Twitter Updates from Kenny Ortega [ Post all new Twitter updates in here]

tell me something.. which huge movie company (20th century fox, Columbia or Universal for example) would pay 60 million dollars for a show where MJ isn't fit? Come on, givee me a break. MJ was in good health.. I really do not believe the fan stories..

but in a couple of rehearsals MJ seemed ok, much "clearer"

noone is saying he couldnt stand up 24/7... just that he cancelled alot of rehearsals.. turned up late.. looked ill at some and needed to be covered in blankets.. couldnt cut up his food.. needed Kenny to hold him up.. but then Karen herself said the last 2 rehearsals were much better than earlier ones.. so there will be some footage on there to put into a film.. amoungst interviews with frank talking about MJs "body of an astronaught"
plus.. people will see anything with MJs name on at the mo

If Michael didn't think he could do 50 then he should have said no.

If he wasn't healthy then why do people keep insisting he was?

I know you get tired during things like this I know he would have been exhausted. But you Cris do not know what he was thinking or feeling. YOU are not one of the few he trusted so to tell them how he really felt. You are a fan you speculate just as much as we are. I don't trust anyone. People have lied on MJ in life. Whats stopping them from doing it now?

People don't trust people who talk about Michael now. .

Ginny, im so sad to read how upset you are.. i understand and am finding it so hard to heel too... but why would so many fans from different areas of the country lie? in response to your post
* MJ cant just say "no i'm not doing 50".. there would have been a huge legal battle that MJ felt he could no longer afford.. he also would have looked like an idiot and the press would have ripped him apart
* The people insisting he was healthly are mainly AEG.. and they would say that wouldnt they.. whether you believe them or not.. please ask.. if MJ was not well.. would they say it?
* Cris and other fans did know how he was feeling cos MJ spoke to them... i know its hard and very upsetting to hear that michael was in this state.. but i think its true. yep i know fans can lie.. and we should not just take their word as gospel.. yes people try to get attention sometimes.. but some of these fans have followed MJ for years and years.. got v close to him.. theres NO WAY theyd spread round false rumours about him. There was more than one fan there when MJ was so upset about the 50 shows thing.. and more people have come out to say its true
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This is just heartbreaking. :no: I don't know how I'm ever gonna find closure from this...

I tried to clean this thread, but that means a zap more thatn 3 pages of posts...

Right now I'm gonna ask you to move on from the Karen Faye discussion, you guys know she does not want us to discuss her opinions in here so stop it, aslo, if you are gonna go on the conspiracy route with Kenny, there's an entire forum dedicated to it so please do so in the correct place.

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Deleted... SORRY
I just noticed this was suppose to be for Kenny Ortegas tweets
and not part of our investigation _ Ill move my post to that forum
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Thank you MJJ2theMAX.
I apologize to everybody if my post made you hurt. It wasn't my intention. I know it is hard to believe anything and anyone in this madness.
Hi Cris
I started a thread in the investigation forum
for the fans who saw MJ to come in and help us
I noticed you stating here you saw Michael
and I would love to ask some questions - ..

Can you Please come talk to us? I also sent you a PM
Kenny just twitted the following:

'promo for This is It coming soon. We are hard at work creating a film that features Michael in his final creative process. For the fans! xo'
The fans that said Michael was unwell are the same fans who said Michael only wanted to do 10 shows.

We now know Michael signed to do at least 18, and signed up for 31 of them with the possibility of adding more dates if agreed by him (which he did)

All this BS that Michael was unfit is tireing now. Go spread your hate elsewhere as its not welcome.
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The fans that said Michael was unwell are the same fans who said Michael only wanted to do 10 shows.

We now know Michael signed to do at least 18, and signed up for 31 of them with the possibility of adding more dates if agreed by him (which he did)

All this BS that Michael was unfit is tireing now. Go spread your hate elsewhere as its not welcome.
Well this topic is just for Kenny's twitter updates. It had to be edited because the discussion became about MJ's health and conspiracy theories. All the conspiracy stuff is to be kept in the investigative forum.
Kenny just twitted the following:

'promo for This is It coming soon. We are hard at work creating a film that features Michael in his final creative process. For the fans! xo'

Sounds like the film will concentrate more on Mike helping to put the show together and not so much on the performances themselves. While I think that will be a nice thing to see, it might indicate that perhaps the performances weren't all that great after all. I hope I'm wrong...
Sounds like the film will concentrate more on Mike helping to put the show together and not so much on the performances themselves. While I think that will be a nice thing to see, it might indicate that perhaps the performances weren't all that great after all. I hope I'm wrong...

The performances will be shown. That's a given.
there will most likely be a healthy mix of both the process and the performance. I trust kenny.

To be honest, I would rather see more of this than the performances. I want to hear from Michael himself on how he felt about these shows and the concerts and see his enthusiasm for myself. This will be a chance for us to make our own assessments of his thought process as far as all of this was concerned. What I hope they do is put it in chronological order so we can see what he's saying and know on which day he said it. But I look forward to the performance part as well...except it will kinda suck knowing all the other stuff he'd planned to go with it won't be seen...the wardrobe and effects, etc. Altho seeing MJ just singing and dancing is enuf, it kinda sucks that we won't be seeing his full vision. :(

Oh boy. I'm kinda excited...still bittersweet but excited.
I get text messaged every time Kenny twitters, and I was excited to see this tweet! Can't wait to see the promo's!!
Just happened upon Kenny's Twitter page and saw this.....I felt a bit of excitement I have to say, soemthing that has been missing for 2 months now.....
Maybe the first post should be edited so all the posts are in one spot?
Thanks for posting though, I deleted my twitter account, didn't know he was still writing.
Another post from kenny's twitter site:

'the Hollywood blog sites are starting to post info about MJ's documentery, check it out-Todd '

So the movie is gonna have a 2 week run and will be a personal insight of michael at work
it will only be shown for 2 weeks.....that's quick. but i will surely watch it more than once.
That is short, too the end it'll be so depressing, nothing else to look forward to, ever. Do you think they will have a DVD...
I don't want to let go..
it will only be shown for 2 weeks.....that's quick. but i will surely watch it more than once.
The performances will be shown. That's a given.

I don't agree. The agreement is that the show can't be any longer than 150minutes maximum, so they couldn't show all performances and properly show Mike in the creative process. It ain't gonna happen.

This will be mainly a documentary with some elements of performance.
yept im afraid thats how it will be... not a whole performance. just a documentary with some pieces of performance... that makes me hope that if they will release it on dvd, they will put a whole performance on it. maybe they release that film in cinemas so people will get a taste of it and buy the dvd to see the full thing? just a thought...
"There is a plan for a wide release of the film both here in the US and Internationally. Have a beautiful day!1 minute ago from web"
there is a funny feeling in my stomach that slightly resembles excitement.......its strangely unsettling, feel kinda guilty. just get that stomach flip thinking about seeing michael smile again.

Do not feel guilty I feel the exact same way. It is vert difficult trying to come to terms with Michael's passing, I have a strange hope in my heart that one day I would see him alive again.
Do not feel guilty I feel the exact same way. It is vert difficult trying to come to terms with Michael's passing, I have a strange hope in my heart that one day I would see him alive again.

Same. :( But I can't wait to see the thing he was working on so hard for us. Kinda sad that he had to pass away to get into movies. I think we have to make it a blockbuster in his honor...regardless of how we feel about AEG or whatever. His hard work and whatever he had to suffer thru can not have been in vain.