Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

hmmm...mkgenie posted this:

I Never Heard


This is it
Here I stand
In the light of the world
Love is grand
And this love
I can feel
And I know
Yes, for sure
It is real

And it seems as though
I've seen your face a thousand times
And you know
That you've seen my face before
And you said that you don't want me
To come around
But many times
I'm gonna do it to this love

Ooh, yeah
I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
Come on, please, baby
I'm trustin'

This is it
Here I stand
With you I've got the world in my hands
And this love
That I feel
Yes, I know
That's for sure
This is real

In my dreams I've seen your face a thousand times
But I know
Never felt this way before
I look at you
And I can't believe the love I found
And I know
That I can never want for more

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
Come on, baby
I'm trustin'

This is it
(This is it)
Here I am
(Here I am)
I'm in love
And I'm at your command
(Your command)
This love
That I feel
(That I feel)
Never thought it could feel so real

I can feel you turn the key
That free my broken heart
Now I'm not afraid to love
Against some odds
And you're everything I know
That I can want and more
But I really didn't know it until now
No, no

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
Come on, baby
I'm trustin'

Oh, yeah
I never heard a single
(Word about you)
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I could be your lover
Come on, my baby
I'm trustin'

Oh, yeah
I never heard a single
(Word about you)
Oh, no
Come on, my baby
I'm trustin'
Yeah, yeah
I'm trustin'
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You see, you see
I never heard, I never heard
I never heard, I never heard
About you

Those would probably be the lyrics to Michael's This Is It? hmm..
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

i love it .

i love you michael,indefinitely.. .
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

where can I download the song?
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

They could not use a more catchy song unless they had permission to use it. I think ppl keep forgetting a little thing called "copyrights" and how they work. Sony does not have ownership of all of Michael's work. That still belongs to Michael, or rather, the Estate now. And regardless of how many catchy songs, finished or unfinished, that Sony wants to use, they cannot do so just becuz they want to. Someone has to give them permission. If they used This Is It, it's becuz they already were given permission to use the song. In what capacity is anyone's guess and up for speculation. But to say they could have used any other song is incorrect and untrue...not unless Michael gave them permission before he died or the Estate gives their permission. Come on, ppl. I know you all want NEWNEW material, but there are legalities that have to be done before that stuff can happen. It's not as simple as Sony saying "We want this song" and then releasing it. It just doesn't work that way. If it did, all the unreleased songs fans have been begging for over the past years would have been put on other GH packages. The reason they weren't is becuz Michael, the OWNER of his music, didn't give them permission. He had to agree to it before Sony could do it. And that doesn't change becuz he's passed away. Now, Sony has to go thru the Estate to get NEW and unreleased material.

This isn't in defense of Sony or anything. Just pointing out some facts on how things work. There is nothing in Sony's vaults that they can release without another signature agreeing to it. They distribute music that they have the rights to. However, they do not have publishing/copyrights to Michael's music. All those Greatest Hits some of you guys complained about...even T25...Michael had to sign off on the majority of those projects...altho I know many used to say he had no knowledge of them...even T25...which turned out to be way far from true. He was very much involved with that. sigh.
I haven't followed up on researching this, but according to Tommy Mottola, Sony owns MJ's unreleased material. But then, he's not in charge at Sony anymore. Anyone know any more about this?

At 1:50...

Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

BBC Radio 1 in the UK just played it not so long ago.

Chris Moyles and the gang said they really liked it, but agreed that it was a demo and Sony simply dug it up from his attic, lol. Nevertheless, they really liked it and said his voice sounded great and that it was very fitting.

Fearne Cotton also text Chris Moyles saying "Woohoo, this is great!" :D
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

BBC Radio 1 in the UK just played it not so long ago.

Chris Moyles and the gang said they really liked it, but agreed that it was a demo and Sony simply dug it up from his attic, lol. Nevertheless, they really liked it and said his voice sounded great and that it was very fitting.

Fearne Cotton also text Chris Moyles saying "Woohoo, this is great!" :D

if a demo can sound this good...darn Michael you really spoiled us. :wub:
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I don't know why I don't like it, it's average (of course if any other artist done it, it would be genius).

It just lacks that "Michael Jackson Quality" for me...ya'know?

And you can tell it's from the 80s because of the range of his voice.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I don't know why I don't like it, it's average (of course if any other artist done it, it would be genius).

It just lacks that "Michael Jackson Quality" for me...ya'know?

And you can tell it's from the 80s because of the range of his voice.

Sonys fault, not Michaels though!

If this was just a demo then its just that

Sony have forced it into a proper release!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I love the song... yes it was orginally recorded in the 80's re recorded in the 90's and I think Michael was going to perform it on the tour. either way i love it. :) peace & carry on.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

i like it. it's simple and beautiful

michael sounds flawless
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

With all the love in my heart and respect to Michael...

They have done him an injustice releasing what I believe was still a demo in its raw form. Michael was a perfectionist and I do not believe he would have released this as it is. Michaels vocals sound like an old recording and the backing vocals sound new and crisp. It does get a bit mumbly which is not like him on a finished track but is like him on a demo. There is no big build up or "303 breakdown" (like the build in Keep the Faith for example) and the lyrics were not what i was expecting for his closing song for the show.

Definitely wont be buying the album and im severely pissed at sony for releasing this. Im so happy to hear something from Michael that ive not heard before, but the public wont realise that this is an unfinished, old recording and they will judge him harshly. I cant already hear the comments - that michael cant cut it anymore, that he was washed up, that this proves it etc etc etc. And its JUST NOT FAIR TO HIM.

I didnt think it was possible to hate sony more than I already do, but this really tops it.

They have really disrespected Michael by doing this I believe.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Well wat can i say about from i love it just cant stop crying feel so sick it may not be a real single but a demo but anything michael does i love just so ...... :cry: xxx
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Is this a song from the 80s or new?
No, its a DEMO from the 80's. I think the most powerful songs, unrealised songs are property of Michael Jackson's estate

Just a thought...but wasn't there a news article saying that the original demo was just Michael and a piano? If that's true, then the version we're hearing now probably is the so-called "orchestral" version.
Yeah i read that also... weird... no wonder Michael wanted to LEAVE Sony, seems like a sony sham to me

I LOVE IT!!!! i think i hear it like 4 times now, and im hearing more,

I really do love the song I LOVE IT LOVE IT, but not as a super single!, i heard it like 20 times in a row, its beautiful, specially the beginning but its NOT PERFECT, beautiful yes!!!!!, Michael was a perfectionist im sure he would have hated this beeing published, however i rather have something than nothing, but Sony should have not realised it as the BIG SINGLE, i think sony has nothing new, i really think so. Sony's sh*t

Does anyone know if Michael was even planning on releasing this as a single for his comeback? I'll feel better knowing Michael would have wanted to release this song.
I dont think so, I REALLY DO NOT THINK SO, dont get me wrong, i love the song cause is Michael is his voice and even though is a pourly worked DEMO, anything Michael was simply phenomenal, i mean anyone can tell... i love the song and i support MJ, but he would have hated this beeing realised a s the big single even though its BEAUTIFUL, Michael was a PREFECTIONIST!, he must be hating it if he's above seeing all these...

I just love the song. I dont care about it being unfinished or whatever. It is a new Michael Song and I am so thankful that we have something to listen to..Why do we have to want the very best? Michael is not here guys, he is not going to come back and finish it. please be thankful..His voice is amazing and fresh and full of soul and love.
Thanks Michael..we love you more!
yeah, you have a strong point there, but im sure there are more powerful songs to be realised as the BIG single, u know. but i will buy the discs anyway, cause im a collector i just cant help it...

I'm loving this song so much. Thought honestly it doesn;t seem to have much to do with the concerts. They couldn't pick anything to closer resemble the message of the shows? Even if it didn't say "this is it"?

Oh well, it's still a great song. :D
cause it says this is it, but is a love song, not a goodbye song, it was in NO WAY MEANT FOR THE FINAL CONCERTS, no way, but yes im with you i love it

i love it. beautiful
noone is saying is not, but its not at Michael high quality standards for a single hit

Hmm....I've listened to it and i can't say that i like it very much. Sounds very dated, I mean, his voice is spectacular, but I feel that this was definatly not an intention of Michaels to be released. I'm sure he has plenty better recorded post Invincible that i'll be able to jam to. I just for some reason can't feel the song like the rest of you. And i sadly also do not agree that its better than some modern artists' songs. I think Bon Jovi's new album has good promise and a few other 80s giants coming with new stuff. Michael's music has been and always had been good because he was such a perfectionist in the production...Now if this had been given the "For all Time" treatment and possibly had his recent vocals on the track, then i'd be getting excited. But an old track dug up because it coincidentally had the same name as the tour he was supposed to embark on doesnt excite me very much. Sony is just cashing in, i'm sure we'll see songs come out over the next year 100x better than this one. Having this song go to number one will kind of be insulting because all it will show is that we as fans will sop up anything MJ releated and make it go to the charts, the same way Cyrus and JBros fans are doing now.

Sony are bastards....this is a very mediocre song..no wonder MJ never wanted it's release.
Yes, sony are bastards, no wonder Michael wanted to leave as soon as 2011, he was about to leave that freakin level to do what he wanted!

Yes it does give us something to hold on to, but holding on to him by mediocre songs as Andrew Ryan so eloquently put only gives us a facade of what he really was to the industry and to his fans. Mediocrity was not an option for him. This being released only shows that Sony knows they can manipulate his name into a product once again. Yes, i will see the movie only to see him and everything else, but this whole cashing in on a soundtrack based on one song is total shit.
I wouldnt say its mediocre, cause its only a demo work, i cannot say what it would have been if it was properly worked, but yes mediocrety was NOT MICHAELS OPTION AT ALL.

Vocals were recorded 29 years ago (1980), and not registered until 1984 at the copyright office. A tape of Michael's demo vocals were submitted for registration. They used this and built the song from there.
sadly yes

I don't think this song is finished and unfortunately Sony don't care if it is catchy or not, they are just going with it cause of the title "This Is It" and the "This Is It" words in the song which go with the "This Is It" movie. ;)

That's the only reason otherwise they would of used a more catchy song. I'm sure there are a thousand more better songs they could of used but again they went with the title that goes with the movie.
u are right about the This Is It publicity, but Michael didnt do catchy songs, he did up tempo songs, catchy is the term for britney spears or lady gaga, but you are totally right, Sony is taking advatage, all for the monnneeyy

Exactly....and you can tell the song is a definite demo and if MJ was alive he would've never released this song!...Sony sucks!
hell yes its a demo!!! a baby coud say it, wtf is wrong with sony??

This would have been a perfect bonus track or a song on an album full of unreleased material, but for his first big posthumous release, I'm disapointed. It's a decent track, a good album track, but not really standout single material. Granted, it's not a traditional single release, but still.
Could NOT say it better, its a beautiful, really beautiful song, but no as a BIG single release, sony has no great possetions, MJ estate has them all LUCKYLY!!!

Finally i LOVE THE SONG, completely,we'll see what happens, buy I DO LOVE THE SONG, i know Michael would have done it ten thousands better, but hey, he cannot do it nw, f*ck, Im staying positive though, the song is beautiful not perfect but beauiful, BEAUTIFUL; WONDERFUL; AMAZING
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Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Ok guys, the version we've heard is the following:

01 This Is It (Orchestra Single Version)
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

show of hands: who thinks Sony should release "Hold My Hand" as a single? bona fide hit I tells ya!
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I really don't want to buy this album but I feel like I have to. Damn.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

show of hands: who thinks Sony should release "Hold My Hand" as a single? bona fide hit I tells ya!

i think that would be a hit too... n u kno akon was like YES PLEASE RELEASE THIS!!!!

the first line is chilling....

Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Ohmygod....this is so hard! :cry: I love it, but I just wished they had done more about the music and make it sound a little more 'new'. It sounds really like a demo and I think Sony could do enough to change that. I can hear the potential, but it's not coming out yet.
Although the song is wonderful, I love it....so much! Wow.... :heart:
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

not as good as seen as all the hype about it!!! its lovely but not awesome
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

BBC Radio 1 in the UK just played it not so long ago.

Chris Moyles and the gang said they really liked it, but agreed that it was a demo and Sony simply dug it up from his attic, lol. Nevertheless, they really liked it and said his voice sounded great and that it was very fitting.

Fearne Cotton also text Chris Moyles saying "Woohoo, this is great!" :D

but the song was supposed to be played during the concerts right..? So shouldn't they have a "finished song"?

But maybe the 2nd version was the one that was supposed to be sung during the concerts.. who knows.. :S

But i like the song though :)

How amazing would it have been to see Mj sing this during the final moments of the london concerts" :'(
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I'm just not falling into the trap. Mj prob recorded this when he was with Sony it's in THEIR vaults and being used for THEIR movie. I don't have to love everything and frankly this demo ish is a nice to have but the studio album is where it's at.

This is a song being used for a blood movie, the quality is awful and I'm not into it. Been here way to long to be bullied by people who will cream themselves over anything Sony put out. Yall sooo about Michael, wonder how he would feel or gee I dunno why he didn't redo this song for the concert? Cmon. It's plain to see.

By all means enjoy it as a demo but IMHO the CONTEXT the world is putting this song into is off the mark.

"boring" sums it up, im listening to it picturing credits rolling. IF it was JUST a demo i wouldnt care but this rough song will be hurting MJ i really believe that.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

Who's buy this album then?

I don't want to but I feel so guilty - like Michael would be mad.
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

I'm just not falling into the trap. Mj prob recorded this when he was with Sony it's in THEIR vaults and being used for THEIR movie. I don't have to love everything and frankly this demo ish is a nice to have but the studio album is where it's at.

This is a song being used for a blood movie, the quality is awful and I'm not into it. Been here way to long to be bullied by people who will cream themselves over anything Sony put out. Yall sooo about Michael, wonder how he would feel or gee I dunno why he didn't redo this song for the concert? Cmon. It's plain to see.

By all means enjoy it as a demo but IMHO the CONTEXT the world is putting this song into is off the mark.

"boring" sums it up, im listening to it picturing credits rolling. IF it was JUST a demo i wouldnt care but this rough song will be hurting MJ i really believe that.

The song was supposed to be played during the concerts right? I don't think Sony forced MJ to perform this particular song..
Re: "This Is It" to be unveiled at MIDNIGHT on Oct 12th on MICHAELJACKSON.COM

If this is the final version (which for some reason I doubt) I think once MJ finished tweaking it, then it wld've been up to the standards some of you are talking about.. But even though you may not like it, you gotta admit it's still damn good for a demo..

I luv his voice and the song, but um still can't bring myself to purchase the Greatest Hits album.. but hats off to those that do.. hope u all make him #1