TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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I am terrified Michael was in the hands of such person. And I am outraged at the way how he mixed his remarks about how he loved and was friend with Michael with the unacceptable comments about Michael's looks and very private medical issues!
Dude, Wtf? Really?

Now am waiting for Murry to come out and talk about how "I LOVED the movie, Mike my friend was great!"

Just when I think nothing will surprise me anymore...There goes Kline...
Its with Love, L.O.V.E........................... Right? :smilerolleyes:

Not to use Michael's words in vain but...

For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...

Before you make such a strong statement you better read the rules on this board. I hope it helps.
TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

Posted Nov 5th 2009 4:05PM by TMZ Staff
Dr. Arnold Klein has shown up at the TMZ offices to appear on TMZ live at 1:30 PM PT, 4:30 PM ET today.

Dr. Klein -- who bailed before his scheduled appearance on Tuesday -- promises to tell all about his most famous patient, Michael Jackson.

Dr. Klein will talk with Harvey Levin -- no restrictions.

Come back at 1:30 PM PT, 4:30 PM ET.

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No, thanx, doctor. I am not taking your suspicious medication down my stomach. No way! Thank you very much and wish you all the best :hi:
Dr. Arnie Klein comes off as totally psychotic. He said Elizabeth Taylor supports him but why did she remove him from her twitter? I think he's throwing in small "truths" (oviously the fans new about the duet with prince, the scared of dogs thing....crap like that) but 85%-90% of this is all lies. That pee story is bologna. More importantly WHY ARE PEOPLE ACTING LIKE JORDIE'S DESCRIPTION WAS AN EXPLICIT AND EXACT MATCH!!!!??? ARGh!
Another thing that is blatantly obvious is that Arnie is under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. His speech is frequently incoherent and he constantly contradicts himself, gets confused or loses his train of thought.
Everyones talking now and it's all ONLINE outlets... smh... freaking crazy that was. Michael under a microscope in life and afterlife....
I don't care what the hell is Jewish, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist or the devil himself. He needs to shut up. I am religious but sick of people claiming denomination. An idiot comes in all forms and races.

couldnt have said it any better myself.
For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...

Surprised I didnt read this post before. Seriously, dont bring religion in to it. He hasn't spoken highly of Michael. He's said exactly what we would expect a worried man to say. Making up stories about how he and Michael were best friends and how emotional the film was for him.

I havent seen a post here saying "I dont like Dr. Klein because he is Jewish". We wouldnt think of posting something like that, we have much more logical reasons. And that last statement about MJJC ill stay out of quite frankly.
"Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad
from someone whos last name begins with gold. (so dont even go there) playing that "card" is pathetic. klien is a bleeper whether his name is goldstein. hussein, o reily, smith,jones or anything else. and for you to imply otherwise shows your ignorance more than any other person on this board.
I don't care what the hell is Jewish, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist or the devil himself. He needs to shut up. I am religious but sick of people claiming denomination. An idiot comes in all forms and races.

exactly. the mans an bleeper regardless.
from someone whos last name begins with gold. (so dont even go there) playing that "card" is pathetic. klien is a bleeper whether his name is goldstein. hussein, o reily, smith,jones or anything else/ and for you to imply otherside shows your ignorance more than any other person on this board.

You make a whole lot of sense baby.
For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...

Dude, wth? r u serious with this SH!T?

The fact that we /some of us dont like Kline is cuz He lies...He lied about Knowing Murry...and lied about Murry calling him the Morning Michael Died....and lots of other things...And instead of making accusations, ASK! k? hun. Its just one of the Stupidest things that I've heard soo far. I cant believe you bring religion thing on this thread?

But now I think about very funny...I dont even think u're a fan...u might be Dr. Klien him self...omg...what a thought.

I'm telling you this With Love, L.O.V.E...

lets see if you get that...hmpf...
For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...
If you have the impression that he only spoke HIGHLY of him...then you have no understanding of English...
he get all his lies and stupid stories from the press like the Oxegen champer.

he wants to say some lies about Grace and Joe Jacksons but Harvey though he is a lier himself but at least he knew the truth and tried to stop him.
i wonder if kliens got any hollywood clients left now? guess hes gotta make his money some how!
I think this is how Klien works...First he talks about MICHAEL as being his best friend and that he was an amazing person and human being...then when we(fans) start to believe what he says, then thats when he does a am waiting for something to come up now...
I want to read this interview now or to watch it again, just to go through some details. This moron said a lot weird things.I wonder if it will be available on TMZ????
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