TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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Honestly, I feel for Klein. He is pathetic and annoying now. His lies are becoming more frequent. What else will he frabricate rubbish to feed the press as he knows he will be going down. Maybe he is the mouth piece of Murray!
Does this unrealible Doctor still have clients? or is he now making his money by selling lies to TMZ?
In california, I thought they were serious about Patient/Doctor confidentiality? What happened to HIPPA? They fired health care workers when they peeked into Maria Swirver's Medical records. How is this motor mouth man is allowed to get away with murder?
He needs to be told to shut up.

I wonder (it seems likely) if he got paid for chatting with TMZ. His celeb clients (if he has any left) should RUN for the hills! Look how fast he is willing to share confidential information. This verbal diarrhea from Klein is because they are looking at his involvement in MJ's murder and Klein is scared. But they will get him for self-medicating whether or not they get him for anything relating to the murder.
the problem is no one is losing sleep over what Klien is saying but us the fans and we can't sue him . the people who could sue are the family and the estate . Neither is willing to shut klien up .and If klien got any signal someone was going to sue him he would not have said the things he is saying now. he has a green light to say whatever he wants about mj .

the family won't sue him because he is destroying mj's legacy , they will sue him for "taking advantage of the retard brother Michael and enabling the junkie MJ " as for all the talk about the kids and the drugs dependence it all help the family's cause .

Branca on the other hand will have to fight not only Klien but the family, he would need people who have to testify that mj was not the man klien is trying to portray and in most cases the family are those witnesses , unfortunately the family's opinion of mj is very much documented , those sold stories to tabloids will help vindicate both Murray and Klien .
Ok, I will not watch this moron, but reading your comments has my blood boiling. I know I posted today how I wish all of Michaels fans would stop attacking people and each other without proof. And I meant it.

BUT, the two faced, media whoring, cowardly, slime sucking, travesty that is Arnie Klein is fair game. So, Michael, if you can hear me up there, sorry, here I go again!

If you stand close enough to Arnie Klein, you can hear the ocean.

Arnie, I hear want to tell your side of the story. Pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.

We can always tell when Arnie is lying. His lips move.

If we were to kill everybody who hates Arnie, it wouldn't be murder; it would be genocide!

STFU A**Hole!
Klein doesn't know shit about the 93 allegations their was NO MATCH! He thinks their was because that's the lie that's been spread for so long that he just came up with some dumb ass excuse that only made MJ look worse to those that believe the 93 allegations.

One of the other guys that worked for TMZ Mike I believed explained in another TMZ online video that investigators gave Jordan a drawing of a mans Penis and told him to draw the markings on the Penis that he said MJ had on his. LOL And that is the documents TMZ said they had and saw. LOL

So it sounds like theirs two drawings then....? The one Evan Chandler did with his own theory mind you and the one the cops made Jordan draw on? LOL

Either way their was NO MATCH! Plus, Two grand Juries saw these so called evidence and refused to indict MJ on charges! LET'S NOT FORGET THAT!

Also, MJ on the Primetime interview said their was NOT MATCH! Cause "He wouldn't be sitting here today if there were" And MJ was right and lisa marie even said the same thing, NO MATCH! And that it was printed in the news papers, but very small. That they didn't make it big news compared to the other stuff, which is still true today cause the media don't want people to know that TRUTH!

When Lisa Marie said that children followed MJ everywhere even to the bathroom and his bedroom that didn't mean MJ peed infront of them or may have saw him naked she was just saying he was very popular and they just wanted to be around him all the time.

Shit so would I, lol! The reason why I'm bringing up what Lisa said here is because I think people are trying to connect the pee crap lie with what she said and someone said about MJ in the shower! Which I don't believe for a second! That wasn't even a defense for MJ 93 allegations or the 2005 trial!
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the problem is no one is losing sleep over what Klien is saying but us the fans and we can't sue him . the people who could sue are the family and the estate . Neither is willing to shut klien up .and If klien got any signal someone was going to sue him he would not have said the things he is saying now. he has a green light to say whatever he wants about mj .

the family won't sue him because he is destroying mj's legacy , they will sue him for "taking advantage of the retard brother Michael and enabling the junkie MJ " as for all the talk about the kids and the drugs dependence it all help the family's cause .

Branca on the other hand will have to fight not only Klien but the family, he would need people who have to testify that mj was not the man klien is trying to portray and in most cases the family are those witnesses , unfortunately the family's opinion of mj is very much documented , those sold stories to tabloids will help vindicate both Murray and Klien .


I have great respect for your insight, but I must disagree slightly with you.

Klien is a moron and his lies are so bad that even TMZ are picking up on them. The only person Klien is hurting is himself. If you were to put him on the stand, even a mediocre lawyer could rip this guy's lies apart. I am able to do it and I never set foot in law school or watch Law and Order.

Klien, in my opinion, is no different than Uri, Deepak, and the Rabbi, they are all full of ish. They are just talking heads that no one is going to remember in a year. The only people who are listening to him are fans and haters, so the mainstream has no idea this guy exist outside of Larry King.

I say, let him talk and continue to hang himself with his fairytales.
if you go to and search for debbie rowe you can find a few pictures made in his office...but she's not nude
the problem is the family can join the estate and file a lawsuit against Klien but they won't . why ?

I have great respect for your insight, but I must disagree slightly with you.

Klien is a moron and his lies are so bad that even TMZ are picking up on them. The only person Klien is hurting is himself. If you were to put him on the stand, even a mediocre lawyer could rip this guy's lies apart. I am able to do it and I never set foot in law school or watch Law and Order.

Klien, in my opinion, is no different than Uri, Deepak, and the Rabbi, they are all full of ish. They are just talking heads that no one is going to remember in a year. The only people who are listening to him are fans and haters, so the mainstream has no idea this guy exist outside of Larry King.

I say, let him talk and continue to hang himself with his fairytales.

unlike Uri, Deepak an the NoRabbi , Klien was there with mj for the last day of his life . to the public , he is credible because he was still close to mj .

Klien is talking about mj's medical history is more than enough ground for a succeesful lawsuit . but leaving him talking like that without anyone even trying to address his claims is sending signals to people that what this man is saying is true .
TMZ is TMZ. It's a gossip website and as long as someone's willing to go there and run their mouth about Michael Jackson, they will gladly have them in the newsroom. more trash = more cash for them.

Arnie Klein needs to go sit the f*ck down somewhere! Sorry for the language, but I'm mad as hell. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw that video. I was watching it like this :bugeyed.
I wonder (it seems likely) if he got paid for chatting with TMZ.

just a fyi : TMZ does NOT pay for any stories, interviews or tips. They say if they pay it would only generate lying (people will lie to make up stories to get paid).

they say that they would only pay for pictures and/or videos.
sorry but it's true, I've seen the pic. She was topless. It was spread around the world in media around 98-99. I think the article with the pic is still somewhere in Michael's materials I used to collect back then

oh it's real? I thought it was photoshoped
anyway I'm not going to watch the video I don't want to ruin my's horrifying to think Michael was in the hands of a man like him all these years
Klien is talking about mj's medical history is more than enough ground for a succeesful lawsuit .

actually klein's lawyers talked about this at Larry King. They told the Klein's medical records about MJ was collected by the investigators during both accusations and therefore majority of it is public and MJ approved him talking about Lupus/ Vitilago etc conditions. So they said that he is not breaking doctor-patient privilege.
Repulsive Dr klein wants money.He is looking for a huge pay day.He not only wants the jacksons to back off. He wants the jacksons or michael's estate to pay him to go away.No doubt TMZ is paying cash poor Dr ugly to talk.He has the credibility of a cockroach.
TMZ said that Klein called them and said that he wants to clean his name from all those rumors around him. This journalist came to his house one day and they agreed to make this interview. Klein told TMZ that he wants ppl to know the truth.
So, it was his own idea to give this interview. Obviously, his ass in on fire now and he is losing his business. I just do not understand how he can clean his name by telling BS and dirty staff about his patient or another person? How it gonna help him? This guy is out of his mind.
if Klien does not have a waiver signed by MJ that allows him to talk then he is breaking the law . they can claim the medical records were seized but we certainly did not see them at all .they are sealed because MJ did not waive his rights .I saw no medical record confirming mj had vitiligo , and certainly not lupus .
Klien is the the worst intestinal parasite I've ever seen and the worse kind of friend anyone could ever want to cross pathes with...he's just pure evil, crazy and GROSS!!!

I hope Debbie cleans his clock if he did talk about her..she has one lawsuit pending..Klien will be exposed...his day is coming.
I am going to take a bath. I feel awfully dirty for some reason. They called him paranoid, mental and disillusioned. He wasn't. He just couldn't trust anyone except his babies. Wow, that is sad. Goodnight MJ. I pray you get justice everynight. This evil cannot continue. It can't. Damn I am at a loss for words. Damn.


Klien is a moron and his lies are so bad that even TMZ are picking up on them. The only person Klien is hurting is himself. If you were to put him on the stand, even a mediocre lawyer could rip this guy's lies apart. I am able to do it and I never set foot in law school or watch Law and Order.


Oh my God you are right. He is so outragious even TMZ isn't buying his crap?
Klein is the one putting himself out there because he is scared and trying to saved his business and his reputation! lol No one but, himself is even talking about him or MJ anymore other media outlets aren't even talking about the MJ case anymore.

Klein came out of no where a few weeks ago and came on Larry King because he is trying to save his reputation because peeps are looking at him as one of the reasons MJ is no longer here! Now he goes on TMZ because he is in panic he must know some shit is coming! Going broke or something! LOL

Klein own criminal lawyer called this fool "HIGH Matenence" and certainly have his "own views on things" LOL! WOW!
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actually klein's lawyers talked about this at Larry King. They told the Klein's medical records about MJ was collected by the investigators during both accusations and therefore majority of it is public and MJ approved him talking about Lupus/ Vitilago etc conditions. So they said that he is not breaking doctor-patient privilege.

I just want to ask you a question why are you always defending Harvey and TMZ ? they are tabloids and they pay people money to tell their "stories" ,

they are not credible , although sometimes they got it right . "Jackson died of a demerol overdose" remember that right ????????

and why that asshole Harvey keep talking about aliases and doctor shopping ?

in the search warrants the police listed names of mj's innercircle and suggested that he MAY HAVE been using them as aliases because the investigators listed the MEDIA reports AND THE JACKSON FAMILY as sources who informed them mj was using aliases to obtain drugs .

second Omar Arnolds and Mike Jackson ...etc were indeed found on the files but inside these files the name of the patient was always Michael jACKSON . nothing illegal about that, Harvey himself said that , why now he is changing his tune .

in 2003 they seized xtacy , marijuana , demerol ...etc

they claime they belonged to mj , extacy and marijuana were found in a container in the kitchen :mello: do anyone believe mj would have left them in the kitchen and left to Las vegas ?

only ONE half empty bottle of demerol was found in neverland in 2003 not even in the main house . but I'm not denying he had a problem with painkillers back then .

also they found two prescription drugs to Frank Tyson, alprazolam which is "Xanax" prescribed by klien and VanValin

and Zanax prescribed to Manual Rivera .

is it really hard to believe that Frank himself was taking the xnax not mj, frank was living there .

all this pics of drugs found in neverland , even the liar sneddon did not say all these drugs were indeed found .

what I listed above were mentioned by the PROSECUTION in their motion asking for this evidence to be presented to the jury . sneddon did not say we found many bottles of demerol in his bedroom, he said from media reports jackson was a very long time demerol and morphine addict and we did find a half empty bottle of demerol at his ranch . ....that what sneddon said

but harvey's pics suggest they found a pharmacy there .
it only means that Michael had insecurities. AS WE ALL DO. to us ... they call it "self esteem" or "insecurities".... but of course when its Michael Jackson they have to make it some that is SALACIOUS and RIDICULOUS.:no:

I think a body disorder is worse than insecurities. If Klein really believed that, then he shouldn't have been giving him treatments. Actually....I don't want to get too much into MJ's business but my understanding was that the recent treatment (non-vitiligo related) was to fix previous work from Dr. Hoeflin. Anyone can correct me if I'm wrong. MODS if you want me to clean up my post, I'll gladly do so.

Klein is desperate to deflect attention away from himself. I wonder if he means that he thinks MJ had Body Dysmorphic Disorder. I don't think he even believes his own lies. MJ didn't have a body disorder. MJ just had insecurities like we all do. Thing is he's much richer than the rest of us.

The media thinks nothing is wrong with shows like "The Swan", yet MJ who had way less done than those people (the number he's done is always exaggerated) is nuts in their opinion. What consistency. :smilerolleyes:

Again this is just another way of Klein saying 'I was trying to help MJ, I did nothing wrong.'

Caved in means like sinking in or falling in. But I don't know what Klein was asked that made him reply that. I haven't watched this recent interview.

More lies. Sickening. He is a dermatologist not a plastic surgeon. He was not MJ's plastic surgeon. He's saying what will sound good to the media which are salacious things.
Oh ok thank you guys!!

Again, I think it's crazy that a doctor is talking about a patient like that!! Isn't he afraid of being sue? OR Isnt he ashamed of himself for saying such things??
Lets PRETEND (I said pretend ;)) that it was true that Michael would do things in front of people that he thought was funny! He does NOT have to tell it to the whole world!! :mello: :bugeyed
FIRST- It is his patient business. SECOND- Michael trusted him.
I just dont know anymore... :doh:
Klein is the one putting himself out there because he is scared and trying to saved his business and his reputation! lol No one but, himself is even talking about him or MJ anymore other media outlets aren't even talking about the MJ case anymore.

Klein came out of no where a few weeks ago and came on Larry King because he is trying to save his reputation because peeps are looking at him as one of the reasons MJ is no longer here! Now he goes on TMZ because he is in panic he must know some shit is coming! Going boke or something! LOL

Klein own criminal lawyer called this fool HIGH Matenence and certainly have his own views on things LOL! WOW!

Funny thing about it is that if he kept his mouth shut, he would had been okay.

No drug that the gave Michael was found in his body, so even if he did give him too many to take home he would have not been convicted of manslaughter since that is not what killed his patient.

Given these crazy interviews, he had a guilty conscious about something regarding Michael. Someone who believe they are innocent of wrongdoing do not go to TMZ to make their case, in my personal opinion.
and why is klien still lying about the propofol thing? how getting propofol only when you have a tour is considered addiction ?
Grace has lupus too, does that mean the drug she was getting were also for MJ and she was an alias ? because they found a prescribtion drug related to Grace somehow and suggested that was for mj . just saying .
:smilerolleyes: Too many lies so he can't keep them all straight. He's starting to mix things up.

:timer: I can't wait for Debbie's response. I hope one of her friends shows her the things Klein has been saying about her.

:yes: You got it.

THANK YOU!!! Harvey should be ashamed of himself for continuing to encourage that lie.

Seems like it isn't worth watching.
One thing is bothers me that Klein says that last time he saw MJ he had no needle marks on his body. TMZ has a paramedical report which clearly shows that Michael’s body was a mess with needle marks and they found only one spot to inject him beside his knee. I do not know what to think about it if Klein said the truth or not at this point. Obviously, paramedical report is pretty accurate. Klein may say a half of the truth as well. He said also, that MJ body went through very bad physical and mental changes three weeks before MJ passed. The question is, if Klein saw those changes why he was lying before saying that MJ was fine and even danced in his office? Why he didn’t do anything with this situation? This question has to be asked during the trial.
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One thing is bothers me that Klein says that last time he saw MJ he had no needle marks on his body. TMZ has a paramedical report which clearly shows that Michael’s body was a mess with needle marks and they found only one spot to inject him beside his knee. I do not know what to think about it if Klein said the truth or not at this point. Obviously, paramedical report is pretty accurate. Klein may say a half of the truth as well. He said also, that MJ body went through very bad physical and mental changes three weeks before MJ passed. The question is, if Klein saw those changes why he was lying before saying that MJ was fine and even danced in his office? Why he didn’t do anything with this situation? This question has to asked during the trial.

MJ was "FAR LONG GONE " when the paramedics arrived according to them , so the whole thing about not being able to find a vein and had to inject him in his neck has nothing to do with needle marks all over his body .

but yes the autopsy report leaked say there were many needle marks on mj's arms , how come Klien is claiming he did not see them ?
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