TV ALERT..Michael Jackson Crime Scene......Friday 9pm..VH1

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Watching it, actually seeing the person "playing Michael" got me in tears. That is what happened on June 25th...and going through the hours of him being resuscitated to him being taken to the hospital...:no:...this is just tooo sad.

The truth about this will eventually come out...Like it says in the bible..."Whats done in the dark, Will come out to the light"...

I don't want to watch it, I wouldn't take it either. :( But I want to know what they explained. It would be good if one of us wrote what happened. :angel:
TV show makes simulation of the scene of several artists, yesterday was Michael

I ask people sensitive, better not watch

Scenes strong

Which doctor is this?
Although it says cardiologist ...... as the U.S. gave him a diploma?
Cardiac massage in bed? I thought it was falatorio the media but was not,
he did not put Michael on the floor .... he would never revive, the blood does not come
... see the video 2

Millions of drugs given to Michael ..... see what they say medical experts
.... a crime would be death for sure ..... but not see it feel, video 3

Look to the height of Michael the right amount of propofol given for sleep
which would be more so without any mediation in the video 4 (3:20)

Not to mention that now is willing to apologize for the time she left Michael alone.
first went to the bathroom, then made connections, now appears to a call girl

I am increasingly sure it was murder
I want to see the John Lennon one too (because the crime scene is outside his NYC apartment building).

I know this sort of thing (autopsy's, crime scenes etc) is disturbing to some and I can see why, especially since tomorrow night's show will focus on MJ. So many are still grieving. But for me it sounds interesting. I have always been interested in this sort of thing (macabre stuff). It will be uncomfortable (and very sad) to watch but I just have to.

I found the show interesting and I'm looking forward to the Selena and Marvin Gaye episodes.
I think the guy who played Michael Jackson looked nothing like Michael, so i didnt watch it... Michael before he died had CURLS not stright hair....., i dont know who made that "Michael Jackson" but just seeing that i just dint watch it... may be i'll watch it on youtube
The Brit tabloids have picked up on this show. The Daily Mail published screencaps from it today. They called it tasteless and sick which suprises me as its a tabloid that has mocked Michael so much in the past.
That's what hurts so much. This was all unnecessary and preventable.

exactly. that is why many people believe in a conspiracy, that is, intentional murder. it would make everything easier for us.
Thank you for posting the links! It made me really sad, and angry at the same time. It hurts so much to see how it all went down.

I loved the end when the lady said, "He got the comeback, he just wasn't there to witness it himself..." I know MJ is smiling down on us for showing him the love he's always deserved.
Links to watch this? I've only seen pics, read about it and the trailer on youtube. This is DISGUSTING. HOW could they make this. Disgusting.
That's extremely disrespectful... What if the family were to see this? Or fans? I know it's fake, but still... No one wants to relive this.
I havent looked at any of it either on tv or in any is something I personally must steer clear of as I am in a bad enough mess as it is. :-( :-(
I don't want to watch it, I wouldn't take it either. :( But I want to know what they explained. It would be good if one of us wrote what happened. :angel:

Ivy did a summary further up.:)
Honestly, I wish VH1 hadn't shown this yet. I feel it's just too soon. Hell, it hasn't even been a year. What made the entire episode so disturbing was the re-enactments. Just showing what possibly went down on June 25th made me so sad and angry. :(
I finally got the courage to watch it and I'm watching it now on youtube. So far stupid doctor is all I can say.
chill out :S they are doing it will all the unsolved & dodgy murders/deaths of famous people
Yeah, I watched it with my mom on Friday..

I just think what I've been thinking..

"Bad doctor.." =/
I thought it was very eerie watching the parts that included the look alike.

I also thought a lot of it was not factual. They didn't have any more information than we do and not all of it was totally accurate. They put their own thoughts and opinions into it. I would prefer strictly facts.
After watching the first two parts I had to throw up, then stopped watching, it took me half an hour to calm down. I'm not going to watch anything of this nature anytime soon.
A friend of me actually took screenshot pics out of the trailer and cut them small and sent them to me saying it was autposy pics etc of MJ. The qualty was so bad and I thought it was him. I had no idea about this documentary at all, then later I found out it was all a joke. I was so pissed at him.

Im still unsure if I want to watch it or not.
Looks like the guy from the scary movie movies. Looks nothing like michael. He has way too many razor bumps.
Looks like the guy from the scary movie movies. Looks nothing like michael. He has way too many razor bumps.
They didn't show close-ups of the face but yeah he looks similar to that guy in scary movies but skinnier, i was distracted by the bumpy neck too. Also michael had curly hair which the impersonator had during the rehearsal re-enactment then they switced to the straight wig.
A friend of me actually took screenshot pics out of the trailer and cut them small and sent them to me saying it was autposy pics etc of MJ. The qualty was so bad and I thought it was him. I had no idea about this documentary at all, then later I found out it was all a joke. I was so pissed at him.

Im still unsure if I want to watch it or not.
that's horrible:(
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