Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

The production leaves a lot to be desired, Michael sounds wonderful, but they could have auto-tuned the one off key word he sings towards the end. Shoddy effort production wise.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

yeah i noticed thats a line sony are spinning "to be performed", "song of the concerts", no, not at all. its just a coincidence. dies 2 weeks before the show starts and didnt have that thing sorted out...cmon now.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

no way will i buy the new album!!! why?? i have most of those songs already!!! people stop falling into the repackaged old hits trap!! how many more will you buy???
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

The production leaves a lot to be desired, Michael sounds wonderful, but they could have auto-tuned the one off key word he sings towards the end. Shoddy effort production wise.

I'm hoping this isn't the final version. Could be they knew it would be ripped and bootlegged so the album cuts are more slickly produced.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I think people are getting mixed up. The song is being used in the concert film, at the end. I don't think it was ever being used in the live concert tour.

This song is being used purely because of the title and to go with the film. That's fine. I like the song. It was recorded a long time ago. I just hope that any newly recorded material is produced with the high standard and perfection that Michael would do in the future.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

i like that something new is out there and the song is not bad either, but i believe that there are songs which were better. i guess sony choose this because of the "this is it" fitting to the tour theme. but i dont think michael wanted this song on the tour programm, i dont think he practised it and probably we will see the song at the fade out of the film, so it was not planned to be used on the tour. i also think they chose it becauseof its lyrics, so it fits good to the end of the movie. ah and i also think they recognized that there is a safire version around of it, so i guess thats the reason why you cant buy it as single!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I think its great to see so much buzz about the single. Its a demo but its got three trending topics on Twitter. A Michael Jackson demo has created all this buzz around the world? You know he's up there smiling to himself about this.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I cant listent to it the sony page doesnt play the song for me...:(
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I want to buy it....but i cant....
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I Lovvvvvveee it! Quintessentially Michael's voice!
I'm sooo so buying the album.
Had this been a single it would chart platinum a few times over and hit the roof! And then pick up the album for collector's item!
Sony ! what were you thinking?
Can't wait for the rest in the vault. Anything he touches in that Thriller era is pure GOLD!!!!!
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Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Who's buy this album then?

I don't want to but I feel so guilty - like Michael would be mad.

Ummmm....if you know Michael like WE know Michael, you'd know that he probably wouldn't want you to support the soundtrack. He just kept repackaging stuff so he could get out of the contract with Sony. The sole reason I'm going to even see the MOVIE (twice, and maybe a third time) is because I bought tickets to the concerts in London - I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I was planning on going! I almost feel like Michael might not have wanted us to see the rehearsals in the movie because the product just wasn't finished, and I don't think he likes to put out unfinished sounding stuff - he definitely went back and finished "In The Back" for the UC even though you could tell where he slid his new vocals in. But I'm going for the chance to see him in a new light, closer than I've ever seen him before (if you don't count YouTube that is ;) ).

Michael wouldn't be mad if you didn't buy it, don't feel guilty, you'll be fine :D
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I actually think it's a great shame they have released this with so much hype. Sure, put it on the album and use it at the end of the movie but I think this will not do much good to Michael's legacy as it's quite a poor song and the general public will be disappointed. He should be kept on a high note...
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I actually think it's a great shame they have released this with so much hype. Sure, put it on the album and use it at the end of the movie but I think this will not do much good to Michael's legacy as it's quite a poor song and the general public will be disappointed. He should be kept on a high note...

as opposed to the lack of promotion for Invincible?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

It sounds unfinished..but I really like it, I love to hear MJs voice..

It's just I won't support this whole "this is it" thing from the movie to the cds and merchandise.
They knew how bad Michael felt in the last weeks...and they did NOTHING.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

i love it .

i love you michael,indefinitely.. .

nice to see you here, enjoying this experience of this great song, along with me.


I’m with you guys! :huggy:

I am glad that we are still getting excited over Michael and we all gather in such events, I hope this continuous forever.

Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

as opposed to the lack of promotion for Invincible?

You Rock My World premiere was as big if not bigger than this. They had all the security stuff and it was premiered on UK radio stations and even TV first thing in the morning. The Big Breakfast (Channel 4 in the UK and huge at the time) unlocked the song from a briefcase and played 30 seconds of it live on air. Noone else would get that.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I’m with you guys! :huggy:

I am glad that we are still getting excited over Michael and we all gather in such events, I hope this continuous forever.


i hope so, too.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Ohmygod....this is so hard! :cry: I love it, but I just wished they had done more about the music and make it sound a little more 'new'. It sounds really like a demo and I think Sony could do enough to change that. I can hear the potential, but it's not coming out yet.
Although the song is wonderful, I love it....so much! Wow.... :heart:

I absolutely agree! :yes:
The single is amazing, but I also feel they could have done more about the music to make it not sound like a demo.
The song is amazing I love it! :heart:
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I said in another thread that I noticed with the 43 second leak that there were two versions - one with a 'tinny' quality and one with a very good quality. Now I'm wondering if Sony put the 'tinny' version of the whole song up and are leaving the excellent quality one for the CD?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

"Sony sucks"
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

am not going to buy it for sure i dont like this is it song.its an old fashion ballad from 80s..and what the hell is that orchestra version?iwas expecting more!!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I'm trying to love the song...but I just can't...not working for me!!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Love it! lyrics are great Michaels voice is on top form.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I love hearing his voice in a never heard before song!
I agree it sounds unfinished but I do love it :)
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I don't know how I feel about it, it didn't instantly appeal to me like I thought it would, but his voice is stellar :D The media in my country is really positive to it, which is great! :D
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

That's what I love about it!
EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KUDOS:clapping:

guess if you don't like ballads then it won't work for you...
you like the screaming/angry mike more than the "making girls melt" mike..
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

As I said in the other thread, I like the song, and MJ's voice is fantastic on it, it's not one of his immediate stand-out songs though, and the production makes it seem like a unfinished demo....
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

“We just found the song,” Mr. Stringer said. “It was titled ‘This Is It.’ It was in a box, and we listened to it.”

“This Is It” was also to have been the title of Mr. Jackson’s 50-concert run in London, although the synergy is unclear; Mr. Stringer and others with knowledge of the production say the song was not part of it.
Read more: http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/showthread.php?t=78205

That's just what I thought, I'm almost sure this wasn't Michael's plan at all.:no: