Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax

Please be wary of TMZ. I use to post comments there mostly to defend MJ against bashers. Most of my comments were always posted except twice when I was talking about how corrupted the LAPD was and what they had done to Michael. Well those comments never appeared. I'm guessing TMZ might have a deal with them like "we'll leak you some info but you can't talk badly about us" kinda thing. Don't know. Just sayin'

Thanks for letting us know, I'll keep an eye out for that.
mechi, anti depressants and anxiety relief medication cannot just be popped before a math test..It certainly would ahve to be prescribed by a doctor ( like proper MBBS kind, maybe not the Murray kind). It is a little insulting to liken Michael Jackson's circumstances to a math test and we cannot triviliase medication and advise that Michael sought which then went stray in the hands of irresponsible 'professionals'.
I know we are all trying to slice this in different ways, but the fact of the matter is some idiot somethere just messed it up...and took our Michael away too soon.
mechi, anti depressants and anxiety relief medication cannot just be popped before a math test..It certainly would ahve to be prescribed by a doctor ( like proper MBBS kind, maybe not the Murray kind). It is a little insulting to liken Michael Jackson's circumstances to a math test and we cannot triviliase medication and advise that Michael sought which then went stray in the hands of irresponsible 'professionals'.
I know we are all trying to slice this in different ways, but the fact of the matter is some idiot somethere just messed it up...and took our Michael away too soon.

Sorry Tehara, you got it wrong because maybe I didn't put my worries in the best words.
I was thinking of underage youngsters reading here, finding medication in moms or dads drawers where it's maybe meant to be hidden and popping a handfull cuz of reading here some posts make it sound as if it's nothing...
sorry I wasn't thinking about the Michael situation. We just do have very very young ppl on this board still pretty deep in dispair.
I certainly didn't want to insult someone. If I did please take my apology.
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yeah I agree more to do with 50 dates ahead of him after not touring in ages, bless him.

It had nothing to do with the amount but just performing some months. He didnt care if it was 2 months or 10 months. The start is always complicated and with Michael it was extra-complicated because of his stardom. You know how much media attention the first show would have had. So it was more about self-confidence.. With the first, second and third shows he would have gained it a lot... But now it's unfortunately too late. If I had been his manager I would have made some single performances before that O2 tour...
Not sure how the wonder TMZ got hold of the tox reports because apparently they haven't been released yet!

Altho in the same vein they do say he had 'various sedatives' and Propofol in his system.
Wouldn't you have anxiety if every time you stepped out the door, unfamiliar people would be storming towards you? Just look at the TMZ videos and the videos of his his last stay in London. Not to mention what happened to him during the trial, the fact he had anxiety doesn't shock me at all.

Oh, of course. I think i'd have it 100x worse. But I didn't know Michael had it. Its the first time really hearing about him having anxiety. I guess I was ignorant to his sorry Michael. :(:pray:
remember when he was supposed to testify in some court in indiana? but he had a panick attack?

it's common. lot's of people have anxiety and when ur onthe world's stage, it's even worse
My sister just told me that according to a new study 94% of the people that seek emergency medical help due to what they think is a heart attack, is experiencing a panic attack. So this is very normal. Its how our body reacts when we are under a lot of stress and pressure.
The sad thing is that so many doctors just give people pills, instead of talking about the reason for the problem, and how to cope with it.
[!--begin sarcasm--]
Oh naw, naw, naw! What happened to the "dozens" of drugs which were supposedly in his system? Naw, naw, he was a pill-popping dopehead with at least 12 different drugs in his system! Uh uh! This was a regular overdose with a lethal 'drug cocktail' of an 'addict', remember?!
[!-- end sarcasm --]

Of course as many of us already said, none of that 'other drugs' mess mattered if the only reason why he stopped breathing was the fact that his body was awash in propofol (diprivan).
My sister just told me that according to a new study 94% of the people that seek emergency medical help due to what they think is a heart attack, is experiencing a panic attack. So this is very normal. Its how our body reacts when we are under a lot of stress and pressure.

Its really horrible. Its a pressured feeling that comes up your body and then goes down the arms and then it feels like someone is kneeling right in the middle of your chest and you can't move .... its horrendous. I have these panic attacks when im not even worrying about anything. My GP gave me an ECG to make sure it wasn't my heart playin' up.
remember when he was supposed to testify in some court in indiana? but he had a panick attack?

it's common. lot's of people have anxiety and when ur onthe world's stage, it's even worse

I also have a very severe anxiety disorder. It is different for every person but it's extremely unlikely that it had any correlation to getting out on stage in front of people. I can get out on a stage and dance in front of hundreds of people with a lot less anxiety than the average person would.

many people with anxiety disorders are like that. they can dance in front of a crowd but then mingling with the crowd afterwards is the hard part. The performance is completely inpersonal. MIchael always said he was most comfortable on stage, it was off stage that he was uncomfortable.

Hopefully he was using it for legitimate reasons and using legitimate dosages. Xanax is widely abused just like morphine and painkillers. It can be used to make you very high.

Often times people with anxiety disorders struggle from drug addiction. The drugs make the disorder worse and the worse their disorder gets, the more addicted to the drugs they become. It's like a continuous circle that goes round and round.
::sigh:: We will just have to wait until there is an official release. The AP news article says:
"LOS ANGELES — Hours before Michael Jackson's death, his doctor administered multiple sedatives along with a powerful anesthetic the pop star used to sleep, according to a law enforcement official. It's a safe combination if done properly; potentially lethal if not.

The official said the type of sedatives Dr. Conrad Murray gave Jackson were benzodiazepines, often used to calm patients before surgery.
I think this is an important point, because Michael may not have been taking the Xanax as part of an independent regimen for anxiety, but as part of the administration of the propofol.
I think this is an important point, because Michael may not have been taking the Xanax as part of an independent regimen for anxiety, but as part of the administration of the propofol.

This is a very valid point. Before my recent surgery, the anesthesiologist told me that they were going to give me a cocktail of three drugs, the only name I can recall now is propofol (whi. One of the other two was a "don't give a care" drug as he put it.

However, if Michael had been using propofol as regularly as claimed, and he knew he was not having a surgical procedure done, why would he have the need to be anxious about going under, so therefore, why would he need the anti-anxiety "chaser" for the propofol? Unless of course, it's just sop no matter what the context.
Why are bits of info spitting out? Aren't results private under investigators and should be kept that way until official announcements?

Isn't any of this official or is it just from sources of LAPD?? If it is, who are these sources?
Panic attacks are the worst thing in the world. You feel like you're having a heart attack, like you can't breathe, you start hyperventilating, and when the hardcore chest thumping comes on, you seriously feel like you are going to die. It's horrendous. Another thing about panic attacks is that people become even more anxious because of the constant fear they have of when and where the next one will come. They become "in fear of fear itself." Anxiety disorders suck period. I hope I won't have to take this medication for the rest of my life, but like I said before... I have tried to go without my meds many times only to end up right back in the ER because the condition went right back to square one or became worse than it was before. :( Lots of soldiers are coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan with anxiety/panic disorders and mental trauma as well, making this topic a lot less taboo (at least from what I've noticed).

There is no doubt in my mind that Michael Jackson suffered from severe mental trauma with all of the crap the media and bloodsuckers have continued to put him through all these years. Like I also said before, a human-being can only take so much stress until the straw breaks, and when it does... you simply don't have a choice but to seek professional help. I can't even imagine the emotional, mental, and physical pain he was going through just because he was... Michael Jackson.

And I completely agree with the other poster about the dancing/performing part. When I dance in front of an audience, I feel completely free and alive. I feel like I'm at home. I am completely engulfed and lost in the music and my entire performance. I feel invincible. When the audience reacts, it is the BEST drug in the world. You just become a whole different person when you perform. I know I am a very happy and VERY different person. Your stage persona is completely different from your off-stage persona. And if you are extremely talented and gifted (as Michael obviously was)... Then there is absolutely no place you would rather be than up on that stage.

But in Michael's case... I'm sure he felt an enormous amount of pressure each day. I do believe that he desperately wanted the world to love him again... and he wanted everything to be absolutely perfect. Michael was always quite the perfectionist, and was never satisfied with his work. He always felt like he could've done better than this or better than that. He was so hard on himself. All he wanted to do was please people. Unfortunately, I know that feeling all too well.

It just makes me so, so sad that it got to the point where he had to rely on a drug as lethal as propofol to get him through the night. And that there was someone out there who didn't give a damn about Michael's true health and well-being. Somebody who obviously had NO medical, moral, or human integrity whatsoever. :cry: But hey... this world is full of evil people and Heaven is certainly not flowing, heh.

I love you, Michael... and may God have mercy on your soul. You don't have to worry about pleasing anybody anymore. :angel: :heart:
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Guys, Michael was doing what he had been doing for months. There was no reason to expect anything would be different that night. What did actually go differently, was that this guy FELL ASLEEP... And a greater dosage of propofol was inserted in Mike's body, and he died instantly.. It was all a stupid mistake, that could by all means have been avoided.. that's what it is, period.

Yes, but ... I have posted this thought several times in different threads. A huge part of quality control in hospitals and in general is to build safeguards into the system. You don't have one person solely responsible for administering a medication that needs close monitoring, without a built-in check aginst the risk of distraction or inattention or human error (let alone falling asleep). So you have a team of people, or you have a monitor that sounds an alarm and alerts people when something is amiss. You don't ever have a situation where someone's life is entirely dependent on the odds of one person not nodding off during the night. This is something Murray would have been expected to understand.

Maybe it's just me, but I find that I want to believe it was a plot because that seems less avoidable than a series of stupid mistakes. I really hate to think that if only one or two things had gone differently ... it's sickening, really.

Speaking of making Michael out to be an addict, on Nancy Grace tonight (I know ... but when I'm checking channels, it's hard not to stop when I see clips of MJ in the background, esp when the main competition is prison drama on MSNBC) someone called in and asked why the children weren't undergoing psych evaluation, given what they may have witnessed on June 25. A throw-away comment concerned what they might have been subjected to because of their father's drug use. I almost think that regardless of what the tox report says, they'll continue with the same meme. Again: sickening.
Sorry, I got really emotional while writing that last post and was blathering away. I have edited it so that people can actually understand what the hell I'm talking about. Damn perfectionism. :banghead:
Yes, but ... I have posted this thought several times in different threads. A huge part of quality control in hospitals and in general is to build safeguards into the system. You don't have one person solely responsible for administering a medication that needs close monitoring, without a built-in check aginst the risk of distraction or inattention or human error (let alone falling asleep). So you have a team of people, or you have a monitor that sounds an alarm and alerts people when something is amiss. You don't ever have a situation where someone's life is entirely dependent on the odds of one person not nodding off during the night. This is something Murray would have been expected to understand.

Maybe it's just me, but I find that I want to believe it was a plot because that seems less avoidable than a series of stupid mistakes. I really hate to think that if only one or two things had gone differently ... it's sickening, really.

Speaking of making Michael out to be an addict, on Nancy Grace tonight (I know ... but when I'm checking channels, it's hard not to stop when I see clips of MJ in the background, esp when the main competition is prison drama on MSNBC) someone called in and asked why the children weren't undergoing psych evaluation, given what they may have witnessed on June 25. A throw-away comment concerned what they might have been subjected to because of their father's drug use. I almost think that regardless of what the tox report says, they'll continue with the same meme. Again: sickening.

To the caller: You think psychiatrists can be trusted? hah, give me a break.

Is Nancy Grace being a bitch about Michael? I don't watch her show. She comes across as sociopathic.
xanax is a mild drug...a lot of people take not's good for calming you and makes it easier to fall the only one that could cause this tragedy is propofol!
*reading between the lines...*

But people, let's not forget that theses are presumably leaks in the tox reports, so nothing is yet OFFICIALLY confirmed
and they do tend to give a greater importance to some drug like xanax which is pretty common, like mjjmsc said.
The major problem is and will be the propofol being badly administered, no machine control or any of the kind....which makes me wonder like all of you
Don't hattee for finding this
don't hate me for deleting it.

this is the last damn thingpeople need to read or see right now. the man is gone, let it go. i refuse to let it be some circus show like elvis...oh we saw him at teh gas station. wtf?
Yes, but ... I have posted this thought several times in different threads. A huge part of quality control in hospitals and in general is to build safeguards into the system. You don't have one person solely responsible for administering a medication that needs close monitoring, without a built-in check aginst the risk of distraction or inattention or human error (let alone falling asleep). So you have a team of people, or you have a monitor that sounds an alarm and alerts people when something is amiss. You don't ever have a situation where someone's life is entirely dependent on the odds of one person not nodding off during the night. This is something Murray would have been expected to understand.

Maybe it's just me, but I find that I want to believe it was a plot because that seems less avoidable than a series of stupid mistakes. I really hate to think that if only one or two things had gone differently ... it's sickening, really.

Speaking of making Michael out to be an addict, on Nancy Grace tonight (I know ... but when I'm checking channels, it's hard not to stop when I see clips of MJ in the background, esp when the main competition is prison drama on MSNBC) someone called in and asked why the children weren't undergoing psych evaluation, given what they may have witnessed on June 25. A throw-away comment concerned what they might have been subjected to because of their father's drug use. I almost think that regardless of what the tox report says, they'll continue with the same meme. Again: sickening.

I cringe when Nancy Grace or Jane Velez Mitchell is on. I get so annoyed they think they have to get their so called specialists on to evaluate what the Jackson's ought to do in any given topic. They are pathetic. I think the Jackson's can figure out what needs to be done for the kids, and anything else as well.
To the caller: You think psychiatrists can be trusted? hah, give me a break.

Is Nancy Grace being a bitch about Michael? I don't watch her show. She comes across as sociopathic.

I came across one of the videos on the CNN website which I thought looked interesting. I was shocked that it was Nancy Grace, I mean, who gives this woman a job? Seriously. Anyway she had one of Michael's cousins on her show and she totally went off at this poor guy because he wouldn't admit that Joseph was an abusive parent. He was like "but that's how kid's were raised back in the day" and Nancy came back screaming and was all "don't give me that bullsh*t, I was raised by my grandmother, OK?!" The poor guy looked scared :mello:
Panic attacks are the worst thing in the world. You feel like you're having a heart attack, like you can't breathe, you start hyperventilating, and when the hardcore chest thumping comes on, you seriously feel like you are going to die.

Its true! I have suffered with that too from time to time in my life, and let me just say its scary.
i don't understand this either...why the police is waiting so long?nobody wants to take responsability...
i don't understand this either...why the police is waiting so long?nobody wants to take responsability...

I see alot of these posts here... Why are you saying that? He's a DOCTOR not a GOD. People make mistakes, it's not like he wanted to kill him. If people would sue every doctor for not saving theyr beloved life i doubt we would have any doctors left this time around.