Ubisoft / Estate announce new Michael Jackson Video Game - see posts 88 - 111 -167

I like this idead. Its different to what we usually see and happy that the estate are involved in a variety of projects, not ust CDs and DVDs.
I wonder why the game is untitled..cant they figure out a name for it?
I will SO be getting this on PS3. need to get "move" first though.
Just think of what we have had since June 25th of last year:

-This Is It theatrical release
-This Is It album release
-This Is It DVD release
-Record Deal With Sony
-Cirque Deal
-New Video Game Deal

To Come...

-1st Single (late august/early september)
-Album Release (November or late Oct)
-Video Game Release (November/December)
-2nd Single (December)

And that covers 2010. 2011 is a whole new year!
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Just think of what we have had since June 25th of last year:

-This Is It theatrical release
-This Is It album release
-This Is It DVD release
-Record Deal With Sony
-Cirque Deal
-New Video Game Deal

To Come...

-1st Single (late august/early september)
-Album Release (November or early Oct)
-Video Game Release (November/December)
-2nd Single (December)

And that covers 2010. 2011 is a whole new year!

Yes, this is sooo exciting! I think the estate Branca/McClain have done a fantastic job so far. They've done a superb job in keeping Michael's legacy alive and making sure that his innovative vision and ideals are well represented in all these projects. Michael knew these guys were the right ppl to have in charge of his estate. I know he would absolutely approve. So thanks Michael and thank you Branca, etal!!! Bravo to you!!:clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:
Will the game count as one of Sony's 10 "projects" or is it solely a Ubisoft/MJ Estate deal?
Just think of what we have had since June 25th of last year:

-This Is It theatrical release
-This Is It album release
-This Is It DVD release
-Record Deal With Sony
-Cirque Deal
-New Video Game Deal

To Come...

-1st Single (late august/early september)
-Album Release (November or early Oct)
-Video Game Release (November/December)
-2nd Single (December)

And that covers 2010. 2011 is a whole new year!

to bad we had to wait for Michael to pass away to get all this stuff..huh...sounds fishy if you ask me...:(....and before anyone jumps on me I am expressing MY opinion..which I believe I am allowed to do here.
That was Tyne from This Is It who danced in the show, the blond girl :)
The estate has done a great job so far. I have approved of every venture they have went into. This video game is another right move on their part. I can't wait til later this year when there is a brand new MJ video game on store shelves plus an album sitting right beside it. Smart marketing tactic.
to bad we had to wait for Michael to pass away to get all this stuff..huh...sounds fishy if you ask me...:(....and before anyone jumps on me I am expressing MY opinion..which I believe I am allowed to do here.

I will jump on you... to give you a hug :hug: and say I totally agree with you and despite this is good, we can deny it's bittersweet.
All that said, let's see the good side.... but yes, yes... the truth can't be denied :no:
I thought this would be just a common rhythm action game, but wow. I think it's gonna be huge

I am amazed to see how they are creating all these new techologies and Michael being the first to actually being "used" to promote them. I mean "use" in a good way.

Aahhh... well....
The estate has done a great job so far. I have approved of every venture they have went into. This video game is another right move on their part. I can't wait til later this year when there is a brand new MJ video game on store shelves plus an album sitting right beside it. Smart marketing tactic.

yep... I can't but agree on this statement
Just think of what we have had since June 25th of last year:

-This Is It theatrical release
-This Is It album release
-This Is It DVD release
-Record Deal With Sony
-Cirque Deal
-New Video Game Deal

To Come...

-1st Single (late august/early september)
-Album Release (November or late Oct)
-Video Game Release (November/December)
-2nd Single (December)

And that covers 2010. 2011 is a whole new year!

estate is going in right direction,surely they are building an empire.
Playstation 'Move' and Xbox's 'Kinect' is interesting alot of people at the moment, fresh from the hype in E3.
If they release this roughly when Move and Kinect are released, this will be HUGE
The Estate is doing great at making money, but shit at helping achieve justice. Im not saying they have do have association with The Jacksons, but at least put some effort in to getting justice for MJ. Nuff said.
The Estate is doing great at making money, but shit at helping achieve justice. Im not saying they have do have association with The Jacksons, but at least put some effort in to getting justice for MJ. Nuff said.

With all due respect, just exactly what should the "estate", assuming you mean Branca et al, be doing towards getting justice for Michael? I honestly have absolutely no idea where the "estate" would play into the "justice" thing. Enlighten me. I never realized that was part of the role Michael had intended for them. Are there not other entities more appropriate towards the "justice" end of it?
The Estate is doing great at making money, but shit at helping achieve justice. Im not saying they have do have association with The Jacksons, but at least put some effort in to getting justice for MJ. Nuff said.

The estate is doing exactly what Michael directed them to do in his will. Keeping his legacy alive and making as much money as possible for the estate. That is the sole job of estates, and they are doing an admirable job. Michael would be pleased and proud. Justice has to be achieved by another "state" the state of California against Dr. Murray. If you have a problem you should contact the prosecutors in this case to achieve justice for Michael.
I will jump on you... to give you a hug :hug: and say I totally agree with you and despite this is good, we can deny it's bittersweet.
All that said, let's see the good side.... but yes, yes... the truth can't be denied :no:

I understand too, it is def. bittersweet. But let's be positive. Michael I know is happy about all these things. He loved Cirque, video games and everything the estate is doing. He picked good ppl to manage his estate, believe me there is nothing to be suspicious about. The estate are picking projects that reflect Michael's vision and ideals. :yes:
estate is going in right direction,surely they are building an empire.

As nice as this all might sound...i will all take it with a grain of salt, simply to avoid any dissapointments. A new cd might be planned for the end of this , but they can just as easily delay it to 2011 and what not.
I am soo excited by this! I'm, more excited by this than the album actually! I bought a ps3 so that I could buy the TII bluray, now I'll have a game to go with it! I was waiting & planning to buy the new DDR for ps3 including the mat (expensive) but I think I'll just wait until this game! I wish they could release some demo or preview for it soon!