[UK] Channel Five to air Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Concert over Christmas

:angry: WTF is this?????? We're watching and at the beginnning of MJ Last Days the picture suddenly disappears and a screen comes on that says:
The scheduled programme is not available on Freesat

Are they going to do this with MSG as well?????????? :censored:!!!!!!!

P.S. I should say that we lost the program due to being on Freesat after it began and we thought "Great... Diane Demon and Stacy Brown... doesn't sound like we'll be too happy with this show..." I'd still like to see it, though. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

So I am not the only one. I was like WTH????? I've gor SKY! How is it freesat?????? Idiots!
My five is working fine and I have Sky. As soon as I saw Stacey Brown and Diane Diamond on there I turned it off. Plus it was getting a bit too painful to keep watching it.
Why do they always get the same idiots like Halperin, Diamoind and Trabeolinni (or however you spell it).
Diane Dimond thinks she can judge Joe. WTF?
How come they havent concentrated on Murray administering the Propofol?
This isnt the worst doc Ive seen but its pretty poor.

Wow, I wish we still had Michael.
Love Al Sharpton for the effort he puts in representing Michael and the children.
Do people not realise that girls went to Neverland too?
WHY do they always say "little boys" GRRR. God I can't wait for the concert, these documentaries are POOR. But they show nice footage.. and it ain't all too negative.
Why wont they mention there was terminally ill kids that went to Neverland and stayed there? And that Michael helped these children dealing with the pain and the bad things in life. And also donating god knows how many millions to charity.
This should of just been a one hour long interview with Al Sharpton.
What has the child allegation and his marriage to LMP or Debbie Rowe got to do with his last days...this is such a load of rubbish just like usual.

No mention of Murray or the propofol he gave and left him that night!
Yeah nice end there with Diamond sayin "Michael was a drug addict" and the other dick sayin Michael died a lonely man.

30th Anniversary next anyways :)
Yay! MSG concert!:punk:

Why is it that on every E! MJ documentary..they get the most horrid ppl talking about him!? What that Diane Diamond b**ch said at the end...:angry:. Just reminds me of how wicked and heartless people are.

Anywaaayz.....moving on.
it was ok actually, they actually portrayed it as though he could have been innocent, which of course he is, for once, from that set of names, this is the best doc ive ever seen! the 30th anniversary concert is blasting out now!