town why her police chief was against this," said Croft, the former Anchorage state representative.

Palin spokeswoman Maria Comella said in an e-mail that the governor "does not believe, nor has she ever believed, that rape victims should have to pay for an evidence-gathering test."

"Gov. Palin's position could not be more clear," she said. "To suggest otherwise is a deliberate misrepresentation of her commitment to supporting victims and bringing violent criminals to justice."

Comella would not answer other questions, including when Palin learned of Wasilla's policy or whether she tried to change it. The campaign cited the governor's record on domestic violence, including increasing funding for shelters.


"The Alaskan Legislature had to pass a law to make sure no other city in Alaska tried to do what Gov Palin did as Mayor of Wasilla - charge rape victims for the costs of medical exams needed for prosecuting the rapist.

In 1994, Joe Biden pushed legislation through Congress that banned this degrading practice. John McCain voted against that legislation, but fortunately it passed anyway.

In 2007, John McCain voted against funding the program that requires states to provide rape victims with rape exams.

We'll never know how many rape prosecutions didn't happen, and how many rapists are walking around free because rape victims couldn't afford to pay for medical exams, as Palin required them to do.

So who was protecting the rape victim, and who was protecting the rapist?

McCain and Palin: wrong then, wrong now."
Palin came across as uncomfortable, rehearsed and did not seem confident in her answers. I have no confidence in her at all. This interview tonite was an utter dissapointment.
What distresses me about this electoral process is that the GOp seems to want to make being learned and having travelled outside the USA as signs of elitism.

To me that is disgraceful.

Some Americans have been so dumbed down by their education and the media, that people who have been educated to a higher level are seen as strange, different, 'other'. So they relate better to people like themselves - people without curiosity, people who are content stay within their limits (whether physical or mental). Someone like Sarah Palin who, until recently, had no real interest in the war in Iraq or the job of the VP - because she had not bothered to pay attention. That is her right of course but that should also recuse her from the nomination for the job of VP of the US.

The people who are gung ho about Sarah Palin need to ask themselves if the fact that they can relate to her means she would do a good job as VP. Because by extension that means that THEY could do a good job as VP!!!! I relate to alot of people but that does not mean that those people have the skills, the knowledge-base, the character to govern a country.

This thing is not some reality tv show. It is not a game.

On another point (yes, I am venting today because I can't hold it in any longer). Democrats are fretting about Obama not coming out swinging. I have to respectfully disagree. Mr Obama has remained a gentleman throughout this process. Yes, he can certainly hit a little harder but he should not go the route that John McCain has gone. He will lose his credibility if he does that. His mantra is 'change' and he has worked hard to conduct a campaign that has not relied on the same old dirty tricks. To me that has been the first indication of his commitment to 'change'.

Eventually the shine will wear off the Palin package, the fascination will diminish and the focus will again be on the issues and the CHARACTER of the people who want to run America.

I say here again, if Palin was butt-ugly with the views that she holds, McCain's campaign would be sunk. But you put a good-looking white woman on the ticket and suddenly you got a tv show that everybody wants to watch.

It is time for America to take a serious look at its obsession with celebrity and the superficiality of looks. It's time to get real because if McCain/Palin get elected, I do believe they will be worse that Bush/Cheney.
Palin was a pawn to lure, angry Hillary voters who are still hung on the fact Obama won the nomination. She was a pawn, to make people think she is an average house-mom with average morals, and kickass politics. Wrong. She is a distinctive hypocrite. She wants to teach absitinice, which WILL lead to further sexual rebellion, causing more problems then we really need. She wants to teach abstinince, and her daughter couldn't wrap her boyfriends willy up before intercourse.

She kills animals for fun. She is against the Endangered Species Policy. She is Pro-Life (a moral decsion more than a thoughtful one for the country. I am against abortion, but America stands for liberty, and I would try to satisfy the need as best as possible. Pro-Choice leaves the decsion to the woman, based on their own morality). She believes Community Organizers, aren't suitable enough to become president. Community Organizers are just as much dedicated to the country as all politicians are or should be.

I just dont find her likable. I mean yes I do find her very attractive, but policies are way out of line. I believe she practices hypocrisy, and don't find her effective enough for the job.

She has become a powerful figure these days. No, actually more of a media figure. She is swaying the vote. But people seem to forget, SHE IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT PEOPLE.

She's like a shock rocker politician. McCain only has met her once, didn't know anything about her politics, and from what I heard, NEVER EVEN CHOSE HER. I here his advisors did. May be a rumor, but thats just what I heard. It was only to take attention away from Obama.

Obama's DNC speech had gotten much recognition. He created an astounding effect, and is the most influential speaker I had ever heard, thats been around in my lifetime. The speech was bound for media attention, and all of a sudden, McCain unleashes the cage of the new VP. Sarah Lion.

Look at the strategy:

Obama = Younger/ Inspirational esp. Younger crowd/ Fresh for Change / From Hawaii (non-continental U.S)
Biden = Older/ More Experienced esp. in Foreign Policy in which Obama is weak in/ Political Veteran

McCain = Older/ War Veteran/ Political Veteran
Palin = Younger/ WOMAN (Pissed Hillary Voters....) / Alaska Governess (Non-Continental U.S.)

Same strategy. McCain's advisors wanted to find the best way, to detract the massive media attention Obama was bound to get. Palin was nothing but an attention sucker. She is immoral, imo. She believes that the Iraq War is God's will. The Oil Drilling is a message from God. What kind of world, is she living in? Christianity teaches non-violence. War was waged, but the way she describes it is horrific. She makes God look like he's Rambo. God is supposed to be almighty and menevolent. Not vengeful and Violent.

Obama is suited for America, and we have to get the voters to vote not only on behalf of the VP selections, but the Presidential Candidates. They must know, how the issues are affecting their lives. I believe Obama is the one who could take us out of this crisis, the "conservative" group has put us in. They say Liberals ruin everything, look at what a Conservative did to our Economy. We cant take the same. We need a change, and hopefully come election time, people will realize that.

Obama for AMERICA!

Man, I wish I was old enough to vote........
Palin was a pawn to lure, angry Hillary voters who are still hung on the fact Obama won the nomination. She was a pawn, to make people think she is an average house-mom with average morals, and kickass politics. Wrong. She is a distinctive hypocrite. She wants to teach absitinice, which WILL lead to further sexual rebellion, causing more problems then we really need. She wants to teach abstinince, and her daughter couldn't wrap her boyfriends willy up before intercourse.

She kills animals for fun. She is against the Endangered Species Policy. She is Pro-Life (a moral decsion more than a thoughtful one for the country. I am against abortion, but America stands for liberty, and I would try to satisfy the need as best as possible. Pro-Choice leaves the decsion to the woman, based on their own morality). She believes Community Organizers, aren't suitable enough to become president. Community Organizers are just as much dedicated to the country as all politicians are or should be.

I just dont find her likable. I mean yes I do find her very attractive, but policies are way out of line. I believe she practices hypocrisy, and don't find her effective enough for the job.

She has become a powerful figure these days. No, actually more of a media figure. She is swaying the vote. But people seem to forget, SHE IS NOT RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. VICE PRESIDENT PEOPLE.

She's like a shock rocker politician. McCain only has met her once, didn't know anything about her politics, and from what I heard, NEVER EVEN CHOSE HER. I here his advisors did. May be a rumor, but thats just what I heard. It was only to take attention away from Obama.

Obama's DNC speech had gotten much recognition. He created an astounding effect, and is the most influential speaker I had ever heard, thats been around in my lifetime. The speech was bound for media attention, and all of a sudden, McCain unleashes the cage of the new VP. Sarah Lion.

Look at the strategy:

Obama = Younger/ Inspirational esp. Younger crowd/ Fresh for Change / From Hawaii (non-continental U.S)
Biden = Older/ More Experienced esp. in Foreign Policy in which Obama is weak in/ Political Veteran

McCain = Older/ War Veteran/ Political Veteran
Palin = Younger/ WOMAN (Pissed Hillary Voters....) / Alaska Governess (Non-Continental U.S.)

Same strategy. McCain's advisors wanted to find the best way, to detract the massive media attention Obama was bound to get. Palin was nothing but an attention sucker. She is immoral, imo. She believes that the Iraq War is God's will. The Oil Drilling is a message from God. What kind of world, is she living in? Christianity teaches non-violence. War was waged, but the way she describes it is horrific. She makes God look like he's Rambo. God is supposed to be almighty and menevolent. Not vengeful and Violent.

Obama is suited for America, and we have to get the voters to vote not only on behalf of the VP selections, but the Presidential Candidates. They must know, how the issues are affecting their lives. I believe Obama is the one who could take us out of this crisis, the "conservative" group has put us in. They say Liberals ruin everything, look at what a Conservative did to our Economy. We cant take the same. We need a change, and hopefully come election time, people will realize that.

Obama for AMERICA!

Man, I wish I was old enough to vote........

Wow. I wish you were old enough to vote. This was a very insightful intelligent post!! Kudos to you!
If any voting-eligible Americans are reading this, please vote for the good of the rest of the world who are influenced by the United States in one way or another. Please encourage every you know to vote and if they plan to vote for McCain, don't give up on trying to pull them over to Obama's side. I stress the important of your vote and the votes of people you know because Obama is losing. He is losing in the national polls and he is losing overall in the state polls which means he is currently behind McCain in the electoral college estimates. I'm not American, but don't think I don't care about you guys and want what's best for you. I first because interested in this election just because I found it entertaining. But now I'm so involved in it, and I realise the outcome of this election's effect on the wider world, that I must see Obama win in November. Please Americans, vote Obama. Campaign for Obama. Encourage everyone you know to vote for Obama. Do not let McCain win. You probably don't realise who close this election will be. It's so close that if every Obama support does not vote and does not encourage their friends to vote (for Obama) then he will lose. There is a real possibility that McCain will win. Don't let it happen. Please.
Ditto, Bob George.

Although, I have some doubts about the legitimacy of some of those polls.
I am going to call a spade a spade - if Barack OBama is lagging in the polls it is because some Americans are not ready for a Black President.

I look at Mr Obama. He is articulate, has a vision, looks presidential, is running an admirable campaign (without going into debt). He has shown great judgement in the selection of his VP and has kept his cool and sense of humour under tremendous strain.

Most of all, he has a plan.

So why would the the polls be so close?

It has to be his race.

I got angry thinking about this and then I had to be honest. I live in a country where the majority of people are of African descent and where those of European descent make up about 5% of the population. If one of them wanted to be Prime Minister, I would feel a bit strange. At first. So I can understand an initial hesitance.

But if the opponent is clearly dishonourable, seemingly senile and has given no clear indication of his plan other than to keep going to war, I would have to vote for the better candidate.

I keep hoping that this is what America will do in November.

And, I have to say, the McCain/Palin campaign have these subtle racial undertones. Especially the one where Obama is called 'disrespectful' to Mrs Palin. Obama has really upset the apple cart. He was not supposed to get as far as he did. And now that he has, they will stop at NOTHING to prevent him from achieving the highest office in the land.

They may complain about experience, religious ties, voting records but it really just boils down to one thing - THEY DO NOT WANT A BLACK MAN TO BE PRESIDENT.
^ actually the numbers have only changed since the introduction of Palin... and all I can say is arrrgghh!!!

what's scary is this:

Greenspan Says McCain Tax Plan Needs Corresponding Budget Cuts
By Scott Lanman

Sept. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said the country can't afford $3.3 trillion of tax cuts proposed by Republican presidential nominee John McCain without corresponding spending reductions.
Greenspan, a lifelong Republican and longtime friend of McCain, said today on Bloomberg Television's ``Political Capital With Al Hunt'' that ``I'm not in favor of financing tax cuts with borrowed money.''
McCain has said he would balance the cost of most of his tax cuts with budget reductions, while providing few details beyond eliminating earmarks and other pork-barrel spending, which have totaled about $171 billion since 2001. Democratic nominee Barack Obama is proposing fewer tax cuts and more ambitious spending programs.
Greenspan said he has ``mixed feelings'' about a second government economic-stimulus bill after the U.S. provided a $168 billion package in February. While such an action may increase the budget deficit at a time when spending on retirees' medical benefits is about to cause ``big'' financial problems, it may also boost economic growth, he said.
Greenspan has said there's at least a 50 percent chance the U.S. economy will slide into a recession.

continued here:

A recession would be a disaster, the US economy is so poor right now, surely the candidates should start looking at their own backyard and helping their own citizens?
I would like us to think up of some good advertizement ideas for Obama throughout the online community..

Like Bill Maher said the other night, its time for Obama to get midevil on mccain's ass. Look, after mccain released that "teaching kids about sex before they learn how to read" add, I don't give a damn.

I'm waiting for the add that shows John mccain as a man who is supported by his wife, therefore doesn't know what its like to support a family which explains why he's not man enough to run the country / white house and why he's out of touch and want to gives tax cuts to the rich.

I would also like to see an add attacking mccain's war record and percieved foriegn policy strenths by implying that it was his bad JUDGEMENT that got his plane shot down and him and his people captured and his judgement that sent us to this war and iraq.

I admire Obama honorable image and all. But he better not lose this election. Especially not to those two incompetent morons. Our lives depends on it.
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Wow. I wish you were old enough to vote. This was a very insightful intelligent post!! Kudos to you!

Oh thanks, lol. I just got into politics ever since, the beginning primaries. Senator Obama was the one who inspired me. Palin stumbled in her interview, pretty bad. Just adds on to some of the reasons, I dont find her effective enough for VP. Yet she says she could easily take the role of president....

Obama has the power to suade voters. Believe me. We all know Obama, Biden, and their team of advisors are all working up a plan. I hope Barack and Joe mop the floor with McCain and Palin come debate time. Maybe, the actual ISSUES instead of the Celebrity side of this Palin-mania, will let America realize, our country is badly damaged and only Obama-Biden can fix it.
OK I HAVE HAD IT! (prepare for rant!)

Sarah Palin is a joke. The ONLY reason McCain picked her was because she's a woman. PERIOD. Which is both insulting and down right degrading. There is NO WAY he would have picked her if it had been Hillary as the Democratic VP nom. NO WAY IN HELL. Just imagining the two going head to head with each other is laughable! Hillary would have eaten her for breakfast. Standing next to each other there is NO COMPARING! And I pray to god that people are not stupid enough to make the same mistake THREE TIMES. Hasn't the last 8 years taught us anything? I am SICK AND TIRED of being called unpatriotic because I'm liberal, because I do not support the war (or ANY war for that matter), because I LOATH the current administration, because I believe EVERYONE deserves equal rights. Being a liberal became a bad dirty thing as soon as the "conservative" Bush administration took over. It makes me want to throw something at that moron. I could go on. When has it ever been unpatriotic to question the government? To question anything? To not be a mindless drome? I frankly am sick and tired of the bullshit that's been handed down to us the last 8 years, and I refuse to believe that we as a nation are stupid enough to go along with it for another four. I saw that Charles Gibson Interview and I've read up on Mrs. Palin. Not only do I believe she has ZERO to offer this country, but she and her "policies" are scary and currupt. I supported Hillary and I find it INSULTING that McCain and Co. thinks I and many others are THAT jaded that we'd vote for him and Palin because she's a female and not go for the intelligent choice of Obama and Biden. And make no mistake guys that's EXACTLY why she was picked. What kind of "intelligent" presidential nom. picks his VP after only meeting with her ONE TIME?! If I recall correctly he was leaning towards Liberman or some other guy for VP, not Palin. But oh no he couldn't be seen as "too liberal" to the conservatives. So, he caved to the far-right of his party and picked a nom. who is basically George W. in a skirt, only I think she makes W. look brilliantly smart.

Obama and Biden are the way to go. And I pray to god that this country has woken up and doesn't fall for the same bullshit this time around. I want Obama and Biden to come out swinging against McCain and Co. because make no mistake that's exactly what McCain and Co. are going to do. Make no mistake.

We as a nation NEED change, and McCain and Palin ARE NOT IT.
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Come on USA. Make the right choice.
yeah let's not make it a hat-trick of