Unpopular opinions

How does the fact that her performances are better that her music suddenly put her up to par with legends??? Shes a very average performer that copies other performances and entertainers. I will never understand the hype around her as a performer or as an artist she does absolutely nothing..

She is a GREAT Performer and probably one of the best performers of all time (imo, the best female performer ever)..please YouTube her and ask me if you change your mind..You might not like her, but you can't deny her performing skills..

Anyways, the thing that keeps me from putting her up there with the greats is that she doesn't make timeless songs..and that's why I don't think she deserves all the Grammys that she has won..if she made better music, then I would love her even more..that's why I say she is a better performer than she is an artist..The only song that she has made that is timeless would have to be Crazy In Love..
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784133 said:
She is a GREAT Performer and probably one of the best performers of all time (imo, the best female performer ever)..please YouTube her and ask me if you change your mind..You might not like her, but you can't deny her performing skills..

Anyways, the thing that keeps me from putting her up there with the greats is that she doesn't make timeless songs..and that's why I don't think she deserves all the Grammys that she has won..if she made better music, then I would love her even more..that's why I say she is a better performer than she is an artist..The only song that she has made that is timeless would have to be Crazy In Love..

Your not music conscience at all and its obvious you dont look at GREAT entertainers because if you did you wouldnt be saying this. I have seen her perform and Im not impressed at all. She copies other performances and entertainers which makes it boring and not entertaining. I dont see how one good performance makes her on the same level as a legend thats a hell of an exagerration. Why dont YOU try looking at real entertainers real innovative dancers and performers like Nicholas Brothers, Gene Kelly, Fred Astair, Old skool Janet, Michael Jackson of course, Bojangles Robinson, Katherine Dunham and of course Tina Turner whom Beyonce rips off among other things, its not really impressive and quite boring.

There is nothing timeless or classic about Crazy In Love or any of her music.
Your not music conscience at all and its obvious you dont look at GREAT entertainers because if you did you wouldnt be saying this. I have seen her perform and Im not impressed at all. She copies other performances and entertainers which makes it boring and not entertaining. I dont see how one good performance makes her on the same level as a legend thats a hell of an exagerration. Why dont YOU try looking at real entertainers real innovative dancers and performers like Nicholas Brothers, Gene Kelly, Fred Astair, Old skool Janet, Michael Jackson of course, Bojangles Robinson, Katherine Dunham and of course Tina Turner whom Beyonce rips off among other things, its not really impressive and quite boring.

There is nothing timeless or classic about Crazy In Love or any of her music.

Well it's all a matter of opinion..and imo, Beyonce is a hell of a performer..sure she may copy other performances at times, she may not be innovative..but talent is the thing that is important..she can SING & DANCE really well live..not to many people can do all that dancing on stage and still sound better than their recordings..not even MJ..
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DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784188 said:
Well it's all a matter of opinion..and imo, Beyonce is a hell of a performer..sure she may copy other performances at times..

Its not a matter of opinion. You dont expose yourself to other dancers and other performers because Beyonce is constantly shoved down our throats so you assume she is this great performer when she really is mediocre. I have seen talented dancers VERY talented dancers not to mention im a dancer myself that are not even famous that are better performers than Beyonce and I mentioned legendary performers in my last post. Go to youtube and type in Nicholas Brothers Stormy Weather and Katherine Dunham Stormy Weather.. not thats REAL dancing.. and nobody didnt teach them to dance they learned on there own and innovated tap and carribean movement. All Beyonce does is shakes her ass now in the world of dance that is not real dancing that might be fine for the clubs lol but that aint dancing...

DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784188 said:
but the thing is that she can SING & DANCE really well live..not to many people can do all that dancing on stage and still sound better than their recordings..not even MJ, even though he is my favorite artist..

This board is so NON musically inclined its not even funny....

How could you possibly compare how Beyonce dances with Michael??? Beyonce shakes her ass she doesnt dance as nearly as good as Michael she doesnt have to drain as much energy Michael does while dancing so I bet she might have more energy to sing better live BECAUSE SHE ISNT DANCING as vigourous and hard as Michael who is exactly DANCING which Beyonce doesnt do... All she does is pranse around on stage half naked... and I feel bad that there are people like you really this ignorant about music and entertainers and how dare you place crappy artist and performer above Michael? Crazy as hell
Its not a matter of opinion. You dont expose yourself to other dancers and other performers because Beyonce is constantly shoved down our throats so you assume she is this great performer when she really is mediocre. I have seen talented dancers VERY talented dancers not to mention im a dancer myself that are not even famous that are better performers than Beyonce and I mentioned legendary performers in my last post. Go to youtube and type in Nicholas Brothers Stormy Weather and Katherine Dunham Stormy Weather.. not thats REAL dancing.. and nobody didnt teach them to dance they learned on there own and innovated tap and carribean movement. All Beyonce does is shakes her ass now in the world of dance that is not real dancing that might be fine for the clubs lol but that aint dancing...

This board is so NON musically inclined its not even funny....

How could you possibly compare how Beyonce dances with Michael??? Beyonce shakes her ass she doesnt dance as nearly as good as Michael she doesnt have to drain as much energy Michael does while dancing so I bet she might have more energy to sing better live BECAUSE SHE ISNT DANCING as vigourous and hard as Michael who is exactly DANCING which Beyonce doesnt do... All she does is pranse around on stage half naked... and I feel bad that there are people like you really this ignorant about music and entertainers and how dare you place crappy artist and performer above Michael? Crazy as hell

Did I say that Beyonce was the best dancer?? NO I DID NOT!! It's pretty damn obvious that MJ can dance circles around Beyonce..

I said that she can sing and dance well at the same time, which is what MJ couldn't do later in his career (yes he did lipsync)..she can do all of the moving that she does, and still sound perfect..and 95% of her vocals are live!! No I did no place her above MJ..you are twisting around my words..I just said that she was a better live singer than he was..but overall (as an artist/entertainer), MJ shits all over her!!
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784200 said:
Did I say that Beyonce was the best dancer?? NO I DID NOT!! It's pretty damn obvious that MJ can dance circles around Beyonce..

I said that she can sing and dance well at the same time, which is what MJ couldn't do later in his career (yes he did lipsync)..she can do all of the moving that she does, and still sound perfect..and 95% of her vocals are live!! No I did no place her above MJ..you are twisting around my words..I just said that she was a better live singer than he was..but overall (as an artist/entertainer), MJ shits all over her!!

No you didnt... You just contradicted youself. You were comparing how Beyonce dances and sings but is able to have better vocals while dancing at the same time unlike Michael which is not true because Michael is damn near out of Beyonces league when it comes to dancing so naturally his going to have to lipsync some songs if his mostly doing vigorous dancing. Beyonce doesnt do vigourous dancing so I dont even know why you compared that. Its really no comparision.
No you didnt... You just contradicted youself. You were comparing how Beyonce dances and sings but is able to have better vocals while dancing at the same time unlike Michael which is not true because Michael is damn near out of Beyonces league when it comes to dancing so naturally his going to have to lipsync some songs if his mostly doing vigorous dancing. Beyonce doesnt do vigourous dancing so I dont even know why you compared that. Its really no comparision.

But that is not saying that Beyonce is better than MJ..

Beyonce isn't the best dancer, but she can dance..

What about MJ as a vocalist?? You keep on mentioning his dancing..When you perform, you have to be able to SING LIVE AND DANCE at the SAME time..sure, you can lip when it's vigorous, but I was watching MJ perform "You Are Not Alone", "Heal The World" and many other slow songs..which do NOT include vigorous dancing and he still lipped that shit!!

Why do you get mad everytime Beyonce is mentioned?? Are you a closet fan??
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DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784225 said:
But that is not saying that Beyonce is better than MJ..

Beyonce isn't the best dancer, but she can dance..

What about MJ as a vocalist?? You keep on mentioning his dancing..When you perform, you have to be able to sing live and dance at the same time..sure, you can lip when it's vigorous, but I was watching MJ perform "You Are Not Alone", "Heal The World" and many other slow songs..which do NOT include vigorous dancing and he still lipped that shit!!

Why do you get mad everytime Beyonce is mentioned?? Are you a closet fan??

Why do you people always think somebody is mad everytime someone challenges what you post? Its not about getting mad. This is a MUSIC FORUM and music debates and discussions occur on music forums and if you cant handle then I suggest go to another forum.

What about Michael as a vocalist? Thats not were we were comparing thats why I havent really mentioned it.

Beyonce is not a good dancer and this is base off of seeing other dancers and being expose to OTHER dancers and performers but hey if thats how you feel so be it.. Im done debating with you people because your very ignorant of other forms of music and entertainment.

Thats not what you were comparing... you were not comparing Michaels slow songs. The only thing you were comparing as far as I know was his dancing while he was singing to more upbeat songs to Beyonces which is a very weak arguement because Michael really dances compared to Beyonce who doesnt do as much exertion type dancing. We already know Michaels lip sings also to slow songs so why mention it when that really was not what we were comparing to begin with? But its whatever I dont care really what you think lol its obvious your going to feel how you feel sadly but I dont take anyone seriously who compares a mediocre artist to a legend and Im going to say how I feel regardless.

DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784225 said:
Why do you get mad everytime Beyonce is mentioned?? Are you a closet fan??

Nobody is mad over here. I just dont understnad why SOME MJ fans have such horrible taste in music and performers. For the most part, alot of fans only limit themselves to pop music and most pop music today is terrible so it bewilders me how some of the things said about alot of these current singers which is way exaggerated. If alot of people here were more expose to different types of music and performers they wouldnt be saying half the things they say. Its very evident alot of people here are not really musically inclined.

It just so happens most of the threads and questions are related with Beyonce on this music forum for some odd reason and she is very overrated and its disturbing how some of you would even compare her to Michael. I Love music. I love GOOD music and I just have strong views about music.
^^^ I cant believe anyone would ask one to challenge that... its very self explained. Any music lover knows this. Prince is the better musician. MJ plays some instruments but he really isnt a "musician"

Musicians include vocalists and instrumentalists. I can agree that Prince is more highly skilled instrumentalist based on what I've seen/heard, but claiming someone to be a better 'musician', is a COMPLETELY different matter and is subjective. Then again, being highly skilled doesn't make you 'better.'

Of course not ALL Michael Jackson fans have bad taste in music but judging by how bad this forum is when it comes to which music threads get the most replies and the music that mostly interest MJ fans from what I have observed on MJ boards and just in general they tend to because there mostly into whats popular ditto because Michael Jackson is popular but some of them need to really BROADEN what they listen to.

It's still a horrible generalization no matter what color you try to paint it. You should have phrased your statement differently even though I know what you are trying to say. =/
Why do you people always think somebody is mad everytime someone challenges what you post? Its not about getting mad. This is a MUSIC FORUM and music debates and discussions occur on music forums and if you cant handle then I suggest go to another forum.

Thats not what you were comparing... you were not comparing Michaels slow songs. The only thing you were comparing as far as I know was his dancing while he was singing to more upbeat songs to Beyonces which is a very weak arguement because Michael really dances compared to Beyonce who doesnt do as much exertion type dancing. We already know Michaels lip sings also to slow songs so why mention it when that really was not what we were comparing to begin with? But its whatever I dont care really what you think lol its obvious your going to feel how you feel sadly but I dont take anyone seriously who compares a mediocre artist to a legend and Im going to say how I feel regardless.

Nobody is mad over here. I just dont understnad why SOME MJ fans have such horrible taste in music and performers. For the most part, alot of fans only limit themselves to pop music and most pop music today is terrible so it bewilders me how some of the things said about alot of these current singers which is way exaggerated. If alot of people here were more expose to different types of music and performers they wouldnt be saying half the things they say. Its very evident alot of people here are not really musically inclined.

It just so happens most of the threads and questions are related with Beyonce on this music forum for some odd reason and she is very overrated and its disturbing how some of you would even compare her to Michael. I Love music. I love GOOD music and I just have strong views about music.

Well I was making a point that Beyonce sing live..no matter if the song is fast or slow..and if the song is fast, Beyonce can dance right along with it without lipping..hell she even crowd surfed for a MJ tribute and still sounded better than most singers live..watch this!! Beyonce is a BEAST!!


And there was no excuse for MJ to lip any slow songs..I'm sorry..
Musicians include vocalists and instrumentalists. I can agree that Prince is more highly skilled instrumentalist based on what I've seen/heard, but claiming someone to be a better 'musician', is a COMPLETELY different matter and is subjective. Then again, being highly skilled doesn't make you 'better.'

Well obviously thats really what I was referring to as far as who is more skilled when it comes to instruments... but I agree.

It's still a horrible generalization no matter what color you try to paint it. You should have phrased your statement differently even though I know what you are trying to say. =/

I dont think its horrible lol look at this thread and see for yourself how these fans are carrying on and Ive been in the company of SOME hardcore MJ fans for myself to see what there into.. I know every MJ fan doesnt have bad taste but from my experience and just looking on these MJ boards they do.
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784254 said:
Well I was making a point that Beyonce sing live..no matter if the song is fast or slow..and if the song is fast, Beyonce can dance right along with it without lipping..hell she even crowd surfed for a MJ tribute and still sounded better than most singers live..watch this!! Beyonce is a BEAST!!


And there was no excuse for MJ to lip any slow songs..I'm sorry..

I'm not going to look at that crap... because it doesnt prove anything. I can post dance clips of other performers and real dancers and it still wouldnt prove anything to you because your going to think what you want to think. Im just trying to get you to EXPOSE yourself to other dancers/performers..

Im still trying to figure out why you suddenly brought Michaels slow songs into the arguement when thats not what were were comparing? Its never an excuse for any artist to lip sing, you know this, I know this, we ALL know this, there... is out there in the open and said now you dont have to bring it up again. I dont even know why you brought it up suddently in the middle of the debate to use it to make it seem as if it makes Beyonce better because she doesnt which is a very weak arguement not to mention that was not what we were comparing in the first place. We were comparing there dancing while singing and vice versa or did you forget?
I'm not going to look at that crap... because it doesnt prove anything. I can post dance clips of other performers and real dancers and it still wouldnt prove anything to you because your going to think what you want to think. Im just trying to get you to EXPOSE yourself to other dancers/performers..

Im still trying to figure out why you suddenly brought Michaels slow songs into the arguement when thats not what were were comparing? Its never an excuse for any artist to lip sing, you know this, I know this, we ALL know this, there... is out there in the open and said now you dont have to bring it up again. I dont even know why you brought it up suddently in the middle of the debate to use it to make it seem as if it makes Beyonce better because she doesnt which is a very weak arguement not to mention that was not what we were comparing in the first place. We were comparing there dancing while singing and vice versa or did you forget?
I was talking about live singing duh..I just added the fact that she can dance along with sounding great..You said that MJ lipped due to vigorous dancing..giving him an excuse..so I just added him lipping to slow songs that don't require dancing..either way, HE STILL LIPPED..and that's why I prefer the Bad Tour other solo tour he has done..simply because of the live singing..I prefer everything live btw..and that was the only thing I didn't like about MJ's live performances later in his life..

Why do you keep on talking about just dancing?? Live performing includes singing as well..I think singing is more important than dancing anyway..dancing is just a great addition to that..

Beyonce is not a better dancer, but she is good..and she is a hell of a vocalist..so that overshadows just being a great dancer and lipping..
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784279 said:
I was talking about live singing duh..I just added the fact that she can dance along with sounding great..I mentioned the slow songs because you were saying that MJ lipped due to vigorous dancing..giving him an excuse..so I just added him lipping to slow songs that don't require dancing..either way, HE STILL LIPPED..and that's why I prefer the Bad Tour other solo tour he has done..simply because of the live singing..I prefer everything live btw..and that was the only thing I didn't like about MJ's live performances later in his life..

Now your mentioning VOCALS as the MAIN arguement but so be it... Beyonce is a good live singer BUT so are alot of other singers and I know alot of other singers that sing live better than her that doesnt make her a "special talent" just because she can sing live and she still is a very mediocre dancer WHILE singing live or without.

The fact that I said that Michael does vigourous dancing as to why he lip sings is not really an "excuse" its a a fact because at the time we were only comparing singing and dancing at the same time but NOW you want to compare something different

If Michael was to sing while dancing for hours he will be tired out and that will affect him vocally live and ESPECIALLY if his well over his peak and older so naturally that will have an affect on how much energy he will need to perform and sing accurately. That will affect anybody vocally live who dances as hard and constantly doing dance numbers a show a night.. James Brown had similiar issues when he got tired out and it affected his vocals.

You mentioned the BAD tour and that was an excellent example of his live vocals Michael CAN sing well live and just because he didnt do it in his later years doenst nessarily rule out he couldnt but also keep in mind Michael was alot younger and was able to sing AND dance well at the same time. So comparing a young Beyonce live to a Michael Jackson well over his peak is very odd to me of course its not going to be the same but then again I dont even understand why you are even trying to compare them.. its rather ridiculous

DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784279 said:
Why do you keep on talking about just dancing?? Live performing includes singing as well..I think singing is more important than dancing anyway..dancing is just a great addition to that..

Beyonce is not a better dancer, but she is good..and she is a hell of a vocalist..so that overshadows just being a great dancer and lipping..

Hun Im talking about dancing WHILE singing because thats what were were comparing in the FIRST place and now you suddenly brought live performance in the comparision I dont mind adding it to the arguement but it was kinda unclear because we werent comparing that in the first place.

Yes. Live performing does include live singing and performance doesnt have to include dancing BUT once again that was what we were comparing. We were comparing well YOU were comparing Beyonces live vocals while dancing at the SAME time with Michael and I was challenging it. and No Beyonce isnt a good dancer and she can sing well live but so could Michael and I think its ridiculous that you would once again compare an older Michael in what he did in his later lifes to a younger artist. There simply is not comparision. Michael Jackson was a WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better liver performer than Beyonce including the vocals, dancing, and stage presence it was all there. Beyonce is a good live singer but she isnt great... she can overdo her singing alot of times and screams. But im done with this discussion. Im talking in circles you can continue to have your distorted view about this issue and I will feel how I will feel.
The people on this board are freaking killing me, First off. Second off, it's ridiculous.
Now your mentioning VOCALS as the MAIN arguement but so be it... Beyonce is a good live singer BUT so are alot of other singers and I know alot of other singers that sing live better than her that doesnt make her a "special talent" just because she can sing live and she still is a very mediocre dancer WHILE singing live or without.

The fact that I said that Michael does vigourous dancing as to why he lip sings is not really an "excuse" its a a fact because at the time we were only comparing singing and dancing at the same time but NOW you want to compare something different

If Michael was to sing while dancing for hours he will be tired out and that will affect him vocally live and ESPECIALLY if his well over his peak and older so naturally that will have an affect on how much energy he will need to perform and sing accurately. That will affect anybody vocally live who dances as hard and constantly doing dance numbers a show a night.. James Brown had similiar issues when he got tired out and it affected his vocals.

You mentioned the BAD tour and that was an excellent example of his live vocals Michael CAN sing well live and just because he didnt do it in his later years doenst nessarily rule out he couldnt but also keep in mind Michael was alot younger and was able to sing AND dance well at the same time. So comparing a young Beyonce live to a Michael Jackson well over his peak is very odd to me of course its not going to be the same but then again I dont even understand why you are even trying to compare them.. its rather ridiculous

Hun Im talking about dancing WHILE singing because thats what were were comparing in the FIRST place and now you suddenly brought live performance in the comparision I dont mind adding it to the arguement but it was kinda unclear because we werent comparing that in the first place.

Yes. Live performing does include live singing and performance doesnt have to include dancing BUT once again that was what we were comparing. We were comparing well YOU were comparing Beyonces live vocals while dancing at the SAME time with Michael and I was challenging it. and No Beyonce isnt a good dancer and she can sing well live but so could Michael and I think its ridiculous that you would once again compare an older Michael in what he did in his later lifes to a younger artist. There simply is not comparision. Beyonce is a good live singer but she isnt great... she can overdo her singing alot of times and screams. But im done with this discussion. Im talking in circles you can continue to have your distorted view about this issue and I will feel how I will feel.

Look, we were talking about Live singing, and I included dancing in it..since Beyonce dances as well..You keep giving Mike excuses, Hell Beyonce dances while singing but she isn't tired afterwards, she still keeps singing and dancing and is still phenomenal..Mike can't be tired if he just dances and doesn't sing live..you need to stop hating on Beyonce and give credit where it's do because she is GREAT at what she does..not taking anything away from MJ, who is the KING! Everytime someone gives Beyonce credit, you be the first one hating!!

Look at Prince..He's 51 years old and still can sing and dance live..Age ain't nothing but a number..even though I prefer Mike over Prince, I understand why some people prefer Prince..just look at the dudes superbowl performance..dude was killing it in the freakin rain..live vocals and everything!! In 1993 when MJ performed at the superbowl halftime show, MJ lipped in the sunshine..what does that tell you?

Anyways, if you want me to, I can post more videos..to show you how GREAT of a performer (Singer & Dancer) she is..but I see you're tired of me stating the facts..
I just said to stop with the nonsense and people post right after with more BC. Thread closed for cleaning.
Thread reopened. Please keep it civil in here. Thanks!
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784318 said:
Look, we were talking about Live singing, and I included dancing in it..since Beyonce dances as well..You keep giving Mike excuses, Hell Beyonce dances while singing but she isn't tired afterwards, she still keeps singing and dancing and is still phenomenal..Mike can't be tired if he just dances and doesn't sing live..you need to stop hating on Beyonce and give credit where it's do because she is GREAT at what she does..not taking anything away from MJ, who is the KING! Everytime someone gives Beyonce credit, you be the first one hating!!

Look at Prince..He's 51 years old and still can sing and dance live..Age ain't nothing but a number..even though I prefer Mike over Prince, I understand why some people prefer Prince..just look at the dudes superbowl performance..dude was killing it in the freakin rain..live vocals and everything!! In 1993 when MJ performed at the superbowl halftime show, MJ lipped in the sunshine..what does that tell you?

Anyways, if you want me to, I can post more videos..to show you how GREAT of a performer (Singer & Dancer) she is..but I see you're tired of me stating the facts..

can we stop this? you like Beyonce..the other person doesn't like her performances, as much. how they are configured, doesn't matter, if the audience isn't entertained. so..it's opinions..not facts. i didn't like Prince's superbowl performance. i liked Mike's. i don't like Beyonce's voice. it's too overdramatic. so, i'd rather not hear her.

it's all down to opinion.
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784318 said:
Look at Prince..He's 51 years old and still can sing and dance live..Age ain't nothing but a number..even though I prefer Mike over Prince, I understand why some people prefer Prince..just look at the dudes superbowl performance..dude was killing it in the freakin rain..live vocals and everything!! In 1993 when MJ performed at the superbowl halftime show, MJ lipped in the sunshine..what does that tell you?

It tells me that some of MJ's fans really hold the fact that he lip synched against him even though he's been singing live for almost all of his life.
I guess not liking Lady Gaga, Beyonce, and Justin Bieber is considered as unpopular opinion???


I don't like them.

Gaga for being too pretentious over her music. Beyonce for being so contrived and her recent albums sucks. Justin Bieber...... because of OVEREXPOSURE and his tweenie fanbase. Not to mention his music... T_T

(Runs away........)
Ironically, disliking popularity seems to be extremely popular. It happens with everyone who hits the big time.
Ironically, disliking popularity seems to be extremely popular. It happens with everyone who hits the big time.


I don't mean to come off as such a music snob... :p

I guess it's because you're being constantly fed by the same people in various forms of media. It's like you cant escape them... xD

In some ways, I can understand the huge backlash Mike suffered back in '84. I mean, seeing and hearing about the same people everywhere you go is just annoying especially if you don't think they are deserving of that much praise. (Obviously, Mike is deserving of such praises though... lols)
DirtyDianaMJ☆;2784254 said:
Well I was making a point that Beyonce sing live..no matter if the song is fast or slow..and if the song is fast, Beyonce can dance right along with it without lipping..hell she even crowd surfed for a MJ tribute and still sounded better than most singers live..watch this!! Beyonce is a BEAST!!


And there was no excuse for MJ to lip any slow songs..I'm sorry..

uhh... How about throat problems? That's an enough excuse for you? Beyonce is a natural performer, i'll give you that. But even then, there really is no comparison.

Oh yea...

Let's wait for another 5 years.. when she's in her 30's and judge if she still sings EVERYTHING live.

Mike started lipping during Dangerous, right?

If you compare Mike and Bey at their peak, Mike was a better entertainer by far!!!

I don't mean to come off as such a music snob... :p

I guess it's because you're being constantly fed by the same people in various forms of media. It's like you cant escape them... xD

In some ways, I can understand the huge backlash Mike suffered back in '84. I mean, seeing and hearing about the same people everywhere you go is just annoying especially if you don't think they are deserving of that much praise. (Obviously, Mike is deserving of such praises though... lols)

lol...i wasn't really much in age, then, but i was around..i don't remember backlash...MJ was like a superhero. to the people that counted. the fans. the only backlash i remember was from the media...in the nineties. it was different from other artists. it was like the media was TRYING to get fans to hate Michael, whereas, with other artists, they were on every cover of every magazine, and every commercial. but looking forward to an MJ pepsi ad..that was everybody's dream. MJ never liked overexposure..if the media was in danger of trying to overexpose him, he went into hiding. other artists made sure they were seen 24/7. and that is why MJ didn't seem to have as many radio number ones as some other artists, because radio made people wait for his music. so he had fewer songs on the radio than other artists..but when those songs were on, they shot to number 1. so, MJ's music was on a chart that mattered. the chart of your local record outlet, where people bought the music.

and dj's starting coming across like they didn't want to be upstaged by MJ's music, so they played it less and less. and MJ, who seemed unaffected, made u wait for his new albums..at least 3 years between albums.. so..it all worked in MJ's favor, and the media really started acting jealous in later years.
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Oh yea...

Let's wait for another 5 years.. when she's in her 30's and judge if she still sings EVERYTHING live.

Mike started lipping during Dangerous, right?

If you compare Mike and Bey at their peak, Mike was a better entertainer by far!!!

I don't think age has to do with anything really. During dangerous MJ moved from a simple performer to doing EVERYTHING on stage, video spectacles, technological pioneering, magic tricks, and the dancing! oh the dancing is simply amazing. The amount of effort put in a single piece is waay too much to both dance and sing. His movements fill up the entire stage, he couldn't possibly dance AND sing at the same time. The scale was simply too grand. Now, I agree MJ should have sung the slow songs live but he actually did that during the Dangerous tour (If memeory serves correctly).

The HIStory tour is the one that's to blame when it comes to lip syncing, and as i've said, MJ obviously had throat problems, his live parts were pitchy and simply not what they used to be. It's completely understandable to go that direction. All of this doesn't change the fact that Beyonce is holding her own though, I mean yes so far they really aren't comparable. MJ's performances will always be on another level compared to any other act. But Beyonce is giving her all as well, she's putting everything to please her fans. There is no comparison truth be told, but that doesn't mean Beyonce isn't great on stage.