[UK] Channel Five to air Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Concert over Christmas

it's so wonderful to see all the brothers onstage together performing again, it's bittersweet to watch though...
this is amazing!!.. did anyone here get to go?

I went for the two nights and it was amazing...and Chris Tucker was so funny

I just wish they would show the whole concert plus Britney so I can record it on dvd or at last release it!
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why has he got his hand in front of his mouth?

i havent seen this twymmf, i seen the one with britney
I watched it till now...but I can't bear it any more...ahhhhhhh man why did he have to go...
i couldnt watch the documentry on before this, i just broke down cryin, however i love this concert. Michael is pure stunnin!! such a preformer! love him to pieces!!! :) im glad Birtney wasnt there for this preformance! ohhh beat it is on now!! ohhh michael in a leather jacket....SEXXXYYY!! :dribble:
this bj is two performances spliced together aint it...
^ Why it's prob by favourite. I don't know what it is but always feel I really connect with this particular concert. Wish I was there more than anything but like others was too young, but if it was a two night event now I'm slightly older (in a real change of circumstances) I would have done anything to be there.

Really think Chris T. makes it too.

Wish they bring out all on DVD there's gotta be loads we still missing.

(Also, anyone noticing a slightly different cut to the ITV one we all got recorded?)
twymmf was the first song???

This is def different to itv's one...anyone notice how they don't do the clip thingys be4 each song ...like the charity one and the no one moves like michael jackson..they were awseome...

kills me how this fundamentally GOOD LOVING POSITIVE AND GIVING MAN was ridiculed and insulted and at used and manipulated and tormented by groups...and yet dictators can rule countries and not be mocked etc...an absurdity of todays civilisation and you know we are at the present of this world..we are living at the very front of the line and this is the world we live in? erghhh...mj gave more than all of us and lived a life none of us would have wanted to have...madness
Not even guna risk gettin banned by rising to that comment from "HornyForMike"

That Billie Jean performance is flawless.

You Rock My World next? Yezzir! :)
MICHAEL I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!! He is absolutely amazing. No one will ever come close to his greatness. I'm so glad to be a fan of his. He's indescribable. I LOVE YOU ANGEL.
I'm proud to say I'm a Michael Jackson fan. The King of Pop. The greatest entertainer to have ever lived. Thank you for blessing our lives with Michael. Our lives are richer because of him and also emptier as he is no longer here. Michael, we love you.
He looks, sounds & moves great and I would have given anything at the time to be there, but more so now. The man is a legend!
yea they jus sed bits from each show..i mean i duno whey they never included the dance at the end of twymmf on the night without britanney..It was better because mj didn't get confused at the bit where you go to the floor..but on that night the cue for that bit kept getting messed up between mj and the band...he had to keep covering it and in the end he just shouted GO..and then the band went into it lol
I love how MJ does the right leg kick and Chris Tucker does it with his left! Such an awesome show i just wish it went on for longer!
he is trying to hide the fact that he can not remember the lyrics...

I'm sorry??? I think Mike is just trying to get into it, and you know not feeling the sound is right so pushing into the microphone harder. OR he's just being natural as it looks quite instinctive.
lol, produced by David Gest, what's the credits music?

Ghosts! :D