TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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well, not infront of kids, and not for audince . and sure jordan, jason or Gavin ever claimed such a thing , no one of the neveralnd fab five even claimed that , no witness ever told the prosecution this story . Klien said it to fuel the believe that mj was indeed a pedo and a pervert . You don't defend someone accused of child molestation by saying he used to show his penis to kids because he thought peeing infront of them was funny .

You have a point. I just think that he was talking about how that infor came out...he was not saying MJ was a pedo. Quite the opposite I thought.
Oh please...are you referring to know, what are you doing then. All I am saying I thought the interview was interesting. I don't take sides...I make my own assumptions by listening others who were there. I don't take what people say as gospel...never. I just listen.
No, I was not referring to you. I was referring to Klein.
Arrgg, nightmare fuel :no:

I did not listen to the interview, but the outline from everyone's statements is really, really, creepy.

Also Muumi, when you die would honestly want your doctor to talk about you, your home life, your family, and give strong suggests that you are pedo. I am will to bet, no. I know I sure in hell would not.

I do not care if you "what to know more about Michael", this stuff is disgusting and graphic and feeds into almost ever tabloid bullcrap we have been force to listen to over the years.

I would almost prefer listening to Murray over hearing about Klien's sexual frustrations.

Honestly I would not care. He did not say anything new to was already out there. But nothing really shocks me after 20 years of this.
Honestly I would not care. He did not say anything new to was already out there. But nothing really shocks me after 20 years of this.

True, but this his doctor for god's sakes, not the disgruntled employ or some spoil kid. He has known Michael since the 80s. However, once his body became cold this guy began spilling tabloid BS to the point that not even the tabloid believes him.

It does not really surprise me either, but it is still nasty to listen to. I mean, seriously gross. There should a disclaimer on this guy.
I tuned in for one minute, heard Klein saying "I haven't seen This Is It yet..." while asking if others had.

Yet, Klein tweeted Oct. 27th: "I have seen 'This Is It' It took my breath away... My friend, you will be missed"

This whack-job can't even refrain from lying about such trivial matters as that.

What an idiot. I haven't heard anything he's said, and I don't care to.
Oh so if his doctor says it it must be true right? hmm

This man needs to be screamed out to SHut the Fuc Up! No one here believes it and i KNOW Michael didn't do it because of how he feels and what hes said. People just love to make up ish and hes one of them. Its Nothing we cant deal with. But its hard for his family Michael's that is. Michael's family have been through enough hell i think its time people like Kline need learn to shut up.
I don't have to be strong, it's easy, I don't read or listen, or watch to his CRAP. Never ever I will understand WHY for heaven's sake the fans going after that!

Some people have trouble accepting the injustices of this world. In my eyes it is important to scrutinize incidentsin order to be able to handle things. Some people need answers to open questions. They always look for possible answers to their agonizing questions.
True, but this his doctor for god's sakes, not the disgruntled employ or some spoil kid. He has known Michael since the 80s. However, once his body became cold this guy began spilling tabloid BS to the point that not even the tabloid believes him.

It does not really surprise me either, but it is still nasty to listen to. I mean, seriously gross. There should a disclaimer on this guy.

Well yeah. Thats true. I have not read all the stories that has been out there. I just saw this interview. The tabloids are so twisted...completely made up stories. I don't know if the stories about Dr Klein were true then. All I know that MJ spend a lot of time with this man. If I were to trust MJs opinion I needed to listen what this guy had to say. He did this without receiving clear up the air. I don't know if he did that but at least I got to know so much more about the addiction and all. He did firmly say MJ was not addict. He only wanted Propofol because he was pushed to it by other doctors. I think the main reason for this inteview was placing a blame on to AEG or the same process, Dr Klein talks about what went on.Surely he wanted to clean his reputation a bit as well...

I think the way he spoke sometimes was not respectful but really I don't care. Thats his issue. I just want to know what happend to MJ.
If TMZ are not buying this, then they should just send Klien on his way. Unless they really enjoy watching him make an utter fool out of himself. With half the stuff he's saying, One would think he'd go to the cops with this info if it was true while Michael was still alive. Because he's saying in effect that Michael was committing a crime right in front of him. It doesn't really matter anymore now. The only reason I can see of him doing this is that something is about to go down and he's trying to get haters on board to save himself from whatever it is. This guy just came up almost out of nowhere talking trash. And only after Michael died too. Something about that doesn't make sense. Why wasn't he talking like this while Michael was still around? Hmmmmm.....
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Oh so if his doctor says it it must be true right? hmm

This man needs to be screamed out to SHut the Fuc Up! No one here believes it and i KNOW Michael didn't do it because of how he feels and what hes said. People just love to make up ish and hes one of them. Its Nothing we cant deal with. But its hard for his family Michael's that is. Michael's family have been through enough hell i think its time people like Kline need learn to shut up.

I think Klein wanted to have sex with Michael himself and it was not available for him period. Klein DEF has issues....This is one of the reasons why this guy talks rubbish and dirty. I think fans have to look more from this angle. It explains a lot.
I long for someone to start a list of key points made by Klein... just neutrally without opinionating... Nothing wrong with opinionating, don't get me wrong, but I'd also like to have a clean summary so I can form my own opinions. I don't have time today. Like Victoria did with DiLeo's interview. Any takers? Or did I miss one that's already here...
If TMZ are not buiying this, then they should just send Klien on his way. Unless they really enjoy watching him make an utter fool out of himself. With half the stuff he's saying, I'd think he'd go to the cops with this info if it was true while Michael was still alive. Because he's saying in effect that Michael was committing a crime right in front of him. It doesn't really matter anymore now. The only reason I can see of him doing this is that something is about to go down and he's trying to get haters on board to save himself from whatever it is. This guy just came up almost out of nowhere talking trash. And only after Michael died too. Something about that doesn't make sense. Why wasn't he talking like this while Michael is still around? Hmmmmm.....

You have to remember, TMZ was kinda "upgraded" as a result of the investigative journalism they did on MJs death. Why they want to ruin their reputation unless they wanted to say something....but this is speculation. I think the info is with cops...They were really careful with names as well. This interview just raised more questions than gave answers to me.
I think Klein wanted to have sex with Michael himself and it was not available for him period. Klein DEF has issues....This is one of the reasons why this guy talks rubbish and dirty. I think fans have to look more from this angle. It explains a lot.

I don't understand where this sex thing comes into the picture...Have I missed something. :)
You are not given Michael enough credit. Although he may have been naive about somethings, he was not a fool. If he was everything you just stated above, there would be no way he would had been worth billions when he died.

Everyone who works in the business has and will be exploited. It is sad truth, but it is what it is. Michael was no special exception to this, he just attractive more people like Klien and the rest of the trash who are now running their mouths.

There was a joke on Real Time with Bill on HBO a few years back that went along the lines, "If you think law enforcement is the only place where you deal with the scam of the universe, try the entertainment business."

However, remember the silent majority. Michael did have "true" friends and they are the ones not running their mouths, like Liz, Mac, and Janet to name a few.

So, do not like Klien corrupt how all the people in Michael's life were. As humans, we all have our share of assholes.

In his good years, he was anything but a fool. He has always made a good impression. He was always a role model. But by his death, he has become a fool. Implemented by greedy people who have exploited his weaknesses. I think Michael's cause of death has procured him no better image. His natural innocence is gone.

Liz, Mac and Janet are also friends of Michael. But have different characters. Perhaps they knew Michael from a completely different side, as Dr. Klein did. Each to their own. Michael was a public person. We can't stop people from their doings.
I long for someone to start a list of key points made by Klein... just neutrally without opinionating... Nothing wrong with opinionating, don't get me wrong, but I'd also like to have a clean summary so I can form my own opinions. I don't have time today. Like Victoria did with DiLeo's interview. Any takers? Or did I miss one that's already here...

I think that is a good idea. I would not even know where to start. There's not much out there that can be trusted. Dr Klein could not have said much when MJ was his client...if he did, he would have been sacked by now...way before MJ passed away.
In his good years, he was anything but a fool. He has always made a good impression. He was always a role model. But by his death, he has become a fool. Implemented by greedy people who have exploited his weaknesses. I think Michael's cause of death has procured him no better image. His natural innocence is gone.

Liz, Mac and Janet are also friends of Michael. But have different characters. Perhaps they knew Michael from a completely different side, as Dr. Klein did. Each to their own. Michael was a public person. We can't stop people from their doings.

You are so right. It would be lovely to get to know the Michael we did not get to see.
You have to remember, TMZ was kinda "upgraded" as a result of the investigative journalism they did on MJs death. Why they want to ruin their reputation unless they wanted to say something....but this is speculation. I think the info is with cops...They were really careful with names as well. This interview just raised more questions than gave answers to me.

What investigative unit? All TMZ been doing is open up its forums to any loony who is willing to talk about Michael. Does not matter if they are creditable or not.

This is the same people who kept saying Michael was a addict to painkillers, even when the tox report came out and he didn't even have painkillers. They then change it he was an addict to sedatives. Then when the autosy said he was basely healthy when get the infamous headline, "Healthy Drug Addict". Who ever heard of a healthy drug addict? Now these same people are pushing functional addict. Investigative unit my butt.

The only reason TMZ has any remote creditable is because he Jackson family has been using TMZ as their battleground against Branca, AEG, and even their own family members.

It is really said that TMZ is pretty much riding on the waves of people wanted more information about Michael, no matter how they twist it to suit their needs.
What investigative unit? All TMZ been doing is open up its forums to any loony who is willing to talk about Michael. Does not matter if they are creditable or not.

This is the same people who kept saying Michael was a addict to painkillers, even when the tox report came out and he didn't even have painkillers. They then change it he was an addict to sedatives. Then when the autosy said he was basely healthy when get the infamous headline, "Healthy Drug Addict". Who ever heard of a healthy drug addict? Now these same people are pushing functional addict. Investigative unit my butt.

The only reason TMZ has any remote creditable is because he Jackson family has been using TMZ as their battleground against Branca, AEG, and even their own family members.

It is really said that TMZ is pretty much riding on the waves of people wanted more information about Michael, no matter how they twist it to suit their needs.

I don't know about their forums...I don't go there. I just like the way they report sometimes...even if they get it wrong. At least they care...sad isin't it. I don't believe all what they say and I don't go there every day...most of it is sensationalism what they say...I just take the essence of it and make my own assumptions. Its interesting why we have so many MJs "friends" and managers talking these days...and its all online. I kinda like keeping my eyes and ears open...
In his good years, he was anything but a fool. He has always made a good impression. He was always a role model. But by his death, he has become a fool. Implemented by greedy people who have exploited his weaknesses. I think Michael's cause of death has procured him no better image. His natural innocence is gone.

Liz, Mac and Janet are also friends of Michael. But have different characters. Perhaps they knew Michael from a completely different side, as Dr. Klein did. Each to their own. Michael was a public person. We can't stop people from their doings.

I read your post several times, but I have no idea what you are talking about.

But by his death, he has become a fool? What does that mean? You are suggesting Michael became weak and feeble by his death.

I do not believe that, especially since you are basing this on fools like Klien. We do not know Klien and Michael's was and I do not care to know. If Michael was a fool, he would had allowed his family to boss him into the tour or allow Joe and his crook friend Rowo have control of his London concerts.

I do not understand your statement so you will have to clear this up for me.
Thank you. I am sorry.
No worries.

Guys, just take a step back, and think. If MJ was still here, would these people be running their seemingly unstoppable mouths off? No.
It's not a coincidence that these people have crawled out of the woodwork now MJ is not here to defend himself.
They are all gagging for attention and publicity. And they are stopping at no lengths to get it. It is despicable behaviour and we should not be feeding it by giving it attention.

"Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual."
You are so right. It would be lovely to get to know the Michael we did not get to see.

You'll experience the Michael of today to the fullest. Especially since the twenty-fifth day of June. The use of propofol has nothing to do with innocence. In earlier times, Michael was mainly associated with his unique work. Today, there are definitely other issues in the foreground.
I don't understand where this sex thing comes into the picture...Have I missed something. :)

I have to agree with you on many things you've said. I watched it, thought some of it was not called for or appropriate to be discussing, but I certainly didn't read any strange sexual connotations into anything as some members have. Specifically about Klein's office manager or Klein himself in any sexual connection to Michael. That's stretching it a bit too far imo.

And for people asking for a summary, the interview was about 1.5 hours in total, alot was talked about. I'm certainly not advocating viewing it, but unless you watch the whole thing, there's going to be things said by people that may not be what was actually said word for word or misinterpreted. Some of it was certainly rather strange.

With that said, Arnie has always appeared somewhat "unusual" in any appearances he's made on TV after Michael's death. Not sure about his normal "nature", but does make one wonder at times.
No worries.

Guys, just take a step back, and think. If MJ was still here, would these people be running their seemingly unstoppable mouths off? No.
It's not a coincidence that these people have crawled out of the woodwork now MJ is not here to defend himself.
They are all gagging for attention and publicity. And they are stopping at no lengths to get it. It is despicable behaviour and we should not be feeding it by giving it attention.

"Just because you read it in a magazine
Or see it on the TV screen
Don't make it factual." are so right. Its funny to watch all these people to come out now...but at the same makes me wonder what MJs life was like...
We need to stop acknowledging anything coming from the mouths of people who should be slithering on the floor like the snakes they are. Trash like this doesn't belong on a forum of Michael's fans. It is totally unworthy of the attention it's getting.

Totally agree!
You'll experience the Michael of today to the fullest. Especially since the twenty-fifth day of June. The use of propofol has nothing to do with innocence. In earlier times, Michael was mainly associated with his unique work. Today, there are definitely other issues in the foreground. like, when I was growing up...all I could see was this magical performer...this saintly angel. I think these last months have made me realise how much Michael sacrificed for us, the fame and his art. I have to admire that.

I believe MJ was completely crushed by the world...he did not really belong. I know that artists need to have that childlike heart to create...they need to see the beauty but I think MJ lost that. Maybe he was getting better...or trying... are so right. Its funny to watch all these people to come out now...but at the same makes me wonder what MJs life was like...

He was the biggest star in the world, so he had the biggest jerks in the world. This is simply the price of super fame. Thanks to the internet, we can get our extra helpings of BS 24/7 from anyone in the world. No need for a new interview.

Without Michael, the plug that were keeping most of these crazies under control is gone, now they are free to rampage across the land. It has happen even in his own freaking family. We just now getting a taste what was like inside his life and like I predictive, it isn't pretty.

Like Bill said, "If you think law enforcement is the only place where you deal with the scam of the universe, try the entertainment business."
We need to stop acknowledging anything coming from the mouths of people who should be slithering on the floor like the snakes they are. Trash like this doesn't belong on a forum of Michael's fans. It is totally unworthy of the attention it's getting.
yeah agree, this fool really isnt of importance. weve got bigger fish to fry.surprised the thread is so long
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