TV ALERT..Michael Jackson Crime Scene......Friday 9pm..VH1

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Ok, first off.. Why do they need someone to re-act scene's? They should not be putting in people's mind what may or may not have happened. I mean we all know what happened but ya'll know VH1 (they have messed up some stuff in the past). Remember that lil movie "Man In the Mirror". But really why do they need to show MJ being pushed in the freezer? That takes the cake and is not necessary:mello::no:!
not gonna lie i kinda wanna watch it but at the same time i know i'll just get upset .. soo maybe i shouldn't .. :( ... michael shouldn't be on this show at all :(
I was thinking about it until I saw the trailer, now I'm not so sure, the images are way too graphic and the actor looks too much like Michael, atleast from what I've seen from the trailer.
Oh god I don't know if I could watch this :( I try to avoid reliving June 25 ( the media images and stuff)
Find it interesting they're calling it a "crime scene,"...though the charge is just involuntary manslaughter...a bit twisted, tacky and exploitive of VH1 to do this, but can't say it surprises me anything for a buck. Reminds me of the re-enactments of the Arvizo trial. How much did they make off of that farce? Sadly too much I'll bet...I guess this is considered public domain? Who gave them the green light for this?
How anyone could watch this is beyond me. I saw the trailer and felt sick. The actor looks so much like Michael, no way. Its too painful.
I would like to see it i admit. I want to know what exactly happened to him.. however, how much of it is to believed i do not know. However, it looks so erely like him.
How is this even allowed? Whenever it comes to Michael it's like all ethics and common decency goes out the window. He has a family and kids! Is this how low they've stooped now? :( Nothing should surprise me these days but this just takes it all.
and can someone upload the trailer please? :) thanks and GOD bless

(sorry for the double post)
This is being dished up as entertainment, none of us really know the facts and this is going to paint him as a helpless addict who brought about his own dimise. Like hell will I add to the viewing figures. This is tasteless and disrespectful, he would have been angry about this.
it's cind of good that they show this, because then no one can think mj is alive, if they show his dead body
i cant see the trailer it says Configuration Error: XML malformed.
:O is it really MJ in the trailer? please answer fast, is it his real dead body?
:O is it really MJ in the trailer? please answer fast, is it his real dead body?

no it is not michael's body.

urgh. the trailer is disgusting.
who would want to see this?!
No..Michael isn't going to be featured on the show at all, just the actor they are using for the re-enactment. I know we all have different views on this, but I can't really say it's disgusting and a violation of ethics, because they've done it to Tupac, Anna Nicole, and other famous celebs if I'm not mistaken, knowing the entertainment business and television, they aren't just going to leave Michael exempt from something they've been doing to everyone else.
Even if it's a re-enactment like someone mentioned, I still don't think I will be able to watch that knowing that it really happened to Michael.

I don't think i'll be watching. I can't handle it. It's already hard enough with MJ being gone and seeing this will upset me even more i'm sure. But I just hope that it's a fair and balanced program and most of all, I hope it's as factual as possible and not tabloidish as is the case with most "documentaries" about MJ.
I don't think i'll be watching. I can't handle it. It's already hard enough with MJ being gone and seeing this will upset me even more i'm sure. But I just hope that it's a fair and balanced program and most of all, I hope it's as factual as possible and not tabloidish as is the case with most "documentaries" about MJ.

It won't be!!!!!!!!!!!!

I recommend that you don't watch this............

Instead, just wait for the Murray trial to start and hopefully we'll find out what happened!!!!!
How can they show this re-enactment on tv showing what happened when it hasn't been to court to 'decide' what happened. I hope this doesn't poison anyones mind. I can already see it says there that he died from a combination of prescription drugs and propofol - thats wrong already.

Omg.. just watched the trailer.. who is the guy playing mj?? he looks a lot like him in some of those clips..when they pushed him into the.. :puke:
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Nothing important, I don't believe that they know more than us and that should make the whole thing unneccesary!
No..Michael isn't going to be featured on the show at all, just the actor they are using for the re-enactment. I know we all have different views on this, but I can't really say it's disgusting and a violation of ethics, because they've done it to Tupac, Anna Nicole, and other famous celebs if I'm not mistaken, knowing the entertainment business and television, they aren't just going to leave Michael exempt from something they've been doing to everyone else.
Well michael will be in the media images like the news clips frome June 25 and etc.
I agree with everyone who said...I will not be watching this.....I rally dont want to see what is suppose to be Michael and all the things that they say happened....the trailer is already why bother putting terrible images that will stay there forever into my brain......there are already enough images in there..:(
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