TMZ Live -- Dr. Arnie Klein ... Take Two

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Something fishy is going on for sure..

Dude is going down. Klein you have the right to remain silent anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. He know's it is coming. Take what he says and burn it because he wants people to believe MJ committed assisted suicide. This is what you call covering your big Klein A**.
My God, this man is completely out of it. The things he is saying. I am completely astonished. This is so disgusting.

Poor Michael. I'm on the verge of tears. :cry:
He is so contradicting he says he saw the movie; then he says he did not see it cause he got too emotional. Just look at his face and you can see the truth straight away...
He changed the subject from something about sleep drugs to how he couldnt get through the movie. Friggin answer the question...
I don't whether to cry or to laugh at this idiot. He is off his rocker. He is making a fool of himself.
can somebody tell me the highlights of what he said i missed it ..
Anybody can explain to me why Debbie was taking those nude pictures at his office? This is really weird LOL Did I miss something?
I've been a fan for 26 years. nothing that anyone could say would stop me loving MJ.
:bugeyed :scratch: :doh:
Ok, I watched Dr. Klein's chatter ... my head's spinning. :blink:

What on earth is he doing??? Why is he talking about this whole stuff publicly???
I don't get it fully yet ... :no:
For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...
this man is crazy, he wants to make up stories...

all what he talked about was thing he got from the press. he knew almost nothing.
maybe Mj visited him once or twice at his stinky house and he make it a long life relationship,his lie about the injections and medicine.
u see how he lied about watching the movie.

man there is an Agnenda against MJ that we do not know of.
For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...
I don't care about his nationality! For my sake he could be a penguin and I wouldn't care. But his story about peeing is just ridiculous! Michael didn't want to go to toilet cause he would be recognized. Cry or laugh?
For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...

I don't care what the hell is Jewish, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist or the devil himself. He needs to shut up. I am religious but sick of people claiming denomination. An idiot comes in all forms and races.
For what I hear, He only speak highly of Michael... Except for the hilarious story about urinating in a cup... Interesting most of you don't have anything bad to say about "Dr" Tomme tomme.. It sounds as the only problem you guys have with Dr Klein is the fact that he is a Jew... So much for keeping Michael's legacy... Sometimes I wonder if one of the J's in MJJC is for "Jihad"...

How dare you!!! WTF!?! You're outta here, buddy!
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