Toxicology Tests Indicate Lethal Amount of Propofol, Xanax

Millions and millions of people around the world have anxiety and many take Xanax, I personally take Diazepam. My life is a struggle right now due to certain things, I can't imagine how he went through what he did with the trial and wouldn't have anxiety. I don't think anyone on here is but in case anyone does don't judge him for taking Xanax, many many people take it around the world. We don't even know if this is 'true' yet.

Completely agreed! I have to take benzos everyday, too, because I have an anxiety/panic disorder and I suffer from PTSD. Xanax, among the other common benzos prescribed (Valium, Ativan, Klonopin, etc.) have such a bad rep because PEOPLE WHO DON'T REALLY HAVE MENTAL ILLNESSES ABUSE THEM. These are the very same people that make it so &(^%#^* hard for people like me to get the medication I need. I cannot tell you how much that pisses me off.

As for Michael, he did suffer from severe anxiety and panic attacks, so I'm thinking that he was also diagnosed with a mental illness or two. Unless you have had (or have) a mental illness I don't think it is fair to judge. Again... have YOU been through all the crap that people who suffer from mental illness have been through? If you haven't, then let me tell you... you are EXTREMELY lucky, and should be thanking the Heavens above, because these illnesses are NO JOKE. I have tried to do without my meds MANY times, but my butt was put right back into the emergency room after a few weeks because the symptoms came back.

As far as Michael's case, I believe that he suffered from mental trauma as well, and was prescribed these medications. NOW... the thing is is that we DON'T KNOW how much of it he was taking. He could've been taking his prescribed dosage or he may have been abusing them like so many other people do. I believe that the sleaze doctor(s) are still the culprits in all of this. Again, they knew that Michael was taking these medications regularly, but they still stuck the tube in and 'loaded him up' with more. Completely disgusting. :puke:

Once again, we don't know for sure if he was an addict because an addict is someone who ABUSES drugs/medication. But if that article is true and he had a large amount in his system, then he may have very well been abusing them. Add Michael's night-time ritual of the propofol... then OMG... You are BEGGING for The Grim Reaper to come knocking on your door.
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Millions and millions of people around the world have anxiety and many take Xanax, I personally take Diazepam. My life is a struggle right now due to certain things, I can't imagine how he went through what he did with the trial and wouldn't have anxiety. I don't think anyone on here is but in case anyone does don't judge him for taking Xanax, many many people take it around the world. We don't even know if this is 'true' yet.

It is true. I wouldnt say it was trial-related anymore. I mean the use of Xanax. More like performance-related it was.
Where does she get this sh@*???
Oh yeah, her "sources".

She claims that her many "unconfirmed sources" tell her things. Scary, creepy, and truly unbelievable things. They told her that Macauley Culkin was molested, and she believed them, even after Macauley went on the stand and said under oath that it never happened. Her sources told her that there was a tape that shows Michael molesting his nephew, she even claimed to see the tape herself, and MJ sued her. It came out in court that no such tape exists. It doesn't surprise me that she's still out there spewing her garbage. I don't know how anyone in their right mind could consider having her on their shows when they know her history of making false reports, and getting sued for it aswell. She probably doesn't even have sources and is just making the junk up herself. It's just to cover her own ass. If she gets caught in a lie she can easily say, "oh I didn't say that, my source told me, I just reported what I was told". I don't know how any of her "sources" would know that MJ had woken up in the middle of the night from an induced sleep and decided he just wanted some demerol. By the way she described it you would think MJ had all these syringes and drugs sitting under his pillow :smilerolleyes:

Anyway, enough of Diane Diamond. She, like many others, would look like a liars with an agenda if the article in the first post is true. All these reports about MJ being a drug addict, and then it turns out that Michael wasn't an addict after all... I'm sure the public would not be too impressed at how Michael's death was handled in the media.
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Just remember folks that this isn't official. Don't get yourselves worked up in a tizzy, ok?

*sigh* I wish this was a terrible nightmare and that we'd all wake up from it on June 24th 2009.
hes taken that for many years. its used for depression panic attacks etc.hopefully this info from tmz is true. ruins the media druggie theory
right, I hope it nulls that theory too, but you know they will not acknowledge it, and if they do it will not be as hyped as them calling him and addict which really pisses me off.
Just remember folks that this isn't official. Don't get yourselves worked up in a tizzy, ok?

*sigh* I wish this was a terrible nightmare and that we'd all wake up from it on June 24th 2009.

Hi Trish. Do you think we will actually get an official coroner's and tox report? Is it normal practice to actually do this in an official way, or does it just kind of leak out? MJ is the only 'celebrity' I ever really cared about enough to follow this, so I don't know what the usual practice is here.
Please know that XANAX may be used to help people sleep as well. Xanax is a benzodiazepine which is classified as an anti-anxiety agent, but it is used for sleeping and panic disorder(s).
Just remember folks that this isn't official. Don't get yourselves worked up in a tizzy, ok?

*sigh* I wish this was a terrible nightmare and that we'd all wake up from it on June 24th 2009.

True, the media is spinning everything at us now. It seems they have no respect for those who continue to mourn. If it sells or gets ratings, they'll use it. Sad but true.

And I agree Trish, esp if we could rewind to even June 24th 2006! That way Mike wouldn't have even met Dr. Murray. :yes:
And I yelled at your ass for that too! Ain't nobody on this damn planet worth stressing so much over. You gotta worry bout your baby first and babies need their parents. Too many drugs out there. The world has become dependent.

I totally agree. You can't have one commercial break in which they're not advertising some kind of drug, it's ridiculous. "Ask your doc about such and such" Since when did we start telling the docs what to prescribe us. It's backwards and ridiculous.
I wont belive any of this untill a comfirmed annoncement from the lapd or someone official anyway.
I wonder if this is true :scratch: it would be interesting if it was, as those in the media claiming MJ was a crazy drug addict will look like fools. I just saw Diane Diamond saying that when MJ came home from rehearsals he woke up in the middle of the night and injected himself with Demerol. If the toxicology report says that MJ only had the anaesthetic and an anxiety pill in his system, then she would have a lot of explaining to do.

and just how in the F*CK would she know? only person who is less likely to be laid up in bed next to Michael to even find that out is Sneddon. she needs to kick rocks...the wrong people pass away, i swear
Diane diamond wants to belive she knows coz that all she fantasises bout day & night!
hes taken that for many years. its used for depression panic attacks etc.hopefully this info from tmz is true. ruins the media druggie theory

Yep and is also prescribed to those with Autism (and why I know a bit about it) as well as other type of drugs that fall into this category.

I am not so concerned at the Xanax or why he was taking it.. hell more than half of the USA is on Antidepressants - some as young as 3 years old! No thanx to Big Pharmas and Dr's who reap the rewards for providing it..

But what does piss me off is the Propofol. He may have wanted it, believed and knew it would help him relax and sleep and get some rest and peace, but the Dr who gave it, he was to MONITOR him fricked up BIG time! This drug is NOT to be given outside the hospital and there should ALWAYS be an anesthesiologist present when this is administered.

I know in my heart, as well as many people here on this forum, that MICHAEL WAS NOT A DRUG ADDICT. NO WAY.

Michael died at the hands of someone who fricked up ROYALLY! And I hope the man who did this is put away forever and to never see the light of day.

Michael died at the hands of someone who fricked up ROYALLY! And I hope the man who did this is put away forever and to never see the light of day.

I :pray: that will happen..but im seriously having my doubts
I can't handle this crap today.
I've been upset today.
Even damn KFC commercials had me in tears.

Me too :( pick up a bottle of Pepsi like I hearing the word "Thank you Michael" everytime ..yeah that how I feel too "Thank you Michael"
With all due respect, people... I love Michael very, very much, too... but how can anyone NOT think he had a drug problem when he was forking out LOADS of ca$h to an unlicensed "doctor" so that he could administer a drug like diprivan--a drug that they BOTH knew was only supposed to be used inside a hospital? I don't understand that logic at all.

If I found out a family member of mine was doing something like that, then I would definitely think they had a drug problem; and you can damn well bet that I would be EXTREMELY concerned. People are saying, "Well, diprivan doesn't count because it wasn't an addictive drug, or it was the doctor, yada, yada, yada..." ... Well, I've read many different articles on the drug, and someone can become addicted to it. Obviously, Michael was pretty dependent on it. But again, with respect... I'm not understanding this logic at all. Some of you are clearly in denial, sorry to say.
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And I yelled at your ass for that too! Ain't nobody on this damn planet worth stressing so much over. You gotta worry bout your baby first and babies need their parents. Too many drugs out there. The world has become dependent.
yes, mama i know. i sowwy. well mjalwaysonmymind when the xanax didn't work, the doc gave me tafil so i took two and yea, did have an asthma attack. i was on my nebulizer so that's y i was a bit mia on wed or was it thurs? im still shocked today is fri.

let's just say that unfortunately, im well versed in the rx world. i've had to, MYSELF, treat the issue, and wean myself off of them, only to be back on them during the trial, stopped again, and now im back on.

anything makes pain worse. stress, anger, hurt, even joy. ur body is a reflection of how ur feeling and if u feel shitty, then u need somehting to dull ur pain and that in turn, dulls ur mood

life is hard. being mj is harder. being mj in life is damn near impossible
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