US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Re: US Presidential Election

just watching the Republican convention and bugger me is Huckabee a complete moron. and so are the majority of the muppet audience cheering for their lives on the following remark by Huckster in support of the republican VP ticket's experience:
"Sarah Palin got more votes in a little town in Alaska, than Joe Biden got for his presidency for the United States".

apart from it being factually incorrect, just think about this statement for a sec and someone please explain to me why the crowd erupted in cheers.

It was scary as hell seeing an auditorium full of people chanting "drill baby drill!"

That's been the scariest part of the RNC so far.

I'd also like to bad, you know you've had a pretty lacklustre line up of speeches when the best speech so far has been by Guiliani.
Re: US Presidential Election

Maybe McCain chose Palin cause he's on Viagra, and she's cute in a skirt? Just kidding. I just do not understand his reasoning - there are so many other women in the Republican party that have more experience and would be a better pick than this woman....
Re: US Presidential Election

Goodness, the RNC has to be one of the worse I've seen. It's just so, for lack of a better term... boring.
It's pretty sad how the majority of people in that audience all look like they could be neighbors, all in the same category. No diversity at all. That shouldn't be a shock coming from the Republic Party, though.
Re: US Presidential Election

Bob George!! You're on here, too?! YAY!

I may comment more when I have more time (leaving for school soon), but... Go Obama. :)

I heard that Palin's speech at the RNC (I missed it due to homework) was 10% herself and her family, 10% her goals, and 80% mocking Obama... I can't wait to see her speech when I get home from school.
Re: US Presidential Election

i think the election comes down to (putting race and the fox news agenda aside) whether ppl have the brains or the balls or both to go for obama regardless of his lack of experience (as thats the only thing the republicans seem to be going on about) obama talks a great game but dont they all ? so who knows what would really happen if hes elected. imo they put palin in to get the hillary vote but shes a christian fundamentalist (sp) and after reading some of the things shes said shes one crazy woman.the fact she spent most of the time going after obama in her speech and never bothered to mention policies etc kinda sums the republicans up. if mcain got in and died in office then it would certainly be intresting to say the least. tbh i dont think the americans has the gall to go for the change and vote in obama. it cant get much worse than bush though.
Re: US Presidential Election

For those of you who can read/understand german... there's a funny ar ticle here:

It's basically saying that the democrats hope that Palin will give a speech every day now cuz in the 24h after her speech the donations for the election campaign of Obama were significantly rising to more than 10 million in only a day. That's a record for only 24 hours. :clapping: good one! :D
Re: US Presidential Election

For those of you who can read/understand german... there's a funny ar ticle here:

It's basically saying that the democrats hope that Palin will give a speech every day now cuz in the 24h after her speech the donations for the election campaign of Obama were significantly rising to more than 10 million in only a day. That's a record for only 24 hours. :clapping: good one! :D
Re: US Presidential Election

For those of you who can read/understand german... there's a funny ar ticle here:

It's basically saying that the democrats hope that Palin will give a speech every day now cuz in the 24h after her speech the donations for the election campaign of Obama were significantly rising to more than 10 million in only a day. That's a record for only 24 hours. :clapping: good one! :D

ROFLMAO!! THanks Sarah!
Re: US Presidential Election

I don't know about you all but I fell asleep three times during McCain's speech last night.
Republicans Mock "Community Organizer" Role

Video clip at RNC of Juliani and friends mocking community organizers:

Palin joins in on the fun:

Some related articles:

Republicans mock obama/community organizing:

Community organizers are jokes:

Community organizers fight back:

Obama's response:

On the community organizer criticism: "They [Republicans] haven't talked about the fact that I was a civil rights lawyer; they haven't talked about the fact that I taught constitutional law; they haven't talked about my work in the state legislature, in the United States Senate," he said. "They're talking about the three years of work that I did right out of college as if that's-- I'm making the leap from two or three years out of college into the presidency."

Obama added though that his work as a community organizer was relevant to who he is and the kind of people he's "fighting for."

"Why would that kind of work be ridiculous?" Obama said. "Who are they fighting for? What are they advocating for? They think that the lives of those folks who are struggling each and every day, that working with them to try to improve their lives is somehow not relevant to the presidency? I think maybe that's the problem -- that's part of why they're out of touch and they don't get it 'cause they haven't spent much time working on behalf of those folks."

I think this is about as low as the republicans can go. And honestly, I don't even think they're intelligent enough to realize what they did when they started on a rampage with the "community organizer" jokes. They're insulting the people who are at the grass roots level, working hard for this country--much like an elitist, corporatist party would do, I suppose.

And why is it that all they do at their convention, and in their speeches, is talk about Obama? They only talk about Obama, not themselves, and what they plan to do.

Not to start a party war (lol) I'm just saying...this really irked me. Anyone else?
Re: Republicans Mock "Community Organizer" Role

I thought the RNC was a joke. I really do like McCain, and feel bad that I won't be voting for him because if it wasn't for the Iraq war and high prices of gas, I'd probably vote for him. There are a lot of good things that he wants to do.

However, the whole thing with Palin lying on a few issues and also mocking Barack's community leader role was ridiculous. She really shouldn't bring up the issue of inexperience. She also proved herself a flip-flopper in her speech, but that's not what irked me.

No, what really irked me was her no-brainer approach to ridding criminals of civil rights (she seemed like it was laughable that we should give other people civil rights. Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally against it, but I don't laugh at the idea of giving others due process).

The other thing was when they said "Barack wants to raise your taxes" and things like that. When the republicans say that, they aren't talking to the American public. Why? Barack Obama wants to lower the taxes that the non-wealthy pay. No, when the repubs mention raising taxes, they're talking to their rich friends and big businesses. Personally, I don't care if Coca-Cola or the Oil companies have to pay higher taxes. They have the money to do so.

There were also several inaccuracies in their speeches and other than McCain, I didn't hear any real talk of issues or policies.
Re: Republicans Mock "Community Organizer" Role

I found the RNC to be boring by turns, frightening and galling.
Re: US Presidential Election

You are not alone, Elmoy.

A radio commentator in Barbados said the same thing yesterday.
Re: US Presidential Election

I didn't bother watching the RNC. Too much nonsense they were spewing. I do not care if Obama has no experience, why bashed community leaders? Why not get angry, Palin, McCain, about Americans in foreclousure, the unemployment rate skyrocking, people who lack health insurance? Those are issues.
Re: Republicans Mock "Community Organizer" Role

I thought the RNC was a joke. I really do like McCain, and feel bad that I won't be voting for him because if it wasn't for the Iraq war and high prices of gas, I'd probably vote for him. There are a lot of good things that he wants to do.

However, the whole thing with Palin lying on a few issues and also mocking Barack's community leader role was ridiculous. She really shouldn't bring up the issue of inexperience. She also proved herself a flip-flopper in her speech, but that's not what irked me.

No, what really irked me was her no-brainer approach to ridding criminals of civil rights (she seemed like it was laughable that we should give other people civil rights. Don't get me wrong, I'm not totally against it, but I don't laugh at the idea of giving others due process).

The other thing was when they said "Barack wants to raise your taxes" and things like that. When the republicans say that, they aren't talking to the American public. Why? Barack Obama wants to lower the taxes that the non-wealthy pay. No, when the repubs mention raising taxes, they're talking to their rich friends and big businesses. Personally, I don't care if Coca-Cola or the Oil companies have to pay higher taxes. They have the money to do so.

There were also several inaccuracies in their speeches and other than McCain, I didn't hear any real talk of issues or policies.

I completely 10000% respect your feelings on this. Your voting for who you feel is right and not following suit - thank you. I worry deeply for our economy and especially worry about those that are ill, either with phsyical illnesses or mental illnesses - health care is not in the homes of all because it is not affordable.
Re: US Presidential Election

Republicans scare me. They have a smug, condescending half-smile when they speak. That used to irk with George W. And they twist words and situations in a way that is frightening because they seem to REALLY believe in the piffle they are selling.

I watched the RNC because I wanted to keep an open mind about American politics. But it is now official - I AM A DEMOCRAT!!!

The Republican seem to be about war and fear only. And their accusation about elitism always makes me laugh out loud. I have seen or heard a more elite group of people. Their lack of diversity also worries me.

So for me - even though I can't vote - it's OBAMA/BIDEN 08!!
Re: US Presidential Election

Republicans scare me. They have a smug, condescending half-smile when they speak. That used to irk with George W. And they twist words and situations in a way that is frightening because they seem to REALLY believe in the piffle they are selling.

I watched the RNC because I wanted to keep an open mind about American politics. But it is now official - I AM A DEMOCRAT!!!

The Republican seem to be about war and fear only. And their accusation about elitism always makes me laugh out loud. I have seen or heard a more elite group of people. Their lack of diversity also worries me.

So for me - even though I can't vote - it's OBAMA/BIDEN 08!!

You think THAT scares you about the Republicans?? Here's Sarah Palin speaking at the Alaska AIP..!!


My FINAL commentary on BOTH CINDY McCAIN AND Sarah Palin.

Cindy McCain looked SUPER the last night of the convention, don't you think?

I'd bet my whole HOUSE PRICE on her outfit alone last night. Good God. And SHE and HER HUSBAND (Who was MARRIED at the time they met, sweetheart!) will be able to make decisions on MY WELFARE? Give me a break. You think it was bad during the days of Fancy Shmancy Nancy Reagan?? THINK AGAIN.

You can be assured that great prices were paid for Cindy's outfit. It's not only the money paid by alcoholics trooping in an out of the stores for a beer fix that paid for the clothes.

Many women were beaten badly by men drunk on Cindy's beer.

Many people died or were injured in car crashes caused by Cindy's beer. And you are paying for incarceration of a whole host of DWIs from Cindy's beer.

It's not just excess, folks. It's willful hurt of other people for money. Honorable some say? Not in any real Christian's book.

I wonder just what label RUM this 16 YEAR OLD was DRINKING during these pictures? Palin, GET YOUR OWN HOUSE IN ORDER BEFORE you start TRYING TO NEAT UP OURS!!

I just got a mail message - apparently, SOME people think Sarah Palin AND Cindy McCain are "Gifts from God"....Oh Puh-leeze.

Palin and the rest of the gang are hypocrits. They want us to teach abstinence for our children, yet HER CHILD didn't?? I think they are a bunch of rich snobs who have NO idea how the other half lives.

CHRISTIAN? How "Christian" is she?? Supporting McCain and his wife, who sells LIQUOR and CONTRIBUTES to the DELINQUINCY of OTHERS?? The MONEY Cindy McCain spent on her dress last night? Cost $350,000, MORE than any HOUSE that is selling for around me. She MADE that "Christian" money selling LIQUOR to ALCOHOLICS that SHOULD be in REHAB, instead of BUYING HER FAMILY's products!!

"Christian" you say?? IF Cindy McCain OR Sarah Palin were TRULY "Christian" - PALIN would have TAUGHT her daughter ABSTINENCE and NOT found her family in the predicament they are in now. And Cindy McCain would CLOSE UP SHOP. "

Want to know what I hate the MOST about these hypocritical "Christian" conservativeS? THEY HIDE BEHIND the "CHRISTIAN" label, DOING UN-CHRISTIAN THINGS! ALL THE TIME!!!!!

Christian" you say? Spare me.
so I take it you won't be voting for McCain Linda?


I don't care whatever each candidate promises, the truth is that taxes will go up no matter who goes in, so for both parties to be pointing their fingers at each other saying "he will raise taxes" ... well duh! It's the one sure thing they know each other will do and it's the one sure thing they can hang onto when they lose the election and the taxes go up and they can do the "I told you so" dance.
^^ Yer Darn Tootin, L. J. Maybe this comes from seeing the ravages alcohol can sow when they are taken out on poor defenseless women, the victims of domestic Violence. I played MANY a Battered Women's Benefit...seen too much. Also, I just can't stand hypocracy.

You want to know what the REAL problem is, L.J. and others? We need to get the RELIGION OUT of our POLITICS. PERIOD. If you CAN'T STAND UP FOR and LIVE YOUR OWN VALUE SYSTEM, DON'T PUSH that value system ON OTHERS!!
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Yeah I'm not a fan of church and state being together, particuarly because how do you chose which church gets to be the one that is joint with state? Damn those rebellious minorities! How dare they go against the system. (the actual truth being if you add all the minorities together they match the majority. :ermm: )
Yeah I'm not a fan of church and state being together, particuarly because how do you chose which church gets to be the one that is joint with state? Damn those rebellious minorities! How dare they go against the system. (the actual truth being if you add all the minorities together they match the majority. :ermm: )

Doesn't it bother you that those people you look up to, those supposedly RELIGIOUS people that you admire, ALWAYS seem to get caught with their PANTS DOWN??
I completely agree with the whole keep Church and state seperate. Mixing the two is A VERY dangerous game, and it shouldn't be allowed to take place. I believe in the UK, the only figure allowed to mention God or anything related is the Queen. I think that's how it should be.
Just to get an idea how many people in here are going to vote this year? And for who?? I would like to see a little pole of MJJC fans..