[UK] Channel Five to air Michael Jackson's 30th Anniversary Concert over Christmas

are you sure its on, cant find it on channel 5s website etc.

wasnt it channel 5 that put out

michael jacksons face
michael jacksons boys
michael jackson mind
etc etc...:(

What the...?!?!?!

That is actually laughable.
UPDATE: The concert will be aired on Monday 21st December at 10pm.

Can't wait! :jump:
Haven't saw this on the tv before only on youtube, so should be goooood :D
5 have a MJ night that night...
8 - 9: Channel 5 MJ tribute
10 - 11.50: MSG 30th anniversary concert
11.50 - 12.50: Michael Jackson for sale

MSG 30th anniversary concert is repeated on New Years Eve
There's also this on that night:
21:00 Michael Jackson: The Last Days

Documentary exploring the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of Michael Jackson in June, featuring exclusive interviews with Jackson's former manager Frank DiLeo, chef Kai Chase, nurse practitioner Cherilyn Lee and numerous friends, colleagues and experts.
1 hour 50 mins, very edited version. Still has got to be cleaner than my current copy on VHS, though actually I've looked after it well, as I do all my 'Michael tapes.' lol
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WICKED! I'm SO there :clapping: May choose what to record etc! ...incase housemates are hell and watch some boring deets on another channel:cheeky:
Still have this recorded on VHS from the 2003 showing, but I hope this is the slightly longer edit, as ITV edited out MJ and the Jackson's grand stage entrance, which I never understood.
I'll be watching this definitely! :D

I watched it years ago on TV just to see Britney lol. I must of enjoyed Michael as I watched the whole thang :D
I'll be watching this definitely! :D

I watched it years ago on TV just to see Britney lol. I must of enjoyed Michael as I watched the whole thang :D

they never showed britney on the uk showing...:smilerolleyes:
Just a reminder, MSG 30th anniversary 10pm tonight

yeaaaaaa!!! ill be watching this!! cant wait to see it!!!!! :D:D
but before that ill watch the Private home movies for a while its on sky one at 8:30, ill miss the start cus i get out of work at 9!! Grrrr!!! :(
Borrowing this thread, to Norwegian fans:

30TH Anniversary is showing on NRK 31.12. I think 17:00, just check the TV guides :)

I've been in contact with them, and asked them to show HIstory concert from Norway 1997 and Dangeorus from 1992. They told me that it may be possible and that they noted it.
I think the edit will be the same as ITV's but guess we'll see.

Dunno whether to watch it tonight as I've been hyping today up for ages or on New Years Eve when it's showing at 9pm on Five again, as I have a feeling won't be in the mood to go out this year so a night in with MJ might be the perfect way to spend it.
There's so many MJ programmes tonight! Six I think! Plus three on BBC2 tomorrow!
not watched it yet but recording, oh no is it crap:(