Ubisoft / Estate announce new Michael Jackson Video Game - see posts 88 - 111 -167

i wonder how this would work on the playstation move? On the xbox naval thing it will be quality!
Very excited about this game....shame there wont be no rockband game, especially now they have the keyboard instrument coming out...

bring on end of 2010 gona be michael jackson hype!!
He hasn't even been dead for a year and they still keep milking his corpse!!!!!!!
^^^ Ummm what da hell u talking about krshna28??? "milking his corpse"
He hasn't even been dead for a year and they still keep milking his corpse!!!!!!!

Im curious what do you expect Michae'sl estate do to earn Money to pay
debts, support his musical legacy and earn money for his childrens trust.

There has to be a product to do that and Michael understood that very well he was king of marketing
himself to earn money with his craft. Why in the world would he create an estate if he didnt expect it to
grow and earn money by selling his music, art, memorabilia etc etc. Michael l loved games amd had many
with his image attched. he woudl love this becuase is is innovative and causes his fans to listen to his
music and learn to dance.

I dont see this as milking his corpse but as keeping his legacy alive with something fun that showcases
his music and dance_ I feel if he was alive he would approve. He was working on many things of this nature
before his death. He certanily wasnt against earning money with products that promoted his art.

I see nothing in the least innapropriate with the estate approving of and using this game as a means to
Grow "Michael Jacksons" estate. Everyone involved benefitsf from this game including the fans _
This is how how it is suppose to work -

Why are fans so confused about the fact that Michael created his estate to protect his assets
earn money to keep his legacy alive and and sucrue his childrens future

Should we bury everything all his music art and legacy along with him ? :no: Do you think that was
what Michael wish was. From his own words we know it is not his wish that everything stops when
he leaves this planet_

Michael deserve the right to continue to earn money through his
Estate to secure the future of his art, his Legacy and his childrens future?

So far I think so far the estate executers are doing a great job of keeping his Legacy
and securing hs childrens future. I hope it continues as well as it has started.
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^^^ Ummm what da hell u talking about krshna28??? "milking his corpse"

Im curious what do you expect Michae'sl estate do to earn Money to pay
debts, support his musical legacy and earn money for his childrens trust.

There has to be a product to do that and Michael understood that very well he was king of marketing
himself to earn money with his craft. Why in the world would he create an estate if he didnt expect it to
grow and earn money by selling his music, art, memorabilia etc etc. Michael l loved games amd had many
with his image attched. he woudl love this becuase is is innovative and causes his fans to listen to his
music and learn to dance.

I dont see this as milking his corpse but as keeping his legacy alive with something fun that showcases
his music and dance_ I feel if he was alive he would approve. He was working on many things of this nature
before his death. He certanily wasnt against earning money with products that promoted his art.

I see nothing in the least innapropriate with the estate approving of and using this game as a means to
Grow "Michael Jacksons" estate. Everyone involved benefitsf from this game including the fans _
This is how how it is suppose to work -

Why are fans so confused about the fact that Michael created his estate to protect his assets
earn money to keep his legacy alive and and sucrue his childrens future

Should we bury everything all his music art and legacy along with him ? :no: Do you think that was
what Michael wish was. From his own words we know it is not his wish that everything stops when
he leaves this planet_

Michael deserve the right to continue to earn money through his
Estate to secure the future of his art, his Legacy and his childrens future?

So far I think so far the estate executers are doing a great job of keeping his Legacy
and securing hs childrens future. I hope it continues as well as it has started.

I'm still not convinced that all these projects are for the good of Michael's Children.........

There are too many people (most unnamed) that are attached to the Family, Estate and most importantly Sony/ATV!!!!!

I think we should end it here or the thread will closed by admin!!!!!!!
Looks like you gonna have to get PS MOVE as well for this if you want it on PS3. Camera + two MOVE controllers = 180 Dollars :/
Looks like you gonna have to get PS MOVE as well for this if you want it on PS3. Camera + two MOVE controllers = 180 Dollars :/

yea that actually really does suck.. no joke..

but i got a ps3 already and dammit imma have this game regardless of what i gotta pay.. my wife n daughter will have a blast with this game!

and of course so will i!

Im curious what do you expect Michae'sl estate do to earn Money to pay
debts, support his musical legacy and earn money for his childrens trust.

There has to be a product to do that and Michael understood that very well he was king of marketing
himself to earn money with his craft. Why in the world would he create an estate if he didnt expect it to
grow and earn money by selling his music, art, memorabilia etc etc. Michael l loved games amd had many
with his image attched. he woudl love this becuase is is innovative and causes his fans to listen to his
music and learn to dance.

I dont see this as milking his corpse but as keeping his legacy alive with something fun that showcases
his music and dance_ I feel if he was alive he would approve. He was working on many things of this nature
before his death. He certanily wasnt against earning money with products that promoted his art.

I see nothing in the least innapropriate with the estate approving of and using this game as a means to
Grow "Michael Jacksons" estate. Everyone involved benefitsf from this game including the fans _
This is how how it is suppose to work -

Why are fans so confused about the fact that Michael created his estate to protect his assets
earn money to keep his legacy alive and and sucrue his childrens future

Should we bury everything all his music art and legacy along with him ? :no: Do you think that was
what Michael wish was. From his own words we know it is not his wish that everything stops when
he leaves this planet_

Michael deserve the right to continue to earn money through his
Estate to secure the future of his art, his Legacy and his childrens future?

So far I think so far the estate executers are doing a great job of keeping his Legacy
and securing hs childrens future. I hope it continues as well as it has started.


Also, Michael had said repeatedly he wanted to live forever through his art. He is the one that created this estate with his executors. His executors are doing exactly what Michael directed them to do and they are doing a magnificent job so far. Michael would be very very happy!!
I understand too, it is def. bittersweet. But let's be positive. Michael I know is happy about all these things. He loved Cirque, video games and everything the estate is doing. He picked good ppl to manage his estate, believe me there is nothing to be suspicious about. The estate are picking projects that reflect Michael's vision and ideals. :yes:

Estate blocking parents efforts for justice is suspicious plan and simple but again this isnt the thread for this.

Anyway back on topic............

I hope we get a teaser trailer soon in stead of just this.


It would have been more impressive to release some footage at the convention and no just the dancers which the gamers there arent going to really care for. They and us want to see the game.
Hey Guys

I really can not wait, for this.

For everyone's info, the lag on Kinect is aweful! The move is spot on 1.1 , this is achieved through use of the playstation eye and the globe on the mote! Wait and see how impressive Move will be, this defo is a new generation.

I know this is not a Sony Move Vs MS Kinect discussion, but I promise I'll get to my point soon. I have read similar stories on the internet about the new Microsoft gadget. They're ALWAYS written by people who have never used the FINAL product themselves, and usually they're Sony fans.
Just for the record, I own an Xbox360 not a PS3. Second, whenever I use a Wii, I HATE the Wiimote for most games, especially sports games and driving games. For driving games, I would much prefer a fixed wheel that provides a level of feedback - much more realistic. Similarly I get on much better with a normal controller for games like Fifa. However, for this Michael Jackson dance game (and ANY dance game) the Microsoft Kinect has the obvious advantage in my opinion. The fact it requires no controller at all has got to be better than using either a Wii remote or a PS3 Move controller. That is dependant on how responsive the Kinect is of course. I have no doubt that IF there is any kind of lag at all when it is released it will be barely noticeable. NOBODY has had chance to use the final product yet as it isn't released and hasn't entered mass production. The PS3 is a great machine, but I believe the 360 Kinect will make for a better experience. We'll see. :)
Looks like you gonna have to get PS MOVE as well for this if you want it on PS3. Camera + two MOVE controllers = 180 Dollars :/

Well, i got a ps3 just for Michael, I hope they plan on rel;easing this in a bundle like they did with TII Japan!
new Michael Jackson game (update)

Michael Jackson The Experience coming to almost every platform this November, first details released.

Written by David Scammell, 07 July 2010



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Ubisoft's upcoming Michael Jackson game will be called Michael Jackson The Experience, and will launch in November 2010 on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, DS and PSP.
The game, which was shown for the first time today behind closed doors at a Ubisoft event in London, puts players "into the shoes of the King of Pop", letting players "take centre stage like Michael Jackson himself, and re-live some of his most iconic performances."
Michael Jackson The Experience features numerous songs from *****'s back catalogue, including Beat It and Billie Jean, and will be compatible with PlayStation Move and Kinect. You guessed it, it's a dancing game similar to Ubi's super popular Just Dance.
The Kinect version uses similar technology to that seen in Ubi's Your Shape, using Kinect's 3D camera to project a 3D image of the player onto the stage.
Both 360 and PS3 versions will also include support for microphones, with auto-pitch technology correcting your singing, plus four player jump in/jump out gameplay, while the DS and PSP versions utilise what Ubisoft call "tap-on rhythm gameplay".
Michael Jackson: The Experience launches this November

Re: new Michael Jackson game (update)


Tell me if im wrong, but this just seems to tie in very nicely with Album launch!! Just imagine if they got some new songs on this product!!

Michael wanted to do that working along side a veteren video game programmer and designer Dave * Shiny* Perry , who was amazing in the amiga days!!

Still highly respected within the industry and to think that he also spent time at Never land with Michael.

^ Like I said, the video game is coming the week before Thanksgiving holiday in the US. This is around the same time when the album is expected to be released as well I have been told.
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^ No final date has been issued for the album just ideas being presented. The time frame for this album's official release extends from late October through late November.
^ Like I said, the video game is coming the week before Thanksgiving holiday in the US. This is around the same time when the album is expected to be released as well I have been told.

Yeah, should be a part of the marketing for the new album. But it's nice ^^
Great! :D

I just have to save up for a wii first lol
Wii's Michael Jackson to focus on dancing

Speaking with Official Nintendo Magazine, Ubisoft has explained that the Wii version of their upcoming crotch-grabbing simulator Michael Jackson: The Game will focus more on pure dancing than the other consoles.

"Dancing is definitely going to be a focus for the Wii title," said Ubisoft's Felicia Williams. "The team that is working on the Wii version of Michael Jackson are working very closely with the Just Dance team and taking their expertise into account so they can make the best experience they can."

You'll still be able to sing along, but there's a good chance you'll be too swept up with trying to spin, moonwalk and damage your groin beyond recognition. Just Dance has become one of Ubisoft's biggest franchises this generation, so it makes sense to inject as much as possible into the Wii version of Michael Jackson: The Game.

"We've been working on it for a while, but we are currently making sure we have all of the best resources and all of the best people to make the experience as authentic and a fun as possible," she said. It'll be out just in time for the Christmas holiday season.


Has anybody heard whether any of the songs from the new album will be featured in this game? It would certainly make sense, from a cross-marketing perspective, but if Sony are still considering the tracklist, are they leaving it too late?
As far as I know it will not include any song from the upcoming album, simply due to lack of choreography/storyboard/music video etc.
As far as I know it will not include any song from the upcoming album, simply due to lack of choreography/storyboard/music video etc.

they can do/create one ? because for the fans there is no goal to buy it in my oppinion
As far as I know it will not include any song from the upcoming album, simply due to lack of choreography/storyboard/music video etc.

Ah, that's a shame. Understandable, I suppose, but still disappointing. Maybe at the very least they could incorporate the new songs into the menus?? Does that mean something like "Drill" from TII *could* be included? That would at least be recent, and something a little different from the usual hits.

Thanks for a speedy answer, Korgnex :)
I cannot wait for this game! I've never really been interested in the 'dance' games that were coming out, but this is MICHAEL JACKSON!! Who DOESNT want to learn how to dance like him? :punk: