Panic attacks are the worst thing in the world. You feel like you're having a heart attack, like you can't breathe, you start hyperventilating, and when the hardcore chest thumping comes on, you seriously feel like you are going to die. It's horrendous. Another thing about panic attacks is that people become even
more anxious because of the constant fear they have of when and where the next one will come. They become "in fear of fear itself." Anxiety disorders suck period. I hope I won't have to take this medication for the rest of my life, but like I said before... I have tried to go without my meds many times only to end up right back in the ER because the condition went right back to square one or became worse than it was before.
Lots of soldiers are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan with anxiety/panic disorders and mental trauma as well, making this topic a lot less taboo (at least from what I've noticed).
There is no doubt in my mind that Michael Jackson suffered from severe mental trauma with all of the crap the media and bloodsuckers have continued to put him through all these years. Like I also said before, a human-being can only take so much stress until the straw breaks, and when it does... you simply don't have a choice but to seek professional help. I can't even imagine the emotional, mental, and physical pain he was going through just because he was... Michael Jackson.
And I completely agree with the other poster about the dancing/performing part. When I dance in front of an audience, I feel completely free and alive. I feel like I'm at home. I am completely engulfed and lost in the music and my entire performance. I feel invincible. When the audience reacts, it is the BEST drug in the world. You just become a whole different person when you perform. I know I am a very happy and VERY different person. Your stage persona is completely different from your off-stage persona. And if you are extremely talented and gifted (as Michael obviously was)... Then there is absolutely no place you would rather be than up on that stage.
But in Michael's case... I'm sure he felt an enormous amount of pressure each day. I do believe that he desperately wanted the world to love him again... and he wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. Michael was always quite the perfectionist, and was never satisfied with his work. He always felt like he could've done better than this or better than that. He was so hard on himself. All he wanted to do was please people. Unfortunately, I know that feeling all too well.
It just makes me so, so sad that it got to the point where he had to rely on a drug as lethal as propofol to get him through the night. And that there was someone out there who didn't give a damn about Michael's true health and well-being. Somebody who obviously had NO medical, moral, or human integrity whatsoever.
But hey... this world is full of evil people and Heaven is certainly not flowing, heh.
I love you, Michael... and may God have mercy on your soul. You don't have to worry about pleasing anybody anymore. :angel: :heart: