US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Re: US Presidential Election

Well, it has finally been confirmed. Joe Biden is Obama's running mate in 2008.

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Re: US Presidential Election

Good choice. Looking at his past, he's very experienced. I think he's going to bring those blue collar Christians Obama needs.

I don't know why everyone had their panties in a twist thinking it would be Hillary. It was more than clear to me, to be honest. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama don't seem to mix quite well.
Re: US Presidential Election

Good choice. Looking at his past, he's very experienced. I think he's going to bring those blue collar Christians Obama needs.

I don't know why everyone had their panties in a twist thinking it would be Hillary. It was more than clear to me, to be honest. Bill Clinton and Barack Obama don't seem to mix quite well.

Which is interesting because Obama seems a lot like Bill Clinton did when he initially ran for President in 1992.
Re: US Presidential Election

The Democratic National Convetion starts off tomorrow, in Denver. Looks like it's gonna be a bumpy ride...
Re: US Presidential Election

As an outsider following American politics, I have to say that the whole electoral college thing is a mystery.

But that aside, I admire the way that Barrack Obama has comported himself throughout his campaign. However, I think it is now necessary for an attack dog to take on the McCain campaign. Playing nice is noble but often ineffective against the GOP (from my observations).

I think Biden would be the perfect attack dog.
Re: US Presidential Election

Quick update.

The Democratic Convention was held this week. Ted Kennedy, who has just recently undergone surgery for a brain tumor, made a surprise appearance and delivered an emotional speech. Hillary Clinton, former contender for the nomination of the Democratic party, spoke at the convention and put her full support behind Barack Obama. Her husband and former US President, Bill Clinton, also delivered a powerful speech and announced his unconditional support for Barack Obama. Barack Obama was officially nominated by his party for President and Joe Biden was nominated for Vice President. Both candidates spoke at the convention. The main theme of the speeches was that Obama is the change we need and McCain is more of the same.

Also, John McCain has announced his candidate for Vice President. Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. McCain's choice is possibly a tactic to get the female vote that the Democratic party is lacking because Hillary Clinton is not the candidate for either President or Vice President. The Republican convention will be held next week.
Re: US Presidential Election

Also, John McCain has announced his candidate for Vice President. Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin. McCain's choice is possibly a tactic to get the female vote that the Democratic party is lacking because Hillary Clinton is not the candidate for either President or Vice President. The Republican convention will be held next week.
apart from Obama having already established a strong female base from the beginning,,,

any woman who switches her political ideals by 180° just because a person of the same gender is now on the opposite end of power frankly makes me homicidal.

that applies to any other muppet and their irrelevant motives. this includes the idiots that still think the Obama Vs. Clinton campaign was a game and now want to switch to McCain just because they've allowed the propaganda to get to their heads by making them hate Obama with a passion and for no political reason at all LOL it's sad, actuallly.
Re: US Presidential Election

apart from Obama having already established a strong female base from the beginning,,,
Well what I've been hearing is that there is a growing concern in the Democratic party over the lack of female support for Obama compared to the female support for previous Democratic candidates in recent history like Bill Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry. I'm sure Hillary's speech and the DNC helped with that a little bit. But the fact that there was such a big chance of a female becoming President and now that chance no longer exists, has clearly disgruntled a lot of non-partisan feminist voters who will now possibly see that chance in Sarah Palin.
Re: US Presidential Election

I have to congratulate Barack on his speech yesterday. He was amazing.
I've been following the DNC for the past week, and my wishes go out to Mr. Obama.
I LOVE OBAMA. I really hope he clinches this election.
We do not need 4 more years of a Bush administration.
I look at Obama as reminiscent of John F. Kennedy. He truly is an inspirational man.
Re: US Presidential Election

When I listen to Barack Obama and when I listen to John McCain, I cannot see how the contest is so close in the polls.

To me there is no comparison. Barack Obama should be the next President of the US.
Re: US Presidential Election

^ For one, even if it was not a close race, the media will not have you believe that. There is too much money: websites, the news, newspapers and who knows what else. Tight races, ESPECIALLY an unprecedented one like this (two senates going at each other, the first black man to possibly be president, and the poor times the country is in) are beneficial to those who stand to profit off of it.

However, barring that, this country is almost half republican and half democratic. It's crazy. And there are people who would vote for a twig if it belonged to their party. Of course, there are people who are fed up with republicans and there are people who will not vote for Barack because they are die-hard Hilary supporters or because of their racial ignorance. So it all evens out one way or the other and results in a tight race. Logically, I don't know why people would keep the republicans (and essentially the Bush administration) in office, but hey, whatever.

Just my .02..

McCain is finished. His VP choice is nothing more than a tactical move and not in the best interest of the country. The VP choice is someone who you feel would be capable of running the country in your absence.

The Democratic Convention was a historical four days. Michelle Obama, Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Al Gore and the man of the hour himself Barack Obama all delivered award-worthy speeches and the atmosphere, emotion, and yes, even the ratings were all out of this world.

I really do think McCain is a good guy and maybe under different circumstances may have made a good president. Not today though, not with where the Bush administration has us.
Re: US Presidential Election

you speak a lot of sense, mate.

I really do think McCain is a good guy and maybe under different circumstances may have made a good president. Not today though, not with where the Bush administration has us.
he switched his own stance completely just to fit in by conservative standards. like you said, his VP choice is nothing more than short-time gain of supporters: 1. some unfortunate females and 2. die-hard conservatives who didn't like his past real self (the true "maverick" he was).
Re: US Presidential Election

I have not understood the whole debate about 'experience'. A friend of mine is always fretting about it. And I keep thinking that if I was Mr Obama I would run the EXACT same campaign. I would seek the advice of as many as possible AND I would recruit some who has had experience battling for good in Washington.

The former Presidents who have been interviewed all made it clear that you cannot be truly prepared for the job of PotUS. I think it is more important to surround yourself with good people and, as Obama says, have a sound temperament and judgement.

With the selection of Palin, I hope the Dems pound away at the fact that this woman would be President if something were to happen to McCain. That thought scares me and I am not even American.

BTW - am I the only one who finds her voice EXTREMELY GRATING AND ANNOYING??????????
Re: US Presidential Election

They are saying that McCain and Bush may not appear at the Republican National Convention this coming up week due to Gustav... it is likely to land on the United States Gulf Coast as a powerful hurricane. New Orleans is once again preparing for disaster, as is most of the gulf coast. This does not look good at all, one can only hope the local and federal governments are more prepared this time around.
Re: US Presidential Election

Dang. I haven't posted on this thread since the primaries. A lot of things have changed. I know that I state on this thread and another one that I was not going to vote for Obama. I like the guy, but loved Hillary more. I have a soft spot for the Clintons, so shoot me. LOL. When all of the drama with her losing and things after that occurred, I had to sewriously think if I was going to vote this year. I was even thinking of changing my party from Democrat to Independent. It was that serious to me. I have to admit, Barack was going to be my pick at first, but I saw what Hillary had to offer and I liked what she was about. I had a feeling that she was not going to win but I was in denial. After I saw the speech that Barack made when he won the nomination, my feelings were mixed. I was disappointed but at the same time, I was happy for Barack.

I had to sit down and really had serious thought about this election because I did not want another George W Bush running my country and I wanted the democratic party to be united as one. I felt that it was the only way the bitterness would end and the only way that the Republican party will not rule the white house. So, I decided to stick to Barack. Slowly, I realized that I really like what he stand for an that I really like to see change happen in the white house and this country. WHen he had to make his VP choice, I am not gonna lie, but I was like a lot of Hillary supporters and was hoping that Hillary would be his choice. However, he chose Joe Biden who spoke at my college commencement in 2006 at Widener University. After Baraak made his choice, I was like, "you know what, I like what I see. I like Biden, he can talk." LOL. I watched the DNC on television on PBS (they had the best coverage) and I listened to what eveyone had to say. I missed Joe Biden's speech because I feel asleep and Barack was awesome, but I was so tired that I slept through most of it. Yes, I am a FOOL, I know!!! However, history was made, a change is going to come and I am going vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden. That is what is gonna happen.

Now, over to McCain-Palin: *sigh* does McCain think that we are stupid? We all know why he picked a woman to be his VP running mate. Because Obama did not pick Hillary and thinks that bitter Hillary supporters would autmoatically turn to him and vote for him because of his VP choice. He doesn't think that these people are going to look at Palin creditials and see what she is about. He thinks that people are not going to do that. Well, he is a simple dude. Seriously. I doubt that he is going to win this election. The guy doesn't even know how many houses he owns. The guy agrees with Dubya almost 90% of the time. The guy is another Dubya but older and smarter. I will watch the RNC and see what he has to say. I am not going to agree with it, but I will say my piece.

BTW, what was up with Daddy Yankee (reggaetion rapper) endorsing McCain? Ain't that some nonsense?
Re: US Presidential Election

I wanted to add something more regarding Daddy Yankee and the McCain mess. I read this blog entry and this person was on point about the whole thing. Very funny stuff but true. The rapper Fat Joe had to put his two sents in and he was on the money.

NYC BLOG: Fat Joe Receives Standing Ovation for Daddy Yankee Dismissal

August 29, 2008

Written By SOHH Reckless

Joey ass Crack got a standing ovation from who? From me. That's right, Reckless. Why? Because Daddy Yankee played himself and Fat Joe actually had something intelligent to say in response to this foolish spectacle Mr. Yankee made of his image.

I believe in [John McCain's] ideals and his proposals to lead this nation," Yankee said during the ridiculous McCain endorsement. "He's been a fighter for the Hispanic community."

I hope Yankee was lying through his teeth when he said this. Needless to say, he was just endorsing McCain for publicity-- we hope. And boy did it work. But it's not necessarily what the reggaeton star is doing-- it's the promotion of ignorance. If Yankee really means what he says, he sure is reiterating the popular stereotype that P.R is full of illiterate hoodlums who run around in the street bare footed. Republicans don't even care about middleclass whites. Why on earth would they give a damn about some [insert their preferred racial slur] in some dirty Caribbean island? Are you serious? Has he not seen what's happened to this country in the past 8 years? Wow.

In response, Fat Joe told MTV:

"I'm talking to little cousins that like [Yankee] and all that, and they're starting to believe that John McCain is [the best candidate]. I can't have that.

"I opened the newspaper and got sick to my stomach. I felt like I wanted to vomit when I seen that. The reason why I called [Yankee] a sellout is because I feel he did that for a [publicity] look, rather than the issues that are affecting his people that look up to him. How could you want John McCain in office when George Bush and the Republicans already have half a million people losing their homes in foreclosure? We're fighting an unjust war. It's the Latinos and black kids up in the frontlines, fighting that war. ... We over here trying to take the troops out of Iraq and bring peace. This guy immediately wants war. If not with Iraq or Afghanistan, he'll start a new one with Iran. I feel real disgusted that Daddy Yankee would do that. Either he did that for a look, or he's just not educated on politics.

"If he believes John McCain is the better candidate for the Latinos, we could sit down. Even if he wants to get into a debate, we can debate anywhere — New York, Puerto Rico.

"Like I said, with me, my whole philosophy on blacks and Latinos is: We're all one. We're in the same ghettos, same inner cities, and we're suffering from the same problems. Every problem the blacks have, the Latinos have. There's two systems of health care: the one for the rich that's really good, then there's the one for the inner city, where they leave ladies in the emergency room unattended for 24 hours until they drop dead. ... People don't even check on her hours after she's dead. This is normal stuff. This is what's happening in the U.S."

Damn. I didn't know Joe could take his head from out of the South's ass long enough to say something worth listening to. I'm very surprised.

Any black or Hispanic who co-signs a Republican is an idiot. If you're middleclass and under and you support the Republican party, you're just stupid. And anyone who thinks Democrats these days are really true "Democrats," then... figure it out.

I wonder what's next in this installment of Political Drama.

[Editor’s Note: The views of this blog do not necessarily reflect those of]
Re: US Presidential Election

If that story about the Palin baby is true, it would be better for all concerned to come forward YESTERDAY and state the position, because if they ignore or denounce it and it proves to be true . . .
Re: US Presidential Election

If you haven't heard the news by now, it turns out that Palin's teenage daughter is pregnant. Of course the McCain camp is trying to cover it up by saying that they knew and it shouldn't qualify her. I believe they are completely lying. If they would have known, they wouldn't have chosen her. I also believe that Palin won't be nominated as the VP candidate this week. I bet they're going to do a switch and choose Romney or huckabee or something like that. McCain is a disaster and he isn't even president yet.
Teen daughter of GOP VP pick is pregnant

  • Story Highlights
  • Bristol Palin, 17, is pregnant and will keep baby, McCain aide says
  • GOP nominee McCain knew of pregnancy before choosing Palin as running mate
  • Information revealed in effort to correct rumors that Palin's baby is daughter's
From Dana Bash
ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father, a senior aide to Sen. John McCain confirmed to CNN Tuesday.
Republican presidential candidate McCain was aware of Bristol Palin's pregnancy before he chose her mother for his running mate, the aide said.
"Senator McCain knew this and felt in no way did it disqualify her from being vice president," said the aide. "Families have difficulties sometimes, and lucky for her she has a supportive family."
The 17-year-old, a senior in high school, is about five months along, in her second trimester, according to the aide.
The aide said it was decided the campaign would reveal this information now because of rampant Internet rumors that Sarah Palin's 4-month-old baby, who has Down syndrome, was actually Bristol's.
"In the course of correcting that, we needed to get the truth out," said the McCain aide. Share your thoughts
Sarah and Todd Palin issued a statement saying they are "proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents."
"We have been blessed with five wonderful children who we love with all our heart and mean everything to us," the statement said. "Our beautiful daughter Bristol came to us with news that as parents we knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned."
"Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family," the statement said.
The Palins also asked the media to respect their daughter's privacy.
The McCain aide insisted a key point to keep in mind is that Bristol decided to keep the baby, a decision "supported by her parents."
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Re: US Presidential Election

if mcain moving to austraillia
Re: US Presidential Election

I heard about this. This story spread everywhere. On the former myspace of the baby's father, the young guy stated that he didn't want kids. This is all insane and I think that the McCain camp did not know about any of this at all. All I can say is DAMN. LOL.
Re: US Presidential Election

SO, Sarah Palin's DAUGHTER (who is 17 NOW, probably 16 WHEN SHE GOT PREGNANT) is PREGNANT?

You want to know what I can't STAND about Today's Conservatives? They have a HOLIER-THAN-THOU, DO-AS-I-SAY-AND-NOT-WHAT-I-DO way about them. Constantly. They got all upset over CLINTON??? CLINTON is NOTHING compared to what is going on in the PALIN FAMILY right now. NOTHING.

Did CHELSEA get PREGNANT during ANY OF THE TWO TERMS Clinton was in?? ANY of Al GORE's daughters?? NO??? Wow!!v And they have the NERVE to talk about "family values" and :"ABSTINENCE"!!

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Re: US Presidential Election

just watching the Republican convention and bugger me is Huckabee a complete moron. and so are the majority of the muppet audience cheering for their lives on the following remark by Huckster in support of the republican VP ticket's experience:
"Sarah Palin got more votes in a little town in Alaska, than Joe Biden got for his presidency for the United States".

apart from it being factually incorrect, just think about this statement for a sec and someone please explain to me why the crowd erupted in cheers.
Re: US Presidential Election

Everything about this seems very, very false. The cheering... it doesn't have the same genuineness as it did at the DNC. It seems like a facade.

Bluntly, the speeches suck and so does the atmosphere.
Re: US Presidential Election

I enjoyed watching Obama speak, he's very engaging. These others I can't watch, it'll make my headache come back :mello:
Re: US Presidential Election

Tonight solidified my vote for Obama. Listening to Palin speak, listening to Lieberman speak, listening to Guiliani speak, and listening to George and Laura Bush speak, ALL I heard was mudslinging, anger, and fear tactics. Granted this does work on some people, but I heard no substance. I heard no actual policies or issues or even change. I heard fearful rhetoric, personal attacks and smearing. Even if I were undecided, the McCain/Palin ticket would NOT have earned my vote based on tonight.
Re: US Presidential Election

Wow. Day three and still no substance? I didn't watch tonight. I only saw the Huckabee's speech. Palin's speech was a waist of time and I decided to watch ER reruns and House of Payne instead.
Re: US Presidential Election

Wow. Day three and still no substance? I didn't watch tonight. I only saw the Huckabee's speech. Palin's speech was a waist of time and I decided to watch ER reruns and House of Payne instead.
You probably learned more by watching those shows.

I am actually disgusted that I EVER considered voting for McCain. If Hillary got the nomination, I would have been weary at first, but after watching this tripe, Hillary would have had my vote no questions asked. I'm not watching change this week, I'm watching the same smear campaign that generally turns people off to politics.
Re: US Presidential Election

That is all they have. Barack Obama hit them so hard during his speech. He literally left no stone unturned. So they play on fear bring up 9/11 over and over. It won't work
Re: US Presidential Election

That is all they have. Barack Obama hit them so hard during his speech. He literally left no stone unturned. So they play on fear bring up 9/11 over and over. It won't work

So true. I have been waiting since friday of last week for the McCain camp to answer one charge Obama slammed them with in his acceptance speech.