TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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I'm sure there is a long list of those the estate attorneys, and the family, would like to sue in civil court. Klein is probably near the top of the list. The estate and family could also bring a wrongful death suit against Murray, in addition to whatever criminal charges there are. The more pressing issue is that there have been no arrests for what the LAPD has termed a homicide.

Civil court and criminal court are different. My guess is that we will see Klein in both. For civil court, breaching confidentiality if Michael did not sign a waver would be an issue for a lawsuit. Criminally, it depends on whether or not Klein prescribed Michael medications illegally (under false names, or whatever), and if his medications had anything to do with Michael's death. Civil court could result in Klein's having to pay the estate an enormous amount of money. Criminal court could result in jail-time. Klein is certainly not helping himself by TALKING so much!

I really do not see the point of a wrongful death suit against Murray. The guy has no money and will most likely be going to jail very soon. The most the family can hope to get from him is what AEG would had paid him if he did the tour with Michael.

Even if they win a ton of money, Murray will just file for bankruptcy and the family will get nothing. That is why they are trying to put some of the blame on AEG so they can sue them and get a hell of alot more money.

Klien might be sued, he may not. It all depends on where everything falls. However, going by the family's history, Klien will most likely will not get sue because he does not have enough money.
and he claims Debbie hates him because she was jealous of him , because he stayed close to mj . a woman is jealous of a gay man who is close to her ex , is not it clear what Klien is trying to suggest?
klien does not have enough money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Klien practice generates $20.000 A DAY .
plus he is a professor at UCLA and a paid consultant for the company that manufacture botox , he gets $100.000 annually from that company alone
Klein is a sack of bull crap that TMZ loves to smell. Somone is putting this bottom dweller up to this dirty's as if he is on a crusade to dirty Michael up. I mean he is throwing stuff and hoping something, anything sticks. Let's see he's sadi so much i know I'm missing crap: he has no sperm, he has gay lover, he was an addcit , he created him a new face, I'm the children's father. I mean the vomit keeps coming and coming. Does anyone see this sh*t for what is't worth? He's just a stinky sack full of it. I know the man has no heart and no soul but...someone is putting him up to it..and they are doing it with cash....they are breaking "protocol" and paying him through the nose. The goal is to dirty MJ up as much as possible...If you can't see it, you simply don't want to see it. Someone or a group of people is paying him to go on record with a whole lot of mess. no consipracy's real folks. You see it and hear it, no illusions. It may be the same cast of characters..that played their part in 93. Klien is odd and nasty but somethig is suspect.

Next, he will be on King again and he will get calls form the rest of them and you will see his souless behind on their talking about the man that was his," friend for a long time."
I really do not see the point of a wrongful death suit against Murray. The guy has no money and will most likely be going to jail very soon. The most the family can hope to get from him is what AEG would had paid him if he did the tour with Michael.

Even if they win a ton of money, Murray will just file for bankruptcy and the family will get nothing. That is why they are trying to put some of the blame on AEG so they can sue them and get a hell of alot more money.

Klien might be sued, he may not. It all depends on where everything falls. However, going by the family's history, Klien will most likely will not get sue because he does not have enough money.

You're right about that. I think Murray has no money. The thing is, I doubt that he will ever go to trial, but will probably plea-bargain? In that sense, the wrongful death suit would be not so much about money, but for the truth of what really happened that night to come out. Murray would have to testify. That's probably all the family would really gain.

As far as Klein is concerned? I think he's quite wealthy, so in terms of money the family might recoup something. I'd expect that even more than that, they want to know what HAPPENED, and if Klein played a part in that?
Klien hates MJ with passion , Klien wants to trash mj, wants to confirm that mj was pervert . want to confirm mj did not father his kids, mj was an addict, mj was freak . and it has nothing to do with money . klien is risking everything here for the sake of destroying mj's reputation .
And this fat f*g calls himself Michaels friend... revealing MJs secrets!

Wow... so many sons of bitches... Lester, Klein...

Michael trusted him, as a doctor he broke all the principles and rules...., as a so-called MJs friend... he is betrayer
Klien hates MJ with passion , Klien wants to trash mj, wants to confirm that mj was pervert . want to confirm mj did not father his kids, mj was an addict, mj was freak . and it has nothing to do with money . klien is risking everything here for the sake of destroying mj's reputation .

I take nothing Klein says seriously. He contradicts himself, insinuates, and is all-over-the place. I don't know what his problem IS, but he's just making things much worse for himself down-the-road. Everything he says in public, every statement in an interview or on a talk-show, can be used in a courtroom, against him.
klien does not have enough money !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Klien practice generates $20.000 A DAY .

I did not say he had no money. I simply said he most likely did not make enough for the family to want to sue him. They seemed to be more interested in multimillion dollars cooperation.

This is not about respect or the truth, it is all about money and who can give them the most for it. As rich as Klien is, AEG is even richer so they will focus on them, even if they do not have a leg to stand on.

Also, I am not sure how long this guy will keep his job if he keeps talking.
You're right about that. I think Murray has no money. The thing is, I doubt that he will ever go to trial, but will probably plea-bargain? In that sense, the wrongful death suit would be not so much about money, but for the truth of what really happened that night to come out. Murray would have to testify. That's probably all the family would really gain.

As far as Klein is concerned? I think he's quite wealthy, so in terms of money the family might recoup something. I'd expect that even more than that, they want to know what HAPPENED, and if Klein played a part in that?

I am not sure if Murray will plea-bargain. If he wanted to get off lightly, he should had confess the moment his addict story did not pan out.

Even if the jury does not like Michael, what jury in their right mind would let a doctor who admitted to given a dangerous drug that all experts say was crazy to a patient, who then covered the crime scene instead of calling for help, and did not even admit in the first interview that he even gave such drug walk free. Not mention the statement from his lawyer, "didn't give him anything that should not had killed him."

Sounds like to me Murray is going to try to weasel himself out of this mess by doing what he has been doing from the beginning and that is to blame everyone else.

He is going to blame AEG, Michael's family, all his previous doctors, and Michael himself to save his own sorry butt in court. He already did two of the above.

Some people do not know when they are screwed and will take as many people down on the boat as possible and Murray had proven to be one of those people.
the family wants every dollar they can get their hands on . If they don't sue klien , then it is not because they are after the big fish AEG only . It only means they are afraid of klien taking their Goldmine away from them and they don't want to piss him off .Klien seems not scarred at all , he has something and they know he has something and that's why they are very silent . Klien is basically laughing his ass off at MJ right now . he got what he wanted from mj . don't ask me to explain . I'm really frustrated right now . Hearing Klien talking about certain things made me realise Randy's postion and somehow anger toward MJ . and it had nothing to do with drugs .
"klien is risking everything here for the sake of destroying mj's reputation . "

So what is he risking? If it's not money? Please somebody do tell. We already know that he is a d* what esle could he possibly be risking? As other have stated, oh he is making plenty of money so he could not possibly want more. ( eye roll, wink wink) The greedy ALWAYS wants more money and more money. What? He wants 5 minutes of fame? He's throwing his career away for 5 minutes of fame to bash Michael into his twilight years to the haters club.

He's nothing more than a demon being encouraged to spew venom by the haters
the family wants every dollar they can get their hands on . If they don't sue klien , then it is not because they are after the big fish AEG only . It only means they are afraid of klien taking their Goldmine away from them and they don't want to piss him off .Klien seems not scarred at all , he has something and they know he has something and that's why they are very silent . Klien is basically laughing his ass off at MJ right now . he got what he wanted from mj . don't ask me to explain . I'm really frustrated right now . Hearing Klien talking about certain things made me realise Randy's postion and somehow anger toward MJ . and it had nothing to do with drugs .

Sorry, what Goldmine? I do not see what Klien has that would make the family afraid. Can you please explain.
I take nothing Klein says seriously. He contradicts himself, insinuates, and is all-over-the place. I don't know what his problem IS, but he's just making things much worse for himself down-the-road. Everything he says in public, every statement in an interview or on a talk-show, can be used in a courtroom, against him.
Exactly :doh:
One thing I know for sure… To be Michael’s fan you have to be very strong because so many morons and loonies step forward and say disgusting things. MJ fans have to be prepared for more crap coming out. So, be strong guys and do not believe all this garbage. Michael went trough many bad things in his life and he was a fighter. We have to do the same. His lyrics and his art will never die but morons like Klein live and die with no respect.
One thing I know for sure… To be Michael’s fan you have to be very strong because so many morons and loonies step forward and say disgusting things. MJ fans have to be prepared for more crap coming out. So, be strong guys and do not believe all this garbage. Michael went trough many bad things in his life and he was a fighter. We have to do the same. His lyrics and his art will never die but morons like Klein live and die with no respect.

Amen :punk:
We must stay away from the trash and continue to spread Michael's goodness. When we donate a dollar for a childrens cause put your name on in Memory of Michael JJ. The best movements were the quiet non-violent ones. Some on here say stop talking boycott. IF the people in the south would of said that, I would never be able to ride a public bus in Alabama among many others. I was born and bred in Birmingham, Alabama where it all went down. When I was a little kid, in the seventies there were still bombings going on. No joke. If you stop acknowledging them, they lose, because no one is listening to them any longer. Garbage needs to stay in the dumpster. That is where it belongs. IF Mr. Levin thought he was a liar why not call him that to his face. No it was to entertaining to let Klein to continue regurgitate lies. We may not believe, but it is someone out there that may think he is credible. Throw him away like the piece of garbage he is being along with TMZ. "Tabloid Junkie" listen to again and again and again.
Are we really and truly getting news that matters from them? Think about it. We are getting gossip. Who Katherine is firing as her lawyer. Randy and the will. All the news I need to here is YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE MURDER OF MJJ. THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS NOW. IS TMZ GIVING US THAT? NO, ALL WE ARE LISTENING TO IS THEIR GOSSIP AND SLANDEROUS COMMENTS. Don't be a part of it. Let them talk to the hand and tell them no more of u your crap I will listen to.
One thing I know for sure… To be Michael’s fan you have to be very strong because so many morons and loonies step forward and say disgusting things. MJ fans have to be prepared for more crap coming out. So, be strong guys and do not believe all this garbage. Michael went trough many bad things in his life and he was a fighter. We have to do the same. His lyrics and his art will never die but morons like Klein live and die with no respect.

Well said.


We must stay away from the trash and continue to spread Michael's goodness. When we donate a dollar for a childrens cause put your name on in Memory of Michael JJ. The best movements were the quiet non-violent ones. Some on here say stop talking boycott. IF the people in the south would of said that, I would never be able to ride a public bus in Alabama among many others. I was born and bred in Birmingham, Alabama where it all went down. When I was a little kid, in the seventies there were still bombings going on. No joke. If you stop acknowledging them, they lose, because no one is listening to them any longer. Garbage needs to stay in the dumpster. That is where it belongs. IF Mr. Levin thought he was a liar why not call him that to his face. No it was to entertaining to let Klein to continue regurgitate lies. We may not believe, but it is someone out there that may think he is credible. Throw him away like the piece of garbage he is being along with TMZ. "Tabloid Junkie" listen to again and again and again.

Here here to everything you posted too! I especially like your idea of putting "in memory of of Michael JJ" when donating to charities. That really keeps his spirit alive. And a big ol' YES to not acknowledging tabloids/gossip shows. They figure they can make a lot of money/receive high ratings by exploiting Michael (even in death) due to people's curiosity. Don't buy into it!

Some quotes from Tabloid Junkie:

And you don't have to read it
And you don't have to eat it
To buy it is to feed it
Then why do we keep foolin' ourselves


And you don't go and buy it
And they won't glorify it
To read it sanctifies it
Then why do we keep foolin' ourselves
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In fact, Michael Jackson fans have to be strong. This interview is truly hard to bear. The statements made by Klein on Michael are very violent.

I suspect that many people in Michael's environment have exploited his special nature, naivety and addiction for their own purposes. In the end, Michael is the fool. This game has come to an end now. Michael is dead. This Is It!
Well, I think he makes some good points there. I also think that MJ was not a saint and he had his personality...he was not like the guy next door.
Well, I think he makes some good points there. I also think that MJ was not a saint and he had his personality...he was not like the guy next door.

No one said he was, but he never publicly exploited his friends. How can you find any right in that I don't care if every word is correct coming out of his mouth(most of it is garbage) you don't do that to people. So you are saying, just because he was not a saint people can degrade him, tell his intimate secrets and fears? He in some way deserves it because he is not a saint. I hope no one exploits you this way.
Are we really and truly getting news that matters from them? Think about it. We are getting gossip. Who Katherine is firing as her lawyer. Randy and the will. All the news I need to here is YOU ARE UNDER ARREST FOR THE MURDER OF MJJ. THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS NOW. IS TMZ GIVING US THAT? NO, ALL WE ARE LISTENING TO IS THEIR GOSSIP AND SLANDEROUS COMMENTS. Don't be a part of it. Let them talk to the hand and tell them no more of u your crap I will listen to.

very true , they claimed there would have been an arrest a month ago yet nothing . they are liars .

the fans are feeding the beast . all people who think mj was a pedo are quoting Klien now , all people who insult mj are quoting klien now .

Harvey made it clear he is not going to trash Lindsy Lohan because she is going through tough time, but he seems more than willing to trash MJ a dead man .

all TMZ "facts" were about mj's long time drug addiction , morphine , and demerol , then when the AP got their hands on a portion of the autopsy report which I do believe was willingly leaked to scare Murray . HARVEY came up with his stupid headline "Healthy addict" to save his own ass. even propofol revelation did not come from them

people you have to remember how much hate Harvey expressed when mj was alive , the disrespect, the name calling, the mocking , no one disrespected mj like Harvey . Even when he made fun of people like Corey Feldman , it had to do with "Wack0 Jack0" molesting him when he was younger . I pray that Gary will ban TMZ and fans would stop visiting Harvey's site . else next week Jason will talk about mj's penis and butthole .
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