TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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Can someone tell me what he said in a brief summary? I really don't want to watch the video.
I've only watched about 15 minutes of it while skimming through and he does say some interesting things about Michael and opinions of what happened on June 25th, but then he completely undoes it all with stupid remarks.
the problem is no one is losing sleep over what Klien is saying but us the fans and we can't sue him . the people who could sue are the family and the estate . Neither is willing to shut klien up .and If klien got any signal someone was going to sue him he would not have said the things he is saying now. he has a green light to say whatever he wants about mj .

the family won't sue him because he is destroying mj's legacy , they will sue him for "taking advantage of the retard brother Michael and enabling the junkie MJ " as for all the talk about the kids and the drugs dependence it all help the family's cause .

Branca on the other hand will have to fight not only Klien but the family, he would need people who have to testify that mj was not the man klien is trying to portray and in most cases the family are those witnesses , unfortunately the family's opinion of mj is very much documented , those sold stories to tabloids will help vindicate both Murray and Klien .
Very true.
a question? if klien wants to get a waiver , the executors have to sign it right? so could someone here contact them ?

another thing did not klien claim he did not talk with mj since 2003 and he only contaced him recently because of the tour , so why did he claim that mj called him in 2005 and asked for propofol ?
I wonder what the definition of a friend is for morons such as Klein...

If i had 'friends' like that i wouldnt need enemies.
another thing did not klien claim he did not talk with mj since 2003 and he only contaced him recently because of the tour , so why did he claim that mj called him in 2005 and asked for propofol ?
I noticed that too. According to Klein they didn't speak during the trial at all. Then he said that Michael asked him for Propofol 4 years ago. It must have been during the trial then because Michael left the country very soon after the end of it, right? I doubt he would ask Klein for Propofol if he wasn't in US.
Wonder if he will crawl under a rock if we stopped talkign about him?

I think he went to TMZ because he noticed a lot of MJ fans post there...we have to stop feeding the beast...and eventually, he will go away.

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Breaches

A doctor is obligated by his or her professional duty to keep your health information private. This confidentiality extends to your medical records like lab tests and x-rays, any test results, and anything you say to your doctor. The doctor’s diagnosis and opinions about your health, what was done during an examination and anything the doctor might say to you or about you to other professionals working for your health are also covered under doctor-patient confidentiality.

Why is Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Important?

Many people would avoid going to the doctor and being open and honest about symptoms if there were a fear that the doctor could make this information known to anyone who asked. A person has the right to be treated medically without that fear, while knowing that everything said or done in the doctor’s office and during treatment will remain there, and be used to treat his or her condition.
When you see a doctor for the first time, along with the forms you’ll have to fill out about your medical history and family illness history, you’ll have to fill out privacy forms. These forms give your doctor the authorization to share your medical information, as it becomes necessary. If you were to be admitted to the hospital, for instance, or need a specialist, your signature on some of these forms allows your doctor to communicate with them about your health.

Does Doctor-Patient Confidentiality Ever End?

When you stop seeing a doctor and begin with another, you can have your medical records sent to the new doctor, or you can request a copy to take to the new doctor yourself. You can request your medical records at any time—they are your property. But if your new doctor were to call your old doctor and ask questions or ask for the records, that doctor is forbidden from discussing you or sending those records unless you have given written consent.
Likewise, if a relative were to call and ask questions, the doctor could not answer them. Usually on the forms you originally fill out, there’s a place you can list those to whom you want to have access to your medical information. Anytime anyone calls for information, your file would be checked to see if that person is on the list of people whom it’s acceptable to give information, and only then could they get answers to their questions.
Even years after you’ve been treated by a doctor, your records within that doctor’s practice are still confidential and cannot be shared without your permission. Your records at any hospital or clinic fall under the same confidentiality duty. In certain cases, government health officials can demand information or the court can subpoena a doctor for information and the doctor is obligated to give that information, but these are rare cases.
Anyone else, however, whether it's your mother or your husband, cannot get information without your permission, and you can revisit the forms to change whom you’ve given permission to at any time.
WOW, although I don't watch TMZ, from some of the comments I have read on this board, Klein appears to have some sort of mental condition. Or did he appear to be under the influence of "something?"

I don't know if he has any legal counsel, if he does, they must be horrified by his actions. I'm no legal eagle, but even a laymen would know if you are the focus of an investigation, you don't go blabbing to the likes of TMZ.

His behind is TOAST, in my opinion.

Just the fact that he would do something like that, leads me to believe he's either mentally unstable or under the influence of "something." Or maybe, BOTH!
I've only watched about 15 minutes of it while skimming through and he does say some interesting things about Michael and opinions of what happened on June 25th, but then he completely undoes it all with stupid remarks.

ohmygoooooood your icon!!!!!!!!

thanks vic , klien obviously broke the law but who is gonna punish him , he even called katherine "greedy" yesterday , why is the family holding back? why is Branca yes Branca not filing a lawsuit against this monster ?

Branca is the one who had the legal grounds to sue , not even the family . where is he ?
and Jason Klien's office manager is the one who sold a story to the tas in the u.k about him and mj having an affair . and then Klien's boyfriend also sold a story about mj not being able to produce sperm . It seems everything was coming from klien's office , but WHY ? WHY KLIEN IS DOING THIS?
klien will definitley say next time he was having an affair with MJ . did you see the pic of the people who went to mj's mansion on christmas day , all were kliens "gay lovers" .

I'm starting to believe he was one of Halprin sources .
thanks vic , klien obviously broke the law but who is gonna punish him , he even called katherine "greedy" yesterday , why is the family holding back? why is Branca yes Branca not filing a lawsuit against this monster ?

Branca is the one who had the legal grounds to sue , not even the family . where is he ?

I think he is too busy dealing with the "greedy" mother. The estate have law suits and claims coming in at ever angle. Not to mention decease family trying to get their hands on the money. I do not think the first thing on his mind today is a crazy doctor who cannot keep his mouth shut.

I am not even sure he even knows Klien exist, given that unless you actually watch TMZ, which I think most lawyers don't, he has no idea what this guy is saying. Not even the mainstream media is picking up this BS. I would not even know about this if I have not click on this link and I do watch celebrity news.

Also, do you know how many people Branca would have to sue for everyone who slander Michael's name? That is a huge list, which goes from new casters, religious figures, and politicians.

If the family wanted something done about Klien, that should tell Brance so he can sue him. But, protecting Michael's name seemed to be the last thing on that family's minds.
also he kept talking about how smart he is and then how much smart prince is .you can see what he wanted to say
Ramon if Branca is not capable of defending mj's reputation and protecting his legacy , then HE SHOULD STEP DOWN . I care less about the family , but in this case Branca is the one who has the legal ground to sue and we all know he is gonna WIN big time ,Klien DID BREAK the law and his lawyers are very terrified . Branca has no excuse whatever .
thanks vic , klien obviously broke the law but who is gonna punish him , he even called katherine "greedy" yesterday , why is the family holding back? why is Branca yes Branca not filing a lawsuit against this monster ?

Branca is the one who had the legal grounds to sue , not even the family . where is he ?

I don't think breaching confidentiality in a medical sense is a matter of law, but more in terms of removing his ability to practice medicine, by a professional board?

If being an ass were illegal, a LOT of people would be in jail. But, it isn't, and they. . aren't.
Just because there is not an instant reaction as some people want to the slander, malicious and self-serving things being said and done since June, doesn't mean all these things are going unnoticed and notes aren't being taken. Many of these people that have decided to emerge with their "stories" are setting themselves up for their own doom imo. Their day will come.....
vic , Klien could lose millions of dollars in a lawsuit for breaking the law , that what I'm talking about. Everything is very documented .MJ did not sign a waiver, non of klien's record were ever made public by the court, everything was sealed . Klien has no defense whatever , and beside sanctions brought by the medical board , he would be forced to pay alot in damages .
Ramon if Branca is not capable of defending mj's reputation and protecting his legacy , then HE SHOULD STEP DOWN . I care less about the family , but in this case Branca is the one who has the legal ground to sue and we all know he is gonna WIN big time ,Klien DID BREAK the law and his lawyers are very terrified . Branca has no excuse whatever .

As Vic said there is no law against being an asshole, which is why I named the people above. Michael dealt with this kind of BS while he was alive, so why should it suddenly stopped now that he is dead.

If Branca response to every butthole that crawls out of the woodwork, that is all they would be doing for the estate.

Klien is going to hang himself and does not need any help from Brance to do it. If TMZ is not buying his act, why should the general public.

If anything, they should sue that fake Rabbi. That guy actually have freaking tapes that he turned into a book with no legal papers that says that Michael sign on it. That in my opinion is even worst than anything that loony doctor have to say. This is also a man of god to boot.
Murray is going down! something very odd occured on that day too many phone calls and not the RIGHT one was made to 911 immediately. It just does not sit right with me. I do believe he will NOT be the only one going down. It just gives me the chills to know Michael trusted these "people" these demons he was surrounded around, this cast of phoneys. I pray that these parasties stay away from these children. It's too bad they can't leave the country and and live on some nice farm house like they did when MJ went to Ireland wit the children. God help them all.
again if Branca has no time to defend mj's legacy then he should step down . that's my opinion . you want to be an executor , deal with it . Branca's job is not only negotiating deals that will bring HIM money at the end of the year , his responsibility is to protect mj's legacy . Lawsuits against Halprin, the noRabbi and Klien are guaranteed win .

Klien broke the LAW , and he is busted , if Branca can't waste his time suing Klien then he is not gonna sue anyone . God knows what will happen when Gavin and his mama release their book and I'm sure that book is coming sooner than we think.
Murray is going down something very odd occured on that many phone calls and not the right one to 911 was made. It just does not sit right with me. I do beleive he will NOT be the only one going down. It just gives me th chills to know Michael trtusted these folks these demons he was surrunded around, this cast of phoneys. I pray that these parasties stay away from these children. It's too bad they can't leave the country and and live on some nice farm house like they did when MJ went to Ireland wit the children. God help them all.

Michael was world famous around the world, so even if he moved to the country they still would be parasites surrounding him. He went to the Middle East and still manage to sue by the person he was staying with, so that should tell you something right there.

Also, anyone who reached of certain level of fame will have hanger-on, not just Michael. It is a naive dream to think he could go anywhere without this kind of scam finding you. It is the way he handle it that really matters.
vic , Klien could lose millions of dollars in a lawsuit for breaking the law , that what I'm talking about. Everything is very documented .MJ did not sign a waiver, non of klien's record were ever made public by the court, everything was sealed . Klien has no defense whatever , and beside sanctions brought by the medical board , he would be forced to pay alot in damages .

I'm sure there is a long list of those the estate attorneys, and the family, would like to sue in civil court. Klein is probably near the top of the list. The estate and family could also bring a wrongful death suit against Murray, in addition to whatever criminal charges there are. The more pressing issue is that there have been no arrests for what the LAPD has termed a homicide.

Civil court and criminal court are different. My guess is that we will see Klein in both. For civil court, breaching confidentiality if Michael did not sign a waver would be an issue for a lawsuit. Criminally, it depends on whether or not Klein prescribed Michael medications illegally (under false names, or whatever), and if his medications had anything to do with Michael's death. Civil court could result in Klein's having to pay the estate an enormous amount of money. Criminal court could result in jail-time. Klein is certainly not helping himself by TALKING so much!
Let's hope you are right vic .

For once I pray that Randy has the balls to call Klien out and sue his ass .
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