Twitter Updates from Kenny Ortega [ Post all new Twitter updates in here]

The part about reading the bedtime story to Manly is so cute. I have this strange mental image of Kenny Ortega, world known choreographer and director, sitting in bed with the little dog on his lap as he pulls up the covers and gets out Alice in Wonderland... I can hear him now. "Manly, this one's for you. *opens book* Grr, rah-wroof. wroof! *little wimper* grrrr rah-rah-rah, wroof!" And Manly's just sitting there like :unsure: :doh:
Kenny is a really cool guy...he is soo great for doing this...
And the dog got its name from Manly beach...come on give something extra for the Sydney fans :)
lol @ "Once upon a woof..." awww he's a true dog lover. Manly might end up with a "This Is It" doggie cloak afterall. :lol:

Thanks for the updates, the man loves his job

It definitely shows in his tweets. :yes:
Almost 2600 Twitter Friends! Feels mighty good knowing your there. Having a blast getting the big show on the road. MJ - TII - London soon!1 minute ago from web
Almost 2600 Twitter Friends! Feels mighty good knowing your there. Having a blast getting the big show on the road. MJ - TII - London soon!

Well one thing is certain, Mr. Ortega is having a good time working on this production. He appears to be a very positive person. I like that quality and the vibe that goes with it.

With all of that "positive energy" circulating, it must be a pleasure for him to go to work everyday.
I like Kenny's attitude, he seems upbeat and always happy. Like Big Apple2 said^, it's nice to have that positive energy circulating around the concerts, I'm sure this has rubbed off on Michael who is a positive person himself. I think these shows have the potential to be fantastic, the final days are approaching now. Just 18 more days until the big show!
That is why I like both of Mr. Ortega. He is a very positive and that Michael is wonderful to have people like him around. Everything must be the incredible, wonderful and unforgettable. And the days are approaching fast. Michael must be super excited for the big premiere. Will be perfect the first show!​
Pearljr An insider just told me that an ambulance just went into the compound of Michael Jackson's home. No details why or for what reason or who.2 minutes ago from web

I hope it's nothing serious :-\
I feel really sorry for kenny and all the people who are now going to miss out on staging and appearing in this show it must be incredibly gutting for them after having the opportunity of a lifetime.
The comfort is that they spent the last days with Michael and got to witness the greatness live for the last time and they can take that memory forever.
KennyOrtegaBlogThanks everyone for your out pouring of love and support. Together, we'll heal the pain by striving to HEAL THE WORLD. Michael WILL BE THERE
I know this topic has been abandoned now, but I wanted to post his most recent update. It's so sweet:

I spent the day pouring through gorgeous footage of our beloved Michael. He looks beautiful! SMILEabout 2 hours ago from web
:( I remember being so happy getting these Twitter updates from Kenny. everyone was so happy. Michael.. Kenny, the fans.. everything was perfect :(