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I think it's easy to make rehearsals look bad when you select certain clips, You could select bits of the Dangerous Rehearsals that looks bad, like he messes up alot of lines and does half-assed dancing.
I think it's easy to make rehearsals look bad when you select certain clips, You could select bits of the Dangerous Rehearsals that looks bad, like he messes up alot of lines and does half-assed dancing.

I will delete all my posts. If you don't believe the followers or it makes you hurt, it's better to not discuss this anymore. I'm not upset, just that I understand you don't need me telling you what I saw and perceived and found out around Michael.
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Curious to know how you know this.

I have checked Kenny's recent tweets now...I must say I''m put off. He is tweeting about the movie now with the same enthusiasm with which he was deceiving us before. For him it's just another project. A great one, I must say :(
I understand that he couldn't have tweeted about Michael not feeling well or not wanting to do the shows. But at least he should have shut up altogether. What we find out now breaks my heart and makes me sooo angry at him. "his friend" was dying in front of his eyes and he did what? Cut his chicken and held him up and covered him with blankets? And then said everything is under control?
I'm sorry, I don't want to judge but I'm just mad. He should have helped us, the fans who were concerned about Michael, not covered it up.

I really believe that there was NOTHING wrong with Michael Jackson. Not doing rehearsals or anything , I think he was a happy man. It was the drugs in him that killed him. Dont blame Kenny or Frank ! It was Dr. Murrays fault. its his fault.
I really believe that there was NOTHING wrong with Michael Jackson. Not doing rehearsals or anything , I think he was a happy man. It was the drugs in him that killed him. Dont blame Kenny or Frank ! It was Dr. Murrays fault. its his fault.

I understand if people want to stay in their bubble and dream. If this is the reason I understand it, I sometimes am like that mysel, although I saw Michael in his last days.
If not, why do fans who saw him day in and out have to repeat the truth so many times and still have people insist here that he was fine and happy?
Who ever said he was ill ? Michael has always been very thin and everybody in here knows it. its the doctors fault.

This is the same rhetoric that made people turn a blind eye. He has always been thin but not like that. Fans who followed him for years acknowledge that he has always been thin but in the final months he was looking smaller than he did during the trial. They were concerned to a point where they risked being cut off by attempting an intervention. Yes, Murray did deliver the final blow but chances are that Michael could have survived If he was healthy.
Kenny was a dear friend of Michael's. FACT.

Dangerous and HIStory Tours anyone??

Agree. And he is excited about this project and writing about it on twitter because he wants to pay respect to his friend Michael with this movie of the rehearsals.
Curious to know how you know this.

I have checked Kenny's recent tweets now...I must say I''m put off. He is tweeting about the movie now with the same enthusiasm with which he was deceiving us before. For him it's just another project. A great one, I must say :(
I understand that he couldn't have tweeted about Michael not feeling well or not wanting to do the shows. But at least he should have shut up altogether. What we find out now breaks my heart and makes me sooo angry at him. "his friend" was dying in front of his eyes and he did what? Cut his chicken and held him up and covered him with blankets? And then said everything is under control?
I'm sorry, I don't want to judge but I'm just mad. He should have helped us, the fans who were concerned about Michael, not covered it up.

Boo hoo hoo, you're 'put off' because Kenny is enthused about a project that you even admit to is 'great,' and for having 'tweeted' altogether. Like the footage shows, Michael looks fantastic, so Kenny wrote what he saw -- take your misguided anger out on someone who deserves it.
I understand if people want to stay in their bubble and dream. If this is the reason I understand it, I sometimes am like that mysel, although I saw Michael in his last days.
If not, why do fans who saw him day in and out have to repeat the truth so many times and still have people insist here that he was fine and happy?

Conversely some 'fans' live in a bubble and dream that everyone -- including Kenny Ortega, Thomas Mesereau, etc -- all conspired to murder Michael and act as vultures. It's such fanatics who cling to the delusion that they know Michael better than anyone who live in a dream world.
Man, I just hate this.

Kenny was the one who gave us the Dangerous Tours, The HIStory Tours and people think he was in on something. Half the speculation that people have put on this board will be complete and utter bullshit. As soon as October comes round, it'll be a different fucking story when we see Michael doing what he did best.

I think it's easy to make rehearsals look bad when you select certain clips, You could select bits of the Dangerous Rehearsals that looks bad, like he messes up alot of lines and does half-assed dancing.

I totally agree! Everybody who hasn't seen the Dangerous Tour Rehersals should download a copy and watch it THEN make an opinion about how the 2 minutes of TII footage came across..
You could select a 2 minute clip of him doing Jam from the dangerous rehearsals and say he wasnt ready to perform, he mumbles the lines, messes up the lines, dances slowly (like in the TII rehearsals). Yet the Dangerous Tour was awesome.
You could select a 2 minute clip of him doing Jam from the dangerous rehearsals and say he wasnt ready to perform, he mumbles the lines, messes up the lines, dances slowly (like in the TII rehearsals). Yet the Dangerous Tour was awesome.

yeah I agree rehearsals dont say so much about how the show will turn out to be. But its better then nothing , it will be just great to see michael dance again.
I get it everyone is concerned about the outcome of TII coz' this is a rehearsal footage and I've been watching Dangerous rehearsal footage lately and I'm just pumped us like I was watching an actual live show.

I don't need the lyrics to enjoy or appreciate Michael's performance the mere sight of him is already enough to get me all pumped up. Michael's beat are infectious it's enough to send me into hysteria.

when I saw TDRCAU the audio was crisp and I was already blown away the sad thing is that I reacted that way even though its just a much more if it was live.
Boo hoo hoo, you're 'put off' because Kenny is enthused about a project that you even admit to is 'great,' and for having 'tweeted' altogether. Like the footage shows, Michael looks fantastic, so Kenny wrote what he saw -- take your misguided anger out on someone who deserves it.

Can I respectfully ask you, were you there? Did you see Michael in the last month? I was, I saw him. End of story.
It just baffles me how people don't trust the fans who were by Michael's side and choose to trust anything else. Well, I guess it doesn't matter now anymore. Maybe we should all believe what AEG is saying and just live on happily.
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It is hard to believe ANYONE. Most of the stories they say are far out, Hard to believe anyway. You need to remember that we are all still in shock and we don't believe anything anymore. We can't trust that the fans are being truthful because we don't know how to check the story. Without visual and audio proof then we simply don't trust it. Even then its hard to believe. Take it easy on the fans here Cris our hearts are broken.

It is hard to believe ANYONE. Most of the stories they say are far out, Hard to believe anyway. You need to remember that we are all still in shock and we don't believe anything anymore. We can't trust that the fans are being truthful because we don't know how to check the story. Without visual and audio proof then we simply don't trust it. Even then its hard to believe. Take it easy on the fans here Cris our hearts are broken.

totally agree. heartbroken is the right word :(. very similar to the words "feeling dead"
I understand if people want to stay in their bubble and dream. If this is the reason I understand it, I sometimes am like that myself, although I saw Michael in his last days.
If not, why do fans who saw him day in and out have to repeat the truth so many times and still have people insist here that he was fine and happy?

i trust the fans that saw him.. and can i thank you for relaying what you saw. it is extremely upsetting to hear that MJ was deterioating so rapidly.. but atleast it is the truth.

can i just point out that it's not just one fans word on this.. lots of fans had access to MJ in June.. not one clique of MJ fans with a hidden agenda.. lots of fans from different areas of the world and they risked seriously annoying MJ (and being shut out - remember these fans had been allowed into rehearsals) by expressing their concerns to Karen and Michael himself

they have proof they wrote emails before the 25th to Karen .. and Karen has acknowledged she received them

Agree. And he is excited about this project and writing about it on twitter because he wants to pay respect to his friend Michael with this movie of the rehearsals.

well he is also getting alot of money for the film.. so he would be excited

just cos someone works on HIStory and Dangerous tours doesnt make them MJs dearest friend.. he was his EMPLOYEE...

i'm not saying kennys a murderer or saying he was involved in some crazy conspiracy.. i'm saying he turned a blind eye to someone dying infront of his eyes.. not cos he wanted MJ dead.. but cos he just hoped things would work out, cos that was the easy option, and that was the way he'd get paid

Conversely some 'fans' live in a bubble and dream that everyone -- including Kenny Ortega, Thomas Mesereau, etc -- all conspired to murder Michael and act as vultures. It's such fanatics who cling to the delusion that they know Michael better than anyone who live in a dream world.

i dont think most are saying anyone consired to murder... it is the fact these people turned a blind eye to michaels deteriorating health... Karen has evidence she was BEGGING for a psychologist for MJ in June...

I totally agree! Everybody who hasn't seen the Dangerous Tour Rehersals should download a copy and watch it THEN make an opinion about how the 2 minutes of TII footage came across..

yeah but he did have a couple of good rehearsals (according to Karen)... i dont think we can make a judgement on that rhearsal clip really.. or any other clip released by AEG.. or the AEG film... its all edited to show the best bits

Can I respectfully ask you, were you there? Did you see Michael in the last month? I was, I saw him. End of story.
It just baffles me how people don't trust the fans who were by Michael's side and choose to trust anything else. Well, I guess it doesn't matter now anymore. Maybe we should all believe what AEG is saying and just live on happily.

i trust you

at the end of the day you have evidence to back this all up.. you fans have the emails you sent to Karen.. you know you sent MJ letters... this was all very brave and i cant imagine how hopeless you must have felt

can i just ask.. all those are you that are taking Kennys, Frank etc words as authority.. can i just say that whatever the truth - THEY WOULD SAY THAT WOULDNT THEY.. there is absolutely NO WAY AEG are going to hold themselves atall accountable for the death of the worlds most famous person...
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I will delete all my posts. If you don't believe the followers or it makes you hurt, it's better to not discuss this anymore. I'm not upset, just that I understand you don't need me telling you what I saw and perceived and found out around Michael.
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tell me something.. which huge movie company (20th century fox, Columbia or Universal for example) would pay 60 million dollars for a show where MJ isn't fit? Come on, givee me a break. MJ was in good health.. I really do not believe the fan stories..
tell me something.. which huge movie company (20th century fox, Columbia or Universal for example) would pay 60 million dollars for a show where MJ isn't fit? Come on, givee me a break. MJ was in good health.. I really do not believe the fan stories..

I bet there isn't as much footage in this film from the rehearsals as people will expect and more interviews etc in between clips...
Thank you MJJ2theMAX.
I apologize to everybody if my post made you hurt. It wasn't my intention. I know it is hard to believe anything and anyone in this madness. But you have to ask yourselves, who loved Michael more and did not have any money interest at the same time? After you answer this, you'll have to trust that source above anything else, even if you can't 100%.
I said I was around Michael during his last weeks. With Marika and Sammy among others, the ones who came forward to tell you the truth. If you can accept it. Our angel was not strong, physically and mentally, but he tried to give and give and hide and pretend everything is fine until he couldn't no more. People around him saw him but because of various reasons did not do anything to help. They just closed their eyes hoping that by some miracle things will turn out ok. They told fans to wait. We couldn't wait no more and tried to beg Michael to stop. Too late. And we knew too little. You have to understand, I'm not saying it was all gloom and doom. Michael did have days when he seemed enthusiastic, did have good rehearsals. Did want to make us happy. And his kids. But even himself knew he can't do the whole grueling 50 date tour.
Knowing all this, it just doesn't sit right with me that Kenny keeps tweeting about the movie. Same enthusiasm as before he died. I understand he self-promotes. But if Michael meant anything to him, he should feel more remorse and guilt. Maybe he does. I just think the movie is like a drug. You know it's bad for you but you still take it. I know that Michael was dying as he was preparing the show and people around him did not stop him, but at the same time I will for sure go and see the movie. To see his smile, him breathing, being proud, and perhaps wearing the shirt I gave him.

Thank you carisa....thank you for your honesty. Michael was in pain and noone around him cared. All they cared about was using Michael Jackson to further their wallets, Thank you I believe you..:)
Thank you MJJ2theMAX.
I apologize to everybody if my post made you hurt. It wasn't my intention. I know it is hard to believe anything and anyone in this madness. But you have to ask yourselves, who loved Michael more and did not have any money interest at the same time? After you answer this, you'll have to trust that source above anything else, even if you can't 100%.
I said I was around Michael during his last weeks. With Marika and Sammy among others, the ones who came forward to tell you the truth. If you can accept it. Our angel was not strong, physically and mentally, but he tried to give and give and hide and pretend everything is fine until he couldn't no more. People around him saw him but because of various reasons did not do anything to help. They just closed their eyes hoping that by some miracle things will turn out ok. They told fans to wait. We couldn't wait no more and tried to beg Michael to stop. Too late. And we knew too little. You have to understand, I'm not saying it was all gloom and doom. Michael did have days when he seemed enthusiastic, did have good rehearsals. Did want to make us happy. And his kids. But even himself knew he can't do the whole grueling 50 date tour.
Knowing all this, it just doesn't sit right with me that Kenny keeps tweeting about the movie. Same enthusiasm as before he died. I understand he self-promotes. But if Michael meant anything to him, he should feel more remorse and guilt. Maybe he does. I just think the movie is like a drug. You know it's bad for you but you still take it. I know that Michael was dying as he was preparing the show and people around him did not stop him, but at the same time I will for sure go and see the movie. To see his smile, him breathing, being proud, and perhaps wearing the shirt I gave him.

Thnak you for that cris :)
Thank you MJJ2theMAX.
I apologize to everybody if my post made you hurt. It wasn't my intention. I know it is hard to believe anything and anyone in this madness. But you have to ask yourselves, who loved Michael more and did not have any money interest at the same time? After you answer this, you'll have to trust that source above anything else, even if you can't 100%.
I said I was around Michael during his last weeks. With Marika and Sammy among others, the ones who came forward to tell you the truth. If you can accept it. Our angel was not strong, physically and mentally, but he tried to give and give and hide and pretend everything is fine until he couldn't no more. People around him saw him but because of various reasons did not do anything to help. They just closed their eyes hoping that by some miracle things will turn out ok. They told fans to wait. We couldn't wait no more and tried to beg Michael to stop. Too late. And we knew too little. You have to understand, I'm not saying it was all gloom and doom. Michael did have days when he seemed enthusiastic, did have good rehearsals. Did want to make us happy. And his kids. But even himself knew he can't do the whole grueling 50 date tour.
Knowing all this, it just doesn't sit right with me that Kenny keeps tweeting about the movie. Same enthusiasm as before he died. I understand he self-promotes. But if Michael meant anything to him, he should feel more remorse and guilt. Maybe he does. I just think the movie is like a drug. You know it's bad for you but you still take it. I know that Michael was dying as he was preparing the show and people around him did not stop him, but at the same time I will for sure go and see the movie. To see his smile, him breathing, being proud, and perhaps wearing the shirt I gave him.

i trust his guitarist. You are a fan if nothing more then someone trying hard as hell to get some sort of attention. If Michael didn't think he could do 50 then he should have said no. But you, if you are a fan, should know that Michael would have done anything it took to make everyone happy. If he wasn't healthy then why do people keep insisting he was? I know you get tired during things like this I know he would have been exhausted. But you Cris do not know what he was thinking or feeling. YOU are not one of the few he trusted so to tell them how he really felt. You are a fan you speculate just as much as we are. I don't trust anyone. People have lied on MJ in life. Whats stopping them from doing it now?

I'm saying this through a broken heart. One that's not healing to well. You need to realize this before your next post. People don't trust people who talk about Michael now. Like i said earlier. We have no way to check story's. We don't know if what you are saying is true. However the promoters are acting now is directed at the fans to get us excited again about the prospects of having something new of Michael's. Right now what i wish would happen is we could Stop and take a deep breath for a second. Take in what has happened. Try to heal. Michael loved us with almost all of his heart. He wanted to make us and his kids happy and let them see what he could do. The man was fit. Michael has always been small, skinny. I love Michael and right now i am NOT happy with some of the so-called Fans.
It's really hard to know what to believe. Michael may have been thin, he may have been frail, people may have been worried about him, but at the same time HE wanted to do these concerts. Whether it was 10 shows, or 50 shows, I don't know, but it was clear he wanted to perform again. He was going to rehearsals, picking dancers and musicians, working with Lou Ferrigno, seeing Seth Riggs, he personally requested Frank Dileo, John Branca, Kenny Ortega, Michael Bush, Karen Faye and even the doctor who was supposed to go on tour with him. According to Michael's chef and a host of other people, Michael WAS excited, the kids were excited, even the chef was excited, and if I remember correctly, Karen Faye was excited aswell. I think after Michael died, Karen's been looking back and thinking that maybe she could have done something and prevented it. And everyone goes through that stage during the grieving process. She's just going through all the "what if's".
The rehersals don't prove anything to me. I don't see anything wrong with him there, and perhaps some fans are looking too much into this situation.