TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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very true , they claimed there would have been an arrest a month ago yet nothing . they are liars .

the fans are feeding the beast . all people who think mj was a pedo are quoting Klien now , all people who insult mj are quoting klien now .

Harvey made it clear he is not going to trash Lindsy Lohan because she is going through tough time, but he seems more than willing to trash MJ a dead man .

all TMZ "facts" were about mj's long time drug addiction , morphine , and demerol , then when the AP got their hands on a portion of the autopsy report which I do believe was willingly leaked to scare Murray . HARVEY came up with his stupid headline "Healthy addict" to save his own ass. even propofol revelation did not come from them

people you have to remember how much hate Harvey expressed when mj was alive , the disrespect, the name calling, the mocking , no one disrespected mj like Harvey . Even when he made fun of people like Corey Feldman , it had to do with "Wack0 Jack0" molesting him when he was younger . I pray that Gary will ban TMZ and fans would stop visiting Harvey's site . else next week Jason will talk about mj's penis and butthole .

I guess this is news. WE MUST WAKE UP. We just can't accept any info on MJ because we miss him. Heck I miss him a lot but I don't need this kind of info. It is trash.
Your worst enemy doesn't deserve to be treated the way they have and are treating MJ. WilliamOrange1 I am saddened by what TMZ is about to do.
In fact, Michael Jackson fans have to be strong. This interview is truly hard to bear. The statements made by Klein on Michael are very violent.

I suspect that many people in Michael's environment have exploited his special nature, naivety and addiction for their own purposes. In the end, Michael is the fool. This game has come to an end now. Michael is dead. This Is It!

You are not given Michael enough credit. Although he may have been naive about somethings, he was not a fool. If he was everything you just stated above, there would be no way he would had been worth billions when he died.

Everyone who works in the business has and will be exploited. It is sad truth, but it is what it is. Michael was no special exception to this, he just attractive more people like Klien and the rest of the trash who are now running their mouths.

There was a joke on Real Time with Bill on HBO a few years back that went along the lines, "If you think law enforcement is the only place where you deal with the scam of the universe, try the entertainment business."

However, remember the silent majority. Michael did have "true" friends and they are the ones not running their mouths, like Liz, Mac, and Janet to name a few.

So, do not like Klien corrupt how all the people in Michael's life were. As humans, we all have our share of assholes.
I take nothing Klein says seriously. He contradicts himself, insinuates, and is all-over-the place. I don't know what his problem IS, but he's just making things much worse for himself down-the-road. Everything he says in public, every statement in an interview or on a talk-show, can be used in a courtroom, against him.

Although he is disgusting, I think it is good he keeps talking, for as you say everything can be used against him. The more he keeps talking, in the long run, we will get closer to the truth. He is very worried & not just about self-medicating - that would just be a slap on the wrist.

Debbie went to This Is It with Marc Schaffel for a reason too. They must have called the paps. Schaffel even met MJ thru Klein. Eventually it will all make sense.
we used to say the police raided Klien's office in 1993 because the photos did not match, now people are saying klien himself said the photos matched , what is your defence now ?

Klien said mj lied about plastic surgery and he infact done 22 surgery to change his facial features. he said mj was an addict . he said mj's was not emotionally and mentally stable , he said everyone tried to help him but he turned everyone down , he suggested mj was gay, he suggested that Debbie was jealous of him because he was with mj , he suggested mj was not the bio dad , he called mj's family every name under the sun from his mother to jermaine . he basically trashed every Jackson who to him are "subhumans" , he talked over and over about his achievements and how smart he is , he donated sperm , and Prince is a very smart kid , draw conclusions people .
MJ was a freak and his family are subhuman , Klien is smart and his offspring are smart , they are gonna get everything . eat that fans , eat that Randy, eat that "GREEDY" Katherine . that was basically what Klien was saying yesterday. He feels vindicated . It is like finally I can speak .

klien is risking everything, his reputation, his clients, his career, his licence , not for money at all , he is very rich , but because he thinks humilating mj worth all the " scrafice" It is something personal, very personal . Not money at all.
Just wanted to step in here and say I think you guys might be giving Klein exactly what he wants (which the rest of the world isn't giving him). Attention. He prolly reads the comments on this board and on TMZ and (self-censored). I sacrificed the last few seconds in my life typing this out, but that's all he's getting.
In fact, Michael Jackson fans have to be strong. This interview is truly hard to bear. The statements made by Klein on Michael are very violent.
I don't have to be strong, it's easy, I don't read or listen, or watch to his CRAP. Never ever I will understand WHY for heaven's sake the fans going after that!
No one said he was, but he never publicly exploited his friends. How can you find any right in that I don't care if every word is correct coming out of his mouth(most of it is garbage) you don't do that to people. So you are saying, just because he was not a saint people can degrade him, tell his intimate secrets and fears? He in some way deserves it because he is not a saint. I hope no one exploits you this way.

Well, I know what you are saying but:

1. People want information and I think he gave us some insight into this. He is trying to place a blame on AEG and the family but he has a point there. I don't think we should judge him before we/people know the full story. I think the fans are not used to seeing MJ in this light because for some of us, he was just perfect.

2. Don't you think its about time to get real and not just brush things under the carpet. He did not say things that were completely unknown to me. There's nothing new although this is the first time I have heard these things mentioned in the public. MJ was very artistic and had his own way of thinking. He was also a genius with his own lovable but different personality. No family is perfect either...but its the family that MJ had.

I think Dr Klein is used to speak about this way of living very direct because this is his every day life...he gets involved,This is "normal" in some circles.
I don't have to be strong, it's easy, I don't read or listen, or watch to his CRAP. Never ever I will understand WHY for heaven's sake the fans going after that!

You are right. I refuse to visit that site. I am only responding to what the posters are saying, but I think I have ranted enough about TMZ to fans. I think in the future I will stop responding to the fans that quote TMZ. I must not give them any time out of my life. Once we throw out the garbage we leave alone. I must throw TMZ out of my sight and mind and continue spreading MJ's message of L.O.V.E. Thanks for the wake up call it was just what I needed. I am out.
we used to say the police raided Klien's office in 1993 because the photos did not match, now people are saying klien himself said the photos matched , what is your defence now ?

Klien said mj lied about plastic surgery and he infact done 22 surgery to change his facial features. he said mj was an addict . he said mj's was not emotionally and mentally stable , he said everyone tried to help him but he turned everyone down , he suggested mj was gay, he suggested that Debbie was jealous of him because he was with mj , he suggested mj was not the bio dad , he called mj's family every name under the sun from his mother to jermaine . he basically trashed every Jackson who to him are "subhumans" , he talked over and over about his achievements and how smart he is , he donated sperm , and Prince is a very smart kid , draw conclusions people .
MJ was a freak and his family are subhuman , Klien is smart and his offspring are smart , they are gonna get everything . eat that fans , eat that Randy, eat that "GREEDY" Katherine . that was basically what Klien was saying yesterday. He feels vindicated . It is like finally I can speak .

klien is risking everything, his reputation, his clients, his career, his licence , not for money at all , he is very rich , but because he thinks humilating mj worth all the " scrafice" It is something personal, very personal . Not money at all.

Did he? I did not make these assumptions based on what I heard just now.
Well, I know what you are saying but:

1. People want information and I think he gave us some insight into this. He is trying to place a blame on AEG and the family but he has a point there. I don't think we should judge him before we/people know the full story. I think the fans are not used to seeing MJ in this light because for some of us, he was just perfect.

2. Don't you think its about time to get real and not just brush things under the carpet. He did not say things that were completely unknown to me. There's nothing new although this is the first time I have heard these things mentioned in the public. MJ was very artistic and had his own way of thinking. He was also a genius with his own lovable but different personality. No family is perfect either...but its the family that MJ had.

I think Dr Klein is used to speak about this way of living very direct because this is his every day life...he gets involved,This is "normal" in some circles.
I do not have the right to no everything about Mike's life and I don't want to know everything. Some things should stay unknown. Klein can't give me any insight. He doesn't know if he sleep or awake. He clearly has a problem. We believe the first asshole that say something negative about Mike. I refuse to believe it because it is none of my business. I don't want to talk on this thread anymore. Mike was human. Stop treating him like he was fixture. Enough of this sh**. I am gone.
My feeling about Klein and his last interview is that guy needs a serious medical attention. I think some dirty staff he said about Michael come from some mental and psychological illness Klein has himself based on his own sexual fantasies.

I think talking about staff like this in public turns him on period. I am not a professional but it looks like he loves talking about it. Maybe Klein wanted Michael it to be that way in his office but it didn’t happen. Or Klein asked Michael to take some urine samples in his office instead going to the washroom which Klein could ask for his own enjoyment and for Michael’s “convenience”.

Also, looks like he loves to speak about how muscular and slim Michael’s body was which makes me think that Klein was very concerned about Michael’s body period. And all those dirty stories about Dr. Hoefflin doing something to Michel during anesthesia come from Klein’s mouth. Do not forget about this part.

Thanks God we have MJ interview on YouTube from 1993. Michael was almost crying saying about how much his was humiliated by taking pictures of his private arias..
I hope this simple analyzes will help everybody to understand who is Klein and what he said is all BS.

PS. Mods, pls let me know if you want to delete this msg. I just wanted to help fans to go through all this crap.
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I do not have the right to no everything about Mike's life and I don't want to know everything. Some things should stay unknown. Klein can't give me any insight. He doesn't know if he sleep or awake. He clearly has a problem. We believe the first asshole that say something negative about Mike. I refuse to believe it because it is none of my business. I don't want to talk on this thread anymore. Mike was human. Stop treating him like he was fixture. Enough of this sh**. I am gone.

MJ was very much human...more human than you might like to think. If you can not handle it I understand.
Well, I know what you are saying but:

1. People want information and I think he gave us some insight into this. He is trying to place a blame on AEG and the family but he has a point there. I don't think we should judge him before we/people know the full story. I think the fans are not used to seeing MJ in this light because for some of us, he was just perfect.

2. Don't you think its about time to get real and not just brush things under the carpet. He did not say things that were completely unknown to me. There's nothing new although this is the first time I have heard these things mentioned in the public. MJ was very artistic and had his own way of thinking. He was also a genius with his own lovable but different personality. No family is perfect either...but its the family that MJ had.

I think Dr Klein is used to speak about this way of living very direct because this is his every day life...he gets involved,This is "normal" in some circles.

MJ used to pee infront of kids and enjoyed peeing for an audience ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? is that one of the things we just want to bursh under the carpet ?

MJ hating his family , NO he did not hate them , he had issues with them but did not hate them at all. even joe mj's monster ex manager was not hated by mj at all , he was angry with him , he wanted more from him as a father but HATE , there was no hate .

I have issues with the family but kLIEN IS MUCH WORSE . he had no right to say that Katherine is "greedy" when he was injecting mj with demerol after he came back from rehab .

He is not trashing them because he loves mj , he is trashing them because they are subhumans , stupid and much lower than him . Klien is looking down at them and MJ belong in that category with his family .

Klien is not explaining , klien is destroying , klien is getting back at mj for something we don't know and probably will never know .
My feeling about Klein and his last interview is that guy needs a serious medical attention. I think some dirty staff he said about Michael come from some mental and psychological illness Klein has himself based on his own sexual fantasies.

I think talking about staff like this in public turns him on period. I am not a professional but it looks like he loves talking about it. Maybe Klein wanted Michael it to be that way in his office but it didn’t happen. Or Klein asked Michael to take some urine samples in his office instead going to the washroom which Klein could ask for his own enjoyment and for Michael’s “convenience”.

Also, looks like he loves to speak about how muscular and slim Michael’s body was which makes me think that Klein was very concerned about Michael’s body period. And all those dirty stories about Dr. Hoefflin doing something to Michel during anesthesia come from Klein’s mouth. Do not forget about this part.

Thanks God we have MJ interview on YouTube from 1993. Michael was almost crying saying about how much his was humiliated by taking pictures of his private arias..
I hope this simple analyzes will help everybody to understand who is Klein and what he said is all BS.

PS. Mods, pls let me know if you want to delete this msg. I just wanted to help fans to go through all this crap.

I think he was just a doctor.
MJ used to be infront of kids and enjoyed peeing for an audience ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? is that one of the things we just want to bursh under the carpet ?

MJ hating his family , NO he did not hate them , he had issues with them but did not hate them at all. even joe mj's monster ex manager was not hated by mj at all , he was angry with him , he wanted more from him as a father but HATE , there was no hate .

I have issues with the family but kLIEN IS MUCH WORSE . he had no right to say that Katherine is "greedy" when he was injecting mj with demerol after he came back from rehab .

He is not trashing them because he loves mj , he is trashing them because they are subhumans , stupid and much lower than him . Klien is looking down at them and MJ belong in that category with his family .

Klien is not explaining , klien is destroying , klien is getting back at mj for something we don't know and probably will never know .

I did not really make these assumptions based on what Dr Klein said. Sorry. I tried to listen without judging....Peeing into a cup...I did hear MJ doing this around early 80 when he was still driving because he could not go out the have to consider all these things. I don't thing MJ enjoyed doing this in front of everyone...but really...guys do this all the time....
I did not really make these assumptions based on what Dr Klein said. Sorry. I tried to listen without judging....Peeing into a cup...I did hear MJ doing this around early 80 when he was still driving because he could not go out the have to consider all these things. I don't thing MJ enjoyed doing this in front of everyone...but really...guys do this all the time....

That's bs, guys don't do this all the time.
theres a saying here. maybe its used everywhere else aswell. kinda sums up klien and his statements at the mo " i wouldnt p*** on klien if he was on fire"
We need to stop acknowledging anything coming from the mouths of people who should be slithering on the floor like the snakes they are. Trash like this doesn't belong on a forum of Michael's fans. It is totally unworthy of the attention it's getting.
Some doctors are sick. You have never met one? I did.

I have never met Dr Klein. I don't care to meet him but like I said, he did share some insight into this. The way he talked about MJ's body to me was nothing unusual. Its just that when you are a medic...the first things you see and focus are these things.
well, not infront of kids, and not for audince . and sure jordan, jason or Gavin ever claimed such a thing , no one of the neveralnd fab five even claimed that , no witness ever told the prosecution this story . Klien said it to fuel the believe that mj was indeed a pedo and a pervert . You don't defend someone accused of child molestation by saying he used to show his penis to kids because he thought peeing infront of them was funny .
I did not really make these assumptions based on what Dr Klein said. Sorry. I tried to listen without judging....Peeing into a cup...I did hear MJ doing this around early 80 when he was still driving because he could not go out the have to consider all these things. I don't thing MJ enjoyed doing this in front of everyone...but really...guys do this all the time....

What crap are you talking about? You heard it but you have never seen it. Sounds like a "fact". Klein is a moron and Klein has his own crazy sexual fantasies and those fantasies I assume were linked to Michael.
Klien HAD NO RIGHT to talk about mj's body on tv , or to any one else , not even to his mother . He had no right , what part of this sentence you don't understand ?
We need to stop acknowledging anything coming from the mouths of people who should be slithering on the floor like the snakes they are. Trash like this doesn't belong on a forum of Michael's fans. It is totally unworthy of the attention it's getting.

Oh please...are you referring to know, what are you doing then. All I am saying I thought the interview was interesting. I don't take sides...I make my own assumptions by listening others who were there. I don't take what people say as gospel...never. I just listen.
What crap are you talking about? You heard it but you have never seen it. Sounds like a "fact". Klein is a moron and Klein has his own crazy sexual fantasies and those fantasies I assume were linked to Michael.

I was not there. I can say that for sure....I just heard. I think it was Quincy Jones or someone working close to Michael. Maybe I should not have said anything...
well, not infront of kids, and not for audince . and sure jordan, jason or Gavin ever claimed such a thing , no one of the neveralnd fab five even claimed that , no witness ever told the prosecution this story . Klien said it to fuel the believe that mj was indeed a pedo and a pervert . You don't defend someone accused of child molestation by saying he used to show his penis to kids because he thought peeing infront of them was funny .

Arrgg, nightmare fuel :no:

I did not listen to the interview, but the outline from everyone's statements is really, really, creepy.

Also Muumi, when you die would honestly want your doctor to talk about you, your home life, your family, and give strong suggests that you are pedo. I am will to bet, no. I know I sure in hell would not.

I do not care if you "what to know more about Michael", this stuff is disgusting and graphic and feeds into almost ever tabloid bullcrap we have been force to listen to over the years.

I would almost prefer listening to Murray over hearing about Klien's sexual frustrations.
Who needs enemies when you can have friends like Klein.
The guy seriously needs to stop talking rubbish, who's he kidding with all this nonsense, us or himself. The guy just loves the attention but what he doesn't know us that nobody's listening to him.
Seriously, klein just doesn't know when to stop.
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