TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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MJ was "FAR LONG GONE " when the paramedics arrived according to them , so the whole thing about not being able to find a vein and had to inject him in his neck has nothing to do with needle marks all over his body .


This is according to TMZ video on YouTube, the link I gave you. TMZ said that paramedical report says about needle marks all over his body and it was a mess. Watch the video.
One thing is bothers me that Klein says that last time he saw MJ he had no needle marks on his body. TMZ has a paramedical report which clearly shows that Michael’s body was a mess with needle marks and they found only one spot to inject him beside his knee. I do not know what to think about it if Klein said the truth or not at this point. Obviously, paramedical report is pretty accurate. Klein may say a half of the truth as well. He said also, that MJ body went through very bad physical and mental changes three weeks before MJ passed. The question is, if Klein saw those changes why he was lying before saying that MJ was fine and even danced in his office? Why he didn’t do anything with this situation? This question has to be asked during the trial.

I also read that Prince was asked wether he saw his father without a shirt, and Prince said plenty of times, and he was asked wether he saw any marks and Prince said his father didnt have a lot of marks, only two. One on his left wrist and one on the right. This story was from that friend of Joe Jackson I think, I forgot his name. They appeared on Larry King Live together.

But dang, who are we to believe?

I think his two oldest children would be a big help for the trial. But then that wouldnt be right to ask them questions about their father like that. But also, they really could hold some keys.......idk.
Quote Justthefact:

Klein knows an awful lot about a drug he told Diane Sawyer he knew nothing about

indeed , how come he knows all this stuff about mj using propofol when he first claimed he had no idea what that was?
I just want to ask you a question why are you always defending Harvey and TMZ ? they are tabloids and they pay people money to tell their "stories" ,

they are not credible , although sometimes they got it right . .

I like the fact that they are dedicated and the only source that keeps investigating about MJ (and no they do not pay). Does this mean that I believe or agree with everything that they say? No of course not. I simply find them useful as an information source that I can read and then form my own opinions.

You don't like them and that's completely fine with me. I am also entitled to my opinion and would like other people to respect it as well.
This is according to TMZ video on YouTube, the link I gave you. TMZ said that paramedical report says about needle marks all over his body nad TMZ said it was a mess. Watch the video.

TMZ is full of crap and their word should be taken with a buckle of salt with pepper on the side.

They may get somethings right, but that it is always deluded with the other stuff that flies out of their mouth. Anyone remember, "Healthy Drug Addict". Seriously, I nearly him my head against the keyboard.
MJ was "FAR LONG GONE " when the paramedics arrived according to them , so the whole thing about not being able to find a vein and had to inject him in his neck has nothing to do with needle marks all over his body .

but yes the autopsy report leaked say there were many needle marks on mj's arms , how come Klien is claiming he did not see them ?

An official autopsy report has never been published. I highly doubt there were "needle marks" all over his body.

If a person were already deceased, it would be hard to find a viable vein?
This is according to TMZ video on YouTube, the link I gave you. TMZ said that paramedical report says about needle marks all over his body and it was a mess. Watch the video.

a dead person has no pressure so no blood in veins , as simple as that , the paramedics themselves said although they tried everything they knew he WAS FAR LONG GONE . I don't care what tmz said or is saying . MJ was DEAD when the paramedics arrived and they indicated that many times .
Quote Justthefact:

indeed , how come he knows all this stuff about mj using propofol when he first claimed he had no idea what that was?

contradiction after contradiction. the stack is growing so high. i made need to make a list to keep up.
Randi -- first the breaking news.

RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Anderson, we do have breaking news to tell you about. As you know, sources all along telling us that the toxicology report and the coroner's report and the autopsy results would be made public by the end of this week. Well, now tonight I can tell you, as you heard as well, that the final results and the report will not be made public until sometime next week.

I spoke with a source with knowledge of the autopsy. And he told me that the finishing touches are still being done, still being put on that report. And we can't expect it until some time next week.

So Anderson, yet another delay.

COOPER: All right, Randi, you've been working your sources who some new information tonight regarding the timeline and the scene when paramedics actually arrived at the house after that 911 call. What did they find?

KAYE: Well, this is some new information. I spoke with Captain Steve Ruda from the L.A. Fire Department. And he told me that Jackson was not breathing and had no pulse when paramedics arrived at the scene of his rented mansion. He said he was in, quote, "dire need of help."

Now, let me set the scene for you at the house and put some things in perspective here and show you a little bit of the time line of how this all occurred. We know that the 911 call came in at 12:22 in the afternoon on June 25th. Apparently it was not mentioned -- Michael Jackson was not mentioned that he was the victim there.

The call, we now know, lasted 32 seconds. it took paramedics four of them in all -- three minutes and 17 seconds to get to his house. Captain Ruda with the fire department told me that Mr. Jackson got what he called "the hallelujah package," which means he really got the works in this case. And at the house, Anderson, paramedics worked on Michael Jackson for 42 minutes.
COOPER: I've never heard that term, "the hallelujah package." Why did they work on him at the house for those 42 minutes? Why not just take him to the hospital right away? Was he not stable he couldn't be moved? KAYE: I wanted to know that same thing, actually, and he called it a scoop-and-run. That's when they pick up and transport right away. That did not happen in this case for a number of reasons, Anderson.

First of all, I'm told that Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal physician -- who we just heard a little bit more about from Ted there in Vegas -- he took responsibility at the scene, this fire captain told me. He was in charge. He was calling the shots. He decided and determined that it was best to work on him there for those 42 minutes and try and get him breathing at the scene.
Captain Ruda told me that when a patient is pulse-less and not breathing, there are many things of course that paramedics can do to try and get the heart beat again. They gave him oxygen, they gave him medicines that he would not name; nothing seemed to work.

But again, this is treatment that was prescribed at the scene, and that's why he wasn't transported. And in those 42 minutes, that's actually part of the "golden hour," I'm told. That's what paramedics call it. It's all the time they have to jump-start the blood pressure and get the heart going again.

The fire captain I've spoke with told me that if a patient is just too far gone, obviously, no matter how long they work on him, nothing is going to help.

COOPER: And how much time has to pass before a patient is simply too far gone?

KAYE: A patient, I'm told by this fire captain, can go without oxygen for about four to six minutes before severe brain damage sets in followed by death. I asked him if that's what happened in the case of Michael Jackson and the Captain Ruda told me, quote, "based on what paramedics saw at the scene, they tried every technique known in the field. Still, we know, he could not be saved."

In the end they loaded him into the ambulance at his rented mansion in Beverly Hills. It was about a two-mile drive or so from there to the UCLA Emergency Room. It took a little over four minutes and as we know now, that is where he died.
he was already dead all these lies from Harvey that they did not find vein because he was riddled with needle marks is absurd to say the least .
a dead person has no pressure so no blood in veins , as simple as that , the paramedics themselves said although they tried everything they knew he WAS FAR LONG GONE . I don't care what tmz said or is saying . MJ was DEAD when the paramedics arrived and they indicated that many times .

I know he was dead. This is not my point.
1.Follower fans say the same that he lost a lot of weight and his body changed.
2.Klein covers his ass but for some reason he speaks about MJ's body change plus needle marks on paramedical reports from TMZ.
3.Frank said MJ was healthy but according TMZ , one person got a weird phone call the day MJ passed from Frank and he was talking about MJ not eating well.
I do not know how to put those things together. It gets very controversial.
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What does that mean? What is a body disorder?

Here's the medical definition:

Body dysmorphic disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which you can't stop thinking about a flaw with your appearance — a flaw either that is minor or that you imagine. But to you, your appearance seems so shameful and distressing that you don't want to be seen by anyone. Body dysmorphic disorder has sometimes been called "imagined ugliness."
Credit to Justthefacts :

The coroner found puncture wounds not needle marks. Puncture wounds are small holes, needle marks are bruises. That is why no one saw needle marks on Michael when they saw his arms. He had many puncture wounds because they were trying to revive him. And they never healed because he was already dead
The coroner found puncture wounds not needle marks. Puncture wounds are small holes, needle marks are bruises. That is why no one saw needle marks on Michael when they saw his arms. He had many puncture wounds because they were trying to revive him. And they never healed because he was already dead

Sorry, but this is even WORSE than needle marks. Think about it what could it be. They just do not appear from nowhere. It means, someday did it to his body. It gets really scary. How those puncture wounds can appear from paramedical work? What they were doing to him?.
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Sorry, but this is even WORSE than needle marks. Think about it what could it be. They just do not appear from nowhere. It means, someday did it to his body. It gets really scary. How those puncture wounds can appear from paramedical work? What they were doing to him?.

they were trying to revive him, they were looking for a vein everywhere they knew he was dead but murray told him he was still alive . and for 42 minutes they kept injecting and injecting and there was no blood because the heart did stop and there was no pressure so no lood in veins . could you imagine how many times he was reinjected with needles at his house by the paramedics and then at UCLA , two hours of needle injections , the autopsy report would mention the needle injections on his body but who made them ? the paramedics did cause the majority of these marks on his body . a riddled body with marks was the result of two hours of paramedics works
they were trying to revive him, they were looking for a vein everywhere they knew he was dead but murray told him he was still alive . and for 42 minutes they kept injecting and injecting and there was no blood because the heart did stop and there was no pressure so no lood in veins . could you imagine how many times he was reinjected with needles at his house by the paramedics and then at UCLA , two hours of needle injections , the autopsy report would mention the needle injections on his body but who made them ? the paramedics did cause the majority of these marks on his body . a riddled body with marks was the result of two hours of paramedics works

The sad part about it is that EMT's/paramedics aren't trained to find veins in neck or penis which could ONLY be done by a doctor....Im glad you brought this up, Why didn't Conrad Murray give Michael an IV through his neck????? **WONDERS**
I didn't see this mentioned... but I swear Arnie said you can read more in the book... which means... he is going to write a book.

Did anyone else hear this?
Well, this is the first I'm hearing that the doctor administering propofol (according to Klein) can get sedated by the patient exhaling it. Klein wonders if Dr. Murray may have fallen asleep from inhaling the propofol from MJ. This sounds preposterous...or is it. I have a headache again...heh.
The sad part about it is that EMT's/paramedics aren't trained to find veins in neck or penis which could ONLY be done by a doctor....Im glad you brought this up, Why didn't Conrad Murray give Michael an IV through his neck????? **WONDERS**

Some of this boarders on too much information.

Can we all just conclude that Klien is full of it and move on. He obviously does not know what the hell is he is talking about and even TMZ can see it. If you cannot even get a tabloid to believe, you really have screwed up.

As for why he is pushing for Michael to be an addict. I honestly cannot say, since I do not see how blaming Michael for this and that helps him.

Him saying this and dumping Michael's personal history at the drop of a hat really should get his license suspended. I do no know too many people who would be willing to see a doctor who would sell your personal business for $.
Wow. TMZ isn't buying it either eh? Even they know he's full of it. As for why he is trying so hard to make Michael out to be an addict, he is just falling in with the rest of the trash-yackers to save himself if the storm comes his way.
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Well, this is the first I'm hearing that the doctor administering propofol (according to Klein) can get sedated by the patient exhaling it. Klein wonders if Dr. Murray may have fallen asleep from inhaling the propofol from MJ. This sounds preposterous...or is it. I have a headache again...heh.

see this is another proof that klien is smoking something . this conclusion is UNHEARD of . go get a propofol bottle and put your nose into it and see if you get sedated -_- Klien is officially insane .
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