Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax

Did you guys notice this misleading headline? I used to write headlines, among other things, for a university newspaper, and this never would have gotten through even on our little paper with a distribution of 12K. It implies that the levels of both propofol and xanax were "lethal," whereas the content seems to suggest that it's the level of propofol that is lethal, and xanax was also found. I think it could very easily make people think it was the combination of drugs, or that both were equally "lethal." Now whether the whole article is true or not is another question, but this sloppy, misleading headline makes me seethe.
That's true!! Actually, this reminded me of some really funny headlines over the years.
I'll just post them here for a bit of comic relief: :)

Typhoon Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead

Tiger Woods plays with own balls, Nike says

Blind woman gets new kidney from dad she hasn't seen in years

Iraqi Head Seeks Arms

Astronaut Takes Blame for Gas in Spacecraft
Did you guys notice this misleading headline? I used to write headlines, among other things, for a university newspaper, and this never would have gotten through even on our little paper with a distribution of 12K. It implies that the levels of both propofol and xanax were "lethal," whereas the content seems to suggest that it's the level of propofol that is lethal, and xanax was also found. I think it could very easily make people think it was the combination of drugs, or that both were equally "lethal." Now whether the whole article is true or not is another question, but this sloppy, misleading headline makes me seethe.

the entire article is just as misleading also. it's like random drug names being yelled out like as if they have anything to do with anything. in the end, this article is empty. it's like WOW WE FOUND SOME TIC TACS IN HIS SYSTEM -_-
Did you guys notice this misleading headline? I used to write headlines, among other things, for a university newspaper, and this never would have gotten through even on our little paper with a distribution of 12K. It implies that the levels of both propofol and xanax were "lethal," whereas the content seems to suggest that it's the level of propofol that is lethal, and xanax was also found. I think it could very easily make people think it was the combination of drugs, or that both were equally "lethal." Now whether the whole article is true or not is another question, but this sloppy, misleading headline makes me seethe.

Hey, it's TMZ. Short, fast written, spectacular but unreliable news for a mediocre, gullible public. They give their readers what they wanna read.
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Even though I already know what to think since a couple of weeks ago, I'm gonna wait and comment on this until I see this coming from the coroner's office or any other official source.
so sad, it seems we're getting close to a final answer that he died because a damn anaesthetic agent was not appropriately administered to him. what an absolute stuff up.
isn't this better than we expected? didn't some (liza) say that when it comes out, shit will hit the fan? where's all the drugs? where's all the this and that? he takes xanax. everyone in hollywood does. hell i used to now i upgraded to tafil. ask shannon, i took five one night when the board was a mess, trolls were present, and everything we deleted kept coming back.

life is stressful enough, add the fact that ur the biggest star in the world and u have chaos.

it looks like a lethal amount of propofol and xanax so let's wait and see what the legal heads say about it tonight
hes taken that for many years. its used for depression panic attacks etc.hopefully this info from tmz is true. ruins the media druggie theory

It will also ruin the druggie theory for a lot of ppl who automatically assumed this was the case and jumped to conclusions. I specifically stayed away from speculations regarding Michael being addicted and whatnot....not becuz I didn't want to believe it, but becuz there had been no proof that it was the case in this instance. I told someone weeks ago that if all that's found in MJ's system is a pain pill and some vitamin supplements (along with propofol as the main culprit) a lot of faces are going to crack and crumble in embarrassment. You can't go by how many pill bottles are in a person's home and automatically conclude they had a problem. All things need to be put in context...and thus far we've had no context...just speculation and people making grand statements that "everybody knew" how Michael was an addict. And maybe he was 10 years ago...3 years ago, 4 months ago, the day before he died...whenever, it STILL didn't mean that HAD to be the cause of his death. We still don't have an official statement so I'm still not going to make assumptions one way or another.

Im glad the tox reports are out. Yes, we all knew about the propofol and yes, Murray did allegedly administer it. Theres just too much going on to charge JUST Murray. They need to find out if Murray actually picked it up himself or whether it was delivered to the mansion in which case, they need to find the doc who signed the slip etc etc etc. Its a long paper trail me thinks.

Its a shame that he was getting so anxious about the concerts he took a few too many xanax tho.

Look at it this way tho. No third autopsy means a quicker burial. Im hoping they will do it asap before anyone is aware it has happened.

@ the bolded line. The article didn't say he took too many Xanax. For all we know he took exactly the amount he was supposed to take...or took an amount that shouldn't have or wouldn't have killed him under normal circumstances and without propofol.

Now, the lethal amount of propofol would be criminal becuz it suggests, IF TRUE, Michael was given too much of it...or something happened to allow this when it shouldn't have. And one would have to wonder how this could happen if the doctor a) knew what he was doing and b) had the proper equipment to administer the correct amount. Failure to do those things and failure to have the proper equipment in that room to assist Michael if there WAS an emergency is CRIMINAL negligence, imo. It's like me performing a C-section on a pregnant woman with nothing but a steak knife and some towels for all the bleeding. My arse would be UNDER the jail for this. WHOEVER gave Michael that propofol under improper conditions and being unqualified to do so needs to be arrested.

Did you guys notice this misleading headline? I used to write headlines, among other things, for a university newspaper, and this never would have gotten through even on our little paper with a distribution of 12K. It implies that the levels of both propofol and xanax were "lethal," whereas the content seems to suggest that it's the level of propofol that is lethal, and xanax was also found. I think it could very easily make people think it was the combination of drugs, or that both were equally "lethal." Now whether the whole article is true or not is another question, but this sloppy, misleading headline makes me seethe.

Yes, the headline is misleading, but the article sorta kinda makes the distinction that the lethal amount was in propofol only. There's no indication that there was a lethal amount of Xanax in his system. And anyone who just reads the headline and not the article comes away with the wrong impression. It is frustrating. What's also missing from this "leak" is whether these were the only 2 things found in Michael's system or were there other harmless things like vitamins or whatnot.

Anyhoo...STILL waiting for an official release from the coroner...backed up by the family's report, of course.

Thanks for posting.
It's interesting that today a coroner's office disclosed that Billy Mays (famous American TV pitchman) had the presence of seven (I believe; there could've been more) drugs in his system--including cocaine, alcohol, and some prescriptions, such as vicodine, valium and also xanax (which, i must add were at "therapeutic" levels)--at the time of his death, which was, interestingly enough, due to heart failure while in his sleep.

Not to speak poorly of the dead AT ALL, but I wonder if Mays, who seemingly had a more diverse cocktail of drugs in his system than MJ, including a street drug, will be labeled an "addict" and given all the bad press that Michael has received just on mere speculation.
Most of the people knew about his anxiety. He didnt have actual panic attacks, but it was mostly stress-related. His stress was mainly mental. His perfectionism also went kinda too far and it was all connected with this. When other people plus you yourself expect so much out of you and it goes like that year after year and 24/7 it like without a doubt cant end pretty well. Michael knew it himself and you can hear it in many of his lyrics that he knew and understood it all. Much better than anyone else could. Already in the end of 90's he was afraid of losing himself. Not because any drug addictions he had before but just because of his place and all the pressure. I think he really started to think about it in 90's when people started to take more advantages of him because of his money. I dont know 100% but he technically would have liked to make music without the touring and even without the appearances at all, but he didnt find any solution because he just happened to be Michael Jackson and The King Of Pop already, and one of the most famous human beings if not the most famous of all, in the whole world.

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It will also ruin the druggie theory for a lot of ppl who automatically assumed this was the case and jumped to conclusions. I specifically stayed away from speculations regarding Michael being addicted and whatnot....not becuz I didn't want to believe it, but becuz there had been no proof that it was the case in this instance. I told someone weeks ago that if all that's found in MJ's system is a pain pill and some vitamin supplements (along with propofol as the main culprit) a lot of faces are going to crack and crumble in embarrassment. You can't go by how many pill bottles are in a person's home and automatically conclude they had a problem. All things need to be put in context...and thus far we've had no context...just speculation and people making grand statements that "everybody knew" how Michael was an addict. And maybe he was 10 years ago...3 years ago, 4 months ago, the day before he died...whenever, it STILL didn't mean that HAD to be the cause of his death. We still don't have an official statement so I'm still not going to make assumptions one way or another.

@ the bolded line. The article didn't say he took too many Xanax. For all we know he took exactly the amount he was supposed to take...or took an amount that shouldn't have or wouldn't have killed him under normal circumstances and without propofol.

Now, the lethal amount of propofol would be criminal becuz it suggests, IF TRUE, Michael was given too much of it...or something happened to allow this when it shouldn't have. And one would have to wonder how this could happen if the doctor a) knew what he was doing and b) had the proper equipment to administer the correct amount. Failure to do those things and failure to have the proper equipment in that room to assist Michael if there WAS an emergency is CRIMINAL negligence, imo. It's like me performing a C-section on a pregnant woman with nothing but a steak knife and some towels for all the bleeding. My arse would be UNDER the jail for this. WHOEVER gave Michael that propofol under improper conditions and being unqualified to do so needs to be arrested.

Yes, the headline is misleading, but the article sorta kinda makes the distinction that the lethal amount was in propofol only. There's no indication that there was a lethal amount of Xanax in his system. And anyone who just reads the headline and not the article comes away with the wrong impression. It is frustrating. What's also missing from this "leak" is whether these were the only 2 things found in Michael's system or were there other harmless things like vitamins or whatnot.

Anyhoo...STILL waiting for an official release from the coroner...backed up by the family's report, of course.

Thanks for posting.

I'm new, so I don't know if there is a way to "recommend" a post or add to a poster's reputation here, so I wanted to say I enjoyed this post, especially this:

"I specifically stayed away from speculations regarding Michael being addicted and whatnot....not becuz I didn't want to believe it, but becuz there had been no proof that it was the case in this instance. I told someone weeks ago that if all that's found in MJ's system is a pain pill and some vitamin supplements (along with propofol as the main culprit) a lot of faces are going to crack and crumble in embarrassment. You can't go by how many pill bottles are in a person's home and automatically conclude they had a problem. All things need to be put in context...and thus far we've had no context...just speculation and people making grand statements that "everybody knew" how Michael was an addict. And maybe he was 10 years ago...3 years ago, 4 months ago, the day before he died...whenever, it STILL didn't mean that HAD to be the cause of his death. We still don't have an official statement so I'm still not going to make assumptions one way or another."

Thank you for being as objective as possible. I've been TRYING to do the same...some days are more difficult than others.
As much as I don't want this to be true we more or less know it is :( I feel sick and don't know what to say :(
i wasn't aware cociane could be theraputic. now we know y he was always so loud and full of energy (mays)

it does kill the rx theory for the media but then where the hell did all the aliases come from? from the 03' raid. so they'll just contend that he was a druggie but got clean for the shows.

it won't change
If this is true, then it really wouldn't surprise me at all. I already expressed in the "Do u believe in any of the conspiracy theories" thread my feelings on these medications and my experiences with them and stress/anxiety. He's been taking them for years. They are HIGHLY addictive. Along with the propofol... my LORD... Michael, what were you thinking?? :no: I'm still going to wait and see when/if this is all confirmed, of course, and if they find anything else in his system.
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What are you talking about? He took hardly any medications... Many people take Xanax and celebrities especially. Propofol thing I dont really understand like was it really the only choice for him but its obvious he just wanted to sleep without any narcotic drugs...
my whole world is still spinning and im locked into the day JUNE 25TH
I know Michael wasn't a dope fiend. That propofol killed him and Murray et al should pay.

Forget fans and concerts...

He took away those kids father and one of Katherine's babies!
isn't this better than we expected? didn't some (liza) say that when it comes out, shit will hit the fan? where's all the drugs? where's all the this and that? he takes xanax. everyone in hollywood does. hell i used to now i upgraded to tafil. ask shannon, i took five one night when the board was a mess, trolls were present, and everything we deleted kept coming back.

life is stressful enough, add the fact that ur the biggest star in the world and u have chaos.

it looks like a lethal amount of propofol and xanax so let's wait and see what the legal heads say about it tonight

Damn, you took 5!!! what was the doseage .05 if any higher you wouldn't be here my friend. lol
I just pick of a 1 mg and it's enough unless I have an asthma attack,,,then I panic like hell.
It's interesting that today a coroner's office disclosed that Billy Mays (famous American TV pitchman) had the presence of seven (I believe; there could've been more) drugs in his system--including cocaine, alcohol, and some prescriptions, such as vicodine, valium and also xanax (which, i must add were at "therapeutic" levels)--at the time of his death, which was, interestingly enough, due to heart failure while in his sleep.

Not to speak poorly of the dead AT ALL, but I wonder if Mays, who seemingly had a more diverse cocktail of drugs in his system than MJ, including a street drug, will be labeled an "addict" and given all the bad press that Michael has received just on mere speculation.

Again, I think it all goes along with the doseage along with their weight, hieght and mass due to a man has a higher tolorance.
If I took that mess, xamax, cocaine, alcohol, valium and're dead. No doubt!
Why dont these people use Deralin or something like that more?
Ugh, I just made myself sad and depressed reading this. I just wish all us fans could've gave MJ a big hug to relieve some of that stress off of him:better::pash::huggy:. Guess I'll go watch videos of MJ smiling...
he takes xanax. everyone in hollywood does. hell i used to now i upgraded to tafil. ask shannon, i took five one night when the board was a mess, trolls were present, and everything we deleted kept coming back.
And I yelled at your ass for that too! Ain't nobody on this damn planet worth stressing so much over. You gotta worry bout your baby first and babies need their parents. Too many drugs out there. The world has become dependent.
Millions and millions of people around the world have anxiety and many take Xanax, I personally take Diazepam. My life is a struggle right now due to certain things, I can't imagine how he went through what he did with the trial and wouldn't have anxiety. I don't think anyone on here is but in case anyone does don't judge him for taking Xanax, many many people take it around the world. We don't even know if this is 'true' yet.
I think they found both - I don't think it was the combo that mattered - just the propofol. Too much or administered without oxygen and heart monitoring. I think this is just hearsay at the moment, it's not official is it?

The report says "law enforcement officials say", Even if this info is delivered from an AP news company or something, isn't the coroner supposed to be delivering
the infoby wat of a press conference like he did before and then AP or Reuters or whatever deliver the message?
I wonder if this is true :scratch: it would be interesting if it was, as those in the media claiming MJ was a crazy drug addict will look like fools. I just saw Diane Diamond saying that when MJ came home from rehearsals he woke up in the middle of the night and injected himself with Demerol. If the toxicology report says that MJ only had the anaesthetic and an anxiety pill in his system, then she would have a lot of explaining to do. I wonder if this would change how the general public look at the media. If this report is true, I know I'd be asking questions why so many people felt it was ok to call a man a drug addict, make the public believe he's a drug addict without any hard facts to back up their claims. Maybe in death, Michael could make the world see through the media. They are after the controversy, not the facts.
xanax s no big deal.. celebs take it like i take paracetamol

IMO this really shouldnt shock anyone
My brain is spinning reading all these replies......omg...........Michael...........we love you SO's easy for us to say those drugs you shouldnt have touched.............:(
At least you are at peace now thats all I can add................
I love you so much..........
I wonder if this is true :scratch: it would be interesting if it was, as those in the media claiming MJ was a crazy drug addict will look like fools. I just saw Diane Diamond saying that when MJ came home from rehearsals he woke up in the middle of the night and injected himself with Demerol. If the toxicology report says that MJ only had the anaesthetic and an anxiety pill in his system, then she would have a lot of explaining to do. I wonder if this would change how the general public look at the media. If this report is true, I know I'd be asking questions why so many people felt it was ok to call a man a drug addict, make the public believe he's a drug addict without any hard facts to back up their claims. Maybe in death, Michael could make the world see through the media. They are after the controversy, not the facts.

Where does she get this sh@*???
Oh yeah, her "sources".