Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax

I am not liking this making Michael out to be a druggie malarky, cos I don't buy it, but it's being shoved down our throats every day.

There are too many 'sources' with their own stories and we have that all the time.

I hope there is something going on in the background by the LAPD. They have searched Murray's property, so they had a reason to. I have been wondering if they might have taken this to a grand jury - I don't know what cases they usually use these for or even how they decide, but it would explain why nothing appears to have happened and we still don't have the autopsy results! Just a thought.
S THIS CONFIRMED, i need to know

no its not .its just from tmz. i think the thread title should be changed as ppl are thinking this is offical news
Dr Murray is in a bit of a tricky situation, although we all hate him because he killed Michael dont you think that if he refused to give it too him MJ would have either tried to do it himself or got someone unqualified to do it.

As far as I understand this is still not confirmed? If its not, then I think I will treat this as everything else that has been said: might be some truth in it, but may also be a big bunch of lies based on all the rumors.

And no; If this is true, I do not think Michael would have been able to do it to himself.
One can not use Propofol, that has to be delivered in the veins contionously to have the effect of staying unconsious alone. You need help to do that, and you need someone who can monitor it.
Pills is a different matter.
And there is a reason why he hired a doctor; he did not want to die. Even if he knew he was doing something risky, he did try to make it safe........
Still; this is of course ( assuming that the rumors are right) very risky behaviour. And he was in a position where he could hire doctors, and get what he wanted- as many other artists have done in the past.

I am not blaming him for this, just saying that with his position also came the possibility to ask for things that most people could not. That is the bad side of having money and fame. People might not stop you from harming yourself, because they want the money and/ or the position of being the one you depend upon.
Fans who ran round London using MJNI to communicate his whereabouts, didn't help either, ok so they did it because they loved him but we used to constantly plead with them to leave him alone and let him have his privacy.
oh so now we killed him. get away. u know thae amount of times mj was in the uk over the last few years and no one had a clue and it didint come out till later. mjni were in contact with mj he and bob jones told mjni many a times when he was coming over so we could welcome him with banners etc like in 2000.

and lets all thank the LAPD for allowing the memorial. the same LAPD that spent god knows how much trying to lynch him in 93 and the city that got millions of $ in taxes off him yet cant afford to police an event and wanted the whole thing shut down. LAPD can kiss my ass.

and what drugs were found in his room either now or in 03 are irrelevent its what was in his body now that matters
I know that Xanax is being used as an "addictive drug", but why always assume the worst?

Xanax CAN be used for it's purpose too! It would'nt suprise me if Michael felt anxiety at night. I believe that there was soooo many thoughts in his head. So many feelings. So much lonelyness. Feelings that he probably was'nt able to share with anyone.
Noone can understand how it was like to be Michael Jackson. Noone lived a life that got even CLOSE to his life.
So feeling alone and therefor feeling anxiety is imo VERY possible for him.
And that would be the reason for the Xanax in his blood.

It would be the reason that he went to such an extreeme to get propofol to fall asleep. It IS possible to get to the point where you simply CAN'T sleep.
The feeling of this lack of control of your own body may even lead him to feel even MORE alone and being even MORE anxious.

That the doctor was so stupid to think "Id rather risk killing him than being fired by him!" is another subject.. But this is how I believe it all happened..
Dr Murray is in a bit of a tricky situation, although we all hate him because he killed Michael dont you think that if he refused to give it too him MJ would have either tried to do it himself or got someone unqualified to do it.
No, I don't think that.

I can see two possible ways of viewing it. One is that MJ knew the risks, didn't care, and was going to get it from one doctor or another regardless of what they said.

That one doesn't sound quite right to me.

The other possibility is that the doctor went along with it, maybe even encouraged it and told him it was safe. Maybe the doctor had the mix of stupidity and arrogance necessary to think it would help and he could administer it safely by himself. By doing so he could get MJ dependant on him to some extent, which would have let him secure his position and even demand more money.

The point is, we don't know that MJ was demanding this and would have got a different doctor if Murray had refused. Maybe we'll find out more as the investigation progresses.
Guys, Michael was doing what he had been doing for months. There was no reason to expect anything would be different that night. What did actually go differently, was that this guy FELL ASLEEP... And a greater dosage of propofol was inserted in Mike's body, and he died instantly.. It was all a stupid mistake, that could by all means have been avoided.. that's what it is, period.
Dr Murray is in a bit of a tricky situation, although we all hate him because he killed Michael dont you think that if he refused to give it too him MJ would have either tried to do it himself or got someone unqualified to do it.

I don't really buy that. MJ should not have taken the propofol BUT Murray should not have given it to him outside a hospital and without an EKG. I don't know the facts, but if Murray did what I think he did then he should be reprimanded for it. Whether or not MJ would have gone to someone else is besides the point - if Murray gave it to him then he acted irresponsibly (and illegaly?) and is largely responsible for killing MJ.
Michael's former manager (HIStory Tour, Blood on the Dance Floor), Tarak ben Ammar, believed unscrupulous doctors had been taking advantage of his hypochondria for years. Here is a rough google translation of an article originally written in French:

Tarek Ben Ammar, a friend and former manager of Michael Jackson, said Friday on Europe 1 of "criminals" doctors "quacks" who profited by it that the star was a "hypochondriac" is full of drugs but without take drugs ". "It is clear that criminals in this case are physicians who have cared for throughout his career which had destroyed the face, gave him medication to remove the pain," said Tarek Ben Ammar. "He could not sleep so he took sleeping pills. He was a hypochondriac and you never really knew if he was sick because he was surrounded by medical charlatans who lived in this disease, which charged him thousands and thousands of dollars of medicines, vitamins ...", continued the producer.
With all due respect, people... I love Michael very, very much, too... but how can anyone NOT think he had a drug problem when he was forking out LOADS of ca$h to an unlicensed "doctor" so that he could administer a drug like diprivan--a drug that they BOTH knew was only supposed to be used inside a hospital? I don't understand that logic at all.

If I found out a family member of mine was doing something like that, then I would definitely think they had a drug problem; and you can damn well bet that I would be EXTREMELY concerned. People are saying, "Well, diprivan doesn't count because it wasn't an addictive drug, or it was the doctor, yada, yada, yada..." ... Well, I've read many different articles on the drug, and someone can become addicted to it. Obviously, Michael was pretty dependent on it. But again, with respect... I'm not understanding this logic at all. Some of you are clearly in denial, sorry to say.

Thank you! I totally agree!

I believe Michael was at least partially responsible for his own demise. I don't know if it was .01% or 99%.

No one as intelligent as Michael supposedly was could possibly think it a good idea to basically get knocked out by a very powerful anesthetic night after night, be administered oxygen and be monitored by a doctor just to go to sleep. I sure wouldn't. Really, would you even wake up refreshed after a sleep induced by such an agent?

Most people would go to a sleep clinic or take some drug commonly prescribed to induce sleep not some knock out surgery drug.

I believe it may well have been the reason he hired Murray - why else would he put a heart surgeon on board - one that didn't have a particularly stellar record as a doctor and who was in financial dire straights?

I don't know what demons haunted MJ about his performances or what chemical imbalance he may have had that prevented him from getting the rest he so badly needed but it sounds like he was treating a symptom and not the underlying problem.

Yes, Murray may well be the party primarily responsible but I have to think MJ shared that responsibility.
Originally Posted by VeganMatt View Post
Dr Murray is in a bit of a tricky situation, although we all hate him because he killed Michael dont you think that if he refused to give it too him MJ would have either tried to do it himself or got someone unqualified to do it.
Someone unqualified? As in less qualified than Murray?

Someone unqualified? As in less qualified than Murray?

LOL - although I do agree with the poster's sentiment...
Very well said, JustaFan2009. To read some people's posts on this board, you'd think MJ was a helpless toddler, instead of a 50 year old man.
Guys, Michael was doing what he had been doing for months. There was no reason to expect anything would be different that night. What did actually go differently, was that this guy FELL ASLEEP... And a greater dosage of propofol was inserted in Mike's body, and he died instantly.. It was all a stupid mistake, that could by all means have been avoided.. that's what it is, period.

Indeed, that is what has been said on more than one occasion. MJ was wired up to a drip and MJ did the night shift. He arrived in the evening and left in the morning taking the oxygen bottles out. Theories are that after putting MJ to sleep, Murray fell asleep 'accidentally' himself and by the time he woke up, MJ was already unconscious with a weak pulse.... well one report says no pulse... others think he had already passed by the time Murray woke up.

MJ knew how dangerous Propofol was. There are many interviews with staff saying that they pleaded with him not to do it. The most compeling intreview was with the nurse lady (the one who was in Florida at the time). Another time she had to go to someones office to pick up a medical journey and take it back to the house and show MJ in the medical journal the possibility of death in the event of being wired up to an IV drip of propofol esp. out of the hospital environment.

MJ knew what he was doing.
No one as intelligent as Michael supposedly was could possibly think it a good idea to basically get knocked out by a very powerful anesthetic night after night, be administered oxygen and be monitored by a doctor just to go to sleep. I sure wouldn't. Really, would you even wake up refreshed after a sleep induced by such an agent?

Yes, Murray may well be the party primarily responsible but I have to think MJ shared that responsibility.

MJ is said to have said that he feels refreshed in the morning.

Re Murray, personally I think he'll get away with Manslaughter on the death of MJ (if it proves Murray fell asleep while administering the Propofol) and will also be struck off and heavily fined or maybe given a sentence for the administering Propofol out of the hospital environment.

BUT, the fact that he then went on to cover up the propofol by removing boxes of medical notes using the two sisters is suspicious but then then it may have been blind panic.

I think the people who supplied the propofol will perhaps get a suspended sentence.

As ive said before tho, the minute Murray is charged with whatever and is "released" to the public ..... lets just say, I wouldn't fancy his chances...
My thoughts exactly.....why hasn't Murray been arrested???? I want to believe this with all my heart...I dont think Michael was a druggie in anyway shape or form. I just want the truth to come out so that the pain of all this can be dealt with for the family and for us the fans. I dont know how much more of these reports I can take...meaning one news outlet says this and another one says the report will show that. I am just exhausted with all this media speculation and alot of it is on my part also. So lets hope that this one is accurate.

They won't make a move against Murray until they have a solid case against him and know they can win a conviction. This takes time.
I hope we get the toxicology results soon. All this speculation about it is killer and sometimes I don't know which is true or not.

In all honesty, I don't think we are going to get a definite toxicology result. I think we're going to get nothing, sadly.

I myself would like the results or something remotely telling what killed him.
Until the press conference re: the toxicology result is aired on TV and published, we still do not know for sure exactly what was in MJs system at the time of death.

It must be due pretty soon now so I'm just gonna bide my time until all is revealed
Benzodiazepines, of which Xanax (alprazolam), Klonopin (clonazepam), and Valium (diazepam) belong to, are prescribed to people and help in the short term but can and do often cause long-term complications due to their side-effects and that people get seriously addicted to them and become dependant on them.

thank you! and considering how many underage ppl we have probably surfing around here can we all please refrain from playing down the risk!

Yes anxiety is very hard to deal with and I don't wanna play this down BUT just throwing pills or any medication in no matter what... that's not what anyone should ever do! Discuss it with your doctor before at least. Some of you might have done that, it's just... some posts in this thread make some of you sound plain irresponsible.
Please everyone come to mind... do you want your son or daughter writing a stupid math-test tomorrow just to throw in some pills cuz they read your post in here before???

And aside from that... over the long run taking such most of those medications do cause your body problems, if you don't believe me then please please please talk to your doctor!

ok end of rant, sorry but I had to let this out... please back on topic...
no its not .its just from tmz. i think the thread title should be changed as ppl are thinking this is offical news
Exactly elusive, this has not been confirmed. It is still speculations like all the other news.
I think peole should get a grip and wait for official report before making any comments or judgements. I don't buy this "source close to the investigation who wants to remains anonymous". Why does the Lapd or the Coroner office leak information? That's why I think it is BS.
Remember guys, at the beginning the news were Michael had an injection of Demerol, then it was diprivan, now it is diprivan+xanax!!!!
Please we really need to stay away of all thoso conjectures and wait for official reports.
I am travelling but have managed to pick this news up...Xanax and Diprivan only??
I hope the results are published soon as there must something else too
I hinted at it once but now that everyone is naming drugs then what can I loose
that will also have to be in the report
someone drop me an email alert when it is out
mjalways, life will always have stressors. mary jo HAWTDAWG! mj wouldn't want us to be feeling like this. we need to honour him, love him, keep his legacy aliveand we can't do that if we're not here.
thank you! and considering how many underage ppl we have probably surfing around here can we all please refrain from playing down the risk!

Yes anxiety is very hard to deal with and I don't wanna play this down BUT just throwing pills or any medication in no matter what... that's not what anyone should ever do! Discuss it with your doctor before at least. Some of you might have done that, it's just... some posts in this thread make some of you sound plain irresponsible.
Please everyone come to mind... do you want your son or daughter writing a stupid math-test tomorrow just to throw in some pills cuz they read your post in here before???

And aside from that... over the long run taking such most of those medications do cause your body problems, if you don't believe me then please please please talk to your doctor!

ok end of rant, sorry but I had to let this out... please back on topic...
i don't get the first bolded part

and as for ur doctor. according to lee,mj's doc DID tell him what he was doing was fine so if we wanna go there, then let's go there. perhaps a pm would be a better or more effective way of communicating your feelings on the matter instead of straight up posting
Guys, you should read this...

It goes into a lot more detail about it than TMZ did...and I think he had his usual amount of Xanax in his system, but it was a Propofol overdose which killed him.

It's sad, I agree, but I am more pissed than sad about it. Conrad Murray should be cuffed and he shouldn't be able to see the outside of a concrete jail cell for a very long time, IMO.
:no:You know with me, the thing is we all know how kind-hearted Michael was and knowing him, he probably knew Dr. Murray was having some financial problems which is why he insisted he be his tour doctor, so he could help him out financially. Once again, Michael's kind heart gets him f**ked up when he tries to help somebody but this time, he paid the ultimate price. I can bet you dollars to donuts that Dr. Murray forgot to monitor the oxygen and the tank went empty during the night and that is why Michael died. That and an overage amount of Propofol? How could he give him too much when he had done it so many times before? I really can't fault Michael for this. He was trying to cope with the situation he was in the only way he could. I know it wasn't the best solution for his problem but it was the solution HE chose. He knew how his body would react when he set up to do a tour and he was taking every precaution to make sure he was physically healthy and in control. For some reason, he felt he needed to be removed from the world of common thought and just be "knocked out". Every time I think about how much pain and anguish he suffered, I feel compelled to just hold him in my arms and rock him like a baby to make the pain go away. :wub: I'm sorry Michael for all the pain people caused you when all you wanted to do was be a good person and the man God sent you here to be.
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Has this information been leaked or released? Im so confuc*ed.. I dont really care much WHAT killed Michael.. I wanna know WHO's idea it was to put it in his body, if Murray did it without Michaels approval or if Michael requested to have these drugs.
Im waiting for confirmation but we all have an idea of what the tox screen will show. The xanax however is a diff story but everyone pretty much on this planet takes that or some other kind of anti-anxiety medicine or anti-depressant. Thats a common med right there and Mike had trouble with anxiety in the past. :(

So that doesn't surprise me
Please be wary of TMZ. I use to post comments there mostly to defend MJ against bashers. Most of my comments were always posted except twice when I was talking about how corrupted the LAPD was and what they had done to Michael. Well those comments never appeared. I'm guessing TMZ might have a deal with them like "we'll leak you some info but you can't talk badly about us" kinda thing. Don't know. Just sayin'
tmz the site is what it is. not everyone is a mike fan and some losers have fun wasting their day posting dumb shit. skip over it or don't read the comments. u can't unless u actually click to view them