Ubisoft / Estate announce new Michael Jackson Video Game - see posts 88 - 111 -167

On an interesting side note:
This is the video game that was announced LAST YEAR but since Michael's tragic death there was no more word about it.

After its press conference, Ubisoft announced a few more details about its Michael Jackson game, saying it would arrive this holiday season on the Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, Wii, and DS. It will support the Kinect motion-sensing camera on Xbox 360, and the Move controller on PS3. The game will include a number of the King of Pop's best known songs (including "Beat It" and "Billie Jean"), and challenge gamers to keep up with his dance moves and sing along at the same time.


how can they make a videogame about someone whos killer isnt even behind bars yet!!!??
So how exactly this thing will work? Does it mean we all have to wear golden pants from now on? I am not sure if I am ready for that! Golden pants technology.

I would prefer wearing that thing from the DSTYGE music video.. Or that blue thing he wore during the signing.
Im sure MJ will have multiple outfits. After all MJs fashion was always unique and had a different style for every song.
I noticed in the screenshot that they are using the Bille Jean music video in the background. I was never impressed with his dancing in that video, and actually don't like the video either. They would be better off using some live concert footage for Bille Jean. MJ's BJ concert performances were way better than the music video and shows off his dancing more. Come to think of it, they spoke about players doing the moonwalk and learning to moonwalk. The BJ music video doesn't include that move so maybe they will be using the concert footage after all. Either that or the Smooth Criminal MV.
I hope they use the 'Moonwalker' version of Smooth Criminal, not the horrible edited version. they better also include ,Remember The Time, Scream etc. God I'm fussy!

I'm looking forward to seeing this game in the shops and buying myself a copy. I hope they do an MJ game package, like Sony did with the PS3 in Japan when 'This Is It' was released. I wasn't planning to buy the 'Kinect' until now though. Pity I don't know how to dance.

On an interesting side note:
This is the video game that was announced LAST YEAR but since Michael's tragic death there was no more word about it.


I remember those rumours. How do you know this is the same game?
This is something I genuinely think Michael would adore. Children and adults dancing and singing his songs :)
After its press conference, Ubisoft announced a few more details about its Michael Jackson game, saying it would arrive this holiday season on the Xbox 360, PS3, PSP, Wii, and DS. It will support the Kinect motion-sensing camera on Xbox 360, and the Move controller on PS3. The game will include a number of the King of Pop's best known songs (including "Beat It" and "Billie Jean"), and challenge gamers to keep up with his dance moves and sing along at the same time.


Only best known songs? No other songs like Jam, They don't care about us, Too Bad, Black or white?? The dance in those 'lesser' known songs are so much better than his classics'. And it's getting annoying that the estate would only use that ONE picture! Does it don't have other MJ images? Boring.
Okay, sorry for not catching up, but IS THERE A TRAILER? I can only find the Beat It dance! All this E3 stuff happened when Norway was a sleep!
Only best known songs? No other songs like Jam, They don't care about us, Too Bad, Black or white?? The dance in those 'lesser' known songs are so much better than his classics'. And it's getting annoying that the estate would only use that ONE picture! Does it don't have other MJ images? Boring.

Are you ever happy about anything? I know you have every right to express your opinions, but geeeezzzz
Okay, sorry for not catching up, but IS THERE A TRAILER? I can only find the Beat It dance! All this E3 stuff happened when Norway was a sleep!

no, they didn't show any trailer. they just teased people by showing the beat it dance and saying it will be coming out later this year.
The AP report (see post 111) has 2 screenshots.
I remember those rumours. How do you know this is the same game?

It wasn't a rumor. The info came directly from MJ Licensing. mjdatabank (a very reliable fan site that has been cooperating with Sony Music / MJJ Productions for several years) reported the news - before Michael passed(!), but most international fans aren't really aware of or paying attention to this well-done Michael Jackson site.
Will this be like Just dance for the wii? :unsure: But MJ style? I hope so. :wild:
Kind of, by the sound of it. With karaoke mixed in.

So Just Dance/Singstar.

Michael Jackson to star in new video game


Ubisoft have issued an image from the new game

Singer Michael Jackson is to be captured in a new video game, developers Ubisoft have announced.
The game, which has yet to be given a title, will rate players' ability to dance like the late pop star.
It will be one of the first titles to use motion detection technology, due to be rolled out on a number of consoles later this year.
The musician last appeared in a video game called Michael Jackson's Moonwalker, which was released in 1989.
The game's launch is set to coincide with the release of an album in November containing previously unreleased Jackson tracks.
It will include songs from the singer's back catalogue, including the hits Billie Jean and Beat It.
At an announcement in Los Angeles, Ubisoft's Tony Key said: "Your goal is to dance like Michael.
"Do what the guy on the screen is doing and you're there. It'll score you based on the quality of your performance."
Developers are lining up to release dance-based games, including Dance Central, which uses the Kinect system to detect players' movements, which are then translated onto the screen.

It wasn't a rumor. The info came directly from MJ Licensing. mjdatabank (a very reliable fan site that has been cooperating with Sony Music / MJJ Productions for several years) reported the news - before Michael passed(!), but most international fans aren't really aware of or paying attention to this well-done Michael Jackson site.

they also have an interview at their website in French. the below is the google translate of it. it has detailed information about the game.

Pending the trailer, here are three images of the project and a short interview made in Ubisoft Felicia Williams, project manager on the game

Ubisoft When he started working on the development of Michael Jackson Video Game?

Felicia Williams: When it comes to music games, develop a game around the creative world of Michael Jackson absolute dream ... the team had already thought of a few years ago, but the games music and dance were in their infancy. To create such a game, you must be at the height of the genius of Michael Jackson and be prepared to impose a new standard for music games. No other artist could rock the stage like he did. His dancing, his singing, exceptional performance and music videos have influenced other artists for decades. With the release of the Wii and now KINECTS, dance and music can be explored in a totally innovative. And that's what we wanted: to provide an incredible experience for people of all ages and make them sing and dance to the music by Michael.

How did you choose the songs and dances that are in the game?

Our main goal was to immerse players into the world of Michael Jackson. We wanted to recreate diversity and richness of his art in selecting songs very different. The players sing and dance to his greatest hits, but can also rediscover with joy the other lesser-known songs from his repertoire.

What is the list of songs by Michael Jackson Video Game? How many songs will be playable?

I can not tell you more yet, but you can be sure that all the emotion you feel when you listen to Michael Jackson will be well represented by a list of songs that give you the full range of best performance Michael. Who would not be excited to see the ground light on his feet in Billie Jean and feel the tension of the battles in Beat It Dance?

What is the main promise of the game?

We wanted to offer players the opportunity to slip into the skin of the King of Pop. They will discover a unique fingerprint of fun, challenge and sharing. First, pleasure: we wanted the player takes pleasure in singing and dancing to favorite songs from the cult of Michael Jackson. We wanted the player has real feeling of being on stage. KINECTS With Microsoft and our proprietary technology "Player Projections", the player will be the center of the action in environments that react to his movements. For the first time, you will longer a mere spectator of the performance of Michael Jackson but you will take a central role in the show.

Then the challenge. Michael Jackson was an incredible artist and for many, his dance steps and stage performances were regarded as absolute references. We teach the players then we will challenge to test their dancing skills and their vocal skills.

And finally accessibility. Michael Jackson is an artist who speaks to all generations and all nationalities. His music is universal. And game must be too. Ubisoft is committed to this path by offering an exciting and innovative, while ensuring that the game is fun for everyone. In the same vein, Jackson brings people together around his art. We wanted to do the same thing with our game The game reflects this more: we wanted people to share the magic of this experience with their friends, family or work colleagues!

What are the main features of Michael Jackson Video Game?

Each platform has its own characteristics but the spirit of the game remain the same for all platforms. Walk in the footsteps of Michael Jackson singing and dancing to his most famous songs in the places more worship, learning the secrets of his exceptional performance and be able to reproduce in the game, share this experience with your friends.

KINECTS version uses proprietary technology Ubisoft Player Projections. Can you tell us more about this technology and what does it in Michael Jackson Video Game?

"Player Projections" is a technology that we developed in-house specifically for the sensor KINECTS Microsoft. We wanted to go beyond the recognition of body KINECTS projecting the screen image of the player for better immersion. Thus, the player does not control a character. It is directly projected on the screen and his body becomes the central element of the game This technology provides better immersion and share magic. Everything is built around the player. The scenes offer many interactive features that the player can unleash with his movements and depending on its performance. The player will rule the stage, as the Michael was, triggering sound effects and amazing visuals.

How did the collaboration with executors of Michael Jackson's estate?

We have worked closely with the executors from the outset. They were a great inspiration and encouraged us in developing the concept of the game we were all agreed that this was a great way to honor the King of Pop and to give fans the opportunity to discover something unique in the world of gaming. Michael Jackson has always been a pioneer of innovation at all levels, whether in song, dance or music. We wanted to push technological boundaries and provide a visual experience and unique physical. We are delighted to continue working with executors that have enabled us to give birth to the game that gives players the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Michael Jackson.

What platforms Michael Jackson Video Game Will it be available?

The game will be available on Xbox 360 (compatible with the sensor KINECTS), Nintendo Wii, PlayStation 3 (compatible with the Playstation Move), but also on PSP and Nintendo DS.

When the game is he available?

At the end of this year 2010

To conclude, can you summarize what that will be offered Michael Jackson Video Game players?

Creativity, technology and willingness to push the limits are the essence of Michael Jackson and the game allows the player to be part of that. We wanted to create a special relationship between Michael Jackson and the player, and perpetuate the inspiration he has bequeathed to the world through his music and his art. This game allows for the very first time.

Seems like the Estate is making a real effort to be involved in ideas and projects
that represent Michael in ways he would approve of. We know that he loved
new innovations and technology; excellent job.