US Presidential Election ... [All recent threads merged here]

Re: US Presidential Election

Keith Olberman is an obnoxious fool and an asshole.

People need to stop trippin'. Clinton is a power bi*ch, but so is Obama. It's easy for him to dismiss Clinton's mess ups now because there isn't a chance in hell Clinton is going to get the nomination.
Re: US Presidential Election

It's easy for him to dismiss Clinton's mess ups now because there isn't a chance in hell Clinton is going to get the nomination.

Thank goodness for that!
Re: US Presidential Election

People need to stop trippin'. Clinton is a power bi*ch, but so is Obama. It's easy for him to dismiss Clinton's mess ups now because there isn't a chance in hell Clinton is going to get the nomination.
he was lagging behind for a longer period than she currently is and showed only a graceful nature. you can assume he isn't, but his history and current behavior says otherwise.
Re: US Presidential Election

Well I guess you're right about that. I haven't been paying very close attention to this thing at all. But Obama strikes me as completely calculating and measured, easily as much as Clinton. He's a very smooth article and he does it better then Clinton. His whole show of class comes off to me as just another estimated move on his part. I just think he's totally full of it.
Re: US Presidential Election

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everywhere you goooooooo.
Re: US Presidential Election

JEEZ... these women tick me off after watching this report. If Clinton is not on the 08 ticket, they threaten to vote for McLame -- watch this (what sets me off is that woman yelling at 1.21 minutes into the video! ):
AP News Report on Youtube

My quote on the above video: "Before all this crap, it didn't really matter to me if it were Obama or Clinton. But as this reared it's ugly head, I decided to vote Obama in the Oregon primaries. If it ends up as Clinton vs McLame on the Ticket, I'll vote Clinton. It's not my preference BUT I won't let PRIDE get in my way in such an important issue!"

The above video TOTALLY coincides with this article titled:

Don't Vote Chromosomes: The First Woman Must Be The Right Woman

This is nuts... Sure, "I am woman hear me roar".. but NOT THIS WAY!
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Re: US Presidential Election

I've heard Obama supporters say the same thing if Clinton got the nomination.

Yea, but not nearly as much. I voted for Obama (finally when Oregon had their say). But I've followed ALL of this from the get go long before Clinton finally decided to run for Pres.

I am a woman in her 40's and I am very dismayed at how they are reacting to all this.

This latest news bit regarding the Clinton supporters: THREATENING to vote for McLame is very LAME, weak and actually disgusts me.

Obviously they are NOT DEMOCRAT minded at all, but driven by voting for her, JUST BECAUSE CLINTON IS A WOMAN.

That's about as bad as the GOP Scare monger ads they had running before the Nov 2004 elections and why Bone head Bush won the 2nd term.
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Re: US Presidential Election

I find it very unusuall the boost of deligates Clinton got all of a sudden..

She was almost 200 deligates behind Obama then in i day she jumped to almost 2000 deligates??? She was in the 1700's just a couple days ago..

oh and Obama only went up a small fraction...???

that is just odd to me.
Re: US Presidential Election

^^^ No need to worry cause quite possibly in the next 48 hrs HIStory will be made!!!
Re: US Presidential Election

Obama will have the Nomination this point he has 2111 of the 2118 needed. Interesting point Hillary now says she wants to be BO's VP. I am very troubled by this; I hope chooses someone else IMO. However on a different note do you thing MJ is going for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?
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Re: US Presidential Election

Obama will have the Nomination this point he has 2111 of the 2118 needed. Interesting point Hillary now says she wants to be BO's VP. I am very troubled by this; I hope chooses someone else IMO. However on a different note do you thing MJ is going for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

Yea, my sentiments exactly and I'm not to keen on that idea NOW after how all this mess played out. It's all too much and too late with Hillary. I really hope she handles this well so as not to hurt the democrat party and / or mess up the chances for when another woman decides to run for US President.
I watched Obama giving his speech tonight (while waiting for the SD & MT primaries to close) and I sensed a bit of something in how he was great as always, but something there seemed different. Maybe it was just me. I just hope he does not get forced or whatever to having her as a VP.

He's worked so hard for change, he's come so far! IMHO having her on the ticket NOW would just cancel all that out. Back 16 months ago, I had a different hope for the two, but now.. sorry Hillary.. no.

Anyway, it's not over till the fat.. I mean former-first lady sings.

Not sure where Michael stands on all this, but I'm sure he cares as it is a very important decision for our country. We must at least try do our best to get our country back on track.
Re: US Presidential Election

I'm so glad that Obama is the democratic nominee.. GOD that's great..

when is the official election month between Barack and John???
Re: US Presidential Election

Yea, my sentiments exactly and I'm not to keen on that idea NOW after how all this mess played out. It's all too much and too late with Hillary. I really hope she handles this well so as not to hurt the democrat party and / or mess up the chances for when another woman decides to run for US President.
I watched Obama giving his speech tonight (while waiting for the SD & MT primaries to close) and I sensed a bit of something in how he was great as always, but something there seemed different. Maybe it was just me. I just hope he does not get forced or whatever to having her as a VP.

He's worked so hard for change, he's come so far! IMHO having her on the ticket NOW would just cancel all that out. Back 16 months ago, I had a different hope for the two, but now.. sorry Hillary.. no.

Anyway, it's not over till the fat.. I mean former-first lady sings.

Not sure where Michael stands on all this, but I'm sure he cares as it is a very important decision for our country. We must at least try do our best to get our country back on track.
Sorry you (and others) are so anti Hillary. As close as this race has been don't you wonder why when Obama was behind you didn't hear the same call for him to drop out because he was harming the party as you got for Hillary? People should think about that a little more. Unfortunately hearing the negative spin over and over affects us all and we need to make a concious effort to be aware of what it is doing to us and our opinions. I think Hillary staying in has been good for both the Democratic party and the country.

Obama does have to overcome the effect of corporate control of politics and media in this country to succeed. The more positive response of the right wing press to Obama as opposed to Hillary has bothered me from the get go. My sense is not that Obama is phony but it is rather a fear that some conservatives feel they have a better chance of circumventing him than they do/did Hillary.

I do have hopes. FDR succeeded in over coming an overly powerful corporate sector so why not Obama? There is also the 'America is back' symbolism that goes with his nomination. That is a very powerful thing. Image and expectations alone can drive the change.

I am not sure about the Hillary as VP thing. I think I would be in favor. It is going to boil down in part to whether or not Obama feels comfortable with having her as VP. I do not believe Hillary and Obama 'dislike' each other as some press has purported. I believe they were each just doing their job the best they could... which was to campaign. They are almost the same on issues and platform. They had similiar contributors as well. I had a very difficult time deciding between them and have said from the beginning that I would be happy to have either as nominee. I think if they combine they will have that much more power to create change.

The Wall Street Journel had an article today that I read with the thought that Murdoch had taken it over in mind. I think it was geared to scare off conservatives and 'moderates'. For me it worked the other way.
Re: US Presidential Election

Good post eternity. At least you're being logical.

And as J5 said, I don't think Michael backs either. I don't think that he believe's too much in politics and politicians or looks to them to make a real difference.

Congrats to Obama though. It was inevitable and I'm sure he'll make a fine President.
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Re: US Presidential Election

Many congrats to Obama.
To be honest, Obama has a a tough road ahead of him. Many Hillary supporters aren't going to vote come time for general elections and it's obvious there's a huge gap b/w the democratic party.
Re: US Presidential Election

Obama will have the Nomination this point he has 2111 of the 2118 needed. Interesting point Hillary now says she wants to be BO's VP. I am very troubled by this; I hope chooses someone else IMO. However on a different note do you thing MJ is going for Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton?

She can not let go of her EGO. I totally agree with you HD ^
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Re: US Presidential Election

EC, I'm not ANTI Hillary... come on. I've followed all this from the get go - well over 16 months now. By the time Oregon finally got to have a say with only 3 candidates to choose from, this independent voter of MANY years finally took enough initiative to re-register as a Dem voter and I chose to cast my vote for Obama.

I'll say this, (unlike the Clinton supporters that now will vote for McCain out of spite) if it is HILLARY vs McCain on that Nov 08 Presidential ballot, I WOULD vote for her. I WILL NOT LET PRIDE get in my way.

Any way, this is supposed to be a comedy flick, but I remember what she said in regards to Obama...

Does anyone know if she finally released her tax returns?

And here's another one that cracks me up:

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Re: US Presidential Election

Many congrats to Obama.
To be honest, Obama has a a tough road ahead of him. Many Hillary supporters aren't going to vote come time for general elections and it's obvious there's a huge gap b/w the democratic party.

Yea, from what I read here, a projected 28% of Hillary supporters will vote for McCain
Re: US Presidential Election

Yea, from what I read here, a projected 28% of Hillary supporters will vote for McCain

I honestly do not believe that. They will get over it. Hillary will throw her weight behind Obama regardless as long as he doesn't trash her and he won't any more than she won't do anything to damage the party.
Re: US Presidential Election

Yea, from what I read here, a projected 28% of Hillary supporters will vote for McCain

If any Hillary supporter despises Obama being the Democratic nominee so much, that they vote for John McCain, whom has a COMPLETE opposite platform from Clinton and Obama, then they never gave a damn about this country in the first place. If I despised a candidate so much that I did not want them to be president, I would simply abstain from voting, not vote in someone that would've been your candidates opponent and will still trash this country's policies and economy. That is beyond idiotic.
Re: US Presidential Election

Oh yeah, Hillary will suspend her campaign and endorse Obama this weekend.
Re: US Presidential Election

I honestly do not believe that. They will get over it. Hillary will throw her weight behind Obama regardless as long as he doesn't trash her and he won't any more than she won't do anything to damage the party.

According the latest reports, Hillary is planning to concede and endorse Barack Obama on Friday June 6th, 08. In my opinion, I don't think he will trash. He has always been polite and uses tack and diplomacy all the time when speaking of HRC. The man has class!
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Re: US Presidential Election

According the latest reports, Hillary is planning to concede and endorse Barack Obama on Friday June 6th, 08.

Yea, we're seeing that all over the news now.. that Hillary will now endorse Obama

27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" id="Musicane" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="371" width="408">

See other vids on this here
Thank you Hillary- thank you thank thank you! ... and thank you to her supporters.

Let's unite and focus on how to win the Nov 08 Presidential Election.
Our country (and world) depends on it!

It's long over due!

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Re: US Presidential Election

Obama's win for the nom. made the front page of our newspapers here in Melbourne, now if that doesn't tell you how much US policies effect other countries... I dunno what will

Here's hoping Obama can make a difference and a change.... the US needs it.... if you guys don't get a change, y'all will end up bankrupt :yes: :no:
Re: US Presidential Election

As long as it's not a Republican again, I'm not going to complain. lol
Bush was a total nightmare. This country has been going downhill fast ever since he stepped into office
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