TV ALERT..Michael Jackson Crime Scene......Friday 9pm..VH1

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- he gives a reversal drug (to reverse the effect of propofol) - that did not work.

I don't recall this being true. Never seen any mention of it.
So, guys what did they try to show to the public? Was it shown as an accident/drug overdose or a murder? I did not watch it.[/QUOTE

..they said involuntary man slaughter.....and it definitely held Murray accountable.....they never said murder,,,,
Too bad so many decided not to watch. It showed how Murray killed Michael and is now trying to cover his butt...But since LA DA doesn't want to charge him for anything anyway...He will walk with probation.
I don't recall this being true. Never seen any mention of it.

No I agree..I think this was just one of his many lies..

I think they mentioned the Flumazenil - an antidote in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdoses. (not propofol - that's my mistake). they showed an animation how it affects the heart and brain in overdoses and that it didn't work at Michael.
It is mentioned in the autopsy, if I'm not mistaken.
Too bad so many decided not to watch. It showed how Murray killed Michael and is now trying to cover his butt...But since LA DA doesn't want to charge him for anything anyway...He will walk with probation.

do you know this for a fact? If so where did you get your information?

Any other Doctor that wasn't in the circle of hell could have saved Michael Jackson. These "Doctors" were only near Michael for personal gain. 45 minutes to give a drug that WOULD have saved Michael 2 minutes or less after he was found not breathing. Michael would be alive today if he got a doctor that didn't know Michael from Adam.

The CPR that is simply stupid. ANYONE with common sense knows to put the person on a HARD SURFACE. Regardless if they give Murray probation he will have to live with the guilt and that can be CRUSHING. This man we know is guilty of something far worse then manslaughter. HE knows he did something wrong thats why he tried to cover his ass. But he did SO MANY THINGS WRONG that he cant escape it. Had it not been for "Doctor" Murray we would be enjoying Michael live on stage. But because of him we mourn Michael every single minute of every single day. The only thing i wish right now is that Murray gets his just deserts. Karma will catch up to this man.
I think they mentioned the Flumazenil - an antidote in the treatment of benzodiazepine overdoses. (not propofol - that's my mistake). they showed an animation how it affects the heart and brain in overdoses and that it didn't work at Michael.
It is mentioned in the autopsy, if I'm not mistaken.

ok Ivy thank you..I stand yeah we were right the first time then..maybe if Murray did ..cpr on the floor Michael may of survived......this is just all to much..:(
I just hope they don't try to brainwash the public into thinking Michael was some sort of drug addict....etc.

I would like to see the facts as the event unfolds. I hope it will be a good show to educate people the real scence behind his last moment and and the investigations going on to convict Murray and show how guilty Murray is and how he mess up big time.

My fans needs to be strong to be able to watch it.
they are really grilling dr. Murray. there are LAFD personal, media people, lawyers, experts being interviewed.

- they said that he was doing the CPR wrong - doing on the bed was just pushing him into the mattress but was not helping to start his heart. the medical expert said he doesn't understand how a doctor doesn't know this.
- the 911 call had no info about identity of both the caller and the patient.
- they realized it was Michael when they arrived.
- they said they believed he was already dead.
- after 20 minutes the paramedics thought that there was no hope and he was gone. wanted to pronounce him dead. Murray refused.
- they said he did not want to have him die on his watch.
- in the hospital they said the doctors refused to give up on Michael and that's why they had those revival efforts.
- murray disappears at the hospital
- they went to the house and see all the medicine. this makes them believe that the death is drug related.
- propofol - they said it requires at least 2 people to give it. you must have a nurse just to monitor the vital signs.

-murray finds a lawyer and talks to doctors about the 6 weeks he was working.
- he tells Michael told him he regularly uses propofol for sleep. but he says he was trying to get him stop taking it.
- murray says he gave propofol and monitored him for 10 minutes but then left the room for 2 minutes to go the bathroom.
- they say you never leave a patient when you give them propofol.
- they also say that he was out of the room for longer than he says - they say as long as the duration of the calls.
- he gives a reversal drug (to reverse the effect of propofol) - that did not work.
- he does CPR for 20-25 minutes before calling for help.

-dea joins the investigations. starts to investigate 5 doctors.
- the agents raid Murray's offices and get pharmacy records.
- find information about Murray's financial and legal problems.
- Ian harperin says that Michael interviewed 4 doctors to give him propofol. the other doctors refused due to ethics but Murray agreed as he needed the money.
- lethal amounts about propofol is found by the autopsy.
- they say he's lying about the 25 mg of propofol. they say this amount will not be enough to even knock out a person half Michael's size. even with the additional drugs they say this would not be enough to get Michael sleep.

- they talk about funeral
- the charges. 2-4 years prison time.
- brian oxman does not agree with the charge.
- the other legal expert says that he has charged him with a charge that they can prove.
- they say trial won't start would not happen for a long time.
- medical boards are trying to stop murray practicing medicine. they are also still investigating the other doctors.

:cry: Thank you
A program like this hammers in the point that Michael did not have to die. There was so much Murray could have done - or not done - to save him or prevent this tragedy. Very, very sad.

Edit: and then all the covering up he tried to do to only save HIMSELF. Grrr!
That's what hurts so much. This was all unnecessary and preventable.
- medical boards are trying to stop murray practicing medicine. they are also still investigating the other doctors.

I hope that includes "Dr." Thome Thome.

Heck, he's one of the most important. He was Michael's own manager. Michael's own manager was a doctor himself.

yeah right.
Very heart braking and i already knew most of the stuff they were saying still not going to change my mind on how i really feel that can keep all that he was on drugs for years in the garbage all he wanted was to get a good night sleep but instead his life was tooken by not just murry but that hole team. Nuff said good.
I hope that includes "Dr." Thome Thome.

Heck, he's one of the most important. He was Michael's own manager. Michael's own manager was a doctor himself.

yeah right.
He's not a doctor. I hope every doctor involved get's punished.
i just watched a small clip of ot and in the re-enactment they had michael connected to monitors, i thought murray didn't use any monitors?
Theres a renactment of the night michael died???? :eek: :puke:
I couldnt watch it. I saw like a minute of it and i couldnt take it. i changed the channel and didnt look back. Im so not strong enough to watch something like that.
I couldnt watch it. I saw like a minute of it and i couldnt take it. i changed the channel and didnt look back. Im so not strong enough to watch something like that.


were all different tho some of us want to know what happened that day some of us dont and some of us are just not strong enough yet

god bless you mjlovergurl in time you will become stronger michael would want that for us all
This is the whole summary. Overall I think they did a good job on focusing Murray's guilt.

Thank you very much for the summary. I don't have the channel and even if I could, i don't think I'd be able to bring myself to watch it.

I am glad the program was mostly accurate..
Thank you very much for the summary. I'm glad they showed how incompetent Murray was.
just watched this on youtube, its way too short, should definitely be longer its not detailed enough.




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