Timbaland working on MJ tracks?

I know, people need to think before they tweet someone. Aside from that basically he's dismissing anyone saying MJ releases should be treated with respect and he's saying fans' opinions don't matter.

I understand him and he is right. It's not Timbaland's fault (every producer in the world would accept that job, to work on MJ track!). I believe Timbaland will do his best. I'm blaming the Estate once again for giving the song to someone who never worked with MJ and to someone who didn't originally worked on the song.

But if that's their plan, to do remixes instead of following MJ's vision then they HAVE TO release the original versions as well on a separate disc. That is not that hard and I'm sure they would do that if someone can tell them that that's what fans want. So please, someone here who is in contact with the Estate tell them that Disc 2 with the original versions is essential this time.
I understand him and he is right. It's not Timbaland's fault (every producer in the world would accept that job, to work on MJ track!). I believe Timbaland will do his best. I'm blaming the Estate once again for giving the song to someone who never worked with MJ and to someone who didn't originally worked on the song.

But if that's their plan, to do remixes instead of following MJ's vision then they HAVE TO release the original versions as well on a separate disc. That is not that hard and I'm sure they would do that if someone can tell them that that's what fans want. So please, someone here who is in contact with the Estate tell them that Disc 2 with the original versions is essential this time.

Teddy Riley or Lenny Kravitz anybody?
Teddy Riley or Lenny Kravitz anybody?

Teddy Riley - someone who didn't originally worked on the song

I would love to hear Joy - produced by him, not by McClain or Timbaland or Tricky (that one should have been on MICHAEL)

I like Another Day.
Teddy Riley - someone who didn't originally worked on the song

I would love to hear Joy - produced by him, not by McClain or Timbaland or Tricky (that one should have been on MICHAEL)

I like Another Day.

But Teddy worked with Michael. Same we can say about Akon.

People are not satisfied with their work. Same we can say about Eddie.

Give the guys a chance and we'll judge after.

Also many people said "The Way You Love Me" sounds like mainstream-pop music. And it's done by Neff-U.
But if that's their plan, to do remixes instead of following MJ's vision then they HAVE TO release the original versions as well on a separate disc. That is not that hard and I'm sure they would do that if someone can tell them that that's what fans want. So please, someone here who is in contact with the Estate tell them that Disc 2 with the original versions is essential this time.

They don't have to, and they won't. That, for one, would make the set more expensive for consumers because of two discs. This is unfortunately a pipe dream many fans want that will not happen. Besides, Timbaland is the ONLY outside producer that has worked on new MJ songs. Michael Prince and Brad Buxer also worked on them. It is really that big of a deal if one or two songs are slightly remixed?
Timbaland has his talent but its definitely not a producer I'd pick for him for some obvious reasons.. Am I appose to him working on mj music? No, mainly because mjs music would have a vision that mj built that timbaland would have to work with.. I just want him to keep the sound to its authentic roots though!!

And sadly authenticity is not timbalands strong point.. I'm more a let's see what he has to bring. He's not then worst choice for sure, but I would have hand picked other.
I hope he somehow get inspired to develop some new sounds for this. He has basically been recycling his beats for years now, but we know Michael can change people.
I hope when they do release them they don't alter them, I want raw demos :D :p

the family know michael better than anyone, and his kids know that the fans want the best releases for his legacy, let's keep hope :') i think blanket may be the one who owns it
the family know michael better than anyone, and his kids know that the fans want the best releases for his legacy, let's keep hope :') i think blanket may be the one who owns it

Keep the faith mate. Don't let the past judge your thoughts.

Timbaland knows what he is doing. What he and Michael have in common is the ability to stay the best by inventing themselves every time again.
I think Timbaland could do a good job here. He's done some great tracks in the past. I don't necessarily think that only and exclusively people who worked with MJ in the past should work on new tracks. The ones who can make the best job should be chosen. The problem is, that the people who are in charge and take the decisions don't seem to be able to distinguish what's right and what's wrong. People who know what Michael would do (like for example Bruce Swedien) should be involved, independently of who the producer of the tracks is. I also don't think that to release Michael's songs the way Michael left them can always be the best decision. It depends on the track. Of course, it would be interesting to hear the demos of the songs, but if you intend to release more than just a rarities album, you have to finish the tracks.
I have not heard any mentioning aside mine of tims tendency to steal intramentals from others. IF that is something he did with mj music wouldn't that bother you?
I have not heard any mentioning aside mine of tims tendency to steal intramentals from others. IF that is something he did with mj music wouldn't that bother you?

If people chose to go with this idea, then the Estate maybe shouldn't release anything? (whait that happens?or this?or that thing?..etc)
I'm not against Tim working on mj music. Some of my earlier posts state that.. I'm just taken back with the craphe's getting, him stealing music would not be the top of the list.. Let alone not on it t all.

Its a well known issue with him. That's all, I'd still love to hear what he has to offer
I know what you mean. But I'm sure people that stated here that he has potential (IMWhizzle) know better than the casual listeners what he's capable of.
Apparently, Timbo insulted Invincible. Album of the decade - Billboard. Politely take several seats if true. If he did insult Michael's work, why want to work on it?
IMO mj was at his absolute peak with dangerous. HIStory was also great albeit a step behind Dangerous. But I do consider Invincible to be his weakest album. Not that it is bad by any means, it's just not up to scratch with his previous albums. Whatever happens is an absolute gem though.
I'm sure Timbaland feels that Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad are Michael's best overall albums, which is his personal opinion. He hasn't really ever said anything about Dangerous or HIStory, so I really wouldn't read too deep into his statements.
Well, he does say Michael lost it after he left Quincy thus after he did Bad. Don't see how that can mean anything else than that he did not like Dangerous, HIStory and Invincible really.
I think that Timbaland is one of those people jumping on the ''Michael lost it after he left Quincy'' bandwagon. With songs like Who Is It, Will You Be There, Give Into Me, Keep The Faith, They Don't Care About Us, Stranger In Moscow, Earth Song and Is It Scary how anyone can say that Michael ''lost it'' after Quincy is beyond me
To me each album has its strong points.. Off the wall had great melodic feels that dig deep into the soul.. Thriller expanded on a more pop feel and experimented down vocals he has only cables in before.. Bad took those hard edge vocal arrangememts and truely brought melody to a vocal sytronger than ever. With very catchy music.. Dangerous brought in his lower registers, there were a couple tracks that weren't tip top bests but the greats on there were amazing.. History, brought hard edge to a new level for him, he experimented with sounded never used before and all around great album.. Invincible was a " grower" for me, at first it didn't register in my soul like other albums but the highlight for the album to me was the control of his voice was mastered in a way of only years of experience can do.. There are great songs and songs Id never expect to be big hits.. Most mature album overall though.

All in all, mj music is truely on another level and these judgments are basically pinning mj against mj.. That's all we can judge!,

Timbaland could bring something interesting to the table.. What id really like (which is far fetch) to have a group of fans to senses the tracks from all producers of possible release tracks and have legitimate input of what makes the cut.
Will we get what Timbo wants, or what Michael Jackson wanted?

*if he is working on this, judging by that DJ he is.*
I think that Timbaland is one of those people jumping on the ''Michael lost it after he left Quincy'' bandwagon. With songs like Who Is It, Will You Be There, Give Into Me, Keep The Faith, They Don't Care About Us, Stranger In Moscow, Earth Song and Is It Scary how anyone can say that Michael ''lost it'' after Quincy is beyond me
Exactly. You don't need to be a producer to know that those songs are some of the best work ever made. World class material.

"lost it", puh.
Apparently, Timbo insulted Invincible. Album of the decade - Billboard. Politely take several seats if true. If he did insult Michael's work, why want to work on it?

One has the full right to express his opinion. 'Incvincible' is also in my opinion the weakest MJ album.

Tim loves the OTW, Thriller and BAD era and I understand why. Those albums were outstanding productions, state of the art mastered and engineered and they contained a lot of catchy, experimental songs.

Invincible was an ok album, but not by MJ standards.

When one says something, we often forget that there is more than meets the eye...

Have faith in Timbaland. He knows what he is doing in this business. He dares things that other producers don't come up with.

Since JT's Sexyback (AWESOME TRACK) any other producer in the business wanted to use that formula in a certain way.

Timbaland is a trend setter, and MJ was too. Perfect match.
I agree about Invincible being Michael's weakest album but I think Dangerous was his best, so I definitely disagree that MJ lost it after Quincy. He actually made his best album after Quincy, IMO.
Sub tweeting by rodney jerkins? very possible.

''The worst thing is when u have a lot of great producers, great writers, great features all on 1 album but still don't have a cohesive sound.''

''Albums are meant 2 be a musical journey, a music experience of the artist life so that fans connect 2 the whole story not to just 1 chapter.''

''When u watch a Steven Spielberg movie it isn't a Steven, Michael Bay, Brett Ratner, Jerry Bruckheimer, Lee Daniels, George Lucas film.''

seems very interesting, can anyone delve deeper into this?

Source: https://twitter.com/RodneyJerkins/status/370339634464571392, https://twitter.com/RodneyJerkins/status/370340068788944896 &
^^ Thanks for the heads up Zakk! I would say if anything the second tweet about the "musical experience of the artist's life" is probably the biggest hint towards Michael.
I would love to hear a song of Michael's on the radio. Like everyday radio in there with all the current songs today. I am not talking about Billie Jean and Beat it. I think it would be great. That's just me anyways.
^^ Thanks for the heads up Zakk! I would say if anything the second tweet about the "musical experience of the artist's life" is probably the biggest hint towards Michael.

you're welcome, but he stated that it was just one chapter? ''not to just 1 chapter''
Eclectic collection of random songs again, just like the Michael album would be AMAZING! Capture all the era's and gets lots of different messages in there!11! !1

*High sarcasm intended. Michael's albums to me, reflect times in his life. HIStory stands out as the example. If they have just lumped songs from 1989,1993,1998,2002 etc together, it all has no aim to it. But in saying that, is there enough for a one era album?*

This "one chapter" thing excites me aswell. A whole album of angry Michael again like HIStory with the odd slow beauty? YES PLEASE! HIStory is my favourite album so I'm so biased but :p