Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax

you have a point but if the police will say they don't bring any charges against the doctor,then the family has the right to charge him for doing a huge mistake.doctors should take the responsability for their action!
2 things:

1. The LAPD will not arrest Dr Murray until they have a solid case. This takes time to build, especially as there is no smoking gun. No one witnessed what went on betwen Michael and Dr Murray in that room on that night (as far as we know)

2. Michael was taken to hospital in the late 70's I believe for a panic attack while he was a Jermaine's beach house. If I remember correctly, he was under a lot of pressure at the time as the whole family was relying on him to keep 'The Jacksons' career on target.
In 2001 I broke my nose and had to go to the hospital to operate. They gave me propofol to sedate me and shortly after I fell a sleep, I stopped breathing.

My heart rate slowed down and they had to inject adrenalin into my system to get my heart pumping. I almost died.

I am not surprised to learn that Michael stopped breathing after being given this drug. There is a reason why this drug is not allowed to be given outside a hospital.

It is very dangerous.
He's a DOCTOR not a GOD. People make mistakes, it's not like he wanted to kill him. If people would sue every doctor for not saving theyr beloved life i doubt we would have any doctors left this time around.

Given what we do know so far, it's not as if Murray made one mistake. *If* he administered propofol without all the proper safeguards and monitoring and back-up in place, that's one huge mistake. If he left Michael alone or fell asleep after giving him propofol, that compounds the first mistake. If he didn't immediately call 911 that's another huge mistake. And it goes on.

When the news really breaks, I wonder how much advance notice we'll have? I'm assuming there will be a press conference with the LAPD and an announcement about any charges that are being filed, concurrent with release of the autopsy. This is a major story, and the press would get a heads up about press conference ... if there's anything to these leaks of the last few days (concerning Xanax, etc), I wonder whether the leaks (if they really are leaks) mean that the story is close to breaking, now that the weekend is over, or whether the criminal investigation side of things is still ongoing, meaning continued delays ...

And I realize that any guesses that we make will be just that - but I do hope there's a heads up before the news breaks officially.
I see alot of these posts here... Why are you saying that? He's a DOCTOR not a GOD. People make mistakes, it's not like he wanted to kill him. If people would sue every doctor for not saving theyr beloved life i doubt we would have any doctors left this time around.

Because administeing propofol the way he did was illegal?
I thought this needed to be posted in the main discussion, since it's now getting widespread coverage...

Michael Jackson Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax

Multiple law enforcement sources report that the toxicology reports in the Michael Jackson case shows that the late music star had a lethal amount of the anesthetic Propofol in his system, as expected - and that wasn't the only drug.
The toxicology findings show there was also alprazolam - also known by the brand name Xanax - in Jackson's system. Xanax is used to treat anxiety.
Sources say Propofol is "front and center in terms of why [Jackson] died."
Despite the suspicions surrounding his untimely demise, a third Jackson autopsy will not be performed, according to people connected to the case.

R.I.P. Michael Jackson (1958-2009).​
The center of the investigation into Michael's death remains his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, who police believe gave Jackson Propofol.
DEA agents and police have raided his offices in Houston and Las Vegas in search of evidence. The doctor has been interviewed multiple times.
Law enforcement sources say Jackson received IVs of Propofol regularly, and may have even died in Murray's bed as it was being adminstered.
Not so strange after all he had been going thrugh and remember it was only a week before his death he responded to the RB lawsuit to awoid a default judgement. I would have had anxiety to. But has this really been confirmed?